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Everything posted by DasFlavorPup

  1. I really, REALLY would have liked to have seen one of those obnoxious twins go home, and was even briefly hoping for a double aufing of those two. But, to be honest, between his dress this week and that puckery gold monstrosity last week, as lovely as Sentell seems he was not going to last much longer.
  2. Blacklist Michael fucking Rapaport, or at least give his civilian partners some tasers and/or pepper spray for the next time he starts flailing and screaming when things start going to hell for him. Also, start getting not just celebrities who can play the game worth a damn, but also contestants who can as well. Casting based on personality instead of actual game ability has NEVER worked for any game show that I can recall. Speaking of the contestants, is it just me or are the male contestants in general just much better than the female ones this season? The only two I can recall who made it to the top of the Pyramid so far was the one with Aaron Rodgers and the one with Apolo Ohno, and meanwhile two or three male contesants have swept the Winner's Circle both times for the max of $150K.
  3. Not all that concerned about spoiling who goes home via the promos for next week, I see. Also, based on her previous red carpet appearances, I'm not sure Olivia Munn's endorsement of an "I would wear that" is a good thing, re: Brandon's dress.
  4. Seriously. I have been watching the Pyramid in nearly all it's forms since the 80s (fuck off, Donny Osmond). In all that time, I never saw an episode where I thought the celebrity was deliberately tanking a round. Until now, with Usher smirking his way to a pathetic 1 out of 7 after perfect scores in the first two categories. "Fortunately", I stuck around for the second round and... he's just a colossal fucking moron. Von Miller was only marginally better, and if what Miller said at the beginning of the episode about watching older episodes on YouTube to prepare, and THIS is how good he was as a result, then I shudder to think how bad he'd have been if he hadn't prepared. Without a doubt the worst episode this version's produced so far. The second round was a little better although it was clear early on that the male contestant was totally outmatched by the female contestant. Shame she kept freezing up both times she was in the Winner's Circle or she might have won the second attempt - the first was just painful.
  5. Debi Mazar - how she can be so good at the most difficult type of category in the front game (proper names) and so UTTERLY incompetent every other time just boggled my mind. As to the second game, decent enough celebrity gameplay and I have to give props to Jessie Palmer for clearly grasping what the Mystery 7 category was right off the bat and making the winning of the trip a breeze for the contestant, but holy shit was he giving off some serious douche fumes. Didn't care for the male contestant in that game either - I got the sense he reeked of Axe body spray.
  6. Kind of a disappointing night in the Winners Circle. RuPaul was as delightful as I thought he was going to be, and David Arquette was as terrible as I thought he was going to be. In fact, with the exception of RuPaul, the rest of the celebs were like a category from the Winners Circle for me, i.e.: "Rachel Ray, Curtis Stone, David Arquette" "... Things you kick. People who annoy you. People you want to punch. People you want to see shot into the sun"
  7. She shouldn't have felt bad about screwing up rice - wheat and whole wheat are TERRIBLE clues for kinds of rice, and that's totally on the contestant for not getting that category (on the same note, from an episode earlier this season, electricity IS NOT AN INVENTION. DUH). If there was someone who should have felt bad, it was Ryan, who despite being a great player, singlehandedly tanked his partners chances in the first round by flubbing "liposuction".
  8. Cam Newton was decent in the main game (although I wanted to set fire to that stupid hat he was wearing), but holy cow was he awful in the winners circle - those were ridiculously easy topics and it took him forever to get some of them. He was so bad at "Parts of a shirt" and "What guacamole would say" that I wanted to reach through my TV and smack him. It was a pity, because I liked both civilian contestants in that game and it was a shame that neither of them won. Brandon Marshall - he seemed nice, which is about the only positive thing I can say about him. Oh, and at least he helped win the Mystery 7 - still, hope he never gets invited back. As to the second game, Eric Decker biffed that first round so badly that I actually felt a teeny bit bad for the contestant, who really did not make a good first impression with me. Preemptively declaring you're obnoxious doesn't make it ok to be obnoxious, although it turned out she wasn't as bad as I thought she was going to be. Apolo Ohno was definitely one of the best celebrities they've had this season and I wouldn't mind seeing him on the show again.
  9. Wow, Erin Andrews is annoying and terrible. "Things that make you laugh" - the female contestant giving Erin Andrews a titty twister for biffing that last category. The male contestant wasn't that great either, but the poor guy just cracked like an egg when paired with her and her blank stares - that was a painful second round to watch. After that miserable 4-out-of-7 in the beginning, I thought Aaron Rodgers was going to be terrible, but he was pretty damn good. I wonder what happened in that second bonus round - that was some weird editing right before Aaron Rodgers got the last subject. Normally they don't cut away like that before the timer runs out.
  10. For that "So Emotional" lipsync I'd loved it if instead of rose petals, Sasha would've just gone full-on-I'm-not-going-to-be-IGNORED Alex Forrester and pulled out a fake knife and mimicked stabbing someone and cutting herself, just really go for it. I don't have a problem with the outcome - all four of these queens are perfectly acceptable to me. That being said, I do think Peppermint was the better of the two in the final lip sync (just seemed like Sasha wasn't syncing very well at all near the end), but oh well.
  11. The editing this episode made all the queens look exceptionally strong, so it's not a surprise that Ru decided to keep them all this week, not that I'm complaining at all. I'd certainly have been hard-pressed to pick a bottom two, much less a queen to sashay away. That being said, if I'd had to choose, I think I would have to use the runway looks to decide because of how well they all did, and I'm afraid I'd put Peppermint on the bottom for her runway look - it wasn't hideous, but it looked just a few steps above a high-school drama club costume, especially with the visible hoop outline at the bottom, which was driving me nuts. I also really hated that tit-window on Shea's outfit - that just looked WEIRD. Trinity? Fucking SLAYED with that dress. Easily one of the top 3 looks this season.
  12. I don't think Alexis is a sucky person, but holy crap does she need to get over herself. If she wanted to pass off her Village People look as high fashion, maybe she should have made a bodice that didn't have her upper torso drooping over the top of it like an over-filled brioche tin.
  13. Valentina, luyva, but fuck off. Absolutely no excusing that.
  14. So many of these guys don't even look real. They look like someone Photoshopped various facial parts of random online dating profiles together to make Franken-bachelors (especially Bryce).
  15. I just saw this on Entertainment Tonight's website and thought it was funny. There's a news article here. The full title is: "Kim Kardashian Breaks Down in Tears When Kanye West's Friend Calls About His Hospitalization on 'KUWTK'" Now, ET's website has a section at the bottom of their pages in the lower right called "WE RECOMMEND" that links to other stories on their site. This is one of the stories there. Unfortunately, the title is so long it got truncated. The shortened title now reads: "Kim Kardashian Breaks Down in Tears When Kanye West's Friend Calls About His Hos" I saw that and thought "You know, I honestly can't say that I blame her."
  16. Interesting lip-sync. It started off looking like Aja was going to walk away with it, but it seemed at some point near the middle Nina really started to get into the song, and Aja seemed to realize it (and Nina's makeup looked AMAZING in profile which didn't help). Aja's cartwheel was just awkward and she was clearly not keeping up the lip syncing by the end. Other queens should have gone before her, but not sorry to see her go. That bit where she was pitching a hissy about her role, and Peppermint calling her on her shit and just steamrolling her when she tried to walk it back was the high point of the episode.
  17. I love Kathy Bates to pieces, but Joan Blondell needed to be a bigger role in this whole story, or just not be in it at all. Right now it feels like Ryan Murphy is just giving Bates a part to check off a list of go-to actresses he always uses (Lange, Paulsen, Bates, etc.) - I'm kind of not seeing much of a point to Blondell unless she and De Havilland throw down in the finale.
  18. Well, if the contestants aren't getting any smarter about proper use of the U-Turn (always try to use it on a team in last to maximize your cushion and DON'T use it out of spite), at the least the producers are getting smarter and putting them early enough in the leg that it's not an automatic death sentence for one of the teams getting it. Really good episode - a front-running team went home, unfortunately one of the ones I liked, although I'm shocked Becca and Floyd recovered from losing their passports. I know that's happened a few times in the past, but I haven't seen recent seasons and I've never seen a team recover from that.
  19. Speaking of "Strait-Jacket", here's a brief scene, which I REALLY hope was ad-libbed just for what Joan does at the end - the "VWOOP" sound never fails to make me laugh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jX2CfU9iD0A
  20. I'm fine with every one of the top three queens this week, mostly because none of their sidekicks are going to give me freakin' nightmares for the next month, unlike EVERY other queen. Kimora took losing well, probably because you could see her giving up halfway through the lip sync and resigning herself to sashaying away. A totally deserved sashay at the right time... early. She stunk.
  21. Actually, there was a movie out already back in 2004, but it's up in full (for now) on YouTube - called "The Mystery of Natalie Wood".
  22. Up until now, every episode of Feud I've walked away from feeling a mixture of pity, sadness, and contempt for Joan Crawford. After this one? I just wanted to kick her in the tits. I loved the bit at the end where Joan was prompted to take a photo with the other winners, and we pan to said other winners all staring at her with clear "Bitch, please" looks on their faces. And that whole sequence where Joan led David Lean backstage and back to the main stage without missing a beat was fascinating to watch. After that, the one scene that stood out to me was the phone conversation with Geraldine Page. I watched it, thinking I was seeing Joan Crawford clearly, blantantly, ruthlessly, manipulate and scare poor Geraldine Page into staying home for the Oscars, and thinking that I always thought Geraldine Page was a tougher lady than that. Then she hangs up the phone, turns to Rip Torn, and makes it very clear that she knew the whole time what was going on. Loved it.
  23. When this show started mostly casting teams that were young attractive people, it sometimes was hard to keep them straight and as a result frequently hard to find them compelling or rootable in the first few episodes, especially during the all-dating season. Now that it's still heavy on the young attractive people, now randomly mixed, with no hook/pre-existing relationship, I'm worried that I'm going to have an even harder time finding most of these teams collectively rootable or memorable, which does not bode well for my future enjoyment of the season. Some of these teams are mismatched to an extent that it's uncomfortable to watch (Vanck and Ashton in particular). One thing that DOES bode well for this season is that so far, the most compatible and likeable teams are the ones doing the best, with one exception (SHUT UP, BROOKE), and one of my least favorite teams was eliminated (although points to Jenn for being gracious to the 10th place team). As for the content of the episode, there really isn't much to say. First 10 minutes devoted to a boring, simple task to set up the gimmick for the season, and then 10 minutes before we get to the only team task of the episode, and then halfway in we've got teams heading to the Pit Stop and a clear separation of two groups of teams based on flight issues, with teams suddenly being shown arriving at the Pit Stop with no sense of how close they are to each other, which really kills any tension or urgency. Given the fact that they actually had to close the Detour at the end, I'm guessing these teams are pretty spaced out now. I'll give it a shot because the teams I like are doing well, but the legs need to be WAY better designed than this one or this season's going to be a slog. P.S. - was I the only person who initially read the team handle "SandSExpress" as "Sand Sexpress", like they were a pair of horny beach bums?
  24. I'm surprised the episode where Halley's Comet annihilated everyone except Kraus and Benson (turned out to be just a dream, of course) didn't rate a question on the quiz. I kept waiting for that one to pop up!
  25. I was almost getting just as frustrated with the dark-haired guy in the couple that bought that house. Like, I half-expected to read in the after-show notes that he sneaked Sandra back onto the property out of misguided pity, given how he kept boo-hooing over her, and how easily she was able to keep him distracted with helping her earlier in the episode..
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