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Everything posted by tessa

  1. Congrats to Chloe. She's done quite well after leaving Dance Moms. She's had videos, a teen star boyfriend and now a movie. As far as Kelly and that suit goes - I wonder if along with them fixing the hardwood floors - she and the girls haven't had the amt in residuals upped that they receive for the reruns. Sorry - but I don't believe she'd walk away with just the $17,500.
  2. Wasn't going to watch until I read the comments here. I've always liked Edmund and Ashley. Kelly ran in the middle and last place was Candace - but I liked Candace's collection most of all followed by Kelly - disappointed in Ashley's and Edmunds.
  3. I often don't agree with the judges - but then again - I also right now don't agree with you as I've liked many of Ashley's designs. I'm not a fan of colored hair but saw a girl the other day that absolutely rocked it. Each designer has a different appeal - but I can appreciate it even though I may not like it.
  4. I guess I have no fashion sense as I seldom agree with the judges - but Candice's dress has been done for the runway 100 times over - nothing new or different. I agree that Edmund's was horrible - but Tim keeps pushing go outside your comfort zone which sorry I think is wrong - if and when you become a known designer - you're style will be you. They finally got that on American Idol - forcing people to sing outside their genre - losing good singers and being stuck with some mediocre ones. Who ever won ended up recording in their own safe genre. I do love Ashley and feel she would be a welcome change to the designer world of designing for skinny women. I'm sure their are a lot of rich - heavier women who would appreciate her talent. Kelly is innovative - but her clothing is juniorish to me. Candice - OMG - I look at her and tho I've loved some of her clothing - I see goth, biker, Morticia Adams sorry - we'll have to see if she can bring something new to fashion week!
  5. p. 16 - Told Collins to withhold checks so she wouldn't have money to put into the debtor's account and said the tv show was about publicity and not for pay. Remember the articles a few months back where she was claiming that she didn't know if there would be another season as she was still owed money - she actually told the truth then but only because she told them to hold it. Christy and Kelly must be jumping for joy - but I do feel bad for the girls and the moms - especially the newer ones.
  6. Being I'm going through Dance Mom withdrawal - can you believe it! - I've been watching Bring It. There is a spin off show, Step It Up, which you can view on Lifetime. Unlike the majorette / hop hop routines we see on Bring It - this focuses more on Dance and they opportunities presented to young dances. I did not like the teacher on Bring It when Diana's group competed against them - but I do like her in this series. She has Abby's toughness but true concern that all her dancers succeed.
  7. http://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2015/09/28/5-big-problems-with-fear-the-walking-dead/ This article says everything I've been thinking about the show.
  8. I can't seem to find it on the page linked. I even searched Maddie Ziegler on their site and it didn't come up.
  9. The girls were on The View today and I have to say I'm teared up after watching this. Looks like they're all still together./
  10. http://www.eonline.com/news/699752/dance-moms-star-maddie-ziegler-shows-off-her-moves-in-a-coming-of-age-video-we-re-sure-you-can-relate-to-watch-now Latest Maddie project - can't say I'm impressed - she has more talent than this.
  11. On the suppose evacuation - this article shows how tough it would be to move this many people - and now we know they moved them in 5 days not 9 per Chris's opening statements. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/11/weekinreview/planning-the-impossible-new-yorks-evacuation.html?_r=0 As far as to where the hoards are - someone above mentioned the sewer system. I don't think the walker's have that kind of intelligence or instincts - right now - they just want to eat. An as far as the media - there was phone service and electricity for quite a long time - they still had it during the riot - which I'm sure would have been covered by the media. We saw the first risen dead on TV - the media would have been all over that. Govt and police may not have released information - but the media - TV, Radio and Internet would be abuzz with stories - people's accts ect.. People are gawkers. We're curious. You see an accident - you look, you hear special breaking news - you stop and tune in. People sat for days while they freed little Jessica from the well, we tuned in to see a white bronco racing on an LA freeway, I was glued to the TV after 911. The fact there is no interest in what is going on is not believable. Even if all communication was suspended - people would be talking - what if's, I heard ect..... and these people aren't. 20 yrs ago - the writers may have gotten by with this - but today's society is more invested, we were promised answers to some of the questions - This actually reminds me of my disappointment of the final episode after watching LOST all those years.
  12. I'm sorry but I disagree - if I saw the panic, fires, gunfire, screams, traffic jams ect from my view point on the top of the hill - I would definitely think civilization was collapsing. Even if I was not allowed near the perimeter - which had not been set yet - you could hear that something was going on and sometimes that is worse than seeing something as your mind imagines all sorts of scenerios. Heck - I was at work when the Twin Towers and Pentagon were bombed - we heard it on the radio - immediately switched the waiting room TVs to the news and tried to keep abreast of what was happening. We live near Niagara Falls and the Power Plant and we were all wondering whether to shut the doors and go home to our families. Even before Y2K everyone was talking and making arrangements if the internet went down - this wasn't even a real emergency as of yet - but it consumed us for weeks before New Years.
  13. The attitudes of these folks is still bothering me. The writers missed so many opportunities in those 9 days but even if we missed it - the residents didn't. There had to be shootings, fires, traffic jams - all visible from their hilltop. Screams, cries, moans. They should still be talking to each other, voicing concerns, coming up with plans for worst case scenerios, watching the perimeters. I know they are suppose to stay put - but obviously the military isn't monitoring that close or they would have seen the Morse code flashes. We know that some of the residents are antsy and have questions. This family is really abnormal - no talking, no planning. Even when we had the Oct storm here a few years back which lasted a week - lost power, land line phone service, flooded basements due to sump pumps stopping - people were congregating. helping bail out basements - loaning generators - sharing any knowledge and updates, out watching the hundreds of power company workers who came in, grilling.
  14. The more I watch and read the more disenchanted I am. Like the poster above - I thought this was going to show us ground zero and what happened. Sorry but there is no way you can evacuate all those people and to where? This is happening ll over. You have 12 contained neighborhoods in a city of 9 million people - none of which it looks like took in any of those who were evacuated from the surrounding areas. Had the story begun in a small town - then the conditions of the area after 9 days could be plausible. But centering it in LA - the city would have been lost after a few days to walkers - the military wouldn't have any holdouts. A couple of other things that caught my attention. This supposed contained community is occupied by the military who I would think would have guard rotations around the perimeter - you mean to tell me - no military saw the Morse code? Also when Travis goes in to talk to Robert - both the wife and the kids are in containment outfits, supposedly because Robert hadn't been checked and yet none of the guards are. Nor do they make Travis gown up. Robert finally comes out and gets checked - why then are the wife and the kids still in containment outfits hours later after he takes off in his car?
  15. I haven't read all 3 pages yet because I lose my thoughts. 1. Chris said it was now day 9 at the beginning of the show. It surprises me that the military waited until day 9 to round up the sick people - especially those needing medical attention who may die - you don't need a dr to tell you that. Letting them stay in the community for another week after you have cleared the community - is foolish and could lead to an outbreak if even one person dies. 2. Day 9 and I paused as Travis was running past the house across the street where the guy attacked his family. Neither the military nor the neighbors tried to pick the front up a bit. Kinda hard to pretend everything is normal when there lies the evidence in front of your face. 3. The fact that the military guy in charge is such an arse and definitely a bad guy is writing lesson 101 - don't out your character - keep the audience guessing - give the impression he's up to no good but drag it out. And Travis - despite the guy being a jerk - is clueless - duh. 4. The only one I'm starting to understand is Madison - although why she didn't pick up the gun and bring it back with her. I didn't see her having the b**lls to cut through the fence - but then leaving the gun - bad move - you never have enough weapons no matter what the scenerio. I can understand she now has to live with her husband's ex - don't think I could do it, she sees the relationship between her husband and his ex - she might be jealous or afraid of losing him. Even her being mad at Liza because of Nick - I get that. Liza being so trusting of the dr. though - she's like Travis - you've seen bodies taken away - you saw Daniel leave and not come back. 5. Maybe I missed it - but has anyone talked to the army or each other about what happened to the neighbors across the street - or are they all in denial? The only characters I really like are Alicia, Christopher and Ofelia's dad. Travis is clueless and Nick - the sooner he's gone the better but he'll stick around because there is so much story they can write around him.
  16. The dysfunctional family theory is a good one - every family is dysfunctional in some way - but I don't think that theory is going to pop into the heads of the majority of viewers. I haven't dealt with any of the scenerios presented let alone all 3 at once. Wouldn't it have just been as easy to say," Don't anyone say anything to Alicia! She's had enough to deal with. or I don't know how she'll handle it or I don't want to say anything until we understand it ourselves."
  17. It just seems that this show leaves more questions than it does answers and not in a good way - it hasn't advanced past the B movies with Karen Black that I use to watch - ex: the killer is calling you from inside the house but you don't leave - we see Travis out the front but go out the back - or leaving the door open when you know things are roaming the streets. No one listening to the radios and TV - no one checking the internet - a grid going down within just a few hours of the dead coming back to life. The fact that Alicia must be coddled and the situation hidden from her at her age after having been raised with a brother who's a drug user when she knows how to address his issues. It's not like she a 6 yr old. I would have liked the approach as mentioned above - multiple back stories from different characters. I'm an avid reader of horror - especially zombie books - and the story line is off to me - if this was happening say in a world like The Truman Show - I could understand the lack of knowledge, concern and belief - but this is not set in a perfect world - even if "zombie" lore is not in their world - there are drug dealers, an army, accidents, riots - and yet people are so slow on the pick-up.
  18. I'm done with the Matt bashing. Briana's a big girl. Everyone should look in the mirror before passing judgement. Elena was engaged to Preston within 3 months of coming to the US - they were married 3 months after that and no one in her family had met him. He seems like a great guy as does Tonya's new beau - but whose to say that they also didn't date or want to date other little women? Just because Terra says they didn't we are suppose to believe her.
  19. I made mention to my son, who thinks this is getting better every week but not near the show TWD is, that many thought here and on another forum that the grid going down was a good visual effect. He responded that it was the one thing that really bugged him. His thoughts - the walking dead are still in their infancy - day 1,2, yes there was a riot - but the walking dead are no where at the capacity to disable the power like was shown and he's right - that was premature.
  20. Loved Duffy work tonight! The thing I don't get - and maybe you all can explain it too me - if Chris was forming an alliance to get to the finale - why choose some of the weakest tattoo artists instead of the strongest? The weakest seldom win the skull picks so they're not putting you in a better position to advance - you are still going to be the target but if 3 strong players align - they'll get the majority of the skull picks and most often out tattoo the more inexperienced ones. Also Craig and Matt were also trying to get Erik to join them - so it's not fair to slam Chris for doing the same thing. I personally had hoped Craig would get to the finales this time - but really none of them appeal to me to win.
  21. Here's a couple of links - check out Abby in the one - does she look thin or what? http://www.ibtimes.com/dance-moms-season-6-cast-members-possibly-revealed-abby-lee-miller-first-competition-2095791 https://instagram.com/p/7jKXPEiGqy/ Here's Haley - who was with Sarah in LA https://instagram.com/aldcqueenhaley/?hl=en, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0BPGLfaPx8
  22. OK - my son, as did the poster above, clued me in that Zombies don't exist in this realm - which to me is hard to believe because even if we hadn't become the Zombie junkie society we are today- Zombies or the undead have been part of history for a long time. African tribes referred to zombies. When Africans were brought here - they brought their religion which integrated with Christianity and became an actual faith " voodoo" in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The word zombie was first introduced in 1819. But OK - there is no such thing as a Zombie in this realm. I'm sorry but the disbelief of these people when dead people rise and try to bite you is unreal. In the real world as stated - we'd be huddled around TVs and radios, we'd be reaching out to friends - people would react. Heck - we reacted when the threat of Ebola came to our country a couple of years ago. People are not that disengaged - at least the ones I know. And as stated - the barber knows or suspects something - heck the chubby kid at the school had more intuition than these folks. We saw people attacked on the TV - one comes after you in a tunnel - you kill one at a school - you see someone attacked and chewed during the riot - you see your 2 neighbors killed, the military is swarming your neighborhood and yet they still carry on as normal - you take out the garbage - you play Monopoly. Sorry but in any sort of crisis especially with these extreme conditions - you react. You pack and buy essentials - you get in touch with friends and family - you find something to protect yourself and your family. Maybe it's a good thing that I didn't pay too close attention to the back story of TWD because I would have missed out on a great show.
  23. Whether the apocolypse is happening now or 5 years in the past or 5 years in the future - with almost every American having been exposed to zombies in books, TV shows or films over the last 30 years - this extreme under reaction is not plausible to me. Are we to believe that these people haven't been exposed to this concept before now? Sorry but if a see one person snacking on another person - my immediate reaction is zombie.
  24. I never watched Sister Wives until the marathon today and that was only because - it's raining and nothing else was on. I got through 1 1/2 shows from when they went on vacation. Sorry ya all but I can't believe TLC actually pays for this. Kody is a dip - and I'm being nice as there are many other words I'd use to describe him. He's all me,me,me and takes responsibility for nothing else. I can totally see why Christine was upset with his friend - and Kody should have realized it also. Since he didn't and had to be told that it offended some of them a simple solution is to pacify the wives with an I'm sorry - I'll talk to him instead of it again becoming a situation where Kody thought he had no responsibility to address it or remedy it. I don't know what his job is or if he even has one - but he reminds me of a moocher with TLC and his wives providing his income.
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