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Posts posted by tarotx

  1. I think it depends on how the people around react. Ray didn't seem into it. Everyone who watched from Team Arrow to Team Flash seemed awkward. Oliver and Felicity touching seemed mutual so it depends on whose around.

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  2. I know you ment for you. Spike was a season regular season 5 on Angel. Though most people already figured he was joining Angel when he "died" in the series finale of Buffy. Darla was just a cool take on coming back to life. No longer a vampire but dying from her human illness. So I mentioned her.

    I'm super happy about Sara. She is my girl and why I'm stoked for the Spin off.

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  3. Yeah it's probably just people claiming for comics to a large degree. That"s why the pick up now.

    My sister is for "100% canon" and she doesn't read comics. She just hates when things aren't canon in the live action versions of the things she reads.

  4. Imo there has been a big pick up in Comic fans commenting their frustrstion onto Felicity. During that time Oliver came back, Laurel was the BC but with very little interaction with Oliver. Instead Felicity was the one still getting the romantic beats with Oliver Even with her dating Ray. And then when the BC was actively fighting and doing mask hero things, it was Felicity standing up to Melcolm, Oliver and Ra's that was getting press.

    I think when Felicity was the One who went to Nanda Parbat for Thea, stood up to Ra's, had a romantic sex scene with Oliver and then faught for Oliver, it made some fans upset. But it was really the when she came home and cried to Laurel moment that pushed the negative Comments.

    It's the moment that Felicity was the leading lady of the show. That's when the pick on her tears grew. She has cried a lot and it's never fun to fully watch especially when beats are repeated like Oliver's gone, he's back but working with the bad guys. But it wasn't Felicity's whole character S3.

    But then Felicity got to wear Ray's suit and save Oliver. Then she gets to ran away with Oliver. It was a big blow for some. Saving Oliver and Running away together are things the BC does with The Green Arrow.

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  5. I think they will be in Alternate universes now. With only Barry and most of the Alternate Ciscos knowing at first. It could be cool Being in different verses throughout the first half of season 2. Barry can be trying to return To his true timeline. Eventually we need a set timeline so the other characters can be active in their own lives.

    I do want this to end Arrow crossovers though. I mean except for the big mid season Special event. Arrow needs never to be affected by the multiverses in a big way. They can barely keep track now. Have them mingle (if they must) on LOT but only to a small degree There too.

    I want there to always be a reverse Flash looming. Berry will realize he can't run from whatever the event to cause the hate. He just has to deal with the Consequences. Maybe work to repair the hate instead of change the past or mess with the future trying to prevent whatever causes different men from turning into that alternate verses Reverse Flash Disguised as Wells.

  6. I don't think an actor has to do their own stunts. But when you kill a character whose actor does for one that doesn't, and the killing is for no good reason, it blows. Laurel also doesn't have a believable back story for her mask alias so that also plays against her believability. So it's really mostly the writing and creative decisions imo.

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  7. I was thinking what I want for Felicity's father. I think it would be cool if he turns out to be a Masked hero. Maybe little Fecility saw him do his thing and though she doesn't remember she kind of does.

    Maybe he's from the future and HIVE has wanted to extort That knowledge. But preferably he's like Howard Stark with a need to create interesting gadgets that can be used for evil. I'm not a huge DC reader so I'll have to do some research to find someone on their roster.

    Time Travel is a part of The Flarrow universe so Rip Hunter would be a good choice if Felicity's father was going to be connected to LOT.

    Whoever he is I don't want him evil evil nor do I want him to cause Olicity true Angst. I'm all for openingly discussing worry and opposite points of view. But no secrets or Melodrama. I'm so over that for Oliver. Find a way to use Stephen and Emily's natural chemistry to move the relationship organically where melodrama isn't necessary.

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  8. Yes Ray is more likable as a beautiful smart dork. He's best slightly out of place with the Sociey He works in. Early on Ray was an annoying "perfect" man who came off as a "single white female" OliverLite though projected as superOliver...

    I am a huge Sara fan (of the actress and character rather her love interest was Oliver or Nyssa) So my early dislike of Ray had nothing to do with Olicity (though I like that pairing well enough). I also adore Barry and Felicity.

    I guess my problem could be more centered around I'm a huge Oliver fan. But I hope the days of Ray being Oliverlite are over. Ray can still be the male lead in a cute dorky persona.

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  9. I'm not young (Though still in the 18-49 demo) but I am female and I think Supergirl looks delightful. I think having a Superhero show aimed at getting women interested in that genre is cool with me.

    I know CBS needs the boys to watch but whatever. I wasn't really interested in the show until the trailer. Though I need the show to be successful because I want more women led genre shows. I like the energy of the trailers. I like the lead and the sister.

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  10. I realize I'm a broken record but imo this season had so much potential even with the stupidity of Melcolm using Thea to kill Sara and Laurel lying to Quinton and Felicity on Ray's island :(

    Imo the casting of Ra's was a HUGE failure. The motives of Melcolm, Nyssa and Oliver fall on their fear of Ra's. I couldn't see that with actor Matt Noble. Also Meseo, Nyssa and many many extras have this need to give up everything for Ra's and the league's code. So we needed an actor who could portray Menacing and one who can give off serenity so his promise of retaliation and peace are believable. We needed an actor who would make a good cult leader. So MN's casting failed Arrow.

    As for Olicity what failed them was Oliver and Felicity having half a date But the show playing them as long term lovers Who pine but can't be together cause Oliver's manpain. I think they must have had mapped out s3 when Laurel was still the main love interest.

    Olicity should have got together and stayed together all of 3a. That made sense for them. Oliver has commitment issues from before the island and since. He has never had to be fully present in any of his relationships(even family and team Arrow). That should have been the conflict. But it should have just been a background conflict. The fear mentioned with Felicity holding back her I love you because she knows what it's liked to be left. But no real couple fights or crying.

    The stupiduty of Melcolm having Thea kill Sara aside, it should have been used to bring Oliver into the League. Ra's should have "killed" Thea for Sara's death in the episode we all find out or the next. Ra's could have been impressed with Oliver and Team Arrow's attempt at killing him for revenge. The fight to the near death ends with Ra's laughing in Oliver's face as he beats him. But because Oliver's death wouldn't be within code Ra's would just Knock him out instead.

    We would then see Ra's and Melcolm talking about How interesting Oliver was with what has happened on the island and since and also with having team Arrow follow him. Ra's could decide then that having Sara Killed wasn't enough. He wanted Nyssa married with heirs and Oliver Would make for a good choice. All of that decision would be heavily influenced by Melcolm Talking Up Oliver.

    Melcolm would come visit a beaten Oliver sitting by a brain dead thea's hospital bed. Oliver would learn that if he joined the league Ra's would save Thea via the Lazarus Pit. Oliver wouldn't believe Melcolm though.

    In the name of Ra's, Melcolm would set out to destroy Oliver's purpose in Starling. He would send Evil Arrows out to ruin Oliver's repertation. Roy would still scarface himself and team Arrow Saving him and him going on the run. Roy would have more reason with believing Thea dead.

    Melcolm and Ra's would this time send Meseo to again give Oliver the chance to save Thea. Oliver would be so low with all the loss (Dead Sara&Thea, on the run Roy and of course The loss of Arrow). He would accept the chance.

    Oliver leaving Starling and Felicity would be in character both the to save Thea and also with the hinted commitment issue fear.

    Then 3b would play out Oliver being "brainwashed" and the rise of ATOM and the vigilante Laurel (who really should have been given a manhunter suit even if she took Sara's Canary name eventually being black Canary cause her father is p!seed her) and even Raylicity Would work since AlShihim Oliver would be engaged to Nyssa.

    Thea would have patches where she was't all there but her relationship with Laurel and team Arrow would help. She would go find Ray and their last day coukd still play out similarly but the Thea going back made together Because her being with Ray risked him being duscovered. Both her being tabloid queen Thea who dated Roy as well as her mental instability.

    Oh well here's too future better casting and to organic story telling & character development!

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