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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. And of course Dee thinks Emily's lying. Reminds me of that poor woman last season who everyone thought was lying and she wasn't.
  2. Yeah not sure that was the best decision Emily. I understand the fear of losing her vote but the flipside is automatic safety and it's like if you can't even take a chance on yourself, then what's the point? Did she even really consider the game/challenge thingy and if it's something she possibly could have done?
  3. I'm not. The minute she scrapped by in the early tribal portion, I knew she was giving that player who sucks at the start of the game but gets better as the season progresses.
  4. I don't ever need to see Drew in his underwear again - please and thanks.
  5. Damn that's rough. But it also helps explain why Katurah found Bruce so insufferable. Probably gave her PTS flashbacks having some man constantly talking down to her. And it'll probably mean she'll be booted this episode.
  6. Meanwhile Emily just put a giant target on her back letting everyone know her big move that they will just see as her shoring up her resume for if she makes the final tribal council. eta: And Jake continues to be alone and depressed.
  7. One can only hope. Also, Austin's saying how no one saw their 4 is bullshit. They see it, they just all foolishly believe they can split it.
  8. I haven't been commenting much, though still watching the show because frankly I hate this board now. The messiness and constant popups drive me crazy. But I digress. Bruce not playing his idol KNOWING these people were gunning for him ranks up there with that idiot giving away his Immunity Idol. I feel like the recent seasons have had a lot of people overthinking this game to appear so much as this super amazing Survivor player. The only way this dumb plan of Bruce's could have worked is he switched his vote to Jake. That way, he knew the Julie stuff was a bluff but he still woudln't have to play his idol. I remember a player doing this knowing the votes were going to be split to flush his idol
  9. Katurah may obsess about hating Bruce but that move should wake her up to realize it may be time to consider working with him, Jake and Kendra to figure out a way of breaking up that power group because they're going to pick them off one by one. Which is basically what Jake was telling them tonight.
  10. Oh smooth Jake... making it seem like that was a slip. Nice.
  11. Of course Bruce is going to win because everyone wants him out.
  12. Why is Austin and Drew not even bidding, unless they're not showing it. I thought they would especially because they've said there are no advantages and whoever has too much money at the end, loses their vote. Odd
  13. So Bruce having almost no money may work in his favor after all.
  14. The women thinking the guys are plotting against them and instead they're talking about tacos.
  15. I knew it and as much as I liked Kaleb, I don't blame Katurah. Kaleb and Jake screwed themselves by basically telling the woman they were working with Bruce against her, right as they were asking her to trust them. I do wonder about Katurah's path moving forward though, because Kellie and Jake may now not trust her, she and Bruce have never gotten along, Kendra is a toss up and old Reba is just going to stick together.
  16. I like that unlike some other times they've done this, they're making the first tribe leave. Because in the past, seeing who was eliminated has sometimes influenced the second group's vote.
  17. I believe the flash forward shown during Jake's ITM was real but I think the shock in that tribal will be that Katurah will flip on the revote, instead of Austin, who Jake and Kaleb were banking on. And that will mean Jake will probably be the one eliminated. All his talk of playing the game and having so much focus today just makes me think he's going to be the blindside.
  18. Oh yeah, Katurah's gonna flip on those two and I don't blame her. I'm not sure why Jake and Kaleb thought telling Katurah this right before such a close vote was a good idea. So what Austin could have told her Bruce had an idol. All they had to do was lie and tell her they told Austin that as a bluff.
  19. I don't know - I think the Bruce idol reveal may have just convinced Katurah she can't trust you Kaleb and she may just say "fuck it" and vote with the Reba 3.
  20. Dee not everyone wanted Kaleb out. Survivor is a numbers game and the side that wanted to keep Kaleb were outnumbered. That's all that happened and so the players saw no reason at that point in the game to go against the numbers.
  21. Bruce may be annoying as hell but he's a little more discerning than some might think. He immediately called Kendra's gunning for him.
  22. Curious how these votes will go. Kaleb could be vulnerable but Katurah and Jake are in that group as well, so it's a 3-3 split. Blue is even more interesting because numbers wise they can just get rid of Drew and weaken old Reba but Bruce is annoying the fuck out of these people, so who knows.
  23. Pretty awesome that two women won both groups.
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