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Everything posted by SilverLake0315

  1. IS it on Discovery+? My guide is showing a 2-hour 90 Day Fiance on the 28th from 8-10 ET. No listing for SSW.
  2. Personally, I needed a specific reference to his passport being missing. They made a point of focusing on his ID being dropped at the scene so, as it stands, it just felt like a major oversight to me 🤷‍♀️
  3. I could totally accept this explanation... if only it had actually come up on the show.
  4. I'm here, too! 👋 Totally agree about Trey. I was disappointed to see that they were talking again 3 months later. Trey is a pretty awful human being. Last night's episode made me cringe so much. I'm glad Andi stood up for herself at the end, but trying to convince him to be with her again and all of the giggling was tough to watch.
  5. The impression I've been getting the past couple of episodes is that Valerie really favors her.
  6. I had the same thought. Hadn't noticed it before this episode.
  7. Deon and Karen have been posting on IG a bit more lately and they both keep saying "hopefully soon" when asked if the show is coming back. Not sure if that means they've already been filming or if they're hoping for renewal news soon, though.
  8. I've gotten to a point where I detest her. I'm starting to think I may be done with this show. I really liked the first season, but the second isn't holding my interest at all.
  9. This was my guess. My mom (as well as a friend of hers) has decided to embrace the gray and it looks like Jackie's right now.
  10. 😂 I said something similar (out loud, to myself... ha). "I can't imagine what an ego blow is must be for the brothers, especially Drew, to have to stand next to Justin for the better part of 3 weeks." Soooo pretty! 😍 Also, very sweet, but PAINFULLY shy and awkward (met him at a convention a few years ago).
  11. I think Nemo's dad said he was positive he'd end up having to do everything for the dog despite being the only one in the family who didn't want one. That'd be reason enough for me! 😉
  12. So, Larry is saying he outright told Bentley that if he had to choose between his grandson and his son, he'd choose Ryan every time? Wow. You suck, Larry. Have to say, I'd be perfectly ok with removing Ryan and his family from this show. He and his hat can take a long walk off a short pier.
  13. I noticed that, too. That would drive me insane. As long as this show continues, I'll watch... but, boy, there really isn't much going on. I felt awful for Bentley when Maci asked if he thought therapy would help and he whispered "I don't know." 😥
  14. Oh, 100%. It's just that I find myself thinking she isn't a very good actress and I didn't feel that way when she was younger 🤷‍♀️
  15. Every episode, I think to myself "Lecy was so much more natural on the original show." Not sure what happened there.
  16. "Is it men? It's men, isn't it?" Cracked. Me. Up. 😂 I rewatched that exchanged at least half a dozen times!
  17. I discovered him when he was on Arrow and have gotten to meet him in person several times. He is BEYOND delightful! The smiliest, happiest person you'll ever meet 🥰
  18. I love -LOVE- Josh Segarra, so I was really happy to hear he was guest starring. I hope he sticks around for at least a few episodes! I haven't gone back to check, so maybe I just missed it, but how did Tiffany know Jalen's name?
  19. I was wondering the same. Was the last episode that aired listed as the finale? I didn't pay attention.
  20. Have to say, I totally agree. I LOVE Kamie!
  21. I binged this series recently and this season has been the first time I've watched live. Have to say that I agree it's not as good as it used to be. I find myself wishing they'd left it at Beth killing Rio. There are so many storylines they could have mined from that. Bringing him back was a big mistake.
  22. I wondered about Gemini's face, too, but felt bad for focusing on it. To me, it seemed like he was really self-conscious about it.
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