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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. Former VP Biden’s son, Beau, also died of the same form of brain cancer while his father was still the VP. Here is a clip from probably the last interview with VP Biden while he was still in office, on The View; in the clip he tries to comfort Meghan McCain over her father’s situation, having gone through it with his son, Beau. When the segment starts, you’ll notice he’s not sitting next to Meghan; he & co-host Sunny Hostin switch places in the middle of the segment so that he can be closer to Meghan.
  2. Yeah it is unusual his mother survives him. I heard that earlier today & was surprised. I may have to go see if NBC or SNL has any clips on YouTube.
  3. From CNN: Commenting Saturday night on the passing of Arizona Senator John McCain, Senate Minority Leader and New York Senator Charles Schumer said he would introduce a resolution on the Senate floor to rename The Russell Senate Office Building for the late Senator McCain. From The Hill: Funeral Plans for Senator McCain Senator McCain will lie in state at the Arizona Capitol building in Phoenix (his body was moved to Phoenix Saturday night). He will also lie in state in the Rotunda of the US Capitol building in Washington DC, the 13th former Senator to do so. He will receive a full dress funeral service at the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, DC. Former Presidents George W. Bush & Barack Obama are expected to deliver eulogies. Those close to McCain have informed the White House that they plan to have Vice President Pence attend the senator’s funeral, but not the President. Senator McCain will be buried in Annapolis, Maryland. The Governor of Arizona has ordered all flags lowered to half-staff. The President has ordered the same for the White House. From The Hill: Former Running Mate Sarah Palin on the Death of Senator John McCain
  4. Here’s an obscure 1. It’s an extended version of “Hikky-Burr”, the theme song to the original The Bill Cosby Show, which ran on NBC for 52 episodes over 2 seasons, 1969-70 & 1970-71. It was written by Quincy Jones & Bill Cosby, & Cosby provides the “gibberish” vocals that appear over the music periodically. As you can see, it’s from the same Quincy Jones album as the Ironside theme that’s posted upthread. In this series Cosby played Chet Kincaid, a physical education teacher at a Los Angeles high school who was also a bachelor. It was Cosby’s first TV show after I Spy, in which he co-starred with Robert Culp. It was also his first show as a lead without a co-star & the first time an African American had starred in his or her own self-titled comedy series.
  5. Not for nothing, but it seems they’re spelling Samantha’s husband’s name as “Darren”, with an EN, in the reboot. That’s the way it’s spelled in the press release, or whatever was linked to announcing the reboot, anyway. It was spelled “Darrin”, with an IN, in the original TV version, regardless of whether Dick York or Dick Sargent played the character. That’s how Wikipedia spells it on the pages for both actors who played the character in the TV show, at least. It turns out Dick Sargent, the second Darrin, was actually asked to play Darrin from the beginning of the series but he turned the role down then for another that wasn’t as long-lived a gig as playing Darrin from the get-go would’ve been. At least he got to play the part from Season 6 until it ended (which I think was after Season 8). For the record, I don’t know if the character name had an IN or an EN in it in the movie version with Nicole Kidman as Samantha.
  6. CBS All Access has the original version of “Cocoon” in the 2-part format you referred to, with the airdates of June 3 & 10, 1969 you also referred to. They have an episode named something like “Full Fathom Five” as the first episode of S1. I’m also aware someone else besides James MacArthur played Danny (later aka “Danno”) in the episode (another reason I’d like to see it—to see if I can tell why they might’ve recast the role of Danny between this ep & the rest of S1). I’m still under the impression they’re trying to tell the original story in a single episode. Particularly since the CBS press release for the reboot version, which is linked above in the plot synopsis I posted to start the thread, doesn’t say anything special about the episode other than it’s the ninth season premiere episode. If it were in multiple parts, or a 2-hour episode, I’m pretty sure that would’ve been noted in the press release. I also haven’t heard/read anything anywhere else that says it’s anything other than a single episode of the regular length. It’ll be interesting to see if the “retelling” just gives the original Chin & Kono dialogue verbatim to other characters, like Tani & Junior—the de facto Kono & Chin replacements—or if that dialogue has been reworked in any way to acknowledge that characters other than Chin & Kono are saying it in this “retelling” of the episode.
  7. From The Hill, Here’s the FULL statement posted to the Twitter of Meghan McCain, Senator McCain’s daughter & a member of the panel of hosts on ABC’s The View. It was only quoted in part on ABC’s Special Report; when I heard it I made a point of looking it up on Twitter/online because I wanted to share it here. Here’s a clip from The View near the end of last year, where they play the clip of Senator McCain shutting down his supporter who trash talks about then-Senator Obama, & after the clip Senator McCain sort of explains why he did that, & I think they briefly touch on some other stuff.
  8. And a nice story to tell others, like you posted it here.
  9. Senator Kennedy (& former VPOTUS Biden’s son Beau) also had glioblastoma, the same type of brain tumor that killed Senator McCain.
  10. The episode is always described as being the pilot for the original series, but it’s the last 2 episodes of the original’s season 1 (it appears Peter Lenkov has condensed the original 2-part episode into a single episode of the reboot, from everything I’ve seen about it). At least according to the way the S1 episodes of the original are loaded into CBS All Access. So you’ll need to have a subscription to CBS All Access to watch it; only the eps they show as, like, the first 5-10 eps of S1 of the original Five-O are available to watch for free. I have to watch the original ep before S9 starts too. Back in Season 3, or whenever it was, the reboot did a “retelling”, as they seem to be calling their versions of the original episodes, of the original version’s “Hookman” episode. They included the Jack Lord version of “Hookman” as an “extra” on that season’s reboot DVDs, I guess so fans of the reboot could see that episode if they hadn’t watched the original or didn’t remember it, or so they could do a compare/contrast between the 2 versions. I’m hoping the original version of “Cocoon” will also end up on this season’s DVDs. This is really gonna be a “retelling” of “Cocoon”. I assume Chin & Kono were in the original version of the episode. This version will have at least Tani & Junior in it, maybe Adam (if Ian Anthony Dale finished filming the current season of Salvation by the time they started filming this), but no Chin & Kono thanks to the departures of Grace Park & Daniel Dae Kim before S8 started filming. Also, from what I heard they didn’t film this episode first, although it’s airing as the season premiere. I’m pretty sure “retelling” this ep is part of the reboot saluting this year’s 50th anniversary of the original version’s premiere.
  11. I read somewhere, & I can’t find it now, that reboot Samantha is supposed to be related to a big figure in the voodoo-practicing culture in New Orleans.
  12. I saw that, I think live, but it may have been a repeat of the originally live episode. But I did see it prior to the inclusion in ABC’s Special Report, Anyway, it was a really nice moment. So was the moment where McCain told 1 of his supporters who was talking trash about Obama at a televised town hall meeting, or debate, or something else involving the candidates & the public during the 2008 Presidential campaign, that Obama wasn’t anything like the woman was describing him as; that he & Obama disagreed politically, but he was still a fine man & a family man, & some other very nice things I forget now. By the way, the guy in the White House—who once said he didn’t like Senator McCain because he let himself be captured & held as a POW—actually posted a very nice Tweet of condolence to the McCain family on his passing (or whomever may Tweet on his behalf posted 1). I just thought that was worth noting.
  13. I was watching a repeat of The Good Doctor on ABC & they interrupted it with a Special Report, which is on as I type. It’s also being covered on MSNBC, CNN & Faux News Channel (I assume the coverage will be “wall-to-wall”, as they say in the media business, on all the cable news channels for quite awhile). Fox is still airing their regular Saturday night programming whenever I check (though they might’ve broken in when I wasn’t watching, or carried the news in a “crawl” onscreen over the programming). I stand corrected that CBS did break into the NFL game; it was on there when I wasn’t checking that channel. Senator McCain was not among the celebrities & political figures I was fortunate enough to meet when I was involved with the March of Dimes. I only did a single 2-day photo op with the US Senators at the time, en masse (but each Senator in an individual photo with me), at the Capitol in DC. McCain was still a POW in Vietnam at the time, not being released until 1973 (according to the obit Special Report still airing on ABC). I figured his time would come soon, after the family announced yesterday that he had decided to terminate medical care. I think the same thing happened with former First Lady Barbara Bush, didn’t it?
  14. Regarding the bolded: As near as I can tell, Gloria Allred was on the show because of Meghan’s long before her marriage declaration that she considers herself a feminist, & because Allred also either is 1 or is seen as being 1 because of how many “women who were wronged in some way, shape, or form—especially by men, & usually powerful men to boot” legal cases she’s made a point of handling, & getting publicity for over the years; especially in fairly recent years.
  15. And as I said, though I’m pretty sure in a different thread, Netflix has aired 2 seasons of a “reimagined” One Day At a Time, where the protagonist family is now of Latin/Hispanic heritage, among other changes (& Gloria Estefan sings the theme song instead of the anonymous singers who did the original version). The show’s 3rd season will air/stream next year (2019) on Netflix.
  16. Some stars are Producers or Executive Producers (Co-Producers or Co-Executive Producers) of TV shows because they were involved with the show from the time the concept of it was decided, & they usually have a production company to aid in that process (developing TV shows, &/or movies). Like Daniel Dae Kim with the show The Good Doctor. Otherwise, stars of a TV show being made Producers or Executive Producers, after a certain point in the “life” of said show, is usually a contract perk (which I assume comes with additional salary besides whatever the actor is getting per episode for their acting abilities). It’s agreed on to go into effect if production of the show involved reaches a certain number of episodes &/or seasons (& the actor remains with the show that long, of course). At least if the show involved isn’t produced/co-produced by the star’s production company from the time the idea is submitted to a network (or streaming outlet these days). It’s also never an “automatic”, guaranteed thing that’s part of every TV star’s contract if they/their production company isn’t already a Producer or Executive Producer from the beginning, in the sense of “you sign the contract, you’re automatically a Producer or Executive Producer”. It’s negotiated into the contract of the star involved, either from the initial contract deal when they agree to do the show or during any contract renegotiations in subsequent seasons. If it were automatic with every TV star’s contract, there’d be a lot more TV stars who are also Producers or Executive Producers of their shows. It’s usually just an “in name only” thing; most of the actors don’t really have (or necessarily want) any of the actual “power” that comes with that title. Some actors, however, actually do exercise the “power”, “clout”, whatever, in regards to the show that comes with having the title of Producer or Executive Producer. When Daniel Dae Kim & Grace Park left H50 between Seasons 7 & 8, after CBS wouldn’t give them salaries equal to those of Alex O’Loughlin & Scott Caan, it was said in the press stories about the situation that either Alex’s contract, or both Alex & Scott’s contracts (I can’t remember which), included a certain percentage of “profit participation”—he makes/they make a certain amount of money from being in the show besides from acting in it. He makes/they also make money from participating in the show through things like when it’s sold for airing in countries outside the US; maybe also from repeats of the show being sold for airing, either after cancellation or while CBS is still making new episodes, on a cable channel or some other non-CBS network/channel/online streaming site in the US; maybe also from the sales of any officially-licensed merchandise connected to the show, like the DVDs, Blu-Rays, that CD of music from, like, the 1st 2 seasons of the show, the T-shirts & other show-related merchandise they sell at the CBS Store online & elsewhere, the digital downloads of full seasons &/or individual episodes of the show that you can get through sites like Amazon.com, Google Play, & the iTunes Store, those little “Hot Wheels”/“Matchbox” type model cars based on cars seen in the show like Steve’s blue Silverado truck, Danny’s original silver(?) Camaro, & the HPD cars used in the show, etc. Maybe the people who negotiated Alex & Scott’s contracts on their behalf decided they could make more money from being in the show if they went for them getting profit participation in the show instead of the (probably small, in comparison) salary bump that might come with the title of Producer or Executive Producer. See, they might not get any money they might be making from being a titled Producer or Executive Producer once the show ends. If they went for a profit participation perk instead, unless they set a certain cutoff date in relation to how long they could make that extra money from being involved in the show, they could, & probably would, continue to make money from the show for as long as it was still being sold elsewhere for airing, merchandise relating to the show was still being sold, etc. Taking that type of a deal is, hopefully obviously, much better in a financial sense than taking the perk (& likely salary bump) of being a Producer or Executive Producer, since any extra money earned that way might end as soon as the show itself ends, & may explain why they haven’t been made Producers or Executive Producers.
  17. From TV Line: Oscar, Emmy, Golden Globe Winner Louis Gossett Jr. to Play Grover’s Father in Season 9 Thanksgiving Episode, Written by Chi McBride
  18. Yes, but at least theoretically they could Un-SORAS the kid or kids, & make Adam a warlock this time; & I did notice (or swear I did) that they said the new Samantha was gonna be a single mom with a kid. So maybe she has Tabitha before meeting Darrin.
  19. He would’ve been 77 on Wednesday, according to an obituary Tweet by John Katsilometes, Robin’s fellow “celebrity news”/“man about town” columnist at the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
  20. Assuming they include the Larry Tate character (Darrin’s boss), I hope they tone down how much of a jerk he could be—showing up at the Stephens’ house unannounced, & usually at a VERY bad time as far as not finding out somehow about Samantha being a witch is concerned; inviting himself & his wife Louise, along with the client, & possibly others, to the Stephens’ house for drinks &/or dinner (& finding other ways to inconvenience them without ever sincerely apologizing for any of it), usually at the last minute; promising Darren a promotion &/or threatening him with being fired, or actually firing him, depending on how well the ideas for the client’s account were received; taking all the credit for the ideas if they worked &/or telling the client it was all Darrin’s idea, & only his, if the ideas tanked. I figure they’ll have Tabitha in the show. I hope they don’t forget she had a little brother, Adam, who was born towards the end of the series (I think because of 1 of Elizabeth Montgomery’s real life pregnancies being written in) but really not seen all that much before it ended—they did manage to get the character aged up from a baby to a very young child actor with occasional lines in some scenes though. And I hope we find out for sure whether he’s a warlock or not. I think the character may have been tested by the Witches’ Council, or whomever, before the show ended but it always seemed to me that they left it at least somewhat ambiguous as to whether or not he actually was a warlock, or if he was gonna grow up to be another Darrin, as far as his tolerance for his sister & mother using their witchcraft abilities is concerned. The actors & actresses who played most of Samantha’s relatives—her parents, Aunt Clara, & Uncle Arthur, specifically, & also Dr. Bombay, Samantha’s Witch Doctor, & Esmerelda, Alice Ghostley’s character, who was like a housekeeper &/or nanny for the kids towards the end of the series—made those characters rather colorful. I hope they can get close to matching that with whomever they cast in those roles if they’re in the Pilot or if they’re in once they go to series. Same with whomever they cast to play the nosy neighbor, Mrs. Gladys Kravitz, & her disinterested, disbelieving husband, Abner; & Darrin’s parents, although they weren’t really that colorful.
  21. In case anyone may have had concerns: From Deadline: ‘Hawaii Five-0’ & ‘Magnum P.I.’ Shut Down Production As Hurricane Lane Moves In I’m pretty sure this probably wasn’t the kind of belated birthday present Alex or Scott wanted (though I’m not sure Scott was in Hawaii on or before his birthday; there was at least 1 pic on Social Media of Scott, his partner Kacy, & at least 1 other person at what I think was referred to as something where his birthday was being celebrated, & I got the feeling it was taken in LA though I don’t think it actually said that anywhere connected to the pic). Hopefully Alex & family have battened down the hatches & will be safe for the duration, without injury, or a lotta flooding or other storm-related property damage.
  22. From TV Line: Hawaii Five-0 Casts Rochelle Aytes as Season 9 Baddie (and McGarrett’s Ex!)
  23. From TV Line: Hawaii Five-0 Casts Rochelle Aytes as Season 9 Baddie (and McGarrett’s Ex!)
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