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  1. I really want Take My Tumor docs to get a permanent show.
  2. https://www.tlc.com/?lid=d4pk25kkrg7h&nl=TLC_030225_header&lvrmp=&lvrmp= A new email from TLC, has Baylen and lots of other shows. Also, TLC Casting | TLC.com. These are new shows mainly, and do you need a prosthetic, one show is My Pregnant Husband.
  3. So they're moving into what must be a very expensive apartment, and I guess they decided the huge expanses of glass aren't a deal breaker even though she freaks out at storms. What do Colin and Baylen do to be able to afford this apartment?
  4. I am Shauna Rae.
  5. I wonder if any of these episodes are in areas where the fires were. I know nothing much about LA.
  6. Another apartment, with normal walls and windows, would have been a better choice, and are their families wealthy, because that looks to be a very expensive apartment. I would find it hard forgive her if anything happens to the dogs. She needs a job, a work from home one for choice.
  7. Is she able to hold a job, where she doesn't have to interact with strangers? Can she type, or write?
  8. https://www.tlc.com/?lid=w2bya52ocbke&nl=TLC_021625_header&lvrmp=&lvrmp= Another email from TLC, on Baylen, and also on other shows. Feel free to share it to other shows that you watch. It doesn't say what happened to the 1000 lb sisters in London, that's the only other bit I read.
  9. Watching the Andy Garcia episode, remodel of garage and yard for widow of a friend. I worry about the increase in valuation. There's an awful lot of stuff in the yard, grills and doesn't it get noisy for the neighbors, with the tv and all.
  10. If people are still working from home, that might be a good job option for her. (I'm retired, so I don't know, though I'd have hated working from home.)
  11. https://www.tlc.com/?lid=iwg4uupnzxrl&nl=TLC_020225_header&lvrmp= A mailing from TLC on a bunch of shows I don't watch, but Baylen is in here. Nothing on the 1,000 Lb. Sisters, alas.
  12. Wishing this was still being filmed, as I'm seeing Bourbon St. with 4" of snow on the ground, and still coming down. (via The Weather Channel, I'm not there.) I hope all the first responders are safe.
  13. Posting this here, because some might want to do this. https://www.archives.gov/citizen-archivist/get-started-transcribing
  14. On the smuggling shows, people are always getting caught at the border for pot, because while it's ok in some states, it isn't federally.
  15. https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/exclusive-sopranos-star-michael-imperioli-learns-ancestors-were-1920s-law-breakers-on-finding-your-roots/ar-BB1rb76N?ocid=msedgntp&pc=HCTS&cvid=372c7977e62747ea9889f020e9f5ade3&ei=19 Above is from today's Microsoft news feed.
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