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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Lizzie is always making weird faces especially with her mouth. I love that she picked up on Michael's douchebaggery right away.
  2. You lied to me. Didn't he lie to me? I know you lied to me. You lied. Am I the only one who thinks he lied? I don't care that you're not attracted to me, I care that you lied! STFU Mishel !! I can't stand the sound of her voice.
  3. "Don't talk about my vagina and don't talk about my mental health". There you have it. Leah has spoken.
  4. Well, judging from the previews it's not looking good.
  5. Olivia is the new Mindy. Brett is the new Zach.
  6. And have those crazy women as friends? It doesn't add up.
  7. Since when is a one nighter considered an affair? We saw on camera drunk off her ass Brandi at Kyles party telling both Denise and Aaron that she wanted a "Thruple" with them which negates her entire story about Denise and how tricked and scared she was and how betrayed she felt. Oops, sorry Brandi, you're busted. You didn't expect the camera's to catch that little convo, did you? Every word out of her mouth is a big fucking lie and I hate Kyle and Teddy hanging on her every word like it's gospel. Disgusting.
  8. The point was that Kyle wanted to be the center of attention with her lame story. All of them sitting there gasping and laughing as if Kyle is such a clever storyteller. Who in hell made this woman Queen shit? She must be in her glory now that LVP is gone. That's when I changed the channel. I record all my shows so I'm sure I'll get to it eventually, just not in the mood tonight.
  9. Love Miles parents, Amani's 2 dads and Karen's beautiful mother. Bennett is adorable and good looking under all that nerdiness. Pretty teeth, great smile, nice jawline and awesome hair (if he would bother with a style). No wonder hairy pits Amelia is smitten. Those bridesmaids. "What is your hygiene like"? WTF? There must be more to Henry than meets the eye. There has to be when he has those cray cray drunken bitches for friends. I don't get why Olivia and her friends keep saying how gorgeous Brett is. Not seeing it at all. Curious to see how this show is going to remain interesting when they are in quarantine. Talk about getting on each other's nerves.....
  10. Yes, they did buy a house last season. An old home in a great neighborhood. Josh was going to practically gut the place costing several more millions in renovations. Bobby was not happy about it, he wanted a newer home. Josh got his way. We haven't gotten any updates on the show about how that's progressing. It would be very interesting to see.
  11. Really. Would have liked to see how John handled that or if he cared enough to ask her questions. So you got pregnant at 15? WTF Beth? You wanted an abortion? Why didn't you come to me? Maybe we could have kept the baby.... who was the baby daddy? Yes, we were robbed of all of that if John even had any reaction except to hate Jamie even more than he already does. If John was so upset about Beth not being able to give him a grandchild then he should be equally pissed at her for wanting an abortion.
  12. I agree it's a totally different situation when a grandchild is involved. Mama and Papa Areola made that monster and now that monster is having a baby. It's very sad. I have faith that Areola will not be able to cope in Ethiopia once mama leaves and she will be back in the good ole' USA eventually. Then the parents can continue to enable her and have the grandchild close by to make sure the baby is being taken care of.
  13. I think Jihoon's mom is the reason Jihoon is the way he is. She wears the pants in that family and is not doing a very good job of it. Dad Jihoon seems reasonable and nice and I bet Mom Jihoon shuts him down every chance she gets. Melayza was not happy to see Cheesesticks weight gain. Pair that with his infidelity and he is dunzo. No going to go well for him. 27 yr. old Armando has more sense than 57 yr. old Kenneth. I want to continually slap Kenneth every time he opens his whiny mouth. Yes, Kenneth, there are still homophobic assholes in this world that would like to kick your ass or do much worse to you if they see you and your honey blatantly displaying your PDA in public. Check yourself and give Armando a break before you blow this relationship sky high. You're not living in Disneyworld any more. I can not take Deavon's sad sack face anymore. Go home, girl. Try to get that supposed fantastic job back that you left. Get on some birth control and stop blaming Jihoon for everything. You picked him. You had sex with him the first night you met him without any protection. Now live with your mistake and move on.
  14. Reza and Adam sitting there holding hands like two lovebirds there to have each others backs showing the world what a truly perfect couple they are despite naked Jenga, porn texts, dick pics, lies, cheating, deceit, etc... Why was Tommy not sitting beside MJ supporting his wife? Where was TOMMY??
  15. Here I go again defending Deb. What is happening to me? Anyway, I feel that everything she has said so far about Coltee and Jess' relationship is right on. Why the rush? Why do you have to get married right away? Why talk of kids, you hardly know each other? I don't see anything wrong with these questions. She sees that her son is a big fekkin' moron and she's questioning why he would want to jump right back in to the same mess he was in with Larissa. Only he can't see it. Because again, moron. Jess clearly wants something from Colt. A green card. She's been pushing for it since the beginning of showing us their meet up in Chicago. She is a loud, pushy, overbearing, snotty, spoiled little bitch. Colt better watch it closely with this one because I have a feeling she's going to make him her baby daddy real soon. If Colt really wanted to he could move out and get a place of his own just a few miles away and check in on his mom daily with phone calls or a visit or what ever. Deb will get used to it. I think the reason he stays is financial on both of their parts. Also, Deb cooks and cleans for him so he's not going anywhere anytime soon.
  16. Pauls wife is just as dirty and lazy as Paul. I agree they certainly need curtains, though.
  17. I continue to love Father Andreii. He was sitting at the dinner table looking so defeated as his in-laws, Libby and even his other son are talking about how useless Andreii is. I just want to hug him.
  18. Yes and it's annoying AF. Jess is from Brazil, the native language for both of them is Portuguese yet Jess doesn't put 'ee' on the end of any of her words when speaking english.
  19. Holy Shit! MJ is off the chain with her drama, screaming and getting up and disappearing, over talking everybody. FIRE her! I was surprised Reza was as subdued as he was. Must have taken some Xanax before the reunion. I can't stand the guy but was impressed at his somewhat level composure while MJ was railing on him nonstop. That's not typical of him. Andy asked Mike to stay and be the moderator between Reza and MJ, then Mike sits there not being able to get a word in the entire time. Andy really lost control of this reunion. Shame on you Andy, you DID NOT do your job. If I were the other cast members I would be pissed off. They were asked to get up and leave and were never able to come back. They should all agree not to come back or at least not to film with MJ. ICE her out, see how she likes that. Icing on the cake, after putting us all through that, they have their sweet little phone call. They still love each other, let's fix this, you are my go to person if I ever need any help, blah blah blah. I could not believe MJ said if she was in jail she would spend her last quarter on calling Reza before her husband, mother or anybody else in her life. Whoa!!! Tommy must be furious at that revelation.
  20. I have to beg to differ on that. Ramona was self made for sure. She had that business selling leftover fashion to places like Marshall's and TJ Max for a long time, it was a very successful business. She married in to money with Mario. She did very well in the divorce, keeping the Hamptons house and the Manhattan apartment. When she sold the Manhattan apt I would imagine she made a big profit on it since she owned it for so long. I wouldn't doubt if she profited several million on that sale. She also makes a boatload of money for appearing on this shit show. Ramona has plenty of money. Definitely more than LuAnn, Dorinda and obviously Sonja.
  21. Yet, he keeps that awful, bulbous, clown like nose that practically reaches down to his lip. I don't get it. The nose should have been first on his list, leave the rest of his face alone. I'm sure Dr. Nassif could help him out in that department.
  22. Awww poor Seb. he just wants a sweet, pretty woman that genuinely loves him and to live happily ever after with and he will treat her like a queen in return. Instead he gets the mess that is Lizzie. He's going to have his hands full with her and not in a good way. She's a mess. I did not see her season, only the flashbacks. She is skin and bones now which is alarming. Nothing wrong with wanting to lose a little bit of weight but looks like she took it to extremes. Is everything in her life done to extreme? Including going too far with the blow up lips?
  23. Lol, that's my point! I have grown them out strictly because fashion dictates but think I looked much better when I had them!
  24. Plus Sonja was only in her early 30's when she married him so I agree with you, it's still Ewwwww.... and not good looking even then.
  25. He is adorable. And tall. And is very, very wealthy which is all these bitches really care about. Maybe he's not classically handsome but so what he's better looking than any of these women have been married to except Ramona. Mario was quite handsome but a cheating jerk. Remember Jill's husband Bobby (RIP)? Or Sonja's old money bags Morgan? Leah's baby daddy? Dorinda's Richard or Dorinda's John? Nope, none of them good looking so they can all stfu about that!
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