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Everything posted by ToastnBacon

  1. I'm pretty sure that Terry had an idea what his son was in the hospital for because it was an existing medical condition that got worse and not the result of an accident. At least that was the impression I got.
  2. The players who use phrases like "Bayon Strong" annoy me, and the ones who think allegiance to a Survivor tribe should mean anything really annoy me.
  3. The list still looks good for next week. Kass in the spotlight talking trash during the promo.
  4. So do I, but it is from seeing too much Kass this episode.
  5. Fishbach crying and his pitiful ring toss did not win him any points with me. Plus he was rebuffed by each person he tried to convince to vote Joe. He is irrelevant.
  6. You are correct. The Shah left Iran in April and it kicked off a rise in the price of crude oil. Production wasn't interrupted until November when the revolution happened. From what I just read, it was more of a spike in prices in 1979 and not as serious an interruption in supply like the 1973 crisis.
  7. The oil embargo and restrictions on buying gas was 1973 to 1974. In 1979 it was back to normal, so I think Lou waiting to get gas was just because it was a small station and not because of rationing. What bothers me about the gas station scene was the guy at the pumps talking about UFOs. I really hope the UFO stuff is just 1970s window dressing and not part of the plot in any significant way. I'll be really pissed and disappointed if Mork from Ork gets involved in this. There was no other information revealed in that scene, so I'm wondering why it was included.
  8. "Buttering the bread" means making money in slang.I get the impression that the Gerhardt's get a piece of any illegal income stream within their little empire. However, Lou and the Fargo detective were saying they are in distribution, as in drugs. I'm guessing the have their fingers in many pan cakes, waffles, pies, and loaves of buttered monkey bread, don't cha know.
  9. I'm not understanding what makes Peggy tick either. Maybe she is dead inside? I was thinking she might have hatched a plan after she hit Rye, to set Ed up to take the blame. Something he might even volunteer to do if she plays her cards right, but I'm not sure. I get the impression she was looking for a way out of the land of Waffel Huts and Pancake Houses, long before she hit Rye with her car.
  10. I'm wishing I could just binge watch all of season two, right now. I became accustomed to binge watching when I lived overseas and bought DVDs of the Sopranos and Boardwalk Empire. It is a better experience to watch a season over the course of a week or two, instead of a couple of months. I think the old model of releasing TV series needs to change, at least for dramas. I'd like it if a network went a On-Demand release strategy. They'd even be able to charge a premium for it, and advertising wouldn't suffer because they could still embed ads in the shows.
  11. There was a steam roller parked beside the dump truck, so if he is going to get out he'd better be quick about it.
  12. And this really makes me wonder how the trip to the Lifespring seminar will go. Blackmailing her for sex seems obvious, but how will Peggy respond? Peggy doesn't seem very passive to me, and I would not be surprised if the meat grinder is once again used to dispose of a body. On the other hand, the writers could drag out the tension between these two for a long time and have some remarkable twists planned for us. I'm looking forward to next week.
  13. Loved that tribal song In the first scene, sounded like Deep Forest.
  14. No complaints from me on this season so far, I'm digging it.
  15. I wonder if the usage of that song has the meaning of a hacker's Rick-Roll? As in the writers saying to the audience, "I'm screwing with you!" The old man on top of the post in town square could have easily meant, "Who is your imaginary friend?" The use of the Pixies song, "Where is my mind" in three consecutive episodes is another thing to consider giving meaning to, or not. To the poster who said they felt like they are watching Lost, I agree.
  16. Why is Patti speaking like a hick? She didn't used to talk like that. Kevin doesn't seem too concerned with his palm print being on the car. It looked like there were finger prints too, does Kevin think that the crime lab in Austin will blow it off? It seems like the authorities would be eager to pin the girl's disappearance on a person, and not another departure. Great low energy version of "You'd better shape up" from Grease.
  17. I just watched the episode again and remembered this comment and started laughing so hard that I could hardly explain what was funny to my GF. WTF? I can barely imagine what the production meeting was like when that idea was pitched. I'm thinking it was the idea of some new-age beatnik slam poet guy, and for some reason they listened to him.
  18. I've been living in Maryland for a long time. While there are plenty of nice people here, I think we are rude. Especially when it comes to driving.
  19. The number of commercials made it run long. Even watching it on DVR the commercial breaks disrupted the flow.
  20. Most butcher shops have a scrap bin that a dog food company or animal fat rendering company comes by to empty a couple of times a week. He can easily dump the ground Rye in there. I hope he remembers Rye's belt buckle in the fireplace.
  21. Do you know what the music was that they cut to immediately after the narration?I like the episode and I have high hopes for this season. I'm digging Mike's 70s Afro and his banter, but I keep thinking of Lionel from the Jeffersons. I'm not convinced that Mike is this season's equivalent of Lorne Malvo. Mike seems more like he is part of a well defined crew, while Malvo was a free agent of pure evil. The UFO mystery was solved for me tonight. The Mylar balloon that Molly found was creating a reflection of the approaching car's headlights. That's my explanation and I'm sticking with it. A thought on the "War of the Worlds" narration. I'm saying it was symbolic of the Kansas City crew coveting the Gerhardt Empire and their impending invasion. Just as the Martians were undone by local cold and flu viruses, will the KC crew be undone by not being able to cope with something unique to the Upper Midwest? Minnesota nice?
  22. Way too many commercials! I'm watching it off DVR and it is even a pain to fast-forward through them all.
  23. I can understand where you are coming from with that comment, but it made me wonder if you are from that region of the country.Are you? I like that aspect of the show, and I think it was something that the Cohen Brothers had a lot of fun with in the 1996 movie. They played with the idea of a very polite society on one level, that was just as brutal and cold as any other place on the planet. I find that juxtaposition fascinating since I live in a region of the country known for its rudeness.
  24. That was fantastic!I can imagine how stupid she felt when they wanted her to explain aspects of the GR that she couldn't. What an incredible rube she must have felt like, just following all that crap without questioning it. However, the basic things that religions and cults require of people is "be a follower and don't ask too many questions. "
  25. With two episodes in a row featuring the Pixies song, "Where is my mind" I am beginning to think about Jack and Tyler Durden from the movie "Fight Club." Are we being given a hint that most of what we are seeing is playing out in the mind of one character? Probably not, but it is obvious that many of our characters are suffering from psychosis to one degree or another. Our narrators aren't very reliable, that much I'm sure of. Although I don't think that is the case, I do love the idea that all the action is multiple personalities in one sick person's mind. I'd love the series finale to end with a zoom out from a tight shot of green hospital Jello to reveal Glen Scott muttering to himself.
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