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Everything posted by jodo

  1. Hmmmm evidence might be we aren't hearing it...endless? I have missed a lot of posts! And my quoted post above was to agree with the original poster who coined it cackly. I believe her cackly laugh is a nervous habit and habits can be broken. It has nothing to do with being a dwarf. It was another poster who commented Jen's "helium" type voice (not cackly laugh) was linked to her dwarfism.
  2. Someone twittered this pic of Will pouting when Bill took the holder away. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BpQGZkVCMAAZ9JP.jpg
  3. Damned that TLC editing out those cackles!!!! How can I snark about something I am no longer being exposed to....but hell yeah thanks TLC for editing and listening. Also agree re the kids making the show now. I had long stopped watching Bill and Jen, after a few cute episodes I only found myself wanting to see the dogs so tuned out until the TLC promos about Will!
  4. I am so finally glad to read these posts that Will needs more than what he is getting to help him communicate. He is being let down by his parents! Yes, I said it! Bill and Jen are letting Will down by not giving him absolutely all the resources available to get that boy up to speed. I am tired of reading "they are doing their best"..."he is speaking sentences now"..."he had so much to deal with in the last year"....bullshit or poppycock for the faint hearted.
  5. Will is a very smart boy and is becoming a master at getting what he wants, whatever he does works. But......he will be in for a very rude awakening when he hits the population! And he might feel betrayed and blindsided by Bill who should be helping Will stand out as the smart boy he is and try much much harder to give him the tools to develop into a little man. Being a little person comes with enough baggage, he doesn't need to be talking like a baby or having tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants.
  6. Well said and totally agree! Bill even said he wants to be their friend but "sometimes" has to do some discipline?? Kidding right, if you wanted little people as friends become a big brother not a father.
  7. Agree, we can't blame the children for breaking the rules when it is the adults reading the signs. If all kids were eating the strawberries then that would be a lot for that farm to give away just because they are cute kids? Don't think so, it is still a business. So Bill takes the egg holder away because Will continues to disobey him by putting it in his mouth...Will big time pouts and points to it like give it back...what does Bill do? Instead of saying Will I asked you not to put that in your mouth and you did he starts to laugh at Will's face?! Will almost looked confused and pointed to the egg holder and put a bigger pout on and asked for it back. Will is going for the laugh too like Bill does and I guess it often works. Bill needs to know when to be serious and follow through and when he can laugh.
  8. I am amazed at Will's memory if he had only seen an ice cream truck once in his life? I do remember them going to the park last season with Will only and Bill and Jen saying hey Will we can get some ice cream from the ice cream truck and he immediately looked for the truck and stopped his eyes when he saw it which means to me that was not the first time an ice cream truck was in his sights....after all he would not have known what it was. And his meltdown was quite expected and of course so was Bill and Jen's barter of you do this for me and you will get what you want. I don't care what Jen called it Will got what he wanted. I truly think Bill and Jen are either reading these forums to a degree or some feedback is coming to them about a couple of things which got addressed last night which seemed odd....first Bill finally being shown disciplining Will, lots of comments about it too from Bill almost like he had to explain it to us. Good thing Will was in the high chair penned in and couldn't get out for a runaway! Also about the ice cream and sweets....Jen seemed to explain at length some kind of justification of giving Will his ice cream. Zoey is an absolute doll, so well behaved. Will eating the strawberries also should have been stopped but they didn't want a meltdown about food again did they? All they had to say was the truth yet they find that very difficult. Zoey didn't eat any or even try so I guess her last meal satisfied her yet Will was obviously hungry, even after he got his ice cream truck treat he was devouring strawberries.
  9. Of course not! Their goal was to find them homes! And it worked, Bill and Jen have said they saw videos of Will in addition to photos and with those endearing photos who wouldn't want him asap!
  10. New Day was founded by an American and a Chinese woman according to their video of their mission to help disabled children in China. Will must have been exposed to both languages there as it was highly likely if he got adopted it would be outside of China and English being the universal language of the world was beneficial for him to be exposed to. And in the videos the kids are seen celebrating American holidays and singing American nursery rhymes like Old MacDonald. Will was lucky in China and is lucky now!
  11. I can't wait to see Will eating them all and Jen yelling CAREFUL!!
  12. In the episode when Jessa and Ben came to visit with Jill as chaperone, Anna was cooking in the kitchen and Josh was with the kids and he was seated on the couch...the kids were making some noise as kids do talking over each other etc and I am pretty sure I heard Josh say SHUT UP!! I replayed it a few times but it didn't get clearer....I guess he expects more of Anna than he does of himself in the patience dept! I also noticed in the episode when they were fixing that room downstairs for JB and Michelle that Anna turned to kiss Josh and he turned his head away and she ended up kissing him on the cheek. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I have to take issue with the amount of food Anna cooks, she is not feeding toddlers! She had such a small amount of chicken (?) and what would she do without frozen food!!
  13. I think the kids going for Will's scooter in that public playground likely thought oh wow look what else there is to play with here however I do think Bill could have used it as a teaching experience with Will and instead of saying "Will it will still be there" as if that is going to calm a 4yr old down who fears his beloved scooter is being taken away, I do get that. I think Bill could have said "hey Will let's go meet those kids who want to play with your scooter!" and gone with Will to them and introd themselves and then asked Will if it was ok if the kids played with his scooter while he and Will did whatever. Will could have met some kids he in fact may see again if they go back to that park and learned a great way to share. I just don't think the way it went down was beneficial to anyone and just showed Will when someone takes your stuff it is ok to pitch a hissy fit and run and grab it and stow it somewhere so it won't happen again. I said Bill not Jen because I think Will might have listened better to Bill.
  14. I had to laugh out loud last night as I watched an old episode from last season and they had been visiting Bill's family to intro Will and then doing a road trip to St. Petersburg Fla for their 5th anniversary. So on the road Will poops his diapers. Then the graphic details start: how stinky it is, Bill says it is nose breathing only then repeats over and over "whoever smelt it dealt it" while Jen says NO....they stop and Jen goes on about the smell and how it is all up and down his legs, asks Bill to help hold Will's legs up as she can't do both then she says now it is on the car seat and on her hand. And they continue to talk about how absolutely horrible and "stinky" it is and how it took forever to clear the smell from the car afterwards. Then as if we haven't heard enough about Will's messy stinky poop they do a couch thing where they both go on at length about who is the one who cleans up a poopy diaper better!!
  15. Will was in an orphanage called New Day Foster Home in the care of many caregivers and around many other children all with disabilities. And Jen was having chemo at the hospital when Zoey came with Bill for her routine check. Bill said it was completely unnecessary for her to attend as it was of no importance and she should have been resting due to chemo of course. Her doctor went looking for her to tell her the good news about her cancer readings almost being at zero and chemo would be discontinued. It was the TLC promos that misled the audience into thinking Jen "got into trouble.."
  16. Jen (not Jan) did say one theory as to how it happened which Bill disagreed with and gave his theory, who is right is beyond me, I just wish I could do it!
  17. Maybe in Zoey's case but we will never know as that part of her life was not shared or known. She seemed to be so tiny she might have just been left in a crib or passed from one caregiver to another. Will's case was totally different at New Day which is an orphanage for kids with special needs who often require surgeries and most of the babies are abandoned. There are a lot of videos of Will (Josiah) and he is playing with other kids all the time either on their own or in planned activities. What we don't see them doing here is playing with other kids. Here is a link to a video of Will/Josiah taking his first steps and from there you should be able to see more on vimeo! Will was and is a DOLL!
  18. Yes, that is exactly what I meant. Bill stopped when he realized he himself almost fell into the trap he had warned Jen about...asking too many questions which might delay getting the hell out of Dodge! Ok what are TH's? And I am sure being potty trained is a prerequisite for school.
  19. I think Bill does a great job at always talking up "his wife" as being so needed in general however when it came to them having the kids medically cleared to leave their countries and seal the adoption process he didn't want her asking questions! In China he cautioned Jen in the hotel room to put on her Mom's cap instead of her doctor's cap and not raise any red flags about Will's possible ear infection which she was concerned about. In India he stopped himself from going further with the doctor who at first told Bill after weighing and measuring her that she might have achondroplasia. Bill looked surprised and said well she fits the definition of achondroplasia and the doctor said it might be too soon to tell. Bill went on to say she is still smaller than those charts and then stopped himself and in the voice over he said when you can have a doctor's ear in another country you tend to want their take on it. However I think he realized himself he should leave it alone. I wonder if Zoey was misdiagnosed with achondroplasia in the first place and if that might have changed the outcome as she maybe shouldn't have been on that adoption website under that category. I wonder if that is why they aren't concerned about her repeating all the tests that Will had in Delaware.
  20. I am not sure they do or it would be done and be stated as a great accomplishment by them and you are right we don't need to see it but we do need to hear how it is progressing, none of us will be able to take Will being bullied. It will be bad enough for the things he can't control like his size but things that can be addressed need to be pdq!
  21. Yes they said his speech was delayed in English and Mandarin because of fluid in the ears so the words he did hear sounded like he was underwater and the surgery was to put tubes in his ears to keep the fluid drained and his tonsils and adenoids were removed. He still has great difficulty expressing himself, not for lack of wanting to that is for sure. He has trouble with certain sounds it seems too. Even when Bill and Jen ask him to repeat a word he says it quite differently than they do. I know myself when people talk too fast around me I tune them out completely.
  22. Exactly!!! Will is not going to pick up speech from Bill and Jen talking a hundred miles an hour. I have seen it for years with kids who go to daycare, they suddenly come home and WOW, they can communicate so much better and learn so much faster.
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