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Everything posted by jodo

  1. Me thinks Harry knows exactly what he is doing by baiting JLO and she takes it every time because she loves the camera on her....I absolutely have grown to HATE JLO this season, loved her before but no more.
  2. Well said peggy06! I am VERY VERY tired of watching those 2 in the camera, I want to watch ALL of the singer and NONE of the judge and bang on Harry is the only one who gets it. Enough already with them pushing Jena and Caleb but especially Jena...Caleb watching anyone else get praise looked painful for him and he was so not into it sitting on the couch. And didn't Randy love kudos coming his way but so undeserved. And wow the Emmy goes to JLO for best drama with Jena, standing O, kisses, runnning up on stage...blech....they have utterly convinced this girl she is the cat's ass. Poor poor Jess, bless her heart for being able to come out and nail her 3rd song after being completely set aside by the judges which I felt was way way over the top. They clearly want her gone and Alex. Last season for me on this contrived show.
  3. OMG Will clearly loves going to speech therapy and loves his therapist. He tries so hard and saying I want cookie in a sentence was so appropriate! I wish she had told us more about why Will chops off the first few letters of words (or any kid for that matter) as Bill referred to and we have heard many times. He is such a smart boy and deserves to be treated that way when he starts school (or any other time). I am glad he gets homework and it appeared to be speaking in sentences like he had done in therapy. I do think the homework was distracting with Zoey there doing it too. It is great they use the same tools with her but I don't think she is behind and Will deserves their full attention. Will was either distracted because of that and/or he was just tired of doing it and needed a break. Will may also work better with Bill's patient manner rather than Jen's level of intensity which comes across in her voice. Poor Zoey or any little person who has trouble having blood taken. I did not know that about their veins. They never really said what the purpose of the blood being drawn was or did I miss it? Are they checking for her type of dwarfism with these tests? Zoey is a finger sucker!!! She self soothes with them and has from the get go. I guess Bill and Jen didn't believe in using soothers/pacifiers instead of thumbs or fingers or they have never said anything about that. I do notice Will is not sucking his thumb as much if at all at least that was shown...YAY WILL!! I'm a big boy!! It was nice they checked out parks for the disabled and was hard to believe there was one that was not accessible by foot from the parking lot realistically! It does bring to mind though how they could have built an area in their own yard for this purpose when they were building their dream home and knew they would eventually have 2 children with dwarfism. Going to a park is great too but it necessitates both parents being available and a car ride. How many times did we hear "careful" at the park?!? It is supposed to be safe for kids with disabilities, LET THEM PLAY! And yes Will doesn't seem to like to share nor did I think Bill's response was teaching him anything...he just avoided a Will meltdown if he stepped in to get Will to share. Instead he took the easy route and told Will no big deal it will be there when you are done or something. He allowed Will to go and take it back so Will learns that is how it is done? Will should know better coming from an orphanage I would think.
  4. So Randy Jackson was just on The View and said he thinks it will be down to a Caleb/Jena finish. YUCK!! Hope not!
  5. Well said Joystickenvy!!!! DITTO DITTO DITTO!
  6. Will was 3.5 months old when he arrived at New Day and weighed 6.4lbs as per: http://www.newdaycreations.com/foster/children/josiah10.htm It is hard to believe his eating issues would have happened so early in his life as he never looked thin throughout the almost 3 years he was with New Day in the photos. I think Will just happens to be a kid who LOVES food and is becoming addicted to the North American style of eating. They will have to be very careful with not only what he eats but how much to help him with his weight and more importantly his apnea. He had his adenoids and tonsils removed but he still sleeps with a CPAP as we see them packing it for trips so it has not helped him enough to be taken off the machine. So the next thing is his weight. I sure hope they can figure out how to satisfy him without just giving him what he wants. They are paying the piper now for rewarding him with certain types of food. Would Will have really known the difference between an egg and toast versus a huge hamburger or sliders and fries/onion rings with ketchup? Bill and Jen could eat better too and be role models for the kids and I am sure the extra weight Bill is carrying is not helping his back. If Will was hoarding or hiding food for later then I would buy he was deprived of food at some point but he is not. He also seems to eat until he is full which is good. At least that time at the dinner table when he was feeding the dogs he seemed like he was full because now he wanted to play and act up with Jen and her scolding face while he acted out with dropping chicken for the dogs. That meal he had eaten some chicken and broccoli and of course all of his rice (as expected, that is a diet staple in China) Jen kept asking him if he was done too and he wasn't asking for cake or dessert after that meal so I guess they started cake later as according to Jen Will was used to getting cake after a meal.
  7. True kids tend to drag things along when they get an eager audience like the balloon bopping over and over and Jen and Zoey clanging their tea cups about a dozen times CHEERS!! We get it.... I guess Will saw hitting on a tv show maybe?
  8. Agree Ohwell and said it before, would love to see Jessica made over and fresh is the right word....the hair looks better style wise lately but the red is harsh and her eye makeup is distracting it is so severe....I think she is very pretty and has a great smile! I guess the red stripe is her trademark for now at least.
  9. I wish we could have seen more of the kids at Will's birthday party and heard and seen less of Bill and Jen planning it and I guess Bill gets no credit in helping with the plans or Judy with her years of experience planning kids parties. Not sure if Jen didn't refer to cancer during voiceovers but Bill did I am pretty sure because I thought when will we have heard the last of cancer for a while! Enough already!! I am not sure I would agree it is ok to "hit" someone no matter what the perceived intention behind it might be. Jen's words to Will "it is not ok to hit."
  10. I too thought Sam was very relieved it was over!!! I am sure he has better things waiting for him and he looked so much more natural but after all the posts last show about his teeth and bite he sure needs to address something there or about his jaw line...my jaw stiffens up as he appears clenched all the time. Glad he can go home to his doggie!! So now we are down to the 2 J'girls and 2 extreme opposite males, wow. I guess a lot depends on how old the voting audience is....are they looking for another so called "pop" star like Jena, a country rock like Jessica, a rock star who looks like a rock star want to be (he is just too baby looking to cut it for me) or another Jason type in Alex. JLO back to the thunderthigh look with that dress that at least didn't reveal all of them but enough not to be flattering and what is up with those vampire eyes?! An absolutely horrible look and she kept looking down so you could get a good look, yikes! I just love Harry and he made a nice speech at the beginning to the contestants, not sure why, but it was sweet. I can imagine he is a very sweet father but definitely sets boundaries for them. Loved Keith's performance and yes the contestants could pick up a thing or two about how to handle performing with a guitar and when to focus on that or you and make them 2 separate parts of your body yet they are blended if that makes sense. Randy Randy Randy....exactly what are you offering or giving anyone on this show...some of his comments are outright laughable and I have nothing to quote right now because I really don't care.
  11. I sure have noticed! I think I have commented before about Will going back not forward in his development in his speech and his behavior. I can understand a setback for a brief time but to me that brief time occurred when they brought Zoey home and allowed no filming/cameras/visitors other than family and had family bonding time alone. We have seen a few shows now and Will hasn't picked up where he left off to me, he still seems very baby-like and don't get me wrong I NEVER WANT WILL TO GROW UP! I want him to stay just like he is! Zoey speaks better than he does. Next week's show might give us more insight as part of it is about his speech development. However it is way past discipline time on the development clock for the betterment of the children who will have others to deal with other than Bill and Jen who look the other way and Judy and Dave who bow to the parents wishes on how they raise the kids and rightly so.
  12. I agree with the editing too of putting words into the kid's mouths now that I watch back this episode and a couple of others recently. I often put closed captioning on to catch what the kids are saying because it really isn't audible a lot of times or the words are not understandeable because of Will's limited vocabulary....his words are usually Baba, eat, yeah, cake, hum (for home), MO, mine come to mind. However in this episode his back is to the camera when he is saying the letters first of all and we obviously can't see his face or mouth and yet we hear loudly him saying the letters. I know we have seen him do letters before but doesn't always get them right when they look alike like H and R in Happy (Birthday). They inserted UH OH about Jen going shopping, that was really obvious and it irks me that Bill went on and on about it like it really happened, a blatant lie! He twittered about it, it was all over their FB page and all the fans bought it!?! And have also noticed when something has been dubbed in as if the kid's have really said it that Jen/Bill repeat it over and over....and often the kids have something like a spoon/fingers in their mouth already making it impossible to speak, grunt yes, speak no! The show is becoming more contrived and I wish of the "20-22 minutes of their lives" we are seeing it could be the truth and nothing but the truth and I feel viewers are being led down a garden path. Jen and Bill HAVE to receive lots of help! Yes it was certainly obvious who those kids ran towards to be picked up and taken to the car, it wasn't Bill and Jen, they can't physically do it nor will they ever be able to. They are very lucky to have Judy and Dave there and those kids love them! We didn't see any meltdowns because they were edited out in my opinion.
  13. or "The Little Idol!" no explanation needed....LOL
  14. YES YES YES let's have LESS LESS LESS of Bill and Jen is my vote please!!
  15. Yes that cake was a letdown for me as well...didn't do much for Hannah's advertising. Judy's birthday cake for Will's 3rd birthday looked amazing and delicious inside too, at least they said in that episode she had made it. I wondered why the zoo didn't have their party room partially decorated to save hauling so much to and from. Hope Zoey gets a zoo theme so we can see them all again! Well it was nice to see Jen relax somewhat at the party after being so bossy at the table including drawing out the plan of how the 6 tables should look just in case Judy and Kate weren't quite sure how to do it. In fact Jen got so relaxed she forgot about the daughter she had who got lost in the crowd of bigger kids and Bill had to call out to Jen not once but twice to look after Zoey. Why wasn't she paying attention and what was wrong with Bill that he couldn't get her? Bill, bless his heart, always trying to make Jen look the best....then Jen comforts Zoey....he needs to watch the show, pretty sure that was Judy's knee Zoey was laying her head on while Judy stroked her....all you could see was Jen's arm on her back...and I thought Jen might drop Zoey carrying her out of the crowd and what on earth was she doing carrying a purse??? She was seated, Bill got her attention finally and she goes to get Zoey WITH her purse? Did she think she had to pay someone on the way or couldn't trust anyone there with it....like Judy who she was sitting beside? Yes and I wondered why Kate wasn't around being proactive too. I replayed Will reading the letters and had closed captioning on and the first H he said was R and yes they showed his back for the first few letters then his face and when he got one right I was so happy for him. He is still very babyish in his speech, one word comes out and if it is two one is shortened or the beginning consonant is missing. I just love the way he says caKKe almost with the emphasis on the K, so cute...I just can't wait to hear him talk and hear a sentence! I loved Will feeding the giraffes and Jen is right about that, he is a caring person and shows it to others and loves to see everyone EAT and she says he equates that with happiness. Not sure how she knows that because I am pretty sure Will can't tell her that. We know Will is happy when he eats. Loved the little train but it seemed awkward and Zoey looked a little squished and I also wondered why Bill asked Will to hold her hand other than to show off the caring of MY SON...as Bill thumps chest. They both should be very thankful for getting Will and such a caring and loving child so eager to please. I had to laugh when Will was eating his cake and Bill kept saying smile....Will goes super cheesy and shuts it down in a second when he knows the pic has been taken. And it would have been nice to see more of the kids playing together and interacting. Our birthday cake tradition was serve your guests first then you have your piece and the piece the birthday person got was always the one with the coin wrapped up in wax paper inside the center. I didn't see Will's caring if anyone else got a piece! But sharing is next week's epi!
  16. well they "carved" or rather hacked that puny turkey to death aaaaaannnnnnnddddddd all acted like they had TONS of food to eat aaaaaaannnnnnnnddddd had a real feast....aaaaaaaannnnnnndddddd maybe did they use small paper plates to make it look like more food? aaaaaaaannnnnnddddd there were lots of instant potatoes......but seriously the portions were toddler size! I notice Michelle has a new hairdo in the intro. Her hair is straighter and not so mullety, looks better, getting there...not quite but getting better...she is going TLC Hollywood!
  17. Well regardless of how many miles separate the families I'll bet Bill's family aren't there...they have not been referred to nor any reasons given in voiceovers about them by Bill....we have also seen little of Jen's parents but they are certainly in the promos for the party. Jen is talking like a drill sergeant at the table preparing her mother and someone else about what is needed..magnifying glasses etc etc....Jen looks like a complete stressed out mess and in the promo so does Bill! When he announces gather round for the alligator....wow, get that guy a beer! This party does not look like fun...Will is a typical kid with a zero attention span....TLC's mark is all over this one I am afraid and if it continues I won't be watching. The kids there don't even know Will nor he them. just saw the promo again and Bill has sunglasses on sitting on the couch while Jen holds court at the dining room table....Bill needs a backbone...
  18. This is going to be a much different Will than his last birthday if the meltdowns about cake recently and in the promos are any indication! Fasten your seat belts and in the words of Jen at the tea party...LET'S GO CRAZY!! LOL
  19. That is true, she isn't always clear with what she means...."I wish we had more walls" over to Bill "um we have four...." I hope she is clearer saving lives.....
  20. That episode of Bill and Will preparing those cupcakes was my all time fave one, I rewatch it regularly and love Will's grin and he looks super cute with his hair parted on the side, like a little man! Well if Jen says she isn't big enough to bake a cake then why did she make that statement "Mama didn't make cake today"....or she must have meant BUY not make...LOL
  21. True we know the production crew is there to help them. I am sure that is who helped Jen get Will up and out of the garage area near the cars that time...we never did see or hear how she resolved that one. And I am damned sure the production crew made the sandwich/fruit tray! Because here is what they could have done to make it more special is have Jen and Zoey prepare the sandwiches together with cookie cutters, that would have been cute especially watching Zoey eat as she goes like Will did with the cupcake making!
  22. That's exactly it!!! It's like when the dentist wants to check your bite and they ask you to put your teeth together. I couldn't figure out what it was. Ok going to hell too!
  23. I agree re the fireplace fiasco. Bill shouldn't have let her near it in the first place. She is prone to falling just because she is a toddler of 2 with poor balance but her torso is bigger than her legs like Will I think.
  24. I don't find Sam that cute, I think his shyness was refreshing in the beginning but got old quick! The way he smiles drives me nuts and I want to whiten those teeth, why are they so yellow at his age! I digress......his singing is good when I don't look at him.
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