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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. I'm not here for it, either. Sophie, to be a high level Crow, isn't too bright. Although it was a nice touch for Ryan to have a vocoder in her mask to hide her voice, I feel that Sophie should be able to put 1+1 together to at least suspect that Ryan and Batwoman 2.0 are the same person. You're hanging around this Black felon who you know went to jail for her girlfriend. You know this woman has extensive martial arts knowledge (hopefully Ryan didn't get it on Coryana...). You know the current Batwoman is black. Sophie just can't connect the dots? I like her, but damn. I really hate the "good guys are dumb as a bag of burning hair" tropes. I also don't want her to become romantic with Ryan. Kate is supposed to be the love of Sophie's life, right? If she gets with Ryan, it will smack of Sophie being in love with the Batwoman Vigilante persona as opposed to the woman in the suit. Also, Ryan hates Crows, which Sophie is. No way would she be googly eyed at the woman who represents the worst parts of her life.
  2. Episode 7: It's always good to see Raven! Why oh why can't these queens get it in their heads that Ru wants to see eleganza on the runway with these create your drag challenges? Tayce should have had a long skirt or made that copper into the top of a full length dress. Plus Raven warned you about those scrubbers cutting up your hands! Why didn't you use a glove to begin with? Lawrence Cheyney also needed a full garment. I'm sure Ru is tired of the queens shaking their junk in his face. Sister Sister has been a bit full of themselves this whole season, so I'm happy to see them sashay away. They looked like the werk room threw up on them, honestly. A'Whora fit the theme the best. I gagged when she walked out! This might be our winner...
  3. Yes! I'm sure Luke is old enough not to think that girls have cooties. He should be able to say "Feminine Hygiene Products". I'm all in for Wolf Spider! I just wonder how he managed to dodge all the other things thrown at him just to get clipped by the truck?
  4. I got my coin together and bought WOW Presents Plus. I'm happy with that purchase.
  5. Ru is emotionally abusing all of us. It's amazing when he has a favorite Queen that the viewers just don't like. No matter how many shenanigans Ru (and production) pulls, I just am not here for Kandy Muse. One main reason is that she is not that great of a lip syncer. Hon, we can see your face when you don't know the words... That in itself is too sloppy for me. Michelle's face after Rose tried to play off that orange outfit for a yellow runway...
  6. Wait. I shut off the show at Symone's shantay! That's what I get for celebrating early.
  7. Episode 6: As much as I love Tia, it was time for her to go. She was just not ready to make Ru's vision of her drag the reality. Once she gets the "Basic" stink off of her, She will be the fierce Queen we know she can be! This Snatch Game was actually fun to watch. There wasn't any queens who was absolutely terrible. I've never seen anyone that winded after a lip sync. Heh.
  8. I don't see the potential relationship between Luke and Mary. If anything, he seems to be pining quite hard for Kate, despite her preference.
  9. Agreed! Writers, I am firmly on Team Ryan; no need to litter her backstory with even more trauma. This episode was great! Just let Ryan be Batwoman and fight for those who can't fight for themselves. I'm sure she would have looked for that child even without the connection to that horrible woman. I too am just shaking my head with how Alice gets to traipse around relatively untouched. I am enjoying her zaniness for the moment... Ryan won't be able to hide that kryptonite wound for long since she now lives with Mary. I fully expect one more episode before Ryan's injury presents itself or compromises her Batwoman duties.
  10. It wasn't just you. I keep expecting A'Whora to say "Party!" Episode 5: Aww, get well wishes for Veronica Green. So Joe Black gets back in and slides right out! He is not showing what afforded him his legendary status, unless he is just a lewks queen. I feel for Tia's knees every time she hits the floor. 7 months off and she didn't seem to upgrade her drag much. I love her, but damn! she needs to get it together. I'm loving Tayce. Lawrence Cheney still has that helmet head hair. Is he balding and embarrassed about it? I want to know! Ru let us know how he really felt about Ginny Lemon. Hee! Oh yeah: am I the only one who didn't like either RuRuvision song?
  11. Now some of the Future State books I liked (Aquaman, Justice League, Immortal Wonder Woman, Next Batman); are they going to go on or is DC going to continuously murder the continuity fairy? I've been on a nostalgia kick and re-collecting comics I had when I was younger before my mother made me get rid of them. I can get Marvel and Indie comics series pretty easily, but DC is vexing me. The books I liked got cancelled immediately and the reboots have such heinous art work that I can't get into the story.
  12. Isaiah Washington was on Grey's Anatomy. He would work if he isn't blackballed still...
  13. Yeah. I liked it as well. Hopefully they will not have something happen to the daughter to give Robyn gravitas through trauma. Send daughter away to college so Mama can work in peace.
  14. She was talking about the difference between Diana Ross and Donna Summer. I hope the casting company doesn't go so young in the next seasons; these queens (not Mother Tamisha!) don't know anything.
  15. Okay. Mother was ready to go home so she can properly heal up for All Stars; otherwise that lip sync was a complete travesty. As long as Kandy Muse does not win this season, I'll be alright. I want her eliminated before Elliott just because of the bullying. Kandy's drag is unpolished and I don't understand why she chose to look dirty for a runway. I'm loving Olivia Lux, LaLa Ri, and Symone. I concur. I'm trying to remember if any other queen was practically butt naked on previous runways...
  16. Yeah. I was expecting Ru to be a bit catty; "Your name doesn't flow off the tongue like LAAAWRENCE CHAAAAYNEY." But ignoring the question completely was even more shady! Heh. Also Ellie's accent isn't as pronounced as LC's.
  17. Episode 4: I went in unspoiled. The funny thing was just before the lip sync, I said to myself that Ginny was going to lose because she was pretty much done with the Drag Race experience. Little did I know that she was just going to sashay away on her own terms! I was as surprised as Sister Sister as she went on to lip sync by herself. Ok Ginny! It was fun to have you in the race. I'm glad A'Whora made up with Tia so I can like her better. Now she has Drag sisters! I would never have pegged A'Whora for a lone wolf Drag Queen. Listen, Veronica may have biffed the maxi challenge, but she slayed on that stage! That is an example of a lewk keeping a queen out of the bottom. I did cackle as she rolled her eyes in that gorgeous looking pig face. The other queens might not want to go against Veronica Green look for look!
  18. Actually, what would make it make sense is if Luke, Mary, and Ryan spent some time to fully explore the Batcave. Remember, they didn't even know that the Batmobile was right under their noses the whole time they were there. Bruce didn't take all of his toys with him, clearly.
  19. Can we see the last of her? I'm sure that the timeline given to Ryan wouldn't be possible for most parolees. Aren't they supposed to help find suitable housing? In order to keep this interesting, they may have to recast Kate if for nothing else than to pass the baton to Ryan. Otherwise, what is the point? I'm glad that the Batsuit can be altered. Why not make a new one for Ryan? Bruce Wayne had multiple batsuits!
  20. I know, but if Mother would rather not dirty her hands whooping that lesser queen, I am available!
  21. She also questioned Joey Jay's taste level! Even with no wig, Joey looked more put together than Kandy. All of Kandy's looks have that "I"M A HOE!" theme running through and I am tired. Even hoes can dress up and look cute sometimes.
  22. I can't with Kandy. How she didn't get read for that makeup is beyond me. Plus she never lets anyone finish a damn sentence before barreling over them with yet another unsolicited opinion. She talks soooo much. I am a member of the Tamisha Iman Goon Squad (Have Bat, Will Travel), and I was tickled with how Tamisha silently walked up on Kandy while she was talking shit in Untucked. Kandy better watch herself; Mother looks like she carries knives and razor blades in her drag... The right Queen went home. Lala ate her up! It was over when she picked up the money Joey threw. I loved that!
  23. Episode 3: Darlings, you should never go with a short skirt or dress for a DESIGN CHALLENGE. All that fabric in the box and that is what Asstina came up with? Tayce could be forgiven for that deconstructed jacket (a little), but where was the rest of the outfit? Repeating the horn hair didn't help distract from the outfit. I'll bet Veronica had an outfit all set up for Tia that she decided to jettison at the last minute. It was all over Veronica's face; "I know I will outshine you, but can you not be the Baroness of Basic for one challenge?" Lawrence and Ellie looked fantastic, but I wasn't feeling the white makeup in their faces. Ginny was cute at her attempt at sexy. Bimini's gown was gorgeous! It's amazing that A'Whora can make me like her one minute and despise her the next. Leave Tia alone! Those great Queens who were sashayed away didn't lose anything; they just got caught in the meat grinder that is RuPaul's Drag Race. I also didn't like the way A'Whora was talking over Veronica in Untucked, trying to insinuate that Tia was a lesser queen who didn't deserve her spot in the competition. I just knew that Asstina was going to buck and stunt for the lip sync and win, until I heard Ru laugh at Tia. The way to win is to make RuPaul laugh, ladies.
  24. I thought it was clever of Alice to use poison bats in her bid to get Safiyah's attention. I expected that device she was holding to be the detonator to a huge bomb planted in the square. Now that I would be interested in seeing. Ryan's timeline is a bit fuzzy, as they all are on shows like this; so she was a ward of the state until she turned 18, got sent to prison for 18 months, gained and lost her foster mother mere moments after getting released and managed to cross paths with Kate 2 months before her disappearance? How long was she on the streets after her foster mother's death? I would like to know how and when Ryan got her martial arts training as well... I guess GCPD/Crows are totally clueless and corrupt. Sophie remembered Ryan from her previous brushes with the law, yet didn't at least think that the black girl in the Batwoman suit seemed familiar? Even after Ryan spoke to her? Jacob's all het up because a Black woman is in his daughter's suit. Yuck.
  25. Well, Ru quarantined the queens together, provided clear face shields for them to go outside during Untucked, there is shielding between the judges on the panel, who probably quarantined themselves before taping. That's probably why the "single" checks are going through the cast, because all they see is each other.
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