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Everything posted by TaurusRose

  1. Wow. That was just stupid right up to the moment my golden boy came back. The 3-way was beyond embarrassing. Poor Craig and Megan. Claude got what she deserved...nothing. Charles and Henry were just eye rolling-ly bad. Elizabeth's little butch speech to her fiancé and troops was way over the top as was the scene between her and King James. Greer was a waste of space, totally useless all season. I'm glad this is done, but I did enjoy my Frary surprise.
  2. This train wreck is almost over.
  3. Beats me, but I repeat...Mary is a hypocrite. She had no problem sacrificing an innocent (Knox's wife) to get intel on her enemies. She killed that dude at the top of the season for revenge (he was responsible for Francis's death) and what about her "boss" move at Ruthven's execution? I was never a fan of the real Mary Stuart, but I cannot stand Reign's version of her. Narcisse is ruthless when crossed, but he's never been a hypocrite. It doesn't matter to him (or me) that Elizabeth had her reasons or that Lola acted on false instructions, Elizabeth killed the love of his life, his wife, and thought she was doing him a favor by allowing him to watch. Payback is a bitch and I'm behind Narcisse 100%. Mary likes to pretend she is a better person than she is. She was selfish and thoughtless when she was in France. She is inept and empty bluster in Scotland. The lords don't want her for a variety of reasons. She never cultivated the correct alliances or stirred real loyalty among the nobles she needed. She depended too heavily on men falling in love with her and that being the sole reason for their devotion and willingness to do whatever for her.
  4. No, he was the leader of the kick ass elves who intercepted the fellowship after Moria and escorted them to Lothlorien. Haldir also fought with Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli at the battle of Helm's Deep. Am I a fan girl geek or what? LOL
  5. I will always love Craig Parker who first hit my radar as Haldir in LOTR. And he is killing it as Narcisse.
  6. I've got one word for Mary Stuart...hypocrite.
  7. Yeah, man. I still can't stand that girl. This was underwhelming at best. There's nothing more to add to what's already been said, except I hope this is the last of Martha, too. Every time she appears it feels like fan pandering. I don't care about her or her life is Russia. She lost me when she kept being "Clark's" fool even when she knew what he was. The actress is superb, but no more Martha.
  8. We will have to agree to disagree. "Faking" it doesn't make it any better for reasons already pointed out. And it certainly doesn't make Tuon less repulsive to me.
  9. And that makes it better, how? It's been pointed out by P/E and here how easily that could go south.
  10. Where did you get the idea that Albert had someone spy on Ernst? And just because a high born woman could doesn't mean she would. As you pointed out secrecy was her only protection and that's an extremely flimsy foundation. Servants could be bribed or ambitious. If Harriet was outed, and her husband vindictive, she would be ruined or permanently removed from her children's lives, as was the case with Albert's and Ernst's mother. Both brothers were painfully aware of the consequences of unfaithfulness in a marriage. I believe Ernst loved Harriet and did not want to put her at risk by starting a sexual relationship with her.
  11. I think the reason a lot of us were hoping Paige would hang herself is because we are soooo sick of her. That said, I don't think the mopey one has adjusted to her new reality at all. I think she's angry, resentful and distrustful. I had an entirely different read of the scene where she drops her necklace in the trash. It felt like her parents' lies had ruined another area of her life. Paige feels and acts like a passive-aggressive sneak to me. This episode got me invested in Oleg's story. He's the right person mixed up in the wrong time. Not so much for Mischa and Philip's brother, I so don't care. I expect a full on confrontation between Claudia and the Jennings at some point. Stan's and Dennis's reaction to their "asset" was hilarious. That woman never felt right and I would love to see Stan and Dennis (more Dennis than Stan) get a win. I just binge watched 13 Reasons Why. The fact that Tuon suggested suicide to Pasha was beyond repulsive to me. I don't know what Tuon's issues are, but I officially don't care. His head can be the 3rd one with a bullet through it as far as I'm concerned.
  12. Mary was never a strong leader, especially when compared to Elizabeth I. And Reign (at this stage of the game) just sucks. I will say that the murder of Rizzio was horrifically well done.
  13. I disagree. I want an end equal to their deeds. If they wind up with bullets in the back of their heads, so be it. The KGB decided Anna needed to die despite circumstances, I want the same for them. I am not fans of Philip and Elizabeth. I don't empathize with them and don't care if they get what they truly deserve, but I wouldn't be surprised if they got some kind of happy ending. I can absolutely watch a show with despicable characters, it's not a waste of my time.
  14. Elizabeth is a murderous bitch. I'm thanking my lucky stars that I was spared a Paige scene. That is all.
  15. I like both Orlandos; Jones because he's so effervescent and amusing, and Bloom because his Legolas was the epitome of elvish coolness. Plus, I'd kill for his hair. LOL
  16. Who is talking about rape? I'm not. I'm talking about psychological abuse. They aren't monsters to their children...yet. It will be interesting to see which way that shoe drops if/when their true activities are ever revealed. That's what I'm waiting to see--consequences for a lifetime of spying, lying, using, destroying and murdering. BTW, Jesus is capitalized. You can capitalize Paige, but not Jesus? Interesting. At any rate, I've never cared for Pastor Tim, his church, or his wife. They were always over the top and stereotypical. They, along with Paige, have always been the weak links, IMO.
  17. THIS. Philip and Elizabeth aren't heroes. They were brainwashed, manipulated and pushed into a way of life based on a bullshit, paranoid ideology. And now they are doing the same thing to their kid. Paige is a baby for all the speechifying that she needs the truth. She can't handle the truth and probably never will be able to handle it. This is all the time I'm wasting on Paige because I can't stand her. That depends on your definition of monster. They absolutely are monsters to the innocents they've destroyed. Their sad sack offspring would hardly hold them up as heroes and do-gooders if she had the full picture of them and their murderous activities. Again, more lying and half truths are spun to seduce one of their children to the dark side. Sorry, I can't get behind this level of malevolence and deceit.
  18. I was just about to write this off as another boring episode then Philip and Elizabeth had to go and get married for real and I can't say how much I loved the ritual and the ceremony. Okay there were a few other mildly interesting things going on but Paige was not one of them. I've gotten to the point where I can't stand the actress or the character.
  19. No. Victoria booted her ass and the Kensington rules as soon as she became queen.
  20. Finally. Sleepy Hollow got the fuck you it worked hard to get and truly deserved. It's good to be a vindicated, spiteful bitch.
  21. I love this show. Thoroughly enjoyed the season and cast. It was great to see Tony Regbo on screen again even if his character was a dick. LOL
  22. The French court is ridiculous as is Catherine turning to black magic. Mary is a user and an idiotic one at that. She's impulsive and reckless and rushing headlong to her doom. I continue to enjoy watching Darnley talk trash to Mary and I'm waiting for the blood bath that hopefully includes Rizzio. I don't like him at all.
  23. I haven't read through the thread yet, but wanted to quickly jot down my thoughts. This episode was the first one that I've enjoyed. There was some actual movement and it kept my attention. Elizabeth seems to be wavering at times, then she changes direction and gets back on her fanatical course. Tuan isn't who she thinks (wants) him to be. Deal with it. Still, I was surprised by her attitude about Henry's desire to go away for school. And Philip seems to have lost his sense of conviction as well. He notices things, puts two and two together and then just freezes. The best thing for Henry would be to get the hell out of dodge and it was ten times better having to deal with him and listen to his concerns than having to put up with that sad-sack, mealy-mouthed Paige. But I see she's going to be back next week to put me into a coma. Martha looks terrible (Gabriel, too, if truth be told...world-weary, beat down and defeated). I'm not just talking about Martha's outward appearance, I'm talking about her soul and spirit. Alison Wright is a wonderful actress and I did feel sorry for Martha, but not enough to be incapable of enjoying the punishment for her treason. She understands everything now that she's living in hell, does she? Dummy. She should have woken up ages ago. Loved the backstory and movement in Oleg's story. Will Stan let Gaad's wife change his mind? I'm thinking yes. I realize someone's got to do this kind of work, but it's a nasty, soul-rotting business.
  24. I thought Henry looked older than Charles, too, but I've stopped trying to find sense in any of this show's casting and storylines ages ago. Poor Narcisse. He really is still grieving for his wife and does not like being pimped out for France (Charles). The makeup and wardrobe teams are doing a good job making Adelaide Kane look slightly older and more mature. But I still can't get on board with Mary. I know that (historically) Elizabeth was a stronger queen, but I don't mind the fluff they're saddling her with in Reign because (IMO) it's making her more likable than Mary. I agree that her romantic relationship with Gideon is more believable than Mary's due to better chemistry between the actors. I really don't care for Greer at all. IMO, she's always been full of shit, so calling Mary out for sacrificing people at this late date seemed ingenious and self-serving. I wish they'd spend less time on France because the happenings there have nothing to do with Scotland. I'm also not interested in the contrived conflict for the throne. My only other comment is about James's horse. That was a gorgeous animal.
  25. This is the funniest thing I've read in ages. I salute you.
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