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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. Salem U has the most pristine, cleanest dorm showers I have ever seen.
  2. With Vic and John both pointing out Steve's abandonment of his family, I'm really hoping there's more to it than that. Please let the new writers get creative and dig Steve out of this whole with a reveal about what really kept him away!
  3. Some time in October I believe. Pity. I like this actress. Not impressed w/the screen test I saw of the new one. Did anyone else think that maybe Justin had borrow Dr. Tan's tanner today? He just looked a little tinted to me and it wasn't my screen since Rafe and Roman's skin tone looked normal. Good grief I hope we aren't going to get DA Tan to replace the backburnered Dr. Tan. Hope's house looked like it got a whole Pottery Barn make-over! I liked it though. They can come redecorate for me next ;-) If they are bringing back old sets to go along with the anniversary, I wish they'd dig out Steve (and Bo's before that) dungeon one room hole near Shenanigans just for old time's sake. Where is Steve staying nowadays anyways?
  4. Next week details: http://www.dayscafe.com/weekly-spoilers.html LOL@ JJ's fear...his fears are some viewers desires ;-) Okay, I'm rather thrown off by the killer's face clue in this week's spoilers....http://www.dayscafe.com/spoilers-this-week.html Thoughts everyone?
  5. Yes, it definitely felt that way. Almost as if one set of writers started it and another took over like we often see today although back then I don't think they went through writers like Kleenexes though. I might have been happier if they went a different route. I'm not a fan of the "revealed person." Trying real hard to keep this spoiler free for Danedson till she gets further along. When she does I'll reveal who I thought it was at the time. Of course, I was totally wrong.
  6. I wondered this too. Why is Steve so much more insightful than everyone else in town right now? Does living in Salem so long reduce your functioning brain cells? Is that why John always looks like he's smelling an imagery fart?
  7. Your recaps certainly take me down memory lane and make me quite nostalgic. Plus I died laughing at the future "pillow talk" part. I hope you're not too disappointed about the "Bracelet" reveal when you finally get to it, I know I was. Not to mention the continuity errors I always felt it raised.
  8. I think you are definitely on to something here. If an actor leaves or wants to leave, then their character is trashed, even if it's completely out of character and a slap in the face to long time viewers and fans. Not to mention, it does not make a convincing story. Like right now w/Steve--I should dislike a man who walked out on his family but since it's so clear it was simply bad writing, I'm actually rooting for Steve instead of Kayla on screen each day. Of course, Kayla's characterization has veered off track since MBE stuck around with the last round of clueless writers so sadly I don't find Kayla as likeable as I once did. Her defense of Abigail and inability to properly do her job when Sami came to her with the violation of hospital policy being a big contributor to my reduction in fuzzy feelings for Kayla. Speaking of Abby.... EXACTLY! Sami, Kate, Nicole, etc. have all done bad deeds but they earned a reputation from it in the process and their slate has never been wiped clean like the Horton princess. Not to mention that as someone else pointed out, the others usually had a clear gain in sight for some of their actions as where Abigail's just come off like a girl unhinged. She sees herself as such a do-gooder while being completely oblivious to how utterly abnormal it is to strip off your clothes and pretend you've had sex with your married professor; throw your naked self at the town's engaged mob boss son, and cheat on your current boyfriend with your ex-boyfriend, the brother of your previous affair, also part of the mob. This all goes beyond a college girl gone wild on Spring break persona. Her behaviors are not simply just slutty, they are deranged. She presents an aura that she's so far above everyone else it apparently never crosses her mind that she could (and probably very well should) have been expelled from the university for her actions against Austin as well as be swimming with the fishes for her stint as a mob mistress. (Hell either EJ or Sami or Sami & EJ together could have killed her if we had better writers.) The very fact that Corday insists that half the cast prop her character points to some instability of his own mental state as well.
  9. The plane ride to Stockholm: This was always a great scene--the actors and their banter is hilarious. You just don't get that these days. But it also makes Steve & Kaya's current divorce so silly seeing as how they got along with each other when they were in love. Gotta love how Steve yanks her out of her seat, shakes her, sets her back down, and mocks her. Add in their whole, "Don't tell me what to do/I'm gonna tell you what to do" argument. Aside from Sami & EJ, no other couple in recent times have had this this mix of passion and animosity. I hope MBE & SN can capture it again on this go round. https://youtu.be/Uas806ffNkk On a technology note, Kayla and Hope's trip would make no sense today in the world of cell phones although I was still wondering why Hope couldn't have delivered the Orpheus news over the phone by calling their hotel. LOL He was! He was the most suave, articulate criminal I've ever seen. Wouldn't it be great if he came back and kidnapped the great Doc today.
  10. Amazing recap, Dandesun. Yes the sexual tension and mystery back then was off the charts. You sure don’t get htat today. You’re not totally off the mark with that estimated time of arrival for intercourse. It sure seemed like it. LOL I felt the same way when I watched that nearly 30 years ago! Bo is so lucky that Steve is the only person in Salem these days that gives a rat’s ass about his whereabouts seeing as all the cold showers he probably drove Steve to take back then. Maybe that cold swim wasn't such torture for Steve that night afterall. That’s Shane’s ISA partner Gillian Forester, and there’s a lot more to come with her. Stay tuned.
  11. Oh that stinks. I always adored Jason as Shawn D. Hated the recast last time. I hope Days or the fans convince JC to stay.
  12. I couldn’t help but notice the irony that Steve’s been gone for year, as aptly pointed out by Victor, yet he’s the only one that seems to notice all the things that are off in Salem. By the show’s time frame he’s probably only back two days and yet he’s already suspicious of Bo’s mysterious disappearance as well senses that all with Aiden is not on the up and up. If I was ever going to back a retconn it would be Steve uncovering some mind-altering chemical leak in town that explains the character assassination of so many of the town’s residents courtesy of the last few writing teams. At least it would explain Justin’s out of the blue power hungry behavior, Kayla’s new personality, and the over the top Horton worship/aka Abigail propping. Speaking of Abby…TGIF! She was not on my screen today! Hurray!!! Totally made my weekend not having to look at that pampered little I-look-lousy-whether-my-hair-is-black-or-white princess. Meanwhile, it was good to hear Joey speak today. And he so acted like his dad in the scene with the school administrator. Definitely something Steve would have done. But when did Kayla become such a snob? Kayla comes from a blue collar family and she once ran an ER clinic in the worst section of town, but now public school isn’t good enough for her kid. The writers still need to go back and rewatch the old Kayla stuff. Maybe if they spend the weekend with the youtube clips Dandesun is watching they’ll learn something.
  13. I agree. The silent pouty treatment thing might have been realistic for a teen but it didn't play out well on screen from an acting perspective.
  14. I love Steve but I have never cared for the rest of the Johnson's. That was one family that I wish never came to Salem to find him.
  15. This is so true about Steve and Kayla. I bailed around the beginning of the '90's and never even watched Steve's death because I wanted to remember their good stuff--the scenes you are watching now. The Stockholm Storyline was one of the best the way it highlighted Steve and Kayla's romance and brought together so many key characters for that mystery. You should soon be getting scenes with Orpheus--oh what a hottie villain. Can't wait to read you're retelling of that.
  16. I thought last Friday and this Monday's episodes were really good but after that I've been underwhelmed and losing interest as the week goes on. What the heck is up with Justin? Maggie and Julie remain harpy annoying gossips, and I still can't stomach Abigail on my screen even when she's not out to ruin Sami and EJ's marriage. That girl just grates my nerves. I don't think I will ever get past seeing her as a sanctimonious little tramp. Here's hoping tomorrow's Friday episode picks up.
  17. Not to mention that little blurb in her professional bio that mentions her experience with exorcisms ;-)
  18. Yes, you nailed it. There's no better explanation for the lousy excuse of an explanation they wrote for their divorce. I feel sorry for the actors having to work with it/come back from it.
  19. Like Chad, Clyde seems too obvious, too early on. Plus we already know Clyde is capable of murder. GG said in that one interview that the actor/actress gives an amazing performance in the reveal that wowed the whole cast. I just don't see Ben capable of that. A part of me is partial to Stefano being the big bad. JM is in his 80's and clearly looking to retire soon. It would be a nice nod to his history on the show to be the 50th's big serial killer and go out with a bang of a performance that restores Stefano's truly evil ways.
  20. Dandesun, you are watching some good stuff. Definitely the good old days. Some of my favorite storylines. And I loved the slow burn too. Left you hanging on the edge for them to be intimate. Every time you thought it was going to happen it didn’t for one reason or another. They haven’t shown the Riverfront in years. I think they replaced that set with the new square and park. They should have kept it. Made much more sense for drug deals and murders to go down there, a bad section of town rather than the town park, established to be only 10-15 mins from the town shopping center/food court. Nicknames like that, especially from “bad boys” are very popular today in contemporary romance books. Keep watching. They have a big on the run story the following summer. EDITED TO ADD: I guess NBC never considered airing a "repeat" episode of Days from this time frame either in the hour time slot before or after the current show. I think they'd be surprised how good the ratings would be. But alas, they can air 4 hours of Today, but 2 hours of Days, their only soap left, would probably be asking too much of them.
  21. No, she's too busy being a hypocrite and a cougar, jogging around Murder Park with Lucas. I hope she's last on Steve's reunion list. Never could stand Adrienne.
  22. That was such a loaded conversation. I liked how Steve left out the part where Bo is the one who put his eye out. lol
  23. That's funny because that's typically a pregnant actress trick, but I think we can rule that out with DH. And Theresa even called her out on it yesterday. LOL But I think Adrienne borrowed from her wardrobe for today's show ;-)
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