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Kel Varnsen

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Everything posted by Kel Varnsen

  1. A better episode, although I really had to laugh when Donna confronted Joe about the switched back up disks. His whole argument was sort of, don't tell anyone please, it will ruin what we have built so far. All I could really think was that pretty much everyone already knows that Joe is an asshole, so I doubt this will be any shock to them. Like others I liked the added scenes with Donna. It helps too that she is super hot. Plus she looks a lot like Ellie Kemper from The Office. I would love to see some flashback scenes or some more back story to explain how hottie Donna got together with poindexter Gordon. Not that it wouldn't happen, he just doesn't seem like the type that would be good around women. It was the days before telecommuting, but it was also the days before schools had approved pick-up lists, and if pretty much anyone those kids recognized showed up and said that their mom Donna told him/her to pick them up, no one would have made any kind of big deal about it.
  2. Speaking of Disney, I thought it was kind of crazy that Wreck it Ralph lost the best animated award to Brave back in 2012. I mean sure Brave was a good movie, but I think it was pretty much a standard princess/adventure store, where as Wreck it Ralph was something that I really hadn't seen before and the story was really strong. I think a big part of it was that the Oscars seems to love Pixar and I can totally picture that voters seeing a pixar movie on the ballot and just voting for it automatically even if perhaps they hadn't see it or the other nominees.
  3. I kind of like that they don't go out of their way to spell out for the audience why Cap isn't calling the other avengers. I mean for one thing this isn't the comics where the avengers are mostly friends who share a house. Plus if you are Cap, would you even know how to get in contact with Thor (a god from another universe who may not really be interested in the problems of SHIELD) or the Hulk (and even if you did get in contact with the hulk, would he be much help?). As for Iron Man goes, I got the sense in Avengers they didn't really like working together, plus Cap knows he is not a soldier (he had major PTSD in IM3). Plus how do you know that Iron Man isn't part of Hydra? And even if you knew how to contact them, how could you be sure your communications weren't being tapped. A major theme of the movie was all about who can you trust, so I can totally buy that Cap would try to bring as few people to help as possible. Same thing with Iron Man 3, it took place over a couple of days, and I am not really sure that Tony likes cap enough to call him for help, and he would have the same issues mentioned above with Hulk and Thor. If each one of these movies has to go out of their way to explain where everyone else is, it is going to get really old and annoying really fast.
  4. I don't know I can kind of buy the theory. I mean even just from a scheduling point of view if RDJ had to be available in person for all those scenes that featured iron man (instead of just a CG iron man or a stand-in in the suit) it would probably take him twice as long to get filming done. Which would mean there would be less time where he would be available to take other roles, and I would imagine that he would expect to be compensated even more for the amount of time he would have to spend on the set.
  5. There was a theory on cracked.com about why there won't be a black widow movie. Basically the idea was that after RDJ, Scarlet is the most a list actor in the MCU. They pay RDJ a shitload of money for Iron man movies yet robert downey jr only actually appears on screen for a small portion of the movie (since iron man is CG). If RDJ had to be in every shot, they would have to pay him way more. But with Black Widow, she doesn't wear a mask or anything so Scarlet Johansson would have to be in close to every shot, and based on her level of celebrity, they couldn't afford to make that movie paying her the kind of salary she would expect.
  6. You are probably right, although in all honestly I don't really care. I mean the show is basically Jerry hanging out with people he likes to hang out with, not him conducting job interviews.
  7. I would enjoy it more if the sellers would be a bit better at haggling. I mean with a few of them you know as soon as they start talking Rick is going to own them (what with them saying things like "how about $X" or "I would like between $X and $Y"). Plus I wish a few more of them would consider walking away if they can't get a good price. I mean it is so annoying when I don't know how many times you see the pre-haggle interview and the person is like "I hope to get $500" and then they get $200 and they talk about how $200 isn't so bad, as if they had no other choice.
  8. Also only on tv, when this happens, one cop will chase after the suspect on foot, his/her partner will hop in the car and speed off in an opposite direction, and will some how manage to end up exactly where the suspect was running to.
  9. I watched the Sarah Jessica Parker episode this morning, and while it wasn't hilarious, I really liked it. She wasn't super funny, but she was surprisingly likable. Plus the whole thing with the station wagon and them sitting in the back at the end made me laugh. Plus I really liked their conversation about tipping and how you don't want the waitress to tell her friends that Jerry Seinfeld and Sarah Jessica Parker came to her table, and they only gave her a $10 tip. Interesting point about the female guests. You could also add the fact that there were a ton of female comedic actresses who had bit parts as Jerry's girlfriends on Seinfeld, who went on to greater success.
  10. Inspired by Kromm's avatar, I would say The A-team in the final season when they were no longer on the run and started working for the US Government.
  11. Which I always found weird, because on TV cops are always crazy over worked, yet none of them ever say, holy crap there is no way I have time to investigate this so it would be great if the FBI could take the case off my hands.
  12. Of course, but at the same time, if you try to sell something on ebay you aren't going to get cash the day you put it up for auction. And for the most part you aren't allowed to walk away if the final offer isn't to your liking. I can see situations where cash right away (and not having to pay ebay/paypal) transaction fees would be enticing to some people. Especially if you have something and you don't really know what it is, if it has any value. At least for show purposes, Rick will bring in an appraiser for you.
  13. Really liked AD but I would say the same thing. I mean FOX let the show run for 3 years, it was an emmy winner for best comedy, was getting all kinds of press (things like best of lists), they moved it to their Sunday night comedy block. Even with all of that it still couldn't find an audience. So what was FOX supposed to do. Especially since they even talked on the DVD's about how it was more expensive to produce than your average comedy, because of the larger than typical cast, and all the cut-aways and quick scenes they would do (more scenes mean more places you have to set up a crew).
  14. I saw a few of those Corey tries to quit episodes. The show needs to stop acting like it is some real documentary about guys working in a pawn shop and start making it a bit more real. I mean I would have loved it if when Corey said he was going to quit, if Rick had said "ok you can quit and be the manager of another shop, but then we will stop selling Big Hoss merch in the store, and you won't be on TV anymore and you can forget about things like appearances on Letterman or that kind of thing".
  15. Yea I totally see why they cancelled Dollhouse. I watched the first 4 or 5 episodes and they were all terrible I thought. I mean most of them were bad action movie cliches (people hunting people!). I actually gave it more of a chance than I probably would have if it had been some generic show. And yes I know the episodes were aired out of order, but those first episodes were still written by the creative staff, and they were still terrible. I was basically the target market for that show, single guy age 18-35 who already likes genre shows from this creator. If they couldn't convince me to watch the show, what hope did they have with the general public.
  16. I had the same problem with season 5 and the newspaper people I mean David Simon always talked about how one of the major themes of the show was how generally good people who were good at their job would get screwed over by their system, as if the system was some kind of Greek god. With most of the characters (McNulty, Bunk, Lester, Sobotka, Bunny, teacher Prez hell even Carcetti) they actually showed you how they were good at their jobs. But with the guys at the newspaper they just kept telling you how Gus and the other old timers were great newspaper men without actually showing. Plus I swear if Gus spent half of the time he spent complaining about management or trying to bust Templeton's fake story, actually doing his job (helping gather stories, or training the young reporters to take over once the old ones were gone) then the Baltimore Sun of the show would have probably been an awesome paper. Hell maybe he wouldn't have missed all the huge local stories if he had spent more time doing his job. I mean the fact that they didn't cover Omar's death to me is a huge sign. Even if you totally eliminate who Omar was, the fact that a little kid shoots and murders an adult in a store, in front of witnesses in broad daylight and it doesn't make the newspaper seems like a huge error to me. I mean even in Baltimore that has to be news.
  17. Except when it works. I mean Tina Fey wanted Rachel Dratch to play Jenna. The role went instead to Jane Krakowski and I would have to think that with Rachel Dratch it would have been an entirely different show.
  18. I think pawn stars has to be up there. I mean I find it hard to believe that when he is not counting all the money he makes or going on Letterman, Chumlee is ok with going to get lunch for the other guys, or sweeping up the shop or working crappy night shifts. Not to mention all the other crap that goes on. Rick wrote a pawn stars book, and if you read the book, it kind of reveals how stuff that goes on, in the show is just crap. For example a number of times I have seen on the show where they buy something and then sell it right away or take it home. But in the book it talks about how when they do buy something, they have to keep it in secure storage for I think 30 days before they can do anything with it, just to make sure it doesn't get reported stolen.
  19. Even the how they got there thing though, I think if those shows had stayed on another night they would have probably been cancelled faster. So while some people might look at Friday night as the place where shows go to die, I look at it more like a stay of execution. It is basically the network saying we know your show can't handle the competition of say a Thursday night, but instead of just cancelling your outright we will move to Friday where competition is not as tough, and see if your fanbase truly is loyal. And sometimes a show concept is just not a successful one for whatever reason.
  20. See I never bought into the concept of the Friday Night Death Slot. If your show is good, people will watch it on Friday night. There have been a number of shows that have been successful on Friday. Plus Friday night is the night of low competition and low expectations. If you can't get decent ratings on Friday, you probably aren't going to succeed on any other night when you are up against shows that get monster ratings.
  21. As much as people complain about FOX being trigger happy I totally agree with this. I mean sure they cancel shows fast, but a lot of the low rated cult shows that they put on and then cancel, wouldn't have a chance on any other network. So as much as there is the complaint about FOX never giving them a chance, they at least gave the creators a chance to pitch their show, make a pilot and then a few more episodes. I mean how many genre shows are on CBS? This is the worst for me, especially because even after reading a ton about it, it still doesn't make any sense to me. It seems some of the blame falls on HBO, but some of it also falls on David Milch. Plus the promise of feature length movies to wrap it up never seemed to happen either, and that seems to be all on Milch.
  22. It was like a double whammy for expensive shows. I mean every scene was either like some gala event, in a fancy real world location with 100's of extras all in fancy clothes, or it was an action scene with tank battles and explosions and that sort of thing. As far as ratings go, I remember one of the Saturday episodes set a record for lowest rating of a first run episode for a prime time show on a major network in the history of television.
  23. On top of that only on TV can the expert PhD person who has multiple doctorates or is the world renowned expert in their field be in their 20's. Because stuff like going to school and building your reputation are things that hardly take any time. Only on TV are first year classes at colleges and universities filled with kids fresh out of high school. Because no one decides they want to go back to school after a years of working, or changes degree programs after a few years, or has to work for a few years to save up enough to pay for university.
  24. Kings is a tough one for me. I mean I loved the show the show when it was one, and Ian McShane is awesome. But at the same time I remember watching it and just being able to pretty much see on the screen the crap load of money they must have been spending to produce the show. At the same time the show was getting terrible ratings (like record setting bad) so it is hard to really fault NBC in their decision to cancel the show.
  25. Canada has that too. Back when the show was huge, CTV, one or our major broadcast networks used to play The Sopranos, completely uncut (but with commercials added) in the 10pm timeslot. I live in Canada and growing up, where I lived we used to get KVOS-TV out of Bellingham, Washington. I remember at least a few times they used to play the Jane Fonda movie Barbarella, without cutting any of the nudity.
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