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Everything posted by jodo

  1. Will kept crying/whining Baba, Baba, Baba...Jen repeated it back as "you want Baba"... and in the hospital Will said "Baba Mama eat" while pointing to his mouth over and over again repeating it until Jen said "you want to eat?" A few minutes later he says "I want eat" and maybe there was a to in there that closed captioning missed....it is just going to make him so much cuter if possible when he starts to talk!!! I am not sure why they don't take advantage of how smart he is and they keep telling us he is such a good listener so ask him to repeat a simple phrase back BEFORE he gets his food? Instead of allowing him to say eat ask him to say "Can I eat?" This kid has not even learned to say please and thank you!!!
  2. Thanks, missed that and thank God!!! I always lower the volume substantially when Jen is cackling or I suspect one is coming! LOL Bill didn't seem to struggle slowing it down to turn the wheel to go the other way and I was corrected on the fact the ice cream was another day. At least Will recognized the solution: STOP
  3. And I forgot to add how utterly thoughtless it was of Bill to spin the tea cup as fast as possible then mention seeing Will's face start to change THEN spin it the opposite way KNOWING Will gets motion sick easily example 3x on the first plane ride to India and in this episode it followed a humungous amount of ice cream. Jen's shotgun laugh while commenting on how Will is turning green? And "no more Baba" is not a sentence. But Will saying more than one word is a huge advancement instead of waving his hand from side to side indicating no as he usually does.
  4. Jen is super super competitive and I don't agree this was a joke!
  5. These weeks are painful....who really cares who goes home let alone who wins? We have very little to choose from. I am not sure who to blame, the judges for narrowing it down to these choices? The new producers/format for choosing lame themes, no idea just not feeling it. I will watch to the end but could care less who goes this week or next, they can all go. BUT the one who really needs TO GO IS JLO! She is not dressing as great as she usually does and doesn't seem to know it is about aging gracefully, she can still look very hot but not in those short skirts/shorts/pants, her butt is just too big. Her booing Harry yet again is just classless, trying to win America wow and no apology ever....she changed this season into someone I no longer like as a person let alone whose opinion I value.
  6. LOL LOL LOL hilarious post all4mom! echoing my sentiments perfectly!! Burned rubber...still laughing out loud! Ok wiping tears from my eyes...forging on...I guess if it weren't for Will's severe sleep apnea things might have been delayed there and of course his speech indicating there were hearing problems. Zoey seems perfectly normal doesn't she! She walks she talks she hears everything and must not have apnea. She just looks like a tiny girl so am guessing the need for her tests/check up is back burner. Jen was the priority though wasn't it. I am sure Bill could have managed to take Zoey alone for those tests so have to assume she is in a good place. That medical exam she had in Texas was overrated for sure as to it's importance, no bloodwork done, and zero need for Jen to go, all hyped up for nothing other than for Jen to tell everyone "I snuck away from my inpatient chemo!" LOL Do you think the nurse might have a clue as she was being filmed as part of the show! Oh Jen you are so transparent and full of yourself makes me cringe. Thank God you got those 2 kids as I couldn't watch otherwise. I love Bill but I want to see his BALLS! LOL
  7. Wow how "educational" to watch the kids be allowed to grab things and just toss them onto the floor with no repercussions like every place was their playroom and all we hear from Jen is "Will, Zoey no no..." in that soprano voice while Bill leaning on the stroller looking like he just took a pile of valium looks on with a smirk saying to the camera "my wife...blah blah blah but bless her heart I love her" so ignore the behavior if we think TLC might be paying for it so oh well then! This is what Will and Zoey do in stores ALL the time...let's go back to Will at the bookstore: Bill "he went rogue" And then in the store on Baba day Will melts down and throws his body on the floor and peeks around to see if that will work to get the truck (that belonged to a customer) and it likely usually works with Bill and Jen although in the show that got aired they showed Bill carrying Will away from the situation like he didn't get his way HOWEVER Will did get the truck! On the TLC site there is additional footage of Will playing with it. I am tired of reading "well they are new to parenting and are learning"....aren't all parents new to it? In this episode more than any other Jen was definitely "working the cancer!"....don't get near me, I just finished chemo, don't shake my hand my immune system is low (but I am so nice I can't help it..LOL), brian cramp joke telling the audience I had cancer? Does this medical audience live under a friggin' rock and have no access to the medical news of Jen having cancer and being a little person figuring out her dosage etc etc, was this not a kind of first in the medical community?? Ya think! All this after travelling on a hermetically sealed plane full of germs, travelling in cabs and let's not talk about public hotel rooms and restaurants. And Jen looks terrible after all that chemo, I know not her fault nor am I saying that but she is so self absorbed I am surprised she doesn't take a look at herself and think wow, wonder what I could should do to look healthier now? Um follow doctor's orders and rest, avoid places where you might pick up illness because you are really rundown and hell get some collagen injections and follow Will and Zoey's advice and EAT and take a chill pill. She seems unable to relax where Bill is the opposite and can't seem to get excited! LOL That nervous shotgun laugh of hers drives me bananas and Bill's worship of her makes me gag. She is the one who should be worshipping him for his going above and beyond. And of course they have help behind the scenes, these little people are NOT doing all this on their own and the people who are yelling discrimination go suck an egg! This show is educating us about how difficult/impossible it is for little people to live in houses that are not customized to their size. Good point made about the tea party coming up, did Jen make all those little sandwiches/cakes we see in the previews? Guess we will save that for the next show thread! Bill and especially Jen cannot safely handle or contain their kids...period! Neither parent is able to outrun either child easily if at all and the kids are not even remotely obeying their parents when asked to stop. When Zoey was back inside and used rubber legs Jen continued to almost take her arm out of her socket holding her up asking her to stand, why? She was safe so use some common sense and shut the door like Bill did and let her go like Bill asked her to, he just said "Jen leave her, she is ok, let her lay there!" Jen is not a natural parent, she wants everything to be too perfect, perfect clothes, perfect shoes but she has 2 kids that are not perfect, they are kids and they are new parents that know nothing as parents just like the rest of us. They need to learn how to say no, that is in the best interest of the kids. I think once Jen establishes herself with Will as his mom (not just another caregiver) he will respect her more. When he waves his hand after her angrily because she took the remote away or took a tub/brush away or his beep beep after he hit her (Bill thought that was funny...). We have known that Will has zero respect for Jen since he decided Jen could take a flying hike when he wanted to go into the garage at the dog show. The day they were bonding and painting and Will took off from her she had to chase him down and really work at getting that beep beep away from him...he digs his heels in and gets that Will mad look on his face and says "MO!" to Jen...he is now physically her size and after chemo she is even weaker while Will gets bigger. Will is the pack leader and Zoey follows whatever Will does and says. It is time for Bill and Jen to start parenting and that means more than providing shelter and food and endless endless kisses. Will has learned to almost take someone's head off rushing to give a kiss like with Jen in the hospital when they got cupcakes to when she asked Will to kiss Zoey (for like the thousandth time) for the Xmas photos because Will knows food will follow! LOL Pay attention it's true. Jen is trying so friggin hard to be fun isn't she though? Putting her arms in the air and waving ME ME ME....talk about asking a redundant question of kids..."who wants cake?".....too funny and I wonder if when Jen is at a restaurant and the server asks "who would like a glass of water?" does she madly wave her hands in the air shrieking "ME ME ME!" Teach the kids some manners because they already have the kid's stuff down!
  8. Spot on rant glowlights!!!! Loved every word! Jessica stepping in front of Malaya and grinning ear to ear while Malaya is crying her eyes out was creepy...like when the judges give her feedback and she grins and grins instead of at least the occasional nod like she actually gets it. I do feel like HCJ has checked out on the performances...he still tries to give them some kind of feedback but nothing like he was doing before which was not sitting well with participants/JLO booing him/audience etc...did the producers ask him to be nicer or has he decided it is an uphill battle and not worth getting his shorts in a knot so let's have some fun instead...
  9. LOL so true, HCJ and Keith both getting more and more into hellraising sure sidelined JLO. Maybe that is the only way they can get as much camera time as she seems to get! I thought Jessica was hilarious when she sat in Keith's chair and said well I think the performance was awesome! Not sure how I will feel if Caleb apologizes for his old lady remark...speaking as an old lady....who needs yet another apology. And it is true the judges are not consistent in their approach to the contestants with feedback. I would LOVE to see David Cook as a judge or permanent mentor.
  10. I do sometimes wonder if they insert words the kids have said before as sometimes they seem louder than the rest of the segment and if they don't know what the kids are going to say then how do they know to turn that part louder..it jumps out at you sometimes. I guess we can't escape that this is still tv and some drama is inserted like the time when Zoey was getting her first check up since arriving and they made it seem like the oncologist was chasing Jen down to get her back in bed or some such crap.
  11. so true, that girl sitting on Harry's shoulders was a bit over the top...awkward....
  12. David Cook was FANTASTIC! What a great mentor. I had to laugh when the artists would perform at practice and David rather charged up to them with feedback and Randy was basically running on his heels like a little puppy "dawg" right behind him like he had something to add/say and then stood there looking down, hilarious and spot on...Randy has to go and is a waste. Alex's version of the song and his voice almost made me tear up, I connected with that one. Caleb's comments especially about old women....WOW. He is a snarky arrogant brat, haven't liked him from the beginning, if he wins I am done with AI for good. I had to keep turning the volume down during his singing. He makes me not care. Poor Sam being thrown into that pack of girls! He has a great voice but I honestly can't look at him. Malaya is squeaky in spots and someone described her moves as hip hoppish I think which best describes them and what she was wearing last night emphasized that too. Love her parents! Where was CJ's girlfriend last night? She wasn't shown crying or singing the words along with him? Maybe she left early because he should be right behind her, sweet guy but not an AI. Yes what was Harry on last night??! He took over the show and some of it was cute and needed but some was a bit over the top...he and Keith singing was great fun...JLO not sure what to do and her being alone was funny. I am thinking JLO gets 5second single camera shots on her a couple of times per contestant performance. She also looks constantly at the monitors to know when she is on and can give the extra sultry look and she seems to know when the camera will pan to her during a performance and she "acts" the judge even more. Jena's "I am Jena" personality can go anytime, she too has been spoiled and I find it hard to connect with her. Dexter?? Kidding right, who thought he could come from sawdust on the floor bars (which I love!) to the AI stage and not be a train wreck? Jessica has a great voice but is sorely lacking physicality for some reason. She can't move on stage any better than she can walk. She seems to have a physical limitation of some kind? Can't remember any of the others, what does that say..
  13. I was watching The Duggars before this episode last night and Mackynzie (Anna/Josh's daughter) is 4 years old, same age as Will. I was astounded at the differences between these 2 kids of the same age, Will is very far behind in his development. Mackynzie is speaking sentences and forming thoughts. Because the shows were back to back it was a total wow.
  14. I too don't think Jen has any intention of allowing her career to take a back seat. Her oncologist telling her how contraindicated it is to do anything within 2 weeks of finishing chemo but why listen to her, what does she know or was this for added drama and for the "wow go Jen go fans"....LOL I understand a ceremony but this was the one to end all ceremonies! I didn't hear what Will said at the end but would have LOL if he said that, will have to play it again then delete that episode, not worth keeping as there was so little of the kids on it.
  15. Glad Jen got to ring the bell although it became a "ceremony" I guess more so because the cameras were there....her oncologist was finally like "ring the friggin' bell already!" They showed very little of the kids which was disappointing and Will would have kissed anything to get that cake!!
  16. I feel bad for Will now. Not about where he is or who he is with after all he and Zoey are both so lucky to have been adopted by a loving family who understands their needs, have a customized home to grow up in and have the financial ability to give them whatever they want forever. I know they wanted to repeat the situation with Zoey they had with Will which was to "superbond" with her as a family when they got home and they faced the additional challenge of her not warming up to Bill. However, the circumstances were quite different and Bill was pretty much on his own, no Kate and likely Nai Nai and grand Baba were spending more time with their daughter. I think Will got pretty much whatever he wanted in the way of food/sweets/cakes/cookies because let's face it it was just so much EASIER to keep the peace and keep him quiet for a number of reasons. They had to keep him quiet in the hospital and at home so Jen could sleep and recuperate. Will is still such a sweet boy and caring but there is no doubt discipline took a few steps back. He now has a "give me or else" attitude. His thumb sucking is worse not better and he gets comfort from that and food, both just make him feel good! I hope with Jen's remission the focus can now be in moving Will forward with speech development, table manners and potty training. Time to play catch up with Will before he hits school although I do hate to see him grow up, I love Will the way he is but that is not realistic unless they are going the home schooling route to lessen the issue. I also wonder how they are seriously going to address his thumb sucking as this was a situation Jen started to deal with and then we saw no more of it and is likely an example of something taking a back seat while her health was addressed. It will soon be time for his 6 month check up with the dentist! And Zoey's finger sucking is the same comfort problem, both will need to be dealt with. What I have read is fingers/thumbs in the mouth can slow speech development, nuff said there for Will.
  17. Yes salads and veggies are a great addition to any meal, he just needs more foods that will fill him up so he does not appear to be so damned hungry, he eats with a vengeance. Putting yourself in the public eye will draw both positive and negative comments, goes with the territory.
  18. When Sam started his duet last week I had the volume on but wasn't visually looking at the set and heard this crooner clear sultry voice and I thought it was Harry doing a song but it was Sam...absolutely beautiful, first time I had "heard" him. Hopefully he will come alive now and take the AI title, he is the best singer, can't warm to the others so much.
  19. they must be trying to do whatever they can to make this season more exciting...so boring.
  20. Yes, we know but letitgo keeps referring to him as 3.
  21. Gee not sure how you know who does or does not have kids based on the profiles here and Will is 4 but will "letitgo" snark snark snark LOL
  22. And Will stuck his thumb in his mouth during prayers! LOL
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