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Everything posted by tessa

  1. There's an interesting article in the International Business Times that does answer some questions we all have - not sure I can post a link but ut's the ibtimes and you can search for Dance Moms 8 Shocking Facts
  2. I was also disappointed with Christy opening her mouth - especially when I thought she had changed. What I was more upset about tho is Tara's dismissal of Tracy's feeling. Yes Tracy is obsessed with having a baby and she needs to calm down and not think about it - but Tara's talking head was so nasty - it always has to be about Tara. I can understand with Tracy being not only a dwarf but 40 yrs old - she feels the need to hurry up and get pregnant and so should her friend.
  3. The results of even the invitationals are skewed and but not always in Abby's favor as then even the true believers that the show is real would have doubts if she always won. There have been 2 invitationals here in my area. There was never any advertisements on the news or radio that they would be filming here. We have a lot of great dance teachers in the area but not one was invited to the "invitational". Three of the studios are owned and run by past winners of the Dance Masters National Miss Dance of America. Two of the local studios actually were in a competition in Pittsburgh and were up against Abby's kids. The studios kids did just as well if not better than Abby's kids - she is not the be all and end all of dance teachers like she wants everyone to think.
  4. I was thinking the same thing - never mind that if the contest was rigged Ava would have won over Kalani and Maddie. I also see how delusional Abby is when she yelled at the program director about how many of Abby's students are on Broadway and the fact that the program director has none. There are thousands and thousands of dancers in NY from studios all across the country - there's Broadway, off Broadway, private theatre - and Abby knows every dancer and every studio they attended and can challenge that woman - I don't think so. Being the vast majority of real competitions - ALDC - doesn't attend due to the skewing of results - they may find that other studios don't even want to do the invitationals with them.
  5. I'm in no way making fun of any child as we're all different. I just feel that instead of a costume bra - a 1 piece outfit may have been more beneficial as the viewers eyes aren't drawn to her rib cage. Kalani has filled out but the 1 piece costume gave her a sleeker look this week rather than last week's costume which accentuated those filled out parts.
  6. Just finished watching and I did love the group dance. Ava is really a beautiful dancer but her boney appearance turns me off - thought Kalani was spot on and should have placed higher than Maddi and maybe she did in the real world. Abby is difinitly losing it and this show with her lies, her delussions, and her favortism is going to mark the end of ALDC as a show
  7. I'm watching this right now on Lifetime and I'm blown away! Agreed Abby and her crocodile tears - grow up. The moms coming down on Paige and Kelly after witnessing years of this behavior of Abby's not only to Paige but their own children as well. Holly lost me this time - berating Kira about getting special privileges and not confronting Abby about it - repeat of season 1,2,3 where the mom's were telling Melissa the same thing about the special treatment given to Maddie - where did that get them? And if any of those kids received special treatment - 10-1 - none of the moms would tell Abby - That's not fair. The girls all moving to LA - what about the families of these kids - dads and siblings stay behind? Maybe that's why Chloe was treated so poorly and was so sad. Maybe Christie and her husband decided it wasn't in their family's best interest to make such a big move or sacrifice and Abby couldn't accept that to some family is more important than money or fame. And the photo shoot - what a joke! There's not one publicist that already doesn't have pics of Maddie and Mac due to the videos - Kendall and Nia were the one who needed updated shots. And to say that in front of the others that Kalani , Maddie and Mac were the ones marketable. And I'm just in the 1st 15 minutes of the episode!
  8. In the last scene when Blaine was in the bleachers and karofsky had his arm around him - I thought Blaine looked very uncomfortable. At the end of all the discussions - interpretations - and bshin - it's entertainment. We all are back chair quarterbacks - but we continue watching. I enjoyed Homecoming more than I have any of the other shows in a long time.
  9. What's going to kill the show for me is if they bring the twin boys on board from AUDC Season 2, which is rumored. Sorry but I couldn't understand how those kids ever made it on the show. I know - it's a gimick - twin boys dancing - but really there are a lot of exceptional guy dancers out there to add to the team if that's the way they're headed.
  10. To me the whole relationship was staged from the get go. Just wanted something for the viewers to talk about.
  11. Of I remember correctly, Maddie's dad said that 1 reason for the break-up was dance - was it the cost, the intensity that Melissa made Maddie persue it? And lack of growth spurt could be just because Maddie is a late bloomer or genetic. Melissa isn't that tall and often wears heels. I wasn't a fan of the new video - same costume - really abstract choreography - it just didn't hold my interst and I turned it off. I'm not into thought pervoking performances - I just want to be entertained.
  12. Although she can't really sing - yes I could see Mac on a Disney show. But then I didn't think Britney could sing and look at her career. The only one I see really making it if she chooses dance as her vocation is Chloe. She has the lithe body and long legs of a dancer - she just struggles with each growth spurt to compensate. Of anyone may fail it's Maddie - not because she's not good - but she's going to be like thousands of other hopefuls and we know she doesn't take rejection well. She's use to being the golden child and has been since Season 1 except for a couple of times. Abby thinks the others can't survive without her but Kalani really stepped up to the plate last season and was the true cheerleader of the group. I too was like " Wow" when I saw Kalani - she really doesn't fit in with all the pretty much flat chested pre teens anymore. I believe she is a lovely dancer and I too loved her on AUDC - but she sticks out , to me at least, like a sore thumb.
  13. I was first put off that Shia LaBeof was in it - lately he's not the most stable guy, http://www.eonline.com/news/509148/bill-murray-explains-shia-labeouf-s-problem-he-s-got-a-funny-name-he-probably-got-beat-up-a-lot, and a lot of viewers on youtube felt a child porn aspect to it. I also was put off by again the costumes they wore and I guess I just don't get the new artistry in either the song or video. The song is depressing and the video like a B rated movie. I like videos that tell the story - I want to be entertained by a video - not have to sit there and think about it.
  14. Thanks for the explanation! We all know it's scripted but I can't believe the number of viewers that actually think it's for real on FB.I had always liked Holly and thought she was the voice of reason - my opinions have changed but then again it is called Dance Moms. The reason for the show was to see the dynamics behind the scenes and Abby was not that bad on Season 1. The way she teaches ( or should I say ) have others teach, is not the norm. All dance teachers I know encourage the kids - they don't brow beat them. All dance studios I know, even competition - work on these numbers for months to perfect them - not days. The amt of time these kids are at the studio is similar to kids, who strive to be Olympians and is ridiculous. What bothers me the most is Abby's line of she's makig stars. I know and have trained with many successful dancers and choreographers throughout the years. Abby's technique is not something anyone of them would subscribe to. Yes casting calls ect are difficult, preproduction prep is rigorous - but most of those on Broadway and used as backup dancers are mature adults. Even producers and choreographers in these productions go easier on the younger children as they know the strain can be hard on them. I also don't like Abby's outlook on education. To her it's secondary - but how many of these kids will have a life long profession in dancing? It's akin to high school athletes, who get by in many cases because of their athletic attributes. At least if they make it big - you're talking big money. The salery of 99.9% of the dancers who make it can not compare.
  15. I'm still watching the episode but had to check out this competition as I'm right outside Niagara Falls and never heard of it. Again another made up competition and meet and greet. There were no studios from our vacinity invited and we have some great studios due to many of the teachers having been Miss Dance, on broadway ect.. Sheer Talent Dance Moms Competition! Be Part of Shooting a New Episode for Dance Moms Season 5! Experience a Day with Abby Lee Miller and the cast of Dance Moms! Purchase your Audience Admission Tickets at http://bit.ly/Oct11SheerTalentDanceMomsTickets Limited Seating! Get Your Tickets Now! I will continue to watch but am frustrated with all the talk - especially from Holly of not being able to say good bye - and Christi and Kelly trying to destroy the ALDC. None of the mom's have said they tried to call Christi - neither did the girls - except Maddie who tried to tweet - quit being lazy pick up the phone and call. Also all the social media buzz isn't actually hurting anyone as it's getting people to keep watching the show to see what happens with the lawsuits ect.. Free publicity folks. Melissa makes me sick - glad Christie is gone - only talk about her and her kids - seems to me it was Christi consoling MacKenzie at one of the competitions - not her own mother. I think this may be the last season as people are losing interest - they've lost favorites as far as dancers and moms, the kids are growing up quickly and I think people are losing interest in Abby. Note the lack of Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition this year and not much viewership for her Dance Studio Remodeling show.
  16. So glad I found this forum! Didn't Lifetime use to let youi comment below the episodes? Anyway - like another poster - I watched the last season yesterday. I never knew of this show until seeing a commercial on Lifetime for this season's start. I was disappointed as I too liked Elana better when she was with Brianna and Christy. Yes Christy can be loud and outspoken, which I think was tamed a bit throughtout last season, but I much prefer that group than the other. I thought I'd really love Tonya but she really is catty, Traci has to chill out and get the stick out of her butt and Tarra has to realize she's not all that. Wathcing the first episode of this season reminded me of Mean Girls. They just couldn't let up on Brianna. Yes - it's scripted and certain things are encouraged to create the drama and tension. Also - these women are in their 30's - except Tonya who's at least 40, and Elena who I think is the youngest. Not only do they have to worry about dwarfism but their age.
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