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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. It's definitely real and confirmed in People Magazine. That's where I first read about it. Wes, his son who competed with him in San Juan Del Sur is quoted in the article. Apparently he had cancer, only diagnosed a few months ago. Kelly Wentworth and Jeremy, who won Second Chances, are also quoted. I forgot that Jeremy and Keith were close in their season, with both being firefighters. Keith was cool and one of the more likeable contestants. RIP
  2. I've found many of the recent entertainment-related FJ questions very easy. That John Williams answer was a very easy get. Not least of all that this year's Oscars was barely a month ago, where John Williams was nominated again and all the media mentioned multiple times about his being nominated 53 times.
  3. And what’s funny is that we never saw or heard of Renee and George again but saw and heard about Harry and Dreyfus multiple times throughout the seasons.
  4. Right...all these useless tears and as you said, if she wanted to save him so much, all she had to do was let Brandon outlast her in the challenge. Worse showmance ever.
  5. So as I suspected, Heidi's advantage made no difference. Because as I suspected Lauren just split her two votes. So all that scrambling for such an obvious vote. Meh...
  6. So Lauren probably just gave a vote to both Yam Yam and Matt.
  7. Frannie's desperation over Matt will get Heidi to want him gone. And like I said, a whole lot of crazy scrambling.
  8. Oh right, these are three original members of Soka - the tribe that was using shot in the darks for the first tribal council. Of course they're going to complicate this.
  9. Ah, THAT'S how Heidi's advantage may work, if Yam Yam and Matt throw a wrench in the plan by voting together.
  10. Okay but I'm trying to understand how this can really save anyone - because if Yam Yam and Matt are voting against each other, assuming they're the two up on the chopping block, that's 1 vote Yam Yam and 1 vote Matt. Say Heidi then tells Brandon he has to vote for Lauren, Lauren and the other woman can still vote Matt or Yam Yam, whoever they decided to vote out and the final count is still 3 Matt, 1 Yam Yam and 1 Lauren or flipped the other way if the votes go for Yam Yam. So does this advantage really matter?
  11. He may be annoying at times but Yam Yam is playing this smart. It was the perfect move letting Lauren know Danny was throwing her name around, and the fact Matt is of course, tight with Danny.
  12. Kudos to them because I'd say "fuck it. I already have immunity. I'm not going home." Knew Frannie would win. She looked a lot steadier than Brandon.
  13. She's the one with an extra vote and so may be in trouble tonight if someone from purple doesn't last the longest.
  14. Definitely not a fan of it tonight. It's one thing when the players are fighting to make it to the merge but the whole point of merge is that it's now an individual game. Making a bunch of people immune just because one person wins a challenge is annoying.
  15. Well with all of these twists, my guess is they got to the challenge quickly, because there will be A LOT of scrambling before tribal council.
  16. And he's apparently ready to throw Danny to the wolves for that move.
  17. Looks like Matt is finally going to realize his "idol" is fake.
  18. Dear god - time for the dullest Survivor romance of all time. And yes, I recognize my hypocrisy as I was a total Rob/Amber shipper, lol
  19. Which is exactly how I knew it'd go. Josh was an easy vote so they had to try and create some type of intrigue pre-tribal.
  20. These damn analogies about the game are all over the place. eta: Can't say I'm overly invested in whoever goes home tonight.
  21. So if Yam Yam goes, it's all Carson's fault - the guy who went to Caroline and Yam Yam about being a trio. Okay then. And funny how no one but Brandon is calling out why Carson opened his big mouth and told Kane that he was the back up vote in case Josh plays an idol
  22. Seems to me more of the players see Josh as a threat while Yam Yam is just someone who doesn't have any numbers and that spells more trouble for Josh. But I think the other players are underestimating Yam Yam. He's the kind of player that if he squeaks by can make some big moves down the line when it counts the most.
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