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  1. Just seen it and really enjoyed it. Rather big spoilers ahead so fair warning - don't read under the tag unless you don't mind being spoiled...
  2. Just back from the movie. I really enjoyed it a lot. Answered a few of my questions following Force Awakens, but definitely not a lot of them.
  3. An actor I just can't stand, mostly due to his mannerisms as well as appearing slightly slimy/suspicious in interviews is Tim Allen. I used to enjoy some parts of Home Improvement, but now can't get through it at all, and that is mainly due to him.
  4. Music recall therapy definitely helps with memory recall, but not nearly to the level as seen in the movie.
  5. I really enjoyed this movie. Difficult to determine where it fits in my Pixar rankings, but definitely one of my favourite movies of the year so far. As I am from South Africa I know very little about Mexican traditions, Day of the Dead, etc, and found all of that really interesting. But it was the love of music and the themes of family, forgiveness and acceptance that truly resonated. My only objection, and this is simply due to currently living with somebody who is in the final stages of Alzheimer's disease, I did not appreciate the depiction of Coco's dementia/memory loss. I wish it was clear what exactly it entailed. At some moments it seemed like she could not remember anything, could not speak, could almost not move - very much like later stages of Alzheimer's. But then when Miguel sings Remember Me, she can suddenly speak clearly and remembers everything as if it just happened? She knows who everyone is? Was remembering her dad all she needed to "snap" out of the dementia? Can I please get that magic song for my mom? Like I said, this is a small nit to pick, and I'm sure it only bothered me due to the current situation with my mom, but for me, it kept this really good movie from being great...
  6. Definitely. It has a timeless feel to it. When Night meets Day is one of my Top 10 episodes of any TV show ever! (Two ER episodes features in said Top 10 - the other being Love's Labour Lost). It was an astounding episode. Gripping, always keeping you guessing and leaving you with a gut punch as only ER can... Oh and I'm still waiting to use "Great! I'm always working when the world ends" at some point in my day job ;-)
  7. Haha! And it was only Ashley! You KNOW he is going to use that photo as proof of his "theory" next season!
  8. My UO is that ER was and remains to this day the best medical show ever put on TV. They actually featured cases that are common and frequently diagnosed them correctly from the start (here's looking at you HOUSE). The acting was usually superb and personal drama kept to a minimum (except for the Carby and any "Abby in general" drama). It still holds up extremely well and I'll put in my dvds of that show quite often as background entertainment while doing other things... Grey's, HOUSE, Night Shift etc are just nowhere in the same realm for me...
  9. Rest in peace Della Reese! Your post made me go look up who the other death was. I had no idea John Dye (aka Andrew) had passed away in 2011 from a heart attack. And so young too!
  10. It really is extremely sad, and very traumatic on the whole family, no matter at what age the disease starts. My mom was diagnosed with early onset Alzeimer's disease at age 60 (signs started at age 57 already). She is also 64 at the moment, just like Malcolm Young, and is now in what is known as Stage 7 of Alzheimer's disease (which is the final stage). Won't go into details here on what that entails, but google it if you are interested in how and why the body just shuts down. It truly is one of the hardest diseases to live with, for both patient and family. My deepest sympathy and empathy goes out to Mr Young's family.
  11. Something that I've also noticed on TV is that when somebody goes for a first driving lesson, hijinx will ALWAYS happen. The person learning to drive will not have any idea how to steer, will ALWAYS speed (I've taught a few people to drive, and speeding is NEVER a worry in the first lesson), will not know where the brake are. May or may not bump into somebody. It is never a case of stalling the car a time or two, starting to get the hang of it, and then just crawling around not so busy areas until the person learning to drive is comfortable enough to drive in some traffic. And let's not even go to when they must learn to drive manual gears. It always seems like people learning to drive has never even been in a car before and has never observed anything that a driver does...
  12. Loved the ending - Tom Hanks for the win! But man, the incoherent rambling of the leader of the free world is scary to see when written down like that! Also, showing all the whataboutism like that was both hilarious and scary! I live in South Africa so luckily don't have that much exposure to FOX News, but man, they really don't even try, do they? And that bit on most important show in America, was extremely sad and funny in equal measures...
  13. Urgh, yes! It has happened twice now that I have gotten home and seen obvious signs of break-in as I stepped through the door (I stay in South Africa, so while it is a rare occurrence it is not unheard of). Both times, I quickly backed out, got in my car, drove a couple of houses down, and called the cops. Never have I decided to "investigate" on my own. Another thing that has been mentioned that I completely agree with, is the way (mostly) women react to being mugged/attacked. Again, it has happened twice that I have been mugged - once whilst standing at a bus stop (phone grabbed out of my hands) and another time as I was walking down the street, somebody stole my handbag from my shoulder. Both times, I just yelled "stop!" once - out of reflex, but didn't scream my head off. Also didn't try to attack the guy or try to get my things back from them... Just went to report it to the police (well the handbag, the phone I just went to my nearest service provider to block the nr and get a new sim and nr) and continued with my life... On TV it would be a whole episode of shenanigans...
  14. I binged this show a couple of weeks ago, and I would love a second season for this exact reason. I never completely bought the "best friends" aspect, as Sam apparently didn't even know Fred's name in that first episode. I believe Sam is a closeted bi/gay man, whom has over compensated his entire life, because of fear of being rejected by society as a whole. None of the characters in that show can be described as stable, but Sam especially seemed to have deep rooted abandonment issues and came across as severely depressed when he allowed his vulnerable side to show...
  15. This is a topic I'm passionate about, and I just can't with anti-vax people! Watch somebody suffer from Measles, Polio or any other preventable disease, and tell me again about the hazards of vaccinations! And the point John mentioned, but I wish he would go a bit further into, is the fact that the time people spend trying to prove a nonexistent link between vaccinations and autism, could and should be spent on trying to find the causes and cure for autism! Priorities people!!!
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