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Everything posted by Slakkie

  1. I agree. And since they can poke at Crystal's eating disorder and question why she is not getting help, I feel comfortable saying the same to Rinna. If you are acting like a complete asshole (and as of last week agrees she is still out of control) maybe RINNA is the one who needs help. I mean it is now what 9 months since Lois passed? Grief takes its time but 99.99999999% of humanity is not allowed to act at work like she is. So I call BS on it.
  2. I think it is more about mutual destruction pact. They know where the bodies are buried.
  3. To say she is purging DAILY on television is so wrong. It was not on film. I am horrified.
  4. He did and said he thought it was false.
  5. I call BS on the lawsuit - I am a banker and if they accepted forged documents the the Feds are going to rain holy hell down on them. With the Patriot Act and Ban Secrecy / Anti-Money Laundering if they allowed this the bank would be shut down. IF they did this (which I do not believe) then they would already be in jail - then to add Mauricio and PK - this is one of those things people WISH was true but this would not be in civil court if it happens
  6. she would just throw it at Sutton. The Faux Force Five had a plan to take out SUtton this year and man are they pissed it is not working.
  7. I listened to the podcast and she confused me. Everyone was nice and fabulous etc so it tells me one thing. The entire show is fake or she is entirely fake. I know which one I lean towards.
  8. At this point she is more of a "friend of" then a diamond holder. The only time she has talked recently (other than about herself) is in interviews. I want Crystal to step forward. It is exhausting how they are piling on Sutton. I mean it is getting old and it makes me hate the Faux Force Five. And then there is Rinna on her - Unless they are not showing us something I do not get this piling on hatred for her. Its getting really old and what it does is make me like her more and forgive her more. She is kooky but she is not fake like those losers. STFU
  9. So let me understand, now its okay for RINNA to question Erika but when Garcelle does it - she is just letting her hair down? I cannot wait to hear Diana apology - "I am from Bosnia and it is in our culture to be an asshole at your birthday. Here is a 6 pack of Neuro and I will give some of my ex-husbands money to Haiti - we good now, yes?"
  10. What I do not get is Erika says horrific stuff to Crystal with an eating disorder and we have to give her "grace" because "she does not know" yet Sutton and something she said was "dark." Am I the only one that sees the hypocrisy of Crystal in this? Telling someone with an eating disorder to grab a laxative is insane. I also have struggled with food and if I eat too much my mind triggers me to vomit. I literally broke out in a cold sweat to think about waiting for a laxative to get the food OUT. Now for some without an ED this may sound really weird but I totally got Crystal - when you eat something that is a trigger food you want it but then you have to have it gone and until it is gone it consumes your entire world. I feel like she did not want to confront Erika knowing what a nasty viper she is - had Sutton said this the hounds of hell would have come down. Hell even Garcelle telling her how skinny she looked was ignored. Eating disorders have nothing to do with what you look like - it is a personal issue between a person and food. And it does not matter how smart or how much money you fave - you cannot take a pill like Erika and be "cured"
  11. I totally understand that she is grieving but excuse me you tone deaf bitch but most families have been dealing with grief. Here's a Fox News Alert for you - in the last few years most families have dealt with grief. Your grief is not entertaining to me. You using your mother DYING as a storyline in hopes the rest of your disgusting behavior would be ignored is in poor taste. After your mother passed you have danced around, been insulted about a free table at a charity and pointed at any and all BIRDS to bring up Lois. I mean what do you want? I would offer you a cookie but, how about a taste of Harry's sauce?
  12. I am not getting what any of the cast is bringing except Sutton and Garcelle. Diana - I am Bosnian, I hate dust I do not shop I am rich. I hate Sutton Lisa - My mom died, I want people to hate Sutton Dorit - My house was broken into - don't forget my trauma Kyle - Erika mixing Rx and booze is awesome, Sutton stop being mean and lying Erika - I hate Sutton and so should you I literally almost forgot Crystal.
  13. I wonder when they begin to claw back all of her purchases that they will attempt to get items back to the rightful owner. The judge has said that even though she was more than likely unaware she was given stolen money, she will still have to give anything back that was purchased from that money.
  14. Since he is no longer part of the case there should not be an issue. But he is not much better than the Girardi's. Jay Edelson seems to be the best (RR loathes him so that is an added bonus)
  15. Which is why it is even MORE hilarious Had Jen Shah not been caught Mary would have been in the crosshairs.
  16. I think RR is a big famewhore myself and it was in poor taste however I did listen as well ha ha ha. I think RR is almost as slimy
  17. They are saying RR was not in CA so one party approval of recording was legal in the state he was in. Tom has no attorney for the bankruptcy so there was no exparte communication. Thats the RR story at least.
  18. Tom called Ronald RIchards - personally I think the only thing that it shows is that he actually has dementia. Oh and RR is an attention whore. I do believe that it was really disgusting to post (but I did add the link here so maybe I am as well) but supposedly there is way more.
  19. Per Ronald Richards - it happened TODAY. Erika called him to discuss that she was going to be deposed which aligns to her being served for the civil RICO charges.
  20. https://replay.dropbox.com/share/LwRZq2zJme6F6wpT?video_version_id=pid_rvv%3AAAAAAPhlMHJMLqXPpSMquioosNxr2tAo8vw-bW6fCBvfyDGr Holy guacamole - Tom called an attorney and they recorded it - he is talking to Erica still.
  21. Other than her mother dying, her only storyline is dressing like she is in a throwback broadway play or conjuring up Elton John and Prince. Well and shit stirring. Lois' passing is tragic and I am not mocking it at all - but I wonder what was HER storyline supposed to be? Her stirring and hating Sutton is getting annoying. It seems like newbies can do anything as long as they follow Fox Force Five Four. I think the only FFF storyline was to get Sutton - again do something new...
  22. I popped over here and I agree on Ayan and Lesa - I really thought I was going to loathe Ayan but I now LOVE her! Stanbury knows how this game is played and yet is doing everything in her power to suck the life out of the show. If you watch her IG vs the show its like 2 different worlds and WTF does Segrio need to be in every scene? Also if I am getting married I would spend time with everyone! And while she says she was brought up in boarding school so were a ton of people and they are not frigid rude beasts? And she seems to have a decent relationship with her own kids so why can't she loosen up? Ayan and her son melt my heart - I really like her.
  23. I rewatched the episode )I am in a hotel so at least I am not counting in the ratings and I realize that ERIKA understands the inappropriateness of her actions more than Kyle and Dorit (since she gave her a pass). We truly need this to resonate. First that Crystal had the convo with her and when Erika shrugged it off set her straight (I think Crystal is really like Sutton and they do and say things that annoy me but are probably nice people) then Erika realized the age and inappropriateness. Kyle knew all of this and still found it funny - I am not sure how anyone of the Fox Force Five would think its funny unless all they want to do is gloss over anything and everything. So in the end I actually have less animosity for Erika - the PERP then Kyle and Dorit and they stoned / pig husbands. PK should give his CUTW to himself and his friends.
  24. So far I could handle Garcelle, Sutton, Sherree and Crystal in a revamped show. I see no actual storyline for the others other than as assholes. Drama does not have to include violence, chronic inebriation, verbal assault and going to jail. I mean we used to tune in to RHOBH for house and travel porn and rich people problems.
  25. The bigger difference is that Kyle wants people to think she is a good person - Erika is completely fine with people knowing she is a Cut Fitness
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