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Everything posted by MrMattyMatt

  1. Exactly. Why would she suddenly shut them out? They are not only siblings but basically great friends. I am sure now that she's married, she'll be allowed to venture out and make new friendships that are not part of the Duggar Dynasty, but will most likely remain close with her family.
  2. I think they didn't want that book you mentioned to be discussed here.
  3. "Free Jinger" was coined well before she seemed like such a Kool-aid drinker. Yes, the eye rolls were one thing and she seemed a bit more outspoken when she was younger, and always seemed to be wearing something unique. Today it doesn't really fit, but for those who have watched the shows from the beginning understand. Back then, posts on "the other forum" were tagged with "freejinger" for a while before the the "powers" there put a stop to it.
  4. It's obvious that Boob is a horndog selfish bastard that most likely has been trying to get J'Chelle knocked up as many times as possible only for the fame and his ego. Jill seems much wiser and will most likely "naturally" not have quite so many kids. I suspect Anna, who appears to be on the fringe of losing it lately, is most likely resisting Smugs quite often if only to simply space the "blessings" out.
  5. True. https://www.facebook.com/TheLittleCouple/photos/a.144085295465.135373.96545215465/10152585918515466/?type=1&relevant_count=1
  6. Grindr is a geosocial networking application geared towards gay, bisexual, and bi-curious men.
  7. I totally agree, but the main point is that constant the travel is not making for a consistent home life which may delay Will further. But then, that's their "normal" and he will adjust eventually!
  8. Is the picnic basket pic from the TTH Kitchen or it that their new place?
  9. Exactly, what we "know" is what we see on the show and in social media. We "know" that Will needs to wear diapers (maybe only on occasion) because they recently shared a photo of him wearing them. We "know" Will is having speech issues because they indicated this on the show. They even shared footage with us while he was with a speech therapist. Has someone make an accuastion that Will have been diagnosed with anything more than a few delays that would warrant doctors records or a one on one with Jen & Bill? They shared all of this with us and we are discussing....
  10. Exactly. Also, I think bullying is an extreme idea. If anything we're expressing concern for Will's development in light of all the reality "hoop-la" that the Arnold's have been partaking in lately. I am sure Will will grow up to be a genius millionaire, but that's not really the point.
  11. Dorothy and Sophia playing Scrabble: Dorothy: Ma, that's not a word! Use it in a sentence... Sophia: You're no good at disdamn game.
  12. JJ was very dimplomatic in the Grindr case. Talk about and expensive hook-up.
  13. Bill and Jen stated that they both have to be up at the same time and wonder what each other are doing if they are not in the same room. They said it but we didn't see it. Maybe it's the luck of the draw of the footage and what we are shown, but I can't recall one shot where the two of them were playing with each other, laughing, chasing, etc. Based on what we see, it does appear Will is definitely having some adjustment issues and has a tendancy to ignore Zoey unless she has something he wants. I'm sure it will all get worked out eventually.
  14. Since they both have heart for mission work, my hope is that they eventually head off to Africa or Asia. There Jill can possibly be a midwife and Derrick can do whatever work he did in Nepal (did we ever find out what he did there?) I am sure she'll have babies, but she'll probably enlist some natives to care for them while she works.
  15. And really, what answer was Smuggar looking for? Didn't Bin say Jessa was his first courtship? I can't believe he didn't have at least one "unoffical" girlfriend before Jessa...
  16. "Both Officer Byrd and I paid for your XXXX" Insert anything for XXXX where the plaintiff or defendant say they paid for something and are also getting government assistance.
  17. I think it was Anna's sisters and then the J'slaves came to help at one point...
  18. From early seasons: "I'm the boss, applesauce!"
  19. Could be the old "A man with a scar is sexy" type thing. I remember the episode when the random howler had the growth removed and then saw the plastic surgeon with J'Chelle.
  20. Anyone know when the next season will be? I'm assuming spring 2015. I tried to check the logotv site, but it's a hot mess.
  21. Yes, there was at least one Bates failed courtship. It all makes me wonder how much of a setup these Duggar courtships are. The whole Jill situation just all seemed like perfect timing for TLC and filming.
  22. I fast-forwarded through Smuggar and Anna's "first kiss" and will probably do the same when they feature Jill's.
  23. Maybe I am slightly OCD but I'd rather eat a simply made wedding cake than some of these over the top, meticulously decorated cakes. Who knows how many hands have touched them? (I'm sure hand were clean, but still) Watching some of these Cake Boss type shows, I always say - it looks great but I'd never eat it. Maybe the look is more important anyway. Is there a link to Jill and Derrick's cake picture?
  24. Were Jill or Derrick quoted as saying that or was it a warped media report requoted J'Chelle and Boobs mantra?
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