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Pete Martell

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Everything posted by Pete Martell

  1. I don't understand why Gabriel would have gone back to proclaiming that the group is terrible and full of demons. I realize we haven't exactly been in his head all that much, but I thought he'd turned a corner on that toward the time of "Coda." The writing for this character is just awful and if the spoiler pans out that way I can't defend the writing for him anymore. At least this episode sounds like it has a lot for some of the supporting characters (minus Rosita), although I notice that Abraham is still oddly isolated from everything outside of his own drama. I tend to wonder if they have any idea what to do with him or how much longer he'll be around.
  2. My only thought on that last bit is the old Steel Magnolias line - if you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me...
  3. Bad Bob: Nickname (well my nickname anyway) for the Grady cop who manipulated Sasha into letting him overpower her before becoming roadkill via Rick.
  4. I think it was joking from Hardwick or someone else. I've blocked it out. The whole idea of Eugene with her always seems insulting to me because it's such a tacky old trope - he wanted her and is a "nice guy," so she sees the light. The funny part about Daryl and Aaron is it's odd to see shipping when one of the characters is canonically gay. Generally it's two straight men (as seen in "Rickyl"). I have to admit if I have to play the who-will-win-Daryl's-penis game in fandom, I'd rather it be Aaron than several other candidates...
  5. As someone who was a Carly fan long ago, I can still tell you she can never, ever compare to the beautifully broken Barbara Jean-esque child-woman that was Drusilla. Carly and Sonny make Riley and Graham seem like the OTP of the ages, let alone my favorite BtvS couple.
  6. They say that she "looks" at him a certain way. (she also "looks" at Maggie quite a bit, but I guess that just means she wants a threeway) With idiocies like Talking Dead commentary about whether she's going to hook up with Eugene, no wonder some people don't get it. (I'm not going to make a mullet lesbian joke...)
  7. I like her a lot too. I wish they did more with her, but I always feel like her lack of role is somewhat overly exaggerated. I see people say she hasn't spoken in months - she had a decent supporting role just two episodes ago. I also feel like we know a lot about her personality and she has some interesting relationships, especially compared to the days of supporting characters like Jacqui (who barely spoke even in the episode where she died), or T-Dog (who was on the show for over 2 seasons with a smaller cast than we have now). I feel like some fans (I don't mean people here) project a lot of their issues about women or lesbians or what have you onto Tara. For instance, the fans who insist Tara is no longer gay and is in love with Glenn. If Tara isn't looking for some cookie, then she's turned straight. It's pretty ignorant, yet this is how society often sees lesbians, it seems.
  8. Maybe it's because the men are more objectified on forums and social media, so that means it seems like they get a pass? I agree I've seen plenty of criticism as well. Maybe it seems more lopsided because we talk about hair or makeup or what have you in a negative way with women, but are less likely to do the Joe Sixpack reaction of, "Hey look at those tits on Tara and Rosita!" as there would be talk of sexism and objectifying women? (although I think even I ended up saying something around the relaxing in the rain scene...)
  9. It was heavy-handed, but I wasn't surprised at Deanna's reaction. She's a Congresswoman and therefore immune from real life - members of Congress are increasingly isolated from the everyday. She also has her family intact, which makes her immune from reality. Even the Greenes, who were deluded about being able to bring family members back from zombie status, were more grounded in reality than most of Alexandria, because they've been entirely sheltered and focused on the mundane, with only a few in the town like Aaron and Eric, who are "othered" anyway, risking their lives. Sasha being a reminder of the horrors of the real world is something they can't handle and can't understand. And Deanna is more worried about danger to the order than about knowing how to handle a distraught person, especially since pre-ZA she likely had aides to deal with Sasha types. People are constantly talking about how awful Daryl looks.
  10. There's always going to be a backlash over something. There will be backlash over spending too much time in Alexandria. It's the farm again oh noes!1111!11 Yet there was backlash when they were on the road too long. They've already done endless shock value deaths to try to manipulate tears out of us. I think Judith dying at this point would feel too much like that, and alienate viewers far more than a few quick lines about her being somewhere offcamera.
  11. You have to love the irony of Chris Hardwick busting that caller for a bad Rick impression when he seems to be "treating" us to his own bad interchanegable Southerner/Rick/viewer/etc. every single week lately.
  12. Does anyone else wonder if the show gets far enough and does the Hilltop stuff, they may send Judith off the way Sophia was sent off?
  13. Richard Madden is perfect. Literally perfect. He has watched Doctor Who since he was a child!!! http://www.vulture.com/2015/03/richard-madden-on-game-of-thrones.html If I had not been a Jenna Louise Coleman fan for nearly a decade, I think I would hate her right now. (there's a Song of Ice And Fire spoiler in there that hasn't been on the show yet - be warned)
  14. I don't see any reason why Judith has to die. This isn't a realistic show - it's a show about zombies. Realistically, there's no way most of the characters should be alive. The show is already hopeless enough without killing Judith. She's the hope for the future.
  15. I don't think Daryl is going anywhere, but does anyone wonder if they may give Glenn's death to him if he does?
  16. Poor Noah. It just feels like a huge waste. I wish they'd had some of his relatives survive and have him leave with them. I guess the fans who insist he killed Beth and Tyreese can have a party. As I used to say when I was 10 (OK I still say it now)...whatever!
  17. It's Wario. He's heard that Carl doesn't like some of his video games. Wario and Waluigi ransack Alexandria and the characters realize with horror that they've been in a video game the whole time. As for Daryl, while his sacrificing his life for a gay man would make me proud (if Archie Andrews can do it...) and would make bigots melt down, I just have a tough time believing he will ever leave. I know Norman has a movie and other projects, but I doubt he'd leave at this point, nor do I think the show would let him go.
  18. The whole group chose to abandon Andrea - Rick even gave them a choice of leaving if they didn't like his leadership. They chose to stay. I think the orange backpack guy was a scene to show the increasing coldness of Rick, Michonne, and Carl to people who needed help, to "innocents," not just about Rick. Not long before this they'd had the scene where they were hiding out in the cabin of the crazy old man and Michonne stabbed him through the heart to shut him up. All of this, and the Michonne business, were also when he was having an obvious mental breakdown. The show has been vague about exactly what is going on with Rick at this point, or even if we're supposed to see him as having a breakdown. Jessie is a cipher, and her son is mostly a joke to fans, so maybe Rick's creepy, controlling behavior leading them to brutal deaths won't get much of a reaction, but I still think the writing (so far) has been a mess and if we have to have teary-eyed closeups of him afterward, I'm going to have a stomachache.
  19. I really appreciated the casual use of history throughout the episode, like when Bob told Brenda that he never forgets Dawn. Soaps tend to only be mentioned for history when they forget it, but they should be praised when they remember it. I'm enjoying Laurel's story more than I probably should, but Monday's episode had some great scenes, especially the deep shame on her face when Bernice said she was relieved to realize Laurel wasn't a perfect mother.
  20. Cookie was so used to laying around on hot steel plates, waiting to be fed to humans. Sometimes thrown out if it didn't meet the high standards of people who were too busy chatting about how much they missed Frasier reruns to keep an eye on the timer. So this gray-haired lady, with the edge in her voice only Cookie ever heard, using it for wild and woolly tales of walkers and trees - it was exciting, it was fun. Yeah, the kid got scared, but he'd watched that same kid eat so many of its brothers and sisters alive, so who is the real monster here? Cookie is going to try to get gray-haired to take it to some place called Empire it's heard a lot about. It has a feeling they'd both have a good time. Fashionable Neckerchief and Loud Shirt are happy to have found a home with that nice man Eric. They wear him with pride. He bought them one of a kind at a Charles Nelson Reilly estate sale. They get to see themselves in the shiny reflection of Motorycle Parts. That man with no eyes and rippling arms nearly used Neckerchief as a do-rag, but Flannel Shirt of I'm Having A Butch Day, wearing Eric's boyfriend Aaron, saved the day by taking the man on a run. With all those runs, no wonder he always looks dirty.
  21. I do think they showed that he has a possible thing for her (I thought the poster was referring to other romantic liaisons with Andrea's character), but I'm not sure if it was setting anything up or just showing how out of place Sasha feels.
  22. The forced look on her face was more before the kiss, when he was staring her like he was going to carve his initials into her forehead. Maybe it was supposed to be hot and sexy and forbidden shockingness - I just didn't see it that way. And screencaps likely won't change that for me.
  23. In a lot of ways I feel like those seasons actually had a wider character group than what we have now. Yes there are guest characters, but it always just goes back to the brothers with no one else in their lives, and anyone who shows up to have some time of their own just gets shouted out by fan hate unless they are there to stand behind Sam and Dean for 2 seconds before disappearing.
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