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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. Hawaii News Now did a story on the haunted house Jorge Garcia helped create in the Honolulu area; Jorge's interviewed in the report.
  2. From People.com: Now Bobby Flay Says Quitting Iron Chef Was a Joke But... There may be a problem with the new show premiering on November 8th, as scheduled, according to the linked article. Chef John Besh, who resigned from his own restaurant management company earlier this week due to a sexual harassment scandal (he also apparently had an affair with an employee) is a guest on the premiere episode.
  3. From Los Angeles Times: Another Good Interview with Beulah Koale About His New Movie
  4. From E! Online.com: Did Bobby Flay Just Quit Iron Chef Showdown in the Most Spectacular Fashion Ever?
  5. From HarryTV.com (the website for Harry Connick Jr.'s talk show): H50's Beulah Koale Will Be Among the Guests on Harry Connick Jr.'s Talk Show THIS FRIDAY, Discussing His New Movie "Thank You for Your Service" Check your local listings for the correct time & channel for the show in your area.
  6. From People: Beulah Koale Tells How He and Co-Star Miles Teller Bonded Before Making Thank You For Your Service
  7. Second balcony or not, at least you were in the room. To me, when it comes to seeing celebs I admire (especially at special events like this), even being in the room counts more than how close you are. But if you've also managed to score great, or at least workable, seats so much the better. Small point, it's Eddie Vedder, with double D's instead of double T's. I remember Tommy Robato (his name, anyway). Was he a classmate/friend of Harry's, or something? Considering I thought I recognized them, it would appear the same kids are in the "entourage" with Harry. If none of them, besides Harry, are related to David &/or Regina, I still think it's cool they bring them along to at least "big ticket" events like the Indy 500 (whether they go every year or just when David's racing team has at least 1 car in the final field of 33) or the Mark Twain award gala. I can't remember if Harry & the kids went when Dave got the "standard" Kennedy Center Honors (the Mark Twain Prize is also presented by the Kennedy Center) 5 years ago, in 2012. If Harry isn't even 14 yet, he/the other kids in the "entourage" (if they hung out together back then) probably would've only been around maybe 7, more likely 8 or 9 then, & maybe stayed at the hotel in case it was felt they might "act up" during the ceremonies. If you really wanted to, I hope you get the chance to meet Senator Franken sometime. I mean, he may be a US Senator but he's also a "regular" human being & shouldn't be that intimidating.
  8. From the Associated Press: Paul Weitz, Pilot of Skylab and First Pilot of the Space Shuttle Challenger, Dead at 85
  9. From Extra.com: Carson Daly's Stepfather Richard Caruso Dies Just 5 Weeks After His Mother, Pattie
  10. And here's how The Hollywood Reporter saw the event. It seems like, wherever we see David & the family (like at the Indianapolis 500) there always seem to be "extra" children with them, besides Harry. If they're the same ones at every event, I've forgotten if they're friends of Harry's, or related to either Regina or David (Like maybe David's sister's kids? I seem to remember that's who was in pics of/TV interviews with Dave & the family done at Indy earlier this year).
  11. Country (Country/Pop?) vocal group Lady Antebellum performed their cover version of Tom Petty's Learning to Fly at recent concerts (October 4 & 5 in Manchester, England & Dublin, Ireland--cities according to the video in the embedded Tweet; performance dates according to their Wikipedia page). The video in the embedded Tweet is a combination of the Manchester & Dublin performances; the song begins with the Manchester performance & changes over, maybe about halfway, to end with the group completing the song among the Dublin audience (sandwiched between 2 layers of security guards; at least 1 individual guard, in particular, is your typical "big & burly" type). The song was, originally, on the group's iTunes Sessions digital-only release according to Wikipedia.
  12. Yeah, as long as Rob's on Code Black (or any other TV show), he gets a summer hiatus (depending on the number of eps to film for the next season) from April or May--or earlier, perhaps--until sometime around early July or so. And yeah, colleges do have summers off--the timing of which tends to coincide, mostly (at least where I went to college), with the usual summer hiatus period for TV show filming (the place where I went to college is usually off from sometime in May through sometime in August). But the thing about that is, at least every college I've ever heard about (or been to) also offers Summer School between the regular semesters. And sometimes colleges only offer 1 or more certain required classes for a degree during Summer School. Or, if that's not the case, some students like to at least take other available classes towards their degree (like electives, or maybe classes that count for their minor) so they can maybe graduate sooner. Matthew's going to law school; I don't know what Johnny's studying other than he goes to Stanford (at least last I heard). Maybe either or both situations apply to Matthew &/or Johnny, & Rob knows that, since he's their dad. Also, not to mention, they're entitled to live their own lives during the summer (if they're off school) &, no matter how much they love their dad, they might not want to/shouldn't necessarily have to spend all or part of the summer filming a TV show with him. I'm not even sure Matthew wants to be an actor, or do much/more reality TV, since he's going to law school. I know Johnny seems to like acting--he had a recurring role (as a friend/school mate of Rob's character's niece & nephew) in The Grinder, the recent Fox comedy where Rob played an actor who played a lawyer who thought he could actually BE a lawyer, with his family's law firm in Boise, when his show gets cancelled since he played 1 for enough seasons he figured he had to have enough legal knowledge accumulated, through that, without having to go to law school & get a license first. But, I don't know if that's what Johnny wants to do after college.
  13. There's a thread about the book here (the first 1, anyway; they wrote a 2nd which I don't think did as well).
  14. I follow Rob on Twitter. He was asked the very same question either today or yesterday (I'm a few hours behind--more than usual--right now). This is what he said about an S2:
  15. Trivial, perhaps, but I didn't think the new Kermit the Frog voice was that great--& I thought, when it was originally changed & I heard it on a YouTube video, it was reasonably accurate. But on DWTS, I didn't think the voice artist hit nearly enough of Kermit's higher registers; the voice sounded a little too deep for me.
  16. From Mother Jones: Interview with the Writer of Beulah Koale's New Movie (Beulah's in Accompanying Photos)
  17. Thank you for reminding me of the military/intelligence agency background of John Hillerman's version of Higgins. I guess that wasn't important enough of a detail about the character (or I thought it wasn't) to stick in my head on a longterm basis. Also I'd forgotten the article had specified Afghanistan being involved in the background of the reboot version of Magnum. So I would assume the lead character will "skew younger" here, as in MacGyver & H50 (although McGarrett just mentioned in H50 that he's 41--also Alex & Scott's real life age/ages--so maybe he doesn't skew so much younger now; but Alex & Scott were 32, at the time the H50 Pilot was shot, & 33 by the time the series had premiered). Am I wrong, or does MacGyver also have Afghanistan &/or Iraq War service in his background (I think Jack's supposed to, which is how he knows Steve)? I thought I read that they were planning for Holmes & Watson to get romantically involved in a recent season. Maybe they planned it & then scrapped it. My apologies for the error.
  18. I'm puzzled by your comment in the bolded part. I don't watch Elementary, but I've heard enough about it/I'm otherwise familiar enough with it to know Holmes & Joan Watson were romantically involved with each other at some point sort of recently in show canon (but I don't know if they're still a couple or not). But when did Kono, as you see it, get involved romantically with either Steve or Danny (the male lead characters)? Her now husband, Adam Noshimuri (played by Ian Anthony Dale) was a recurring character the whole time Grace Park/Kono was in the show; Adam/Ian wasn't promoted to lead character status until after Grace P/Kono left the show.
  19. Taylor Wily (Kamekona) was also (some might say unexpectedly) good in the H50 ep where we found out more of the character's background & how he came to be a Criminal Informant (CI) for Chin Ho, where he--as I remember--sacrificed his freedom for that of his younger brother, who'd gotten himself involved with selling drugs somehow, so his brother wouldn't go to prison & ruin his life at such a young age. And then Chin, like, checked up on Kamekona while he was in jail/prison & Kamekona was already talking about starting a shave ice place, & why, when he got out of jail. You have to admit, the character of Toast made an impression (at least I thought so). I mean, a stoner computer hacker who was also a CI was an interesting combo (though I think they used him equally for his computer skills as his CI knowledge, but he only seemed to be used when Five-0 needed either knowledge on a criminal/hacker with ties to the internet/computer world, or when they needed someone who had hacking skills--like the new Joey Lawrence character, Aaron Wright--or who could give them other technical info on computers/the internet, like on the first case where we saw Toast & he was explaining to Steve & Danny about the computer program the victim of the week designed, from which they got why it would be valuable enough for the victim of the week to get kidnaped over. I think they may have written Toast out/killed him off because Martin Starr, the actor who played him, was maybe getting too much other work to even be available even though they barely used him. As I remember, the last time we saw the character onscreen the team learned he'd developed a computer game app that he sold to someone/a company & Toast had actually become a millionaire by doing that (& pretty much nobody expected that of the stoner computer hacker they knew), & I remember Martin Starr was also in a starring or recurring role on another show when he did the "Toast is now a millionaire" appearance, because I saw his name in the credits of a non-repeat broadcast of another show around the same time. Forget The Blacklist writing in a pet/dog we only saw/heard about twice, then never again... H50 did the same thing, remember? Back in S2, they had that case where it looked like an ICE agent had died in a plane crash near Waikīkī Beach, & her boss was a guy Lori Weston knew &/or had worked for before she ended up at Five-0. The dead agent was really killed because she'd stumbled onto bad guys who were dealing in parts/fluids extracted from animals that were being put into "health supplements" used by humans (1 fluid I remember being mentioned was "bear bile"). Anyway, the dead ICE agent had a dog, which I think they said had been drugged by the person who killed the agent. And Danny, at least, found it when he, & I forget who else, went to the dead ICE agent's apartment/condo to look for clues. Danny took the dog; Steve expected it to end up at a shelter, but Danny gave it to Gracie (& told Steve this story about how he [Danny] actually had a dog when he moved to Hawaii but--like with pretty much everything else that Danny loved or thought was important to him--Rachel got custody of the dog in their divorce & the dog somehow died during the quarantine process for new pets/other animals being imported to Hawaii. Hawaii is, & always has been, a rabies-free state; hence the quarantine process for all animals entering the state). We saw the dog in that episode, & in a subsequent episode where Danny was house sitting for Steve while he was gone on some recurrent Navy training--during which Rachel also had to go out of town, apparently unexpectedly, & she called on Danny to take care of the dog (which I suppose was fair, because Danny gave it to them). Steve came home to find his normally neat house in a big mess; while Danny was explaining that, the dog barked from upstairs (he had been sleeping with Danny in Steve's room), & may have come running downstairs... I'm not sure about the running downstairs part. And Steve wasn't happy about the dog sleeping in his bed. And that was, I think, the last time that dog was ever seen or heard from on H50.
  20. I forgot to mention, I'm really glad Lenkov ended up getting a shot at doing the Magnum reboot, after all, because I've liked the 2 I've seen so far from him. The last time I heard anything about a reboot of that (last season or maybe a little earlier), Eva Longoria's production company had the rights & their concept involved Magnum, P.I., in this case, being the now adult version of the daughter character they introduced as a child in the original show shortly before it ended. I think, if anything, Lenkov's Magnum might be a younger version of the character (like the Lenkov MacGyver at least looks younger than he was when Richard Dean Anderson played him). But I really hope they can get the right actress to play Higgins, who can play Higgy like the sort of Brit snob John Hillerman played the character as. As long as the actress can do a credible Brit accent (the article says at least Lenkov's Higgins is supposed to be a former member of MI-6, like the recurring H50 character Harry is--I can't remember if the male Higgins was also supposed to be ex-MI-6), she wouldn't have to be from Great Britain. After all, John Hillerman was actually from somewhere in Texas, though he came off in the show like he was born & raised in Great Britain. I can't even think of any actresses, off the top of my head, who I can see as a female Higgins.
  21. Considering they've already paid homage to the Magnum, P.I. theme in an H50 ep, I don't expect them to go for a different 1 or to alter the original too much. I think they did learn their lesson from almost going wrong with the H50 theme. Although there is apparently a MacGyver theme they don't use on that reboot. I don't see how they can't use at least a shortened version of the MPI theme, like they did with H50; it's equally iconic, in my book. And I really hated it, however many years ago it was, when they decided to shorten/eliminate the opening theme songs from TV shows--some of them are/were as cool as the shows themselves, H50's & Magnum's. If you've forgotten how the classic Magnum theme came up in an H50 ep, Max started, like, humming/vocalizing it nonverbally in the end scene to the ep where Kamekona bought his helicopter & started giving Island tours; Kamekona was giving Max, McGarrett, & Danny a tour to practice & Max started in on the theme--& then there was a bit of dialogue about it, & everybody else joined in as they faded to the end credits. Here's the scene: If Zeus & Apollo were classic elements of the show, I don't see how they can't forget them. They might have to change "Robin's Nest" though (that's the house--I saw something on YouTube when I was looking for the H50 Magnum clip that sounded like they sold or were selling the house they used in the original Magnum); they might also (have to) change the car Magnum drives, from a Ferrari 308 model, like they changed McGarrett's personal H50 vehicle to a Chevy Silverado truck when he's not driving Danny's Chevy Camaro (& part of the reason they changed the H50 vehicles was the old version, as I remember, had a contract to use Ford cars; this version uses Chevrolet brand cars).
  22. I don't think this version of H50 has run out of steam yet, but to each their own. As they say, "the opera ain't over until the fat lady sings." I don't even think she's begun vocal warmups yet. I'm gonna be interested in seeing the female version of Higgins; I hope they get someone good to play her. So far, I kinda like Lenkov's "signature move" of genderswapping 1 of the classic characters.
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