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Posts posted by tarotx

  1. Badass, Rougher around the edges would be Felicity and Oliver reversed. I also think they will do it with Ray and whichever girl he clicks with in LOT since Sara's a badass with angst and Hawkgirl is going to turn badass when angry.

    Barry and Iris are the only LI that is diffetent so far.

  2. I'm sure that AK quote in the tweet was at least partly also about Sara's return. Which was probably largely a decision based on the ratings drop after her death. But there was a lot of anger and it continued through the season. Especially through the Canary Arc. I even think some of the acceptance Laurel has received the last few months is because Caity Lotz was announced for the Spin off and people were relieved that an actress who can do get own stunts would at least be back.

    • Love 2
  3. Felicity and Olicity fans comment. They just get attacked. There was a Male Olicity fan in the Overtv KC s3 mvp article and his sexuality was attacked.

    Though I have defended Sara and Talked about how I think she's the best live action version of BC, and I was attacked as being a Felicity fan in disguise. So I can understand if Felicity fans just stay out of the comments.

  4. But after Fecility's speech and when he was fighting with Ra's in the final and Ra's was talking about how he had all these people who would remember him Oliver got it.

    Ra's had the mission but nothing else. No one to love and Morn Ra's the man specifically. All the people he was claiming would move on to the Next Ra's. It's the LOA mission and not friendship with the man that those men followed. Allowing the mission to rule will make you die alone. That's why Oliver took the time to be with Ra's and pray for him. Giving that man some comfort he didn't deserve but one Oliver hoped to have as he himself laid dying some day.

    Now Oliver knows that he has to let his heart have something. Life is short and dreams aren't enough to sustain him. Figuring out what he deserves and what balance he can achieve is still in front of him but he knows that he needs his heart to be happy if life is to matter.

    He's kind of where he was before finding out about Thea's father and that Slade was back and ready for revenge. Except it's more than a want for happiness and connection. He knows he needs it if he doesn't want to die alone.

    He still has a long way to go though....

    • Love 3
  5. Oliver had to be focused on the mission. If he let himself succomb to feeling instead of having a clear head he could lose himself into happiness. Then the mission is forgotten, his training goes out the window and everything is at risk of going wrong. It's about getting the mission right. Though Fecility's safety was a factor. If he's focused on her, his enemies will know and she's at extra risk and so is the mission. But mostly it's if he can't focus on the mission everything the mission protects is at risk.

    It's a complicated matter in his head built from all the years he was away from a core group, having a number of friends and family die from his decisions and just a lot of self disrespect. That self disrespect is intensified because Oliver believes Ollie was a rotten person before the island on top of all that has happened since the Gambit was sabotaged.

    Allowing his head to lose it's mind because of his heart is what he ended up letting happen wih Thea. When he came back from "dying" he knew that. He was scared of not being able to have anything. He was afraid the he would truely die alone and not just by himself. He was scared of dying without family and friends and without the one person that has kept him going. The Arrow.

    In Oliver's head, he had already lost Oliver Queen and the chance of personal happiness, he lost his parents, he lost Tommy and Shado and had been the cause of Slade. To lose the last vestige of strength made him put all claws out and fight.

    But he was fighting for the wrong thing. And it cost him Felicity to Ray and Thea to "death" and cost him Diggle's trust.

    • Love 2
  6. Maybe by Nyssa? She considered herself to be heir to the demon just because of her dad. So it would fit. She might actually be a bit bitter with Thea since Malcolm used Thea to kill Sara and it was from Thea's death that cause Oliver to upserp her and the forced Marriage. And now Malcolm is the new Ra's so Nyssa's recentment and anger would be believable.

    Roy could do it in Fun. Thea could roll her eyes say it about herself. But I don't want any of the others to say it.

    • Love 1
  7. All I know is that over at TV Overmind, the discussion replies I post where I question Laurel as BC or S4 MVP and/or are pro Sara take forever to appear but nasty misogynistic and anti gay post seem to post immediately going by the time stamp listed as posted.

  8. That's the decision we are taking about as a poor show decision. After Oliver dying no way is it believable for his character. Plus he still hasn't found HIVE. Though this is a probably topic of the Diggle or relationship or some show related thread.

    Diggle already removed himself from the field..

  9. Yeah Diggle being sidelined on the field and Felicity being on Ray's Island is what cost Diggle in s3. Two things that should never have happened. Diggle should have at least been on the field helping the costumed heroes. It should have been one or the other Newbie out there instead of both. It would have been nice seeing Diggle in charge as field leader. But he would have made BC look like a worse fighter. Teaming Roy and Laurel was about making her fighting believable. A secondary team of BC and Arsenal would be believable but them as team A-no way. But comic BC is no side kick so making her believable is a necessary evil in the forced attempt to keep Laurel headed toward her comic destiny.

    It also made no sense isolating Ray so Fecility hiding on Palmer's island was bull crap. It really cost Diggle and Felicity bonding time. This season Felicity was all about telling everybody's secret past time but her keeping Ray's from her team? Annoying. I don't know the idea solution to fix it because I also don't want Felicity telling everybody's secrets. But everything would have benefited from Ray mixed with the rest of the Cast.

    And Diggle might have wanted to meet Ray to see how he was treating Felicity. I mean he's protective of his people. Felicity's the same way usually. It's one of their common traits. Oliver too. It's the core of original team Arrow.

    • Love 6
  10. Of course the complete original backstory can't be replicated but they could easily have Sara be connected to them for the past year.


    And then there is the Alternate Anime Las Vegas White Canary who Could be used with slight work done to her backstory.

    All I know is that they have given at least a wink to the backstory's to these Comic Aliases. And I don't want a rotten/bones version of Sara resurected a year after her death. Having Rip LP a fresh from a just buried but dug up version of Sara brought from the past is the best option imo. And they could even have Rip do this after he's introduced to team Arrow and the new "owner" of the Lazarus Pit Malcolm Merlyn.

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