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Everything posted by Isthisok

  1. He was going to be a filmmaker at one point. That is, when he wasn’t busy running the Carly Foundation...
  2. Did she just call David “Lurch”? WHICH ONE OF YOU IS DATING COURTLAND?
  3. Another week, another episode of this trash that I can’t stop watching because I am what’s wrong with America. Maci: I just do not believe nobody knew Ryan was a walking Intervention episode. I just don’t. I also wonder how he ended up on heroin. It’s been mentioned that he had some car wrecks he refused medical treatment for, and we thought maybe he had some kind of untreated TBI because of his bugeyed stupor all the time. If he started with opiates, I guess I just never noticed the symptoms. Mr Isthisok has had multiple back surgeries, and had an opiate abuse problem a few years back. He looked like last season Ryan, nodding off and slurring, and that was just from OxyContin. I never saw him get that weird bugeyed manic look Ryan had in previous seasons, but I guess opiates can have different side effects for different people. My husband went to treatment, and was subsequently diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. That medication probably helped him kick it for good, because it sort of eased that crazy depression and the neurotransmitter fluctuations you have when in recovery. I wish Ryan had gotten real help. Three weeks with no outpatient plan is not a good way to get off heroin, especially not if he was using 10k of any opiate per week. That’s insane. He has never seemed to have any drive or passion. He married some psychotic golddigger while high out of his mind, and now he’s a stepdad when he didn’t even want to be a weekend warrior dad to Bentley. This won’t end well. I don’t like Maci, but I’d be forcing drug tests too, although I’m not sure how they plan to make that a formal requirement in this bullshit custody agreement they wrote on a McDonald’s napkin. Mack is too thirsty to make enough pee to pass the tests for him, but I wouldn’t trust any result that didn’t come through an official lab. I expect Ryan will go off the deep-end when Mack has her second season trap baby. Farrah: I guess she leases out a whole strip mall. You can get some yogurt, some toddler THOT clothes, and a mirror to put over your bed all in one shopping trip! I can’t criticize her hustle. She’s the only one actually making money. I don’t care if she’s turning tricks for some sheik in Saudia Arabia, it’s just nice to see someone not exploiting their terrible fucking life choices as their only means of income. Deb is... unwell. I think she married the wrong kind of doctor. She’s turning into a melted candle in a Halloween wig. Jesus take the wheel. Cate and her roommate Tyler: Y’all both so worthless. Really Ty? You didn’t investigate dedicated servers? Did you build this shit on Wix? Your website crashed because you were too popular? WUT. Who told them that they were so popular that they thought the website had been hacked? Seriously, I want this person’s name so I can flame their LinkedIn profile and have them blackballed from the IT world. Who gon hack you, boo? The Russians? YOU WEREN’T LAUNCHED AND HAD NO INFO TO HACK. YOU SELL A COUPLE FRINGE TANK TOPS FOR TODDLERS TO SOME REDNECKS IN ARKANSAS WHO PROBABLY HAVE CREDIT SCORES LOWER THAN CATE’S WEIGHT. This is just a Jenelle-level delusion. I was aghast. And fuck them and their Carly visit. Brandon and Teresa are crazy for not shutting that down, especially after these bumblefucks had fans showing up to their church and Brandon’s place of employment. What’s the status of the Carly Foundation? Amber: So Amber was at MBC for a week, and met this new dude with his very impressive verified twitter account, and knew AFTER A WEEK THAT I ASSUME CONSISTED OF VERY LITTLE ONE-ON-ONE CONTACT that he was destined to be her next baby daddy. Jesus God, Amber. And she’s quit her bipolar meds, so this should end well. Can all her dogs go live on Gary’s farm? Then I won’t care what happens to her and new Matt.
  4. Smoking is catching up to her skin via those wrinkles around her mouth. Being thin might have been ideal in the holler when Possum Princess was 15, but being thin and smoking is going to look really awful reallllly soon.
  5. Farrah: First off, I don’t think the rubber butthole empire can bankroll a Beverly Hills home. There’s a reason you were looking at a cottage... no need to act like you’re suddenly into downsizing and living a shabby chic life in a 2-roomer with your horse and Mowgli. There’s no shame in living within your means, despite what every other loser on this show believes. Also, that realtor you just met offered to raise your child if you die. Why can’t you interact with anybody normal? It’s like she’s subscribed to an Angie’s List for vendors with mood disorders. I would watch a spin-off about Debz OG and her Jigsaw face morphing into a Toddlers & Tiaras contestant. Get that bitch a flipper too! How did the wedding of her dreams to this doctor go from Fiji to an aquarium? Maci: In a Sophie’s Choice between Maci and Mackenzie, I’d send them both to the gas line. Poor Bentley. And poor Jen, who seems sober and cognizant enough to know Ryan is a fuck-up. It has to be hard keeping the peace so you can see your grandchild, especially now that the addict son has married a shit-stirring golddigger. On some level, I even feel sorry for Ryan. I think he was drug-addled his entire relationship with Mackenzie and is probably having a lot of regrets. He just doesn’t seem to be someone that wants to operate within the parameters of a normal adult relationship. I think he Swiss-cheesed his brain and is permanently a 19-year-old loser. But I am living for the thought that loveable drunk Grandpa might spill some tea on St Maci of Budlight. Christmas coming early, y’all! Amber: I was sexually aroused by the look on Matt’s face when he was thrown out. What’s the timeline here? Was he in Vegas during this “vacation” he returned from? Just trying to figure out when he moved to Vegas and shacked up with the Outback waitress. Was this before or after he had his drug relapse? He acted so offended by her weight loss comment, but this had to have been shortly after the relapse, so no need to be so indignant. I also noticed all the holes they punched in the walls of that rental they pretended to buy. How did the Mamber mobile end up back in Indiana for sale? I have a lot of questions about this white trash saga. Caitlin and Tyler: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING YOUR WHOLE SEGMENT WAS A CROCKPOT OF HOT ASS MESS QUIT HAVING KIDS QUIT BUYING ANIMALS YOU ARE BOTH SUICIDAL AND SELF-MEDICATING YOU HAVE NO JOBS AND YOU ARE SUPPORTING YOURSELVES ON THE INCOME OF TWO PAGES WORTH OF RAGGEDY ASS HOME-EC BABY CLOTHES JESUS GOD.
  6. The only thing that will sink this garbage ship is the talent pulling out (and clearly these girls aren’t familiar with the concept), or something so tragic that it gets widespread coverage beyond those of us who currently watch. A kid drowning, one of these texting dolts mowing someone down, an overdose, some egregious scandal. Our current level of trashiness (domestic violence, child neglect, and drug abuse) is acceptable. When someone dies, MTV will wring their hands and act like we never noticed all these blazing red flags. Hard to claim probable deniability when your checks are injecting silicone into these heifers and subsidizing their lifestyles.
  7. 1. Farrah... I almost can’t dislike you. Sure, you seem unstable and narcissistic, but your rubber buttholes are providing a stable lifestyle for Mowgli that will continue long after the series ends. An end that will probably be brought about by a fatal car crash caused by — 2. Maci... girl. I don’t know how much Z-listers get paid to hawk Proactiv, but it’s gotta be more than you’re making selling those stupid shirts that mean nothing. They’re like American Apparel sweatshop rags with either A) a stupid pleather pocket or B) a stupid fucking logo of your stupid fucking company name. They look like the laziest free promotional merchandise to ever be shot out of a shirt cannon. You need to work on your skin, turn your goddamn Bluetooth on ($100 says she doesn’t use it in the car because Snapchat doesn’t function with Bluetooth enabled, and St Maci ain’t giving up no Snapchat vids), and think about your future. Speaking of futures — 3. Cate and her platonic roommate Tyler... you bought a horse? That you’re paying to board somewhere so you can visit it and play with it’s hair? Even though you were able to do that for way less money? And you have no barn? You don’t even have a fence? But you bought a goat to keep the horse company at your fenceless barnless house? For two aspiring filmmakers/social workers/fashion designers/peer counselors/charity founders, they sure are window-licking dumb. YOU. CAN. NOT. AFFORD. YOUR. LIFESTYLE. This show will not survive Jenelle or Amber’s current relationship. Unless Cate can get herself a reserved episode of My 600lb Life, this gravy train is about to disappear faster than a line of coke around Butch. I think they make me the angriest, because they’re professional martyrs/victims. It’s sad to be the most shiftless person in this wayward group of misfit cumdumpsters, but Cate takes the cake. She takes it and she eats it. 4. Then there’s Amber. Bipolar/Borderline-but-healing-it-with-a-bandaid-baby Amber. I guess this baby daddy is an upgrade from Matt, because while he may be a stalker, at least he’s not a stalker with child support garnishments all over the country. It’s a low bar. But honestly, if Amber showed up with a guy like Cole, I’d immediately assume he was deranged too. Normal and/or upstanding citizens don’t date Ambers or Jenelles. They are beyond the Captain Save-a-Ho complex. These girls can’t be saved by anything short of psychiatric medication, and Amber has no interest in her own self-preservation. And fuck Dr Drew’s wife for accompanying her to the psychic podcast. WTF was that. If I asked my mamaw to predict the future of someone on a show called Teen Mom, I think she’d rattle off something about a toxic relationship that was heading for marriage and another baby, too. 5. Secondary Bullshit Characters Thirsty for a Check... I’m giving a hard sideeye to Ryan using 10k a week. Of what? Even opiates on the street don’t cost that. If he was doing 10k of painkillers a week, he’d never leave his recliner, but Mac didn’t know? Everybody on this forum has known for years something was wrong with his goddamn eyeballs, hell we thought he was concussed and brain damaged from a car wreck or a cat-killing spree gone awry. We had theories but you were seeing him everyday and thought it was peachy? Not the brightest bulb in the tanning bed
  8. I love that they aired this the week after she threatened to quit because of the "bad editing". At least we got some good old Kiefffffah!
  9. I can see it now... David will start a landscaping company, and Jenelle will do the bookkeeping, right? They'll make their dollars stretch by buying used and saving the difference and eating tatertot casserole a la the Duggars? They'll stop having kids and go on one reasonable vacation a year? She'll switch to generic heroin?
  10. Being Keiffah is a thing that MTV owes us after all this misery.
  11. I'm a fellow VEDSer. No Chiari, just POTS. I did get stuck with a Loey-Dietz related mutation in addition to the COL3A1, lucky me! I've only had a ruptured stomach (ruptured in my chest cavity, because it moved through a hernia) and collapsed lungs. The medical neglect and general disregard for motherhood on this show pisses me off beyond belief.
  12. That poor bridesmaid who woke up from her Jager-haze only to realize she banged Nathan from Teen Mom. Her telling the producer "What a Catch" after Nathan tells her how much time he's facing for being a wife-beater.... lololololololol. Get that Plan B, girl. Get that Plan B.
  13. http://idly.craveonline.com/2015/11/josh-duggar-created-llc-sold-house/#/slide/1 My bad, THIS is the article that had it wrong, but they linked to the correct article. Sometimes I read stuff on here and then when we see it in articles days or weeks or months later, it feels like Groundhogs Day. Duggar Deja Vous.
  14. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3330441/Josh-Duggar-s-dream-home-sold-mystery-investment-company-tied-longtime-member-family-s-inner-circle-two-days-porn-star-accused-violent-paid-sex-sessions.html Two days before that lawsuit? Is that right? Didn't we know about this forever ago?
  15. Once again, the misadventures of Josh's wandering penis stole their thumper thunder. She named that baby Spurgeon for nothing!
  16. I say they'll settle and claim that it was to protect the poor children and his precious family from these hurtful lies.
  17. If they fight it, they'd probably win BUT Josh would have to go on record about this stuff, right?
  18. Sounds like Dysautonomia. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome specifically. It is related to VS, sometimes they're used interchangeably. Unfortunately for Leah, these are all things that have testing. See if you can get a tilt-table test. Can't fake those, Possum Princess! Since the new baby's initials are RMS, I shall call her Titanic.
  19. They taste like melted cheap Popsicles. They don't have real flavors. I haven't had one since I was 8 or so. Our neighbor's always had them, my mom didn't buy them. I didn't even taste Mountain Dew until I was in high school. I wonder what uppers Possum Princess' girlses will be taking by then? Rhoda will be mainlining Four Loko.
  20. Takeaway from Part One: Nathan, in addition to being a steroid enthusiast, is an upstanding Christian man. What. WHAT. Even Josh Duggar is like, "Bitch, you tried it." Jenelle is saving lives. The only way Jenelle could possibly save a life would be to surrender her driver's license. That remark about Barb's job was so disgusting. What has Jenelle kept for 12 years, other than an active rap sheet? She is utter TRASH. She and Nathan deserve each other. Keep drinking those whey protein bottles, Roll, and hitchhike to Grandma's as soon as your fat little legs will carry you.
  21. You can't just go yelling "Cheetos!" in a crowd of Messers. Last time that happened, a whole holler done got wiped out.
  22. I guess it's too much to hope it's Tila Tequila or Farrah Abraham? She DOES write christian parenting books!
  23. And there's another porn star! http://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/josh-duggar-cheated-with-another-porn-star-72171
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