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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. Chile, I've seen many oddballs on this show (Brandon Hantz comes to mind) but Bhanu is a special type of nutty. If this is a performance, it's a very odd one to choose.
  2. Damn, I really wanted to believe there was at least one IC Yanu was able to not suck at. Clearly I over-estimated them.
  3. Tevin told ya'll, "once Hunter gets that ball in his hand, it's over." Tevin didn't even look a little stressed over Siga being in the lead.
  4. I was thinking, "wait, wasn't Bhanu supposed to jump off the crate?" It's like that dude is TRYING to lose.
  5. I feel like Siga might lose, only because they were the only tribe we weren't given an indication of who might be in trouble. We all know it's Bhanu if Yanu loses and the other tribe is clearly gunning for Soda.
  6. Soda's talking too much and in Survivor that will make some people side-eye you.
  7. I hope it is because that would at least be interesting and would make me respect the gameplay versus if he's just annoyingly shitty at the game. Bless her heart, but I can't blame Kenzie for being fed up.
  8. Because honestly, that may be what can help Bhanu since he keeps running off at the mouth oversharing and word vomitting.
  9. Most of these players are superfans, not sure why girl whose name I still don't know, thought this plan was such a great one. One or more of these players is bound to realize that the producers wouldn't plant a clue saying to dig where the clue was found and there'd be nothing. Someone is going to figure that someone found the clue somewhere else and replanted it.
  10. This doesn't surprise me even a little. There's a definitely a "performing for the camera" vibe about Bhanu. Meanwhile Hunter is continuing to be miserable with all the camp singing.
  11. Now of course, this probably means this is the one time their loser tribe wins an IC. Because the Bhanu vote is way too easy and obvious.
  12. I think Tiffany's going to knock out Bhanu at this point.
  13. Yup, called it. I knew Randen was going to be pulled because the Bhanu exit was being telegraphed too glaringly.
  14. And sure enough, there goes Bhanu spilling...lol
  15. I love Tiffany's, "oh give me a break with this self-deprecation nonsense." Honestly, Yanu is big 'ol hot mess. No wonder they can't win shit.
  16. Why do I have a feeling that no one will leave from Yanu because Randen will be removed from the game. I don't know, that dead arm sounds pretty serious to me.
  17. Yeah, like I said, good luck Venus trying to convince that tribe to get rid of Hunter.
  18. Jeff is so shady, "Yanu is not in last..." You know he wanted to add an, "for a change"
  19. Venus' observation is not wrong but she'll never get the tribe to go for that, especially since many of them already don't care for her. Her trying to go after Hunter will likely only make them want to get rid of her quicker. A Hunter blindside is best saved for when they merge because I can for sure see her being able to sell to the other players that he'd be a big threat in individual challenges and he's very nice and has too many friends, so he'd be a social threat.
  20. Chile, I think Bhanu's losing it and it's becoming a little uncomfortable to watch.
  21. Why do I have a feeling that Bhanu may turn out to be that player who started the game really shitty but somehow sneaks into the merge and eventually emerges as a decent player. Think Emily last season.
  22. Feels like it's definitely Bhanu, only because he shot himself in the foot. And I can't blame the tribe members if that's the case because how can they feel like they can trust him moving forward when he's such an emotional loose cannon.
  23. I love the other tribe members' "WTAF is happening" faces.
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