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Everything posted by MrMattyMatt

  1. I would think that Mary could get out of the Duggar household if she really wanted to. She's usually pretty joyful and in her talking heads she doesn't appear too miserable. She may be technically "in charge" of the laundry, but I am sure she probably delegates out to the girls when she needs a break. Regarding J'chelle, I am shocked she doesn't have one of the remaining J'slaves dress her each morning and draw her a bath at the end of the day.
  2. I think the awkwardness of that scene as well as the other "walk in on sex" scenes is that the person who walks in and stays there and then even more people come into the room. In reality, if someone were to walk in on two people in bed together, they would most likely walk right back out and go away no matter how shocked they are.
  3. The house the Duggars live in - "Tinker Toy House" - it's made from a kit of steel pieces. http://www.kodiaksteelhomes.com/about/inthenews
  4. Well, Anna and the "M" kids have been shown going off on their own. Of course, Anna always runs into some sort of issue or stress and needs to call Smuggar. She's never shown in a strong independent light. I've been trying to think of an instance where we have seen Jana Banana out on her own and you're all right - never has happened!
  5. The fact that the posting has been deleted burns me even more. If you can't defend yourself then keep your mouth shut on these topics.
  6. The Duggars themselves are very tight-lipped, but I agree that's it's odd that someone, somewhere hasn't come out with tons of "inside" information. Some of the online gossip sites have tried to sensationalize a few of the Duggar stories, but there is usually nothing new in them. Hopefully now that the girls are a-courtin' and different families come into the mix, we'll get some real details of what goes on in the compound soon...
  7. I watched this today while playing games on my Kindle, so I really didn't get the "naked" effect. It was rather boring actually with the typical jealousy drama that's usual to these dating shows. Why wasn't the hostess naked too? It's just all sorts of bizarre.
  8. JJ always calls out the guys that wear shorts to court, but never says a word to the ladies who look like they are dressed to go out clubbing..
  9. I didn't think the older girls needed chaperons to go out alone. I thought that was only when courting. Did I miss something in a episode or in their book??
  10. I agree with JJ's quick "Ah-move" as it's getting old. There have been some cases however where the people lived in places up to a year under supposedly horrible conditions. In these cases, I would agree. I can certainly relate to the financial burden moving causes.
  11. Thank you Fostersmom. I was raised Catholic and am now non-denominational Christian. His posting is just pretty ignorant. What's worse is that it came about from his "mission-vacation" in Central America. Since when do you go on one of these "missions" and criticize their beliefs?? What a juvenile moron.
  12. I thought this would be an interesting poll! Take a vote and share why you voted the way you did. Remember, not your favorite "girl" - the one who you are most similar to personality-wise. I would say Dorothy. Always been the level-headed wall flower type.
  13. Mullet had some sort of ABC iphone app she was playing with miracle Josie last season I think. IMO, with the Europe and Asia trips, I would have thought those would have been great opportunities to homeschool prior to and after the trips regarding the history and culture of the countries they would be visiting. I doubt that happened. I'm surprised the Gothard bible allows them to leave the country.
  14. I am sure they sign something and are clearly told that JJ may and will humiliate them.
  15. They have a small bank of computers upstairs in small room, they showed a few of the howlers doing schoolwork on them being helped by Jessa and Jinger in a episode a year ago maybe. Based on what we have been shown, the schooling they get certainly is not structured or consistent. Apparently they are able to get GEDs in the end, so they claim.
  16. Apparently Cory was once 400 pounds and decided to get lap-band surgery. Was he ever that heavy on the show? http://www.cnn.com/2014/07/14/showbiz/celebrity-news-gossip/pawn-stars-corey-harrison-weight-loss/index.html?hpt=hp_bn9
  17. I often wonder if they basically having him do busy work crap jobs at the office and then on occasion use him as a front man at events. I also cannot seriously see him holding his own on serious debates such as gay marriage and abortion. With that said, he's been at FRC much longer than I anticipated.
  18. I never know where they are and can never make heads or tails of any of the pricing.
  19. Yes, her voice has become so affected and fake all the time. It used to be that way only when speaking to the "little ones". I have a feeling she thinks this makes her sound more "sweet", that and psychotropic medication may be involved.
  20. Rose's wardrobe seemed the most relevant to the time period for that age group. Dorothy's outfits were always beyond scary, even her nightgowns. Blanche's were always upscale and she looked good in anything flowing, I thought. Poor Sophia, she only got the standard old lady attire. What's kills me, as someone who lives in Florida, they sure wore a lot of sweaters (even when coming in from outdoors), in reality you only need sweater maybe a week or two out of the year if you are lucky.
  21. Zaldmo, (love the name) - yes, if you blinked you'd have missed out on what happened with the bidding, I was awake at that point and still don't understand what happened, regardless, they got the house. At one point in the beginning, when being interviewed with friends there was a random hand caressing the bearded brother's shoulder and back, but we never saw who it was attached to. The whole thing is odd.... maybe the storyline was just a setup for the show and only one of those guys bought the house and intends to live there.
  22. I am trying hard not speculating anything based on the little we get from Jill and Derick, but I seriously doubt she married to keep the show alive. The relationship certainly may have been conjured up by Boob and TLC, but if Jill married for the sake of publicity, she's an excellent actress!
  23. OK, so I was watching the marathon today... Did I miss something in the "Brothers helping brothers" episode? The whole thing just seemed odd to me. Those guys had to have been in their mid to late 30's, still living in the parents pool house, and now buying their dream home together??? I've seen other shows where siblings buy homes together, but there is usually some sort of explanation and discussion surrounding what will happen if one plans to marry, etc.. and what will become of the dream home... still baffled on this one...
  24. The whole things just seems rather silly and typical of the types of things that happen with children. The fact that it caused Jana to break down in tears as an adult is what concerns me. God only know what else has gone on in that household.
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