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Everything posted by DarkRaichu

  1. Technically Ydrassil pulled him into itself. Then he realized / put together the clues in that backstage. Not only that, he basically used his power to reset reality. In the flashback he was playing cops marching to a dollhouse. When he removed the toy cops from the yard, that also happenned in front of Ibis funeral house. The cops that surrounded the house just vanished. Then he broke through Ydrassil, maybe via backstage, and I assume he took Ydrassil with him, leaving the axe on the floor.
  2. An older & fatter Sam with a pair of spectacles plus white hair and beard.. Oh and a hat, don't forget the hat.... I can see that, I definitely can see that 😉
  3. Didn't Arya say that to Gendry too ?? Good night folks !!!! 😄 😄
  4. This. All the build up and at the end there was 0 interaction between the 2 of them ?? C'mon!!!
  5. I highly doubt there will be any explanation. But here is how I fanwank it: Arya dressed up as 1 of the wights that were attacking Theon. Once she was shot by Theon, she used her assassin skill to lay motionless on the snow until NK arrived. As she jumped up from the ground to attack, we saw the swooshing of Walker's hair.
  6. Qyburn has the ability to make wildfire so supply is not the issue
  7. The only thing that makes Cersei dangerous is she does not mind to be the queen of ashes. She would not hesitate to kill and/or destroy everything as long as she is the last one sitting on the Iron Throne
  8. I still think Cersei would be the Queen at the end, but only for a few moments. Either Arya gets another kill or Cersei's baby does something that would kill Cersei (thus fulfilling her prophecy)
  9. I believe most viewers took it as NK sitting on the throne. With NK gone, at least I am interpreting it as a metaphor. Also, Dany never sit on the throne in her vision, close but no sugar
  10. Yep, the older generations were the master politicians. Without Tywin, Lady O did not have anyone to match her wits. Also nobody left to control / direct Cersei's brute force approaches
  11. Nope, she should be Spy Master with Water Dancing schools (franchises?) all over the Seven Kingdoms. Perfect cover for spying missions 😄
  12. The throne was covered with snow... Now, which Snow could it be? Jon is not technically a Snow anymore 😉
  13. So with NK dead, Dany's dream of snowy Iron Throne could only mean a Snow / bastard is going to sit on it. I am not saying Jon since he is not technically a Snow anymore. So, Is it going to be Gendry sitting there at the end? Or maybe, Cersei's baby?
  14. I know this would have undercut the NK's strategy, but I would have liked to see the main characters killed a few Walkers. Brianne, Jamie, and Pod could have killed 5-7 Walkers before NK swooshed them away with his ice storm magic
  15. So Bran is Professor Charles Xavier and Jon is the Wolverine (he could not die)... Got it 😉
  16. No way. He is still a Nigtwatch. Although he should have been injured severely afterwards. This. 100%. At least have them lose a limb or 2 or have permanent damages. Most of speaking characters in 8x02 were still standing by the end of 8x03
  17. One thing I enjoyed was the look on NK's face as he survived dragonfire. He could look smug with that much prostetics on. He should have dusted off his shoulder with hand as a nod to the worthless SW ep8 😄
  18. If the showrunners were actually brave, we should have been able to yell bingo by the end of episode 3. I expected more main characters deaths based on all the build ups in ep 1 & 2. Also, she took off her robe and her dress was pretty much open as she walked outside in the cold
  19. Yes, in the past (IIRC before Stannis left to go to the north) she took it off and we saw a naked old woman
  20. That was kind of a letdown I expected so much more death. WTF, and I thought I put too many characters alive in my speculation here. My only wrong prediction was Theon, I mean c'mon!! It was too dark and I could not tell what's going on most of the time. I just trusted the plot armors would protect the mains and I was mostly correct. They could not even let kill Pod !! Jorah got his glorious death (I said it in last week thread) but Theon was wasted. But worse, Bran let him die as he must have known that Arya was coming in about 10 seconds. And what was the point of those Ravens he wrag into? Jon yelled to a dead dragon, c'mon! That should have been either Jon killed a dragon OR the dragon unleashed blue fire on Jon... And make it a cliffhanger to see if Jon survive the blue fire (he would survive but it would have been 100% better than yelling at the damn dragon) And the Dothrakis were going to fight ice zombies with steel swords ??? C'mon! They could NOT have known Melissadrei was going to come and lit the sword. As good as the visual effect of 1000s swords being lit, this was a freaking poor plotting on the showrunners' part When the show was lit properly, it looked great. The dragon fight above the cloud was top notch Wasn't NK a Targ? That would explain his fire immunity Where did Gendry go? Did he die because he was too weak to fight? You know, "no boom boom before big fight !!" So, it looked like the Dothrakis were wiped out and the Unsullied were 80% gone. At least from from what I could see Arya got the kill, which was cool. Now that I think about it, why didn't they put a bunch of booby traps around Bran?? He was the bait afterall. Again, they did not know NK was immune to fire Is Ghost officially dead? He was with Jorrah & Dothrakis but I did not see him coming back to Winterfell afterwards
  21. Meh. This thing is a mess. My interest is nearing 0. Tech 2.0 is still subservant to World? Why? With new power he did not even attempt to defy World? Whatever... I think Laura is bringing Sweeney to Baron Samedi to bring him back to life. Although with so many still believe in Leprechaun, how did Sweeney be dead?
  22. We know Arya is ending up in the crypts fighting with her new dragonglass spear. She is most likely wouldn't be there unless she is protecting Lady of Winterfell
  23. NK can raise plenty dead army since there are thousands of bodies buried between Winterfell and KL due to battles between the houses over the series.
  24. I do not think NK is the "final boss" either. NK's story is related to Bran / 3ER and will be concluded with both removed from the storyline. Either both die or transform or are sealed, whatever. Final conflict is between Jon, Sansa, Dany, Cersei, Tyrion, Jamie for the Iron Throne so they all survive the battle vs NK. Arya will survive the NK battle but since she is basically WMD / overpowered, she will be injured and out of commission after the battle. Which is also why she will survive at the end of the series. NK's dragon is going to be destroyed in the battle but so is 1 of Dany's. Cersei gets to kill the last dragon. So no dragon by the end of GoT Grey Worm, Sam, Thormund, Varys, Davos, the Hound, Theon, Pod, Bronn will be alive after the battle vs NK since we still need people to fight vs Cersei's army. Everyone else dies (sorry Gilly & Brianne). Final conflict is not necessarily 1 group vs another. There could be as little as 3 groups fighting for the Iron Throne
  25. I do not think the NK / natural disaster theme is necessarily lost when the humans win at Winterfell. It is a sign that human's determination and will to live are strong enough against unfavorable odds. Also, humans created the mess surrounding the Iron Throne, so let humans clean up after themselves. There is no need for nature to do the clean up for them.
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