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Everything posted by ToastnBacon

  1. I get what you are saying about Ed and Peggy. I don't think it is harsh, it is very accurate analysis of the characters.I love the format of this show too. With new characters each season, it opens a creative level that most shows don't have. The writers aren't constrained by next season. They can tell a better story this way. I think it is a refreshing change from the standard model of a TV series. I also think the shorter season length gives them more freedom with the budget to draw better talent too.
  2. You are right, but she was under duress. Who knows what she said to him. They probably won't runaway together, but I do hope we get to see what happened.
  3. They had directory assistance back in 1979, just like today, you had to pay extra for an unlisted number. Plus, they showed Ed reading a newspaper article about a shootout at the Pearl hotel and the KC mob using it as a HQ. Meh. This show is so interesting that the last thing I would think of is a cheap shot at Reagan.
  4. Maybe, but I liked the theory that Bear is the Fargo gangster from season one who was devouring the fried fish in the Chinese restaurant. The boss of the crew that Lorne Malvo later wiped out. He was a big hulking guy and talked the same way. Can't wait to find out.
  5. I'm wondering if Hanzee killed Dodd and asked for the haircut because he was planning on leaving his life with the Gerhardts. I think so, but here is the kicker. Was he planning on running away with Constance? There isn't much to base that on, but I think he was looking at Constance as if he was smitten with her. He was stroking her hair and gazing at her like he was captivated. Who knows what she told him in her bid to save her life? I'm betting Constance and Hanzee run off to actualize themselves. Oh, I'm pretty sure that was the same cabin from the movie. At least the exterior shots. Can anyone confirm?
  6. Everyone has biases and there is certainly evidence of that in this forum.I'm not sure I would call it a double standard, because there are more than two types of biases floating around. It is more like we each view the world through a lens that has been shaped by our human experience. Perhaps another example is beauty bias? Look at how Joe is treated. He is an alpha male and is mostly adored. I'm willing to say that if he wasn't as pretty, he'd be getting a lot more criticism. Then, there are people out there who will hate Joe just because he is a good looking young guy.
  7. I suppose that a person who hates alpha males will have a hard time seeing my point.
  8. I tried to contrast the difference between Jeremy and Fishbach's crying.Savage getting teary over his wife story would be similar to what Jeremy did. I wouldn't call that kind of tearing up weakness. What Fishbach was crying over was very different and a display of weakness. Fishbach was crying over being out in the rain with diarrhea. He wasn't just teary-eyed, he was braying like a spoiled little donkey. When he was crying about Joe and JT, again, a very big difference than getting teary over talking about a loved one. Fishbach was crying over the game not going his way and the discomfort diarrhea and being in the rain. Since you quoted my earlier post, I assume you read it. You don't see a difference?
  9. In the context of that being said on the TV show Survivor, it is a very obvious exggerated claim.We know it isn't meant to be literal because "a body shutting down" would be descriptive of death. It sounds like the way an inarticulate or overly dramatic person would describe having to spend a rainy night outside while having a bout of diarrhea. Not a pleasant way to spend a night, but it isn't a "shut down" of the body.
  10. My last post on the subject. Crying is not a sign of strength. Let's have the intellectual honesty to admit that much. One can certainly make an argument that there should be no shame about showing a moment of weakness, but crying in response to adversity is a sign of weakness. Going on a nationally televised game show and crying over the weather conditions being too difficult isn't showing that one is resilient and coping with the ordeal. It shows that they are near their breaking point. Call me insensitive, but I don't respect that at all. I put it in the category of being spoiled and ungrateful for having a million dollar second chance. Nor do I respect Fishbach's crying about Joe and JT being the pretty boys he can't compete with. Someone mentioned Jeremy crying. He got emotional over his family and it was was very brief, more teary eyed than anything else. I wouldn't criticize that type of crying. Fishbach was crying over things not going his way, and it being too cold and difficult. We aren't talking about getting watery eyes either. We are talking about him braying like a donkey while speaking sentences. That is weakness, and it is the kind of weakness I do not respect.
  11. I see crying as unacceptable on Survivor. It is a situation that a person knowingly puts themselves into for a chance to win a million dollars. To cry about being cold, wet and hungry is absurd. Especially when that person signed up to be cold, wet and hungry for a chance to play in a million dollar game. Sorry, but crying is a sign of weakness. It is one step away from getting overcome by emotions and quitting. Crying about Joe is even worse. All of this is magnified by Fishbach being a Survivor commentator and self proclaimed expert.
  12. You are right. He probably was off crying his eyes out.
  13. I'm shocked that Fishbach didn't cry in his Ponderosa video. Instead he seemed at ease with what happened.
  14. Fishbach crying again. I can't stand the guy, and I'm thinking there is a good chance of him crying in his Ponderosa video. So glad the Survivor "Know it all" is gone.
  15. Good point. They have demonstrated that they have little concern with law enforcement, even in Minnesota. They have the North Dakota authorities in their pocket, but not in Minnesota. Still, he wasn't concerned about making a bad situation with Charlie much worse until Karl talked some sense into him.
  16. So it looks like they have set up episode eight to be a race to Sioux Falls for both mob crews to retrieve Dodd. I'm guessing they get there at the same time and all hell breaks loose. I don't think it matters if Dodd is alive or dead either. The Gerhardts will race there for revenge, the KC crew will race there to get Dodd even if he is dead. Plus, I wouldn't put it past Ed to bluff, by saying Dodd is still alive.
  17. Bear was the window washer on the left and the Buffalo mob guy was the other window washer. That was definitely one of the KC mob bosses they took out.
  18. I'm doing a rewatch. When they recapped the previous episode, instead of "previously on Fargo" it was "erstwhile on Fargo." Nice touch.
  19. I'm betting that Ed got Dodd to sing like a canary. Ed being able to locate Mike would be very easy once they zapped him with that cattle prod a few more times.
  20. I'm kind of curious what the process is to send cards and gift baskets to people in Purgatory. I'll bet that the "I told you so" gift basket is very popular.
  21. I'm pretty sure she is dead, but good point about the cast. The Gerhardts seem pretty arrogant about being able to operate without regard of the law in Fargo. Maybe he just doesn't care. If he was in Minnesota, I'm thinking that he'd pick the cast up.
  22. I'm not sure if the Undertaker was there to kill Mike. Mike did look very intense as he was getting dressed and there was that song "O Death" playing, but I'm thinking the Undertaker was just there to take charge. The song could have been playing for the Undertaker, not Mike. Would the KC mob really whack Mike because things got out of hand? He was originally sent there as second in command, so it was more a lack of confidence in him to take over and wrap things up. Mike wanted more time to finish the job, so he took it.
  23. Looks like Hank has had the UFO hobby for a long time. That looked like he had recovered their whole alphabet. I'm not sure if it will be connected to the main plot, maybe it will be tangential or connected to Betsy's illness. Is Hank trying to ask the aliens for a cancer cure? They focused on a symbol that had the word child written under it. Other words were: sick, embryo, child, war.
  24. It was also one of the books in the hatch on Lost. For a long time I thought the entire show was just the wish of the passengers as their plane plunged toward the earth.
  25. It had a few similarities to the Sopranos. I wouldn't accuse them of lifting the idea directly, but it isn't the first time a business hotel has been used as purgatory or a weigh station to the afterlife.
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