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Posts posted by tarotx

  1. To be blunt with their opinion, Barry isn't comic relief bringing little humor nor a support character showing no respect to her superhero.

    I think EBR doesn't enunciate her words well when crying which is something I didn't enjoy. I think she did the physical aspect of emotional crying really well. It only got bad for me when I just needed her light to make this show not as over angst. The show really needed to replace her light and hope that she bought. All "people" have dark patches but the show chose to not have anyone else into that positive role model in Oliver's life so everything was depressing.

    While I personally do give title characters a bit more room when it comes to things that might annoy me, vocal crying is unpleasant at times and Barry also is a whiner. It's one of the reasons Flash is my least favorite superhero shows right now.

  2. KC really trained this off season so I hope she can at least make the transition into the body double more believable. That's all I expect from an actor. Though Laurel's backstory still is weak for BC.

    Caity does make the transition look believable and more since she is well trained. She's just a natural and trains her ass off. And Sara has a great reimagined BC backstory.

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  3. I think to a degree some of what was happening with Felicity was beats of a 3 year plan with Laurel. This crew just doesn't know how to write for a female romantic lead. Hopefully they just let them be true to themselves in the plot. Instead if this is what we need these characters to do for plot or other character's progression.

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  4. Well the white Canary is evil, she kills her family. I wonder if we will have the same twist as season 3 with a Lance killed but this time by Sara herself. It won't be Laural so Daddy Lance. And then DD uses magic HIVE mind control to have Lance still around but not really. He's like a ghost or a part of a collective mind that makes Bees swarm.

  5. If Laurel can be Black Canary than Oliver can easily be Green Arrow. And if he's going to be green Arrow I don't see why not call an Episode Green Arrow.

    The Flash backs are to show how he became the crazy looking fellow rescued on the island and the S1 hood.

    I have no issue with mysticism and magic on a realism driven fantasy show. That stuff is real to many non crazy people. Of course not to the degree a super hero show will take it but there is a degree of truth imo. Especially herb based spell like things and sensing auras and energies from people.

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  6. Was going to post this in reply in the public appearance thread but it didn't really fit. Maybe it does here...

    I think Sara is going to in a place where life doesn't matter. She can die or live but who cares. I think being Resurected plus having Laurel take over her life will be a cause of this. I can truely see this as a time to get this sister relationship as brutal and real. This relationship is damaged and these women have suffered from the conflict.

    Sara is going to be angry at Thea, Malcolm, Laurel and will probably push Nyssa away. They won't know how much of their Sara remains but watching a women you care about suffer is not fun. It's scary and Sad.

    Sara will feel different but be Sara. Like Buffy season 6 it will frustrate her to no end that what she is feeling isn't really some mystical side affect but anger and depression. If these writers knew how to write this story it could really be powerful on Arrow and LOT.

    I want Laurel to use Sara's pain and her aknowkedgement of her own closed offness the past 8 years, since the betrayal and loss began, as a source of needing to help not just as a fighter but as an empowering women crusader. Helping Thea as well since Thea and Sara were used and abused by Malcolm and the LP. The show has a chance to fix Laurel as a character who other ladies look up too. I hope they don't waste it.

    Laurel needs to forgive Sara and Oliver for real and start searching for her own true purpose and identity. The past 3 seasons she's just been holding on and then copping Sara and Oliver's life instead of finding Laurel.

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  7. I think they don't want to get into LOT specifics. KC did mention that she plays a part in getting LOT off the ground or some such...

    Earlier JB also implied the Canary sisters linking with his arc.

    It is weird. I don't know what could possibly be such a big secret as Sara's death was. I've figured her storyline would be Sara's resurrection, but why keep that a secret? We all know she's coming back.

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  8. I think Oliver will be weary of rejoining the team Arrow lifestyle. I think he will search out means for Oliver to be his own hero. I think Oliver will be doing more hand on hand fighting because stuff happens than planned out there fighting.

    Oliver is the only one in this show who really didn't fully choose this life. His father and events forced his hand. I mean he chose it but I don't think he has truely acknowledged that this is the life Oliver chose. He'll be looking to do good but As Oliver. He won't be the old Oliver Queen nor the vigilante Arrow. I think people will still want The Arrow though. Oliver will have to find a combo he can live with.

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