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Everything posted by mostlylurking

  1. This has got to be one of the best things TPTB have done on this show in a really long time. I didn’t think they had it in them.
  2. No matter how many crimes shows I watch (and I watch a lot) I will never understand why so many people talk to the cops without a lawyer present. It just makes no sense to me whatsoever.
  3. I’m not finished with the series yet but all those doctors who performed operations on Gypsy should be in jail. One of them was like well DeeDee said she lost the records after the hurricane. So wouldn’t someone like call the hospital she supposedly was treated at or follow up with prior doctors? They have the medical records even if the patient doesn’t. It’s such bullshit. They should be so ashamed of themselves. I’m surprised they even allowed themselves to be filmed, I would be so mortified. I think her father cares, but he’s not about being hands on. This is the biggest day of his daughter’s life (her parole hearing) and he can’t get off work? If he cant show up for something this huge I don’t see him being there for the smaller things.
  4. No “Not Barbara Jean” flashbacks?! That was not only peak acting for Jackie but also an iconic GH scene in general. I hope we get some more flashbacks before the week is up.
  5. Sonny is just So Amazing that he just knew AJ was gonna get fat and he hung him on the meat hook preemptively 😉 But yeah, AJ seemed to always get crapped on no matter who was playing him, all in favor of golden boy Jason. I actually liked both Sean and Billy in the role.
  6. While Joss is mostly useless I have to say I do like Eden and think she’s a decent actress. She was very good during the Oscar storyline and also the sex tape stuff. Also I don’t know if she’s actually studied LW or if it’s just due to osmosis of proximity, but she has nailed Carly and even has some of her mannerisms. Joss and Carly really seem like they could be mother and daughter.
  7. Ah, so that’s why all my posts from yesterday are gone? I was so confused because I didn’t think I broke any forum rules! Cyrus is horrible and I don’t blame Laura for not wanting him in her life, but he speaks a lot of truth. Which is really weird since lately Dante and Sonny had come to an understanding of their chosen professions. Sonny has literally said Dante might have to arrest him someday and that’s ok. The writers have been in a time warp the last few days, and that’s not a good thing. It must take true acting skills to be able to act so shocked every single time this shit happens. I would have so much more respect for everyone involved if they would just say “I know this guy is messed up but guess what I still love him”. Just own it for god’s sake. And let’s not forget hanging AJ from a meat hook because he was fat!
  8. Ugh god please no. I can’t stand Mindy’s valley girl voice and childish demeanor. Everything I’ve ever seen her in she always acts so immature and shallow. Julianna Margulies is beautiful but dear lord she can’t move her face anymore. I’d think that would be detrimental for an actor.
  9. Add me to the list. This reminds me of people who use being honest as an excuse for being gigantic assholes. There is a way to be truthful and still be polite and respectful. I agree. I know now two of them are dead, but even before Jason died neither he nor Lucky had an active part in raising their kids so why should they have their fathers’ surnames?
  10. Medical malpractice is extremely hard to prove because of all the unknown factors that might be in play (as Finn was trying to explain while doing that ridiculous role playing with Alexis and Martin). In this case it seems pretty cut and dried for the exact reason you stated….Finn told him to come back and he didn’t. Unless we find out this family is extremely wealthy/criminal/a combination of the two I don’t see a reason for concern here.
  11. And he delivered Bailey Lou, but Maxie barely remembers her never mind who helped bring her into this world. I agree. Adam needs help dealing with his issues, but that doesn’t make him Joss’ responsibility. On the other hand, it’s pretty easy for Joss to tell Adam he should be doing what he wants and not worry so much about his parents. She has safety nets and privileges money can buy so these are things that don’t really cross her mind. I thought Spencer’s goodbye was sweet. Even though they will be close by, they will not be under the same roof and it’s not the same. Especially with Spencer’s feelings of abandonment I can see why this would be hard for him. It is for the best though (and will be healthier for everyone). I also wanted to comment on Jeff Kober’s performance a couple days ago. This guy is so good. And he speaks a lot of truth. Laura is a hypocrite. She cavorts with criminals constantly. I understand if she doesn’t want to add another to her roster, but at least acknowledge that. I lost all respect for Martin after he folded like a cheap suit because of Michael out of all people. He and Alexis were being ridiculous, they weren’t giving Finn any constructive criticism or telling him what he should be saying, they were just looking down on him. I know this has been mentioned many times but I have to join in and say Jake is such a mini Jason! Great casting there. He reminds me so much of Jason when he was young with the spikey hair.
  12. I also like Blaze and I’m hoping she’s not shady. Kristina has been through a lot. She should have some happiness. It’s kind of early for her to be blurting out the surrogate plans just yet, but yeah…obviously it’s going to be a discussion that needs to happen if they end up dating. I wasn’t watching that closely but do you mean Lila Quartermaine? I didn’t know she was awful to Skye. Didn’t Skye name her daughter Lila Rae?
  13. I’m a couple days behind but didn’t Maxie make out like a bandit when Deception went public? Why is she in debt? Weird that Sam is being so cagey about talking to Drew. When he told her he was going to prison and asked her to smooth things over with Scout, she said no and that he was going to have to handle that himself. She had no problem putting him in his place. What changed? I couldn’t care less about Lois’ mom and the Russian mob, but I love Yuri so I’ll put up with it for a while.
  14. I said the same thing the last time she was on. Great cause she’s championing, but my god how can she even breathe through that nose??
  15. That would have been amazing to see. Speaking of NAC, when he is doing his whole classy, polite schtick he’s so darn charming. Yeah, the thanksgiving epis where shmoopy but that’s kind of the point of them so for me it’s ok.
  16. I would love if she gave it to Yuri. I don’t mind the annual ruined thanksgiving dinner. Yes it’s been going on for way too long but I still like it for nostalgic purposes. Especially since there are so few Q’s left.
  17. That was my exact thought. What did he have to change? It’s all the idiots around him who need to change, including his wife .
  18. A few days behind...I'm a sap so I liked the convo between Spencer and Joss. I truly think he wants what's best for his little brother (DRINK!). He knows what it's like to be abandoned. No mom, a crap dad, and even though most of the time I like Laura she's never been a superstar parent to any of her kids (maybe Lucky). He needs to back off, but at the same time I see where he's coming from. I also liked Marshall and Curtis letting Trina vent (you see...sap). I like seeing family dynamics and it kind of showed Curtis that just because he can't walk right now doesn't mean he can't contribute to things.
  19. Well I'm a fan of Roger so I'm sad his run has come to an end. I'm still real salty that they killed Franco and brought him back as Austin. That was just all kinds of weird. I know Roger's "thing" is that he doesn't like to get bored with his characters, but I think he did a lot with Franco and could have done more. I mean he went from a serial killer, to a brain tumor, to a relationship, to a survivor of child abuse, etc. He played a lot of characters in that one character and there was no reason that couldn't have continued just because he was finally in a stable relationship (how long do those ever last anyway?). Anyway, he took the high road and seems like a cool dude. I wish him well. I think he's talented so I don't believe he'll have much trouble finding work again if he wants.
  20. I liked that Joss stood up for herself with Adam. She was sympathetic but firm, and I just like seeing young women standing up for themselves. I also do like Adam and think Mo’s son is doing a decent job. I hope his role grows.
  21. I agree with you but sometimes when a woman has fertility issues and doesn’t just get pregnant the “normal” way, sometimes priorities change. It took me many years and fertility treatments to finally be able to have my one and only child. I decided to become a stay at home mom after all that, something I never thought I’d do after having worked and been on my own since I was 17. But this was going to be my one chance at being a mom and having a kid so after all that hardship I really wanted to enjoy it fully.
  22. I was actually thinking Andrea was faking the miscarriage. It just seemed so sudden, I thought maybe she decided she wanted to keep the baby for herself?
  23. Now I see what they were going for, but before all the water nonsense I was kind of surprised by Liv’s outfit, I don’t think I’d ever seen her in pants before.
  24. Ugh in the previews we see Carly asking Sonny why would Nina want to give her back the hotel now. Umm, Carly love….Nina wanted to give you back the hotel approximately 2.5 seconds after she acquired it, so simmer with thinking she now has nefarious reasons.
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