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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. Oh they were one hundred percent going to vote Sifu out. That's why there wasn't a lot of scrambling shown before the tribal council.
  2. This was the worse damn tribe ever - quitters and couldn't win a damn challenge. Can't wait to see Kaleb and Emily's reaction when they hear about this.
  3. Sean maybe you're the bad luck - just saying.
  4. Man, Katurah's really not here for Bruce, lol
  5. Maya I'm a little concerned you may screw yourself trying to make this big move against Sifu.
  6. Emily's so damn happy she's not going to another tribal council.
  7. And really wanted that damn flint. I don't blame him.
  8. My guess is probably the latter. Especially because these are all new tribal dynamics. I want Lulu to win just so Caleb can finally get that damn flint.
  9. Emily try to look a little less eager. Looking needy is never a good look.
  10. It just occured to me that no matter what happens, an original Lulu member will be back at tribal council, since they're all on a separate tribe.
  11. Jake, it's never a good look to laugh so hard at your own lame joke.
  12. Yup, she's middle between two pairs. If they vote tribal lines, they're going to need her to side with one pair. Of course, they may join up and decide to just boot her.
  13. The way this worked out, I'm even more convinced that switch happened because Lulu was dead in the water.
  14. This so much. Sure sometimes the tribes stick together but we've seen many times tribes go into a switch with the numbers and cannibalize each other.
  15. I do wonder if the tribe switch-up was always planned for Day 8 or the decision was made because Lulu is so god-awful. Like I don't know I buy a switch-up would be happening now if say all the tribes had gone to tribal council and so they'd all lost at least one person.
  16. Well considering only three voted, once Brandon's name was shown, it was obvious. I mean that dude really sucked at challenges so can't blame the other players for that decision. But I have a sneaking suspicion that 'ol Emily will claw her way to the merge where the old Emily will reemerge and she'll be a menace to try and get rid of down the line.
  17. Brandon's case is basically, "okay, yes, I've sucked at every challenge so far after saying I'm great at puzzles but hey, keep me and I promise that eventually there will be a challenge I don't totally suck at. I'm sure of it." Okay then...
  18. Really Brandon? Because I don't trust your assessment about ANY part of your game on this show.
  19. Is that really a new puzzle? Feel like I've seen some variation of it before. Brandon this may be your final chance to prove yourself dude. But it is NOT looking good. I'm starting to think Brandon lied about the super fan as a ploy to get on the show.
  20. I was thinking the same. Couldn't remember her name but girlfriend got herself voted out because she sat out damn near every challenge.
  21. And Brandon continues to be awful at EVERY SINGLE CHALLENGE.
  22. Chile, die-hard Survivor stans will probably be dragging Hannah online for taking the spot of some other person who would have happily played.
  23. I'm really trying not to go there and give grace but some of Emily's comment there was ringing some loud dogwhistles.
  24. And that's saying something because we've seen some really dumb shit on this show over the years.
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