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Posts posted by tarotx

  1. Imo Sara worked in s2. Yes she deffinately became the second main character but never more important than Oliver. They also didn't have to kill off Oliver for her to rise. Sara and Oliver had to be "killed" off to show Laurel's orgin story.

    But I do agree the BC needs her own show or to be a few episodes a year recurring Character.

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  2. Laurel isn't going to have a personal relationship with Oliver (I mean I just don't see how she will be anything other than a Co worker s4) so she needs to be linked to the the main vilian somehow.

    Or she will be a secondary character no matter how well she fights. Imo...

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  3. 12 starts off not knowing himself-his place. He's new except he's not. He lived more than a lifetime as 11 and thought he was going to die. He accepted it. Then he didn't die but wasn't comfortable among the things that used to give him joy. And Clara wasn't his companion for many moons and now she was back but untrusting of him. Clara's uncertainty is how 12 finds his first companion-the presence that has been there in all his regenerations. It really set him off in this depression like state and a slow accepting of himself.

    And then He pretty much took on Clara's obsessive energy (which she adapted from 11) and he directs it at trying to force Clara to continue as his companion. But she could never really gel with 12. Traveling with and helping the doctor is in her soul but it's not sonething s8 Clara truely enjoys. I think 12 just didn't feel like the doctor to her. Maybe it's because of his new regeneration cycle. Maybe it's because he doesn't have faith in himself and the good of mankind. Clara and the Doctor fed off the negative vibe they were giving each other. )

  4. Yeah I understand. I would love a Gay superhero. I just don't think we are going to have 2 major LGBT characters on a comicbook show. And I rather we have Sara because I love her and she checks a couple boxes. But I'm all for removing Heat and Ray to make room for a Major Gay and his potential love interest. I nean we are getting Hawkman for Hawkgirl.

  5. Oh I know but I rather have Sara Lance than some random male gay character and I just don't feel we will have 2 major LGBT characters on a comicbook show for now. Bisexuals may not be underpersented but they are important. And there will be 3 or four male straight superheroish characters plus the two male villains legends and only 2 girls so yeah I rather have Sara.

  6. I rather have Sara Lance. And bisexual characters are important as well.

    Arrow wanted to bring in a male gay superhero tech guy because they liked the Ray Felicity dynamic but it didn't play as well with the fans. They think it was because of the love triangle. They take that away with him being gay. I guess DC gave them premission to use and make Mr Terrific gay.

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  7. No Laurel would have still been Laurel.I'm not an Uber Olicity fan (more so Oliver and Sara though not shipping because sister swaping. They are just my favs so I like them in scenes.) But Laurel/Oliver drained my mood since season 1. My BF recently watched some s1 and s2 episodes with me and he said Laurel seems like the ex wife more so than ex girlfriend. The ex wife you are forced to engage because of reasons(in real life it's usually shared children).

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  8. I like the new set. I do wonder where it'll be. Must be a lower level at Palmer tech. They can hide in the open there and have it built quite quickly as they return from their vacation. Makes it easier for Felicity to do her day and night job.

  9. 10 is my least favorite new who doctor. He's the one that was mean imo. 9 is my favorite. 12 is blunt and does need to have fun more but he and Clara just clashed all season. She wasn't having fun as a companion. It's her part time companionship that needs to go. Even with Rose returning home often, she didn't feel like a substitute teacher type companion like Clara did.

    I really liked 12 better as the season moved along and he was great in scenes with little to no Clara. He had fun with Missy.

    12 and Clara did work better in the Christmas episode but they also had great guest actors chemistry with the doctor to help out.

  10. Yeah that would parallel but it was kind of what he had with Shado. The working together and potential frig. Her choosing to leave could get him to belive he doesn't deserve the girl though I think they may go with a Parallel to Olicity's first date distracting. This time causing Oliver's FB mission to be compromised and innocents injured. Though I guess that is what should have been the Flashback story last season.

    Whatever the case an Oliver getting into a relationship with a good girl really does nail tight the lid of the coffin that the Oliver&Laurel relationship has laid in since the end of s1. Imo.

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  11. Yeah maybe Sara's body is resurrected in an early episode but she's not really Sara Lance. Just the trained assassin. Maybe out for Thea's blood.In a way she'll kind of be like a BTVS Vampire version of herself. Looks like Sara but doesn't have her soul. Perhaps she will need to be taken out of Heaven or rekilled. Of course Sara will get her soul back or whatever needs to happen to Truely bring Sara back. Constantine will probably be truly pissed at Laurel. Will probably bring up maybe she wanted Sara back to suffer. Perhaps they will go into the Lance sister dynamic that way.

    And I wonder if Maybe Constantine will be in both the present and Flashbacks.

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  12. Imo there has to be some type of anti vigilante presense. There has to be some danger of discovery. I do think this will bring into play the fact that the cops were all kill kill Oliver and Ra's. Meaning it's probably DD related.

  13. Well they acknowledge the Flashback issue and also about the main vilian. They won't mention The ATOM or BC arc but imo having LOT not the ATOM and Sara being brought back shows they are aware if that issue.

    And they won't see the Merlyn issue because of their love for JB.

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  14. I feel the audience isn't stupid and will grasp that the contrasting love interests. Oliver is a man whore and it's his relationship with Felicity that changed that. For now any way. In a lot of ways I feel that Arrow has divided up the Dinah comic character among Laural, Sara and Felicity. Felicity has the fern/florist nod, saving Oliver, running off with him to a new city as well as helping him not be as much a womanizer.

  15. I read the first book. I've read worst though for a popular book it wasn't well written. I think it was OK especially since it was Bella's pov so the not well writen felt ok :p

  16. Well they will probably play songs like radioactive and the sex agressive. While Felicity will have Romance and An Oliver who wants to be happy even if that happiness won't be easy. I'm thinking of a difference like Jerry McGuire's two Relationships.

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