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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. Lawd. Myrla is ... something. Poor Gil. She couldn't even go to the pool with him? Who works on their honeymoon, even if its with a stranger? I did chuckle when he called macaroons a "bougie cookie". She even took off the generic wedding ring! Michaela, honey. Zach didn't get COVID on purpose to ruin your honeymoon. Thank your lucky stars that you didn't catch COVID since you were all over this man since you met.
  2. Fred got new stylists this season? Mother looks good on the runway! I'm rooting for Love Masisi. I hope this experience builds her up. I hope the rest of Ivy's wigs aren't so crunchy...
  3. Rachel's people clearly don't like her. I want Johnny and Bao to make it.
  4. Waiting patiently for everyone to see Season 2, Episode 1...
  5. Heh. I could see her wanting to keep her last name if she was her father's only child. Myrla has a brother. She might not win that battle! The look on Gil's face when he told her that he expected her to change her last name...
  6. Wouldn't they rent the gowns? You can't tell me that they get paid enough to buy those gowns.
  7. Like I said before, the "experts" are supreme trolls. I saw there was an issue in the matchmaking episode. They paired Myrla and Gil for purely dramatic purposes in hopes to humble her. That sucks. That said, Gil's dog is a pit bull mix. The dog didn't look so dangerous in the home shots with Gil. But if a woman states that she doesn't want a man with a dog, that should stand. Myrla should have committed the best decision for herself and refused to marry Gil once she was furnished with the info that she didn't want to hear. I mean, we still see her on tv, we know who she is; I'm not looking forward to seeing how this marriage will self destruct before our eyes.
  8. I'm willing to bet that the tea ceremony was pre-planned as soon as Asian contestants were selected. If there wasn't a perfect match, I'm sure Bao would have been "introducing her non-Asian new husband to her culture" as part of her storyline.
  9. I don't think Myrla wants to embrace her Latina background. If I were Gil and if he knew his future wife was Latina, I probably would have greeted her in Spanish.
  10. You'd think being able to communicate with her mother is a plus. I feel that all of Myrla's people sensed that Gil was too good for her.
  11. Yep. That was an interesting top on "Hurricane K". Myrla has that "I'm here so I won't get fined" look.
  12. I'm not going to say that Michaela is too much. What I will say is that Zack is not going to be able to match her exuberance. That's it.
  13. I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't like Myrla, Brett, or Rachel's dresses. I would have forgiven Myrla if not for the tattoo right between her breasts. That's all I could focus on whenever they showed her. I'm not tattoo shaming, but she chose a dress where you couldn't help but see it. My issue with the other titty gowns is that opaque panel used to emphasize the cleavage. I don't like nude illlusion type dresses when the bride's skin doesn't match the fabric. If you have to show off the tatas, tape the dress to them and leave that film off! There's a fine line between sexy and stripper wear... Ryan would probably benefit more from grief therapy than a marriage to a stranger. He is traumatized! I'm not sure Brett will be able to pull him out of that particular funk.
  14. She's angry because she got the hots for He-Man, thinking he was a totally different person from Prince Adam. The best part for me is having Adam look totally different from his jacked up alter ego. I never understood how no one in the original 80's cartoon ever saw that Prince Adam with that god-awful bowl cut was just He-Man with tight clothing. I cackled when we saw him hanging in Heaven as his "lesser" self. We could have used at least 2 episodes in Heaven to see why Adam didn't stay jacked up like the others. It was really cool to see Greyskull and the previous protectors of Eternia.
  15. I was never a fan of He-Man or She-Ra, but this version of MOTU? I'm totally in! Honestly, I can see Teela's POV in all of this and it's nice to see the world of Eternia through her eyes. Yes, she is pissed because no one told her one of the big secrets. I just hope someone tells her before the first part is over. She never expected her love for best friend Adam and her torch for He-Man to reside in the same place. Once she learns the other secret pertaining to her...
  16. Oh! I didn't realize that the 3rd hour was a separate episode. The majority of my thoughts are in the first episode thread.
  17. It wasn't specifically stated on the show, but how else could MAFS have matched them? They didn't match them with a spouse that wasn't Asian.
  18. January 31st. That's what Johnny said to his father. Remember, Johnny and Bao was 25 and 20 at college. Bao said that she heard Johnny was a player and she didn't want that in a boyfriend at the time. That doesn't mean that she wouldn't have eventually found 35 year old Johnny and sparked a relationship. They were 2 totally different people back then.
  19. Written notes taken during the episode. Heh. I was not feeling Rachel's "friend" either. She didn't seem to want Rachel to get any shine. I also found that her mom and friend not sitting with her was also telling. Rachel looked like a child on that seat as her friend deflated her good feelings. Also, I will give MAFS small props for matching Johnny and Bao's ethnic backgrounds. I could imagine what would have happened had the show matched a Vietnamese person with a Chinese, Japanese, or Thai person thinking all Asians are alike...
  20. Like I said, the doctors and pastor are trolls. Myrla specifically said that she didn't like bald men, so why pair her with one? As a non-sports fan, yes. I used to be a football widow; my ex-husband would forget that we all existed when football was on the tv! No one could disturb him; unfortunately, he would watch the tv in the living room in the middle of our controlled chaos with children and pets. So the children and I no longer bothered with sports of any kind once he and I got divorced. Bao and Johnny met in college 10 years ago. At best, they were friendly with each other. And if they insisted that their spouse be Vietnamese, that makes for a very small pool to draw from after eliminating the exes. I think Bao was more than happy not to see an ex at the altar.
  21. Probably not. It's generic and can be used for multiple weddings. Johnny wasn't on Bao's list because they met in college 10 years ago and never dated. He was not one of her exes.
  22. Johnny and Bao's wedding was so adorable! My eyes are a bit dusty... The way Bao was stuck on the wedding gifts (it should have been books! omigod he's a bro!), the look of shock when she recognized her groom, the look of relief on Johnny's face, all of it was pretty wild! These two should be okay with being with each other.
  23. This show is 3 hours long! And we are only getting one wedding tonight. Surely in 13 seasons this show can be edited better. I am committed to this season so far... Heh.
  24. No! Jose's face is lopsided. And did I see a scar running down that side of his face in the younger beardless picture? Honestly, I think Bao and Johnny plus Brett and Ryan may actually go the distance. Myrla should have been paired with Zack; likewise Michaela with Gil. Rachel and Jose will be a pure dumpster fire from the altar. Jose is far too shallow and wants far too much of a wife. The doctors are complete trolls and I refuse to believe otherwise.
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