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Everything posted by mostlylurking

  1. That’s how I see it too. In no way do I think Spencer has bad intentions, I truly think he’s trying to protect Ace because he himself was not protected as a child. I don’t think he thinks of Ace as a possession. However, good intentions or not, he’s projecting his own abandonment issues on Ace and that’s not healthy. He needs some tough love (like Trina was offering) and he needs to deal with his own issues. I did like that Dex was trying to help and see Spencer’s side. It’s not as cut and dried as Trina was making it sound, though in the end she’s right and Spencer needs to lay off both Esme and Ace.
  2. I kind of thought that was a mistake Wally made and they just rolled with it. I hope so anyway.
  3. The thing is Valentin keeping Anna in the dark didn’t protect Charlotte at all. She needed professional psychiatric help, and now shes been shot. He’s done nothing but enable her, and neither Laura not Nina helped matters any.
  4. I don’t think they could have made the Neddie/Olivia scenes any more cringe. And that awful siren song music, egads. Talk about laying it on thick. I don’t know if Nina actually believed Charlotte, I think she was just trying to diffuse the situation and not put Charlotte on the defense.
  5. Add me to the list of those that thought it was weird Anna was staying at Sonny’s. And even weirder that Nina had no idea Anna was even there, never mind why?? Nina is super close to Charlotte, Sonny should have told her immediately. I’ve been on pretty good terms with Sonny for some time now but this episode just brought back a lot of Sonny hate. Oh yeah, Sonny shot his own son….how horrible for SONNY. I mean come on! I actually like Sonny and Dante’s relationship now but that was all kinds of fucked up and I hate how it’s just glossed over. And of course Sonny tells Anna she shouldn’t feel guilty because it’s not her fault. I mean I get it, she thought there was an intruder but still she pulled the trigger so it’s at least somewhat her fault. Scout and Danny can’t act worth a damn but darn they are both really good looking kids. They also look like they could be related so good job casting that part of it. Kevin is such a great character and JL is such a great actor. He totally nailed Charlotte and her brokenness. He’s such a steady, calming presence. I’m glad we’ve been seeing a bit more of him, but still not enough! I didn’t mind the Curtis scenes, especially since it highlighted a real person living with a disability but yeah, like others said it was shoehorned in and didn’t seem to belong in the episode. Like they realized they were short and just added in those scenes haphazardly.
  6. Ok I just went down a little rabbit hole googling Stephen Martines/Coltin Scott and I had no idea what a sociopath he was! See, this is why I don’t do social media and get involved with following actors and their personal lives. This goes for regular people too. I usually end up liking them a lot less. I don’t want to know 🙈
  7. It is really weird but I don’t even care because all the manufactured drama was so heavy handed and made no sense anyway. Ugh Liz and Finn would you two just stop….pretty soon I’m not even going to be able to look at maple syrup without feeling massive second hand embarrassment. Eh…I liked Val with MSt’s Nina. He and CW’s Nina seem better as friends. I still really like Sonny and Nina. And I still feel like Anna and Finn were a great, mature couple, which makes it even weirder how juvenile he is with Liz. I gave Drew a tiny pass that he went to see Carly instead of his child since it was late and Scout was likely already asleep (which was confirmed in a later scene). But I withdrew that pass immediately when those two idiots STILL didn’t understand that they Committed A Crime, regardless of the judge being on the take or not. HATE.
  8. I’m fine with Charlotte psycho-ing out on Anna. I just can’t with Anna’s crying and sniveling anymore, I have a five year old who doesn’t whine as much!
  9. Yes, the math stuff was a callback. While I like that they are leaning into the character’s past and bringing stuff back, it’s strange because usually the writers seem to either know nothing about a character’s past or just rewrite it entirely. It’s a little weird that they are digging so deep on a character that’s not sticking around that long (I don’t think). Nah, I don’t think it’s too old. I think at that age they just like going out with their friends.
  10. oh yeah. they are very very vocal on twitter and youtube comments. like honestly. it drives me bananas, because it's one thing to like Carly, or whatever but like Carly, justify all the crap she does. and then slam everyone else if they use her playbook Yeah sometimes I tiptoe into the comments on Facebook groups just to see what “the other side” is saying and woo boy….There are MANY rabid Carly fans. They hate Nina with the fire of a thousand suns and are eagerly anticipating a CarSon reunion. I’m still hoping against hope that Sonny and Nina will stay together somehow, but it doesn’t bode well.
  11. This is exactly how I feel as well. Physically, she’s beautiful. Laura Wright is great in the role, so it’s nothing against her either. But the CHARACTER of Carly is so awful I don't find anything attractive about her. She’s ugly on the inside. And like others have said, she has ZERO chemistry with most of her significant others. Now this I don’t know if it’s just a LW thing or that the character she’s playing is so one note and hard. For me the only person Laura/Carly ever had chemistry with was Ingo/Jax. Even then, Ingo was the type who had chemistry with everyone so it wasn’t surprising. I actually think she’s toned it down quite a bit from how she used to dress but yeah, it dates and ages her. I mean Olivia and Sonny grew up the same way she did and they manage not to dress like walking stereotypes. I guess it’s just her “thing”. She’s so gorgeous though. I found a lot of the Finn/Liz stuff very cringey. Finn licking the syrup, washing their hands…..the second hand embarrassment was…..a lot. I’m glad they boned though. About time.
  12. I don’t know when it happened but I also enjoy the relationship between these two. The can be honest with each other and it’s ok. @dubbel zout I also thought Dante was giving Sonny a check 😂 So Willow walks in on an obviously tense moment between her husband and her mother and her first reaction is to say “I can come back if it’s not a good time….” Umm, excuse me but what?! These are two of the closest people in her life and she’s not even curious?? That cult messed her up but good.
  13. Other good things I forgot to mention from yesterday: Nina speaking all the truth to that little twerp Michael. I know she will be completely thrown under the bus soon enough but at least she got in some good shots. Ava and Trina. I love those two. Ava looked so washed out though. Her entire face and hair where all the same color. On other hand, Maxie is looking better than she has in months. The softer hair and makeup do wonders. A nice lunch date between Curtis and Portia without all the angst. It was also nice to see the friendship between Laura and Curtis. I don’t think Tracy has to have ulterior motives regarding Sacha. She has a heart. Everyone always just wants to believe the worst in her. I think she knows Sacha is good for business, but I also think she’s a sucker for an underdog.
  14. I didn’t know Brick was so tall! I guess I’ve never paid much attention, and the few times I’ve seen him on espn he’s always sitting. I had never seen him dressed so casually either.
  15. I get that, and he should have a part in his brother’s life. I don’t like that he basically wants to take over that father role though. Nikolas is a terrible father, that’s been established numerous times. But he is still Ace’s father so Spencer just needs some boundaries imo. On the other hand, if the wants to be this involved then that’s just something Trina will have to accept if she wants to be with him because I don’t see it changing. Either accept him or leave. I hate when they make Laura look so naive and dumb. Really Laura, you can’t possibly imagine Charlotte is a little psycho? Most of Laura’s friends and family members are criminals yet she always seems shocked by it. I did love how Valentin seemed legitimately terrified of his teenaged daughter. Ha! On that note, I wouldn’t mind her being a little hell raiser. I like the actress who plays Charlotte and she’s one of the rare child actors who can actually act and hold their own in scenes.
  16. I think Portia has a very good bedside manner (with the exception of her husband). She’s very calm and straightforward, which is weird because she’s the exact opposite of those things when she’s not in doctor mode. She and Curtis are an amazing looking couple and they are both consistently two of the best dressed people on this show, but yeah. Portia needs to give Curtis some space and Curtis can’t constantly be thinking negative thoughts about everything. They both need to simmer. I’m hoping this is not the case. Blaze did say she had a grandmother in PR so maybe she thought it would be a kill two birds with one stone kind of thing…visit the abuela and then see Krissy too. I also liked the yellow dress, seemed very appropriate for a tropical island. Why are you forcing me to defend this? And so early in the morning? Carly called to let Sonny know that Ava had been kidnapped and that Cyrus was out of prison. He cut his honeymoon short because he finally clued in that Cyrus was behind everything. I have to agree. Sonny didn’t rush back to PC for Carly, more to make sure Avery was ok since her mother had just been kidnapped. And to deal with Cyrus. Didn’t really have much to do with Carly, but of course they have to make sure Carly sticks her nose in everything so she was the one to make the call. It was weird that Nina was two inches away from him while he was on the phone yet supposedly didn’t hear the conversation. And then Sonny leaps out of bed and doesn’t even tell her anything! Heh. I know you meant Spencer not Michael and I agree with you. Spencer needs to realize he’s not Ace’s father and he needs to stop acting like it.
  17. God I can’t stand Tristan. He’s so transparent and fake. I wouldn’t mind that if he was entertaining, but he’s not. He just makes me angry. Go away.
  18. I forgot to mention this! They were great. Very good chemistry. This is how adults interact. Miles better than Alexis and her manic school girl routine. I hate when they make her so juvenile when it comes to relationships.
  19. it might have just been a mistake on Cam's fault. and they didn't want to bother w/a retake. That’s what I’m thinking. It’s the SEC, but I could have sworn I heard Drew say the FBI. Either I heard wrong or Cameron said the wrong thing and they just rolled with it.
  20. Drew: “The FBI twisted it and made us look guilty.” Oh so we are still going with that narrative, huh? God. These people are idiots.
  21. Aww, I loved seeing Lois! The flashbacks were great. I remember her god awful pixie cut. Everyone was wearing that cut for a while, Vanessa Marcil had it and so did most of the women on 90210. And those babydoll dresses that made everyone look pregnant. I partook in that one. So bad. What were we thinking?? And she’s been rocking those nails for what, 20 years? That’s commitment!
  22. mostlylurking


    I’m in the minority but I have been very disappointed by Katy. I normally really like and respect her, but her professionalism hasn’t been maintained lately (my opinion). Ali and Rachel have been great, per usual. Has Ayman been on? I saw him on Katy’s show a few days ago and that’s the last I’ve seen of him.
  23. I’ve been out of the loop for over a month because life (don’t you hate it when life gets in the way?!). Deleted all the old episodes and started fresh today. Thank you soaps for all the gratuitous backstory dialogue! First thoughts: I almost didn’t recognize Cody without the facial hair. I’m not sure how I feel about it. I’m glad Nina and Sonny actually got married. I’m kind of surprised they actually got there. This is giving me a sliver of hope that they may actually stay together once the truth comes out. I think if Mo gets his way they will. Here’s hoping he can actually use his clout for good. I’m surprised Martin folded so quickly. I thought he was tougher than that. What a weenie. I’m very sad Gladys is gone because I liked the actress and the character was great until they ran her into the ground. But hopefully the “how can we torture Sasha” stories are over. I missed this forum! Can’t wait to read some comments 😊🍿🫖
  24. I didn’t know this. He was so great as Mitch in OLTL. Such a talent. It’s so true you just never know what people are going through. Really sad reality.
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