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Everything posted by JudyObscure

  1. No Julie, your problem is not that everyone is jealous of you because you "take care of yourself." What does that even mean? You floss? I'm sure you think your investment in implants and duck lips has bought you a prize we all envy, but most women don't consider an oversized, hate filled, bigot who threatens to punch women the ideal man. You've show your own colors that you chose him and stayed with him for three years. As for "playing alone," people go on this show every year with no loved one to hold their hand, and some last 39 days. I remember your little speech in the beginning about wanting to prove that you're more than your looks, what happened there? I think the reason that little pile of trail mix meant so much is that they all brought bits of food back, pooled it for everyone and ate it together. If she took part in that and didn't contribute her own stuff then that's just wrong. Not that anyone needed Reed's mean-girl remarks to get it. Josh can do better, pretty eyes or not. I think Jaclyn can do better, too. I hope we get to see Survivor's first broken engagement. ETA; I stand corrected, that was Alec not Reed saying he was 'Only saying what everyone was thinking." Sorry, Reed.
  2. Another point on the rice verses tarp debate is that being in shape for the challenges depends on many things other than how much food they just ate. A night spent sitting up in cold rain burns far more calories than a night spent sleeping under a tarp, and the sleep deprivation alone would make me much more mentally fatigued than not having anything for breakfast. As for Missy. It's not just that she helped pig out on her tribe's rice, it's that she appears to control how much is cooked, in spite of what others say. If she cooked a lot on the old tribe it's hard to blame her tribe for eating it, since it can't keep after it has been cooked.
  3. All of you make this show so much more interesting to me. I want to go back and watch again for the wall-paper and the Marge Simpson lips. Humble Pi I hadn't heard that there might be more seasons! If that's the case I would like to start all over from Helen's point of view. I don't want her to have an affair of her own, because I like to think she's far above her self-centered husband. Rather, I would like to see her gradual suspicion and the moment when she catches on, maybe even sets a trap for Noah. Wouldn't it be interesting to see her follow them on the ferry or hide in the dress shop?
  4. I'm still intrigued but my dislike for Noah keeps growing. I can understand Alison having an affair for the same reason she cuts herself, to distract herself from the pain. Noah, on the other hand, just seems like he's feeding his own ego. I hate the way he wants to have an affair while constantly reassuring himself that he's still a good person. He reminds me of all the cheaters' clichés of fifty years ago -- " I never do this sort of thing! She is so sexy! She kept coming on to me! It's bigger than both of us! What are we doing?" When he stopped in the middle of the hotel room and said, "We barely know each other," I really wanted Alison to call his bluff and say, yeah you're right, bye. The only thing new is that all this coyness is usually the woman's role. Finally, if we we're going to have all these high def close ups of kissing, they should have cast an actor with an upper lip that moved. It's like watching a Muppet kiss.
  5. I read the book and loved it, too, 17Wheatthins. (One 160 calorie serving, that I ate while watching this, heh!) I didn't see how the series could compare, but it was wonderful! I've always been a huge fan of McDormand's and this should be up there with "Fargo," for her. This may also prove that literary novels can make good film, they don't all have to be fantasy or murder mysteries.
  6. It being Halloween, I kept thinking that horrible house was haunted by the Ghost of Marital Discord. I thought that was the ugliest thing I'd ever seen. I wouldn't have cleaned it either, it didn't deserve to be cleaned.
  7. We're always hearing that psychopaths have no conscience, but I don't think I've ever seen it made so obvious as in Remy. His, I'm just a naughty little boy, giggle over having an affair and the insane cluelessness of saying, "I had the perfect life, a wife, a girlfriend, children -- why would I want my wife to go missing?" Then to go online after she was found dead and complain about her bad housekeeping? I kept saying, "Remy, can you hear yourself?" I can only guess it was propinquity in Eileen's case. Her marriage was unhappy and Remy was with her every day during their hours of training. Still the only think I can think of less attractive than Remy, with his girly laugh, pugly face and shrill anger, would be Remy sweaty. Shudder.
  8. I'm with meep.meep. I think they make too much of the food on Survivor. As someone who has been on total water fasts for three to five days at a time, I sort of think that eating decent size servings of rice, rather than tiny half cup servings is the way to go, even if it results in a few days of starvation before the merge or before the end. Calories are burned twenty four hours a day and it's not as though you start at zero each morning. If you ate well early in the week you'll still have some stores to burn later on. I know that a tiny high carb serving of rice would spike my blood sugar and make me much hungrier than nothing at all. The appetite quiets during total fasts.
  9. Yes, Jeff said something like, "One machete, one pot, just what you started the game with."
  10. Now, I realize I did see those lines and stupidly thought it was just a bit of rippling. TV might be showing us plenty of sex and violence these days, but I should have known we're still not ready for cellulite.
  11. Did Alison go to the hospital where she once worked, the place that upsets her terribly because of all the sick children, pretend to ask for her old job back, steal a key and unlawfully enter a controlled area -- all for some antibiotic spray and band aids she could get at the grocery store? Or. Was the job interview sincere until she got so upset seeing the sick little boy that she had to go cut herself? In which case, I would still have expected her to get the spray and band aids at a drugstore. I don't know.
  12. You know, I actually loved her in that, too. It was around the time of, "The Bleckley Circle," that she started seeming smug to me and, of course, she plays someone who is smarter than almost everyone in that so maybe it's part of the role. She just isn't my idea of Elizabeth and the ages seem out of whack. The actress in 37. This is supposed to be 7 years after P&P. When that novel began Giorgiana was fifteen and Elizabeth twenty. Georgiana and Lydia still seem very young, as they should be, but to me Elizabeth seems much older than they are. Lydia was 15 in the novel which is why I expected her to have changed. Almost no one acts the same as they did when they were 15 after they've grown-up and married.
  13. I spent the first fifteen minutes messing with my pic-shape, thinking it must be stuck on zoom, until I realized the actors' faces cut in half was a directorial choice. Then, when I finally managed to get a good look at the Darcys, all I could think was that they certainly hadn't aged well. I've never understood the British casting directors' love for Anna Maxwell Martin. Her looks, her lisp and her slightly smug attitude, all put me off. Lydia was almost unbelievably silly. I would have expected a little bit of growth or change there. I was really most interested in the woman in the woods. but I guess she'll be off hissing at someone else now.
  14. Young pretty woman rooming with old, lonely man. Of course, he's going to fall in love with her. Most of them wouldn't turn violent but it would be awkward at best. Such a shame, she made it home from the war and then this happened. One thing I'm learning, from this one and other ones, like the young woman, a few weeks ago, who was attacked while hiking with her dog -- women don't have much chance against a man's strength. This was a combat trained, young woman against a skinny, old man and the hiker was trained in martial arts.
  15. I once asked one that question and she smiled modestly and said, "it helps." Every one I've seen has been strikingly good looking.
  16. Probably wouldn't have felt the relationship was as out of balance if Penny had been more successful as an actress. I guess I always saw Penny's assets as her beauty and her artistic creativity while Leonard's were his brains and his kind personality. I'm not sure exactly what skills it takes to make a great pharm-rep but it seems out of character for the Penny I've known and changes what I thought of as their relationship dynamic -- but of course that's all subject to change and I guess it has.
  17. My guess is that he wanted to have Casino Chick while still keeping his reputation as the nicest guy in Carrollton. It must have been hard for such a cold hearted man to faithfully attend church and charity functions all those years just to win the admiration of everyone in town. He wouldn't have wanted all that effort to go to waste, a divorce from Nancy would have tarnished his halo a little bit.
  18. Allison has mentioned her anger toward her husband so many times, I was guessing that she blamed him for Gabriel's death. Maybe he was watching the child while Allison was at work, but her mother-in-law thinks if she had been on the spot it wouldn't have happened?
  19. The big pharmaceutical companies lead the Fortune 500 because they don't mind making huge profits off the backs of sick people, so for me, Penny's new job doesn't represent such a big step forward or a reason to give up alcohol. But then, I never did see anything shameful in being a waitress/actress. There's nothing emasculating about a woman making more money, but selling his gift and giving him the money was just plain bad manners and if she takes Bernadette's example and starts doling out stars and allowances then I would hate that. One spouse, controlling and dominating the other one seems wrong to me no matter what gender is doing it.
  20. I agree with Italian Ice about Penny. The relationship was always Penny -- hot looking and light hearted, and Leonard --smart and successful. Penny as a serious career woman just leaves Leonard in an inferior position. It's out of balance now.
  21. From Druzy's link: What sort of divorce settlement is this? Frank must have spent well over a million for those two houses in California for his mistress. His boss says he stole 1.7 million from him. He's still writing checks to his grown, married daughters -- but all Nancy gets after 30 years of marriage is $800,000 and $200 a month alimony! I would have thought that after party number one tries to kill party number two in a divorce, party number two would get all the money and property they held! The very idea that he has Nancy on a shoe string and the ability to control his stupid children -- from prison, just burns me.
  22. Aw, sorry about the Andrea kitty. I found a newspaper article from the day of the verdict and it said, "Her three children all spoke for the defense." So for those of us hoping the son stuck by Nancy, guess not. How sad.
  23. John and his daughters are creepy in a whole different way. The girls are still proud and giggly about their "Leave it to Beaver," family even after it seems Ward put a hit out on June. And John Franklin really thought we would all say, "Awwww," when he told how he and his mistress "found each other" in the casino. Right Frank, very romantic, you two must be soul mates. I guess they're all working on a new family that will be just like, "The Brady Bunch." After all, no one asked exactly what happened to Mr. Brady's first wife. Something's very wrong when the strung out Hee-haw gang expressed more sympathy for Nancy than her daughters did.
  24. Ruth Wilson had that upper lip way back in, "Jane Eyre." It's not really a puffed up lip so much as a lip thrust forward by a really bad over bite. I like her and Maura, though, which is why I'm watching my first Showtime offering ever. I usually don't watch cable made movies because I find excessive sex, both uncomfortable and boring, so I'm hoping it will settle down in future episodes now that we get it that Noah's sex life is frequently interrupted and when it does get going, his wife isn't as intense as he would like. Allison's sex life is frequent enough, but tinged with the anger she has toward her husband. I'm sure we'll have an opportunity to see how marvelous the affair sex is but I hope we don't have to have to be reminded of it three times per episode like we did in "Mildred Pierce." Complaints aside, I love the two points of view, and I'm already impressed that the cheaters are not portrayed as romantic soul mates tied to unbelievably horrible spouses. I may have some sympathy for Allison if she is trying to escape a deep depression, but if an irritating father-in-law he has to tolerate once a year and unruly kids he should have raised better are Noah's only excuses, they aren't even close to enough.
  25. Plus they often add, "I was whipped all the time when I was little and look at me! Ummm-hmmm. So, yeah, I hate it that while I don't think Josh should of called Keith a hick, he's kind of acting like one.
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