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Everything posted by MrsRopersCaftan

  1. Skin Tight commercial: “There’s no way to hide this” (rubs loose skin on arms while wearing a TANK TOP). If only someone would invent sleeves. It’d be a miracle.
  2. Oh, shoot. I forgot to put my guess in for her weight. I’m going 702. Those legs have to weigh a lot.
  3. Holy crap! I don’t order that much food for five people!
  4. I think the more technical term is vocal fry. I was over her voice about eighteen seconds into her first monotone voiceover.
  5. “I can’t eat spaghetti without sugar.” WHAAAAAA???
  6. Oh boy. The obligatory shopping trip, where everybody stares at her because she’s fat, and not because there’s a tv crew following her. Which, of course, makes her want to eat more. Glad to see they’re sticking to the M600PL formula.
  7. We taking guesses on her weight? I’m thinking definitely over 700.
  8. Hey y’all! I’m so late this week (stupid work) but I can see this episode is a real doozy. 14 pound weight gain in a few days...girlfriend ate about 20 of those party sized tater slop, er, uh, tater tot casseroles. But at least she was honest? I dunno...I’m not feeling Dr. Now’s kudos for her backsliding.
  9. Dr. Now: “Okay, Renee, are you ready for surgery?” Renee: “Yeah, hurdy flurcy goo gerr.” Why are they not closed captioning her???
  10. Shout out to the person whose job it is to blur out the cooters and taints on this show. They’re the real heroes.
  11. Seriously, what is Renee on? She’s so gorked out she’s barely functioning.
  12. I’m falling into a coma listening to these two.
  13. No, but that mattress makes your ass look HUGE.* *shout out to James K.
  14. How dare you not give her credit for her lotion bottle calisthenics?
  15. MALNOURISHED FROM HER DIETING??? I cannot. I am done.
  16. I love Dr. Now’s nurse’s “I am so over this shit” attitude. Can you just imagine the stories she could tell? Her RBF is FANTASTIC.
  17. She also said she “inijured” herself earlier. It’s one of the few things she said that I actually understood. Everything else is just mumbling and screaming “ow mah layg!”
  18. Parenting win: my son has created an account on this forum and we’re doing the family bonding thing by snarking on My 600-Pound Life together. I’ve never been prouder of my offspring. ?
  19. Off topic, but what the EFF did Kody Brown do to his hair? That man bun thing makes him look even douchier than usual. I’m horrified.
  20. Are we taking bets on how much she’s gonna gain over the next two months? He wants her to lose sixty pounds. My bet is that she’ll gain 42 pounds.
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