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Everything posted by Slakkie

  1. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-08-31/appellate-justice-condo-tom-girardi-affair-wire Erika posted this on Twitter. Lord this gets worse and worse. I do sort of feel for Erika - she is getting the brunt of all the heat and the others who also profited are in the shadows.
  2. Paraphrasing. Rinna is laying in bed and says it is interesting that the RHOBH producer also did Vanderpump Rules and that this shitstorm matches one of their off camera incidents. Then this Patrick guy pops back up and she commented on an IG story (I think) that Patrick and Kathy probably did the Bots to keep what happens in Aspen buried but this also is something LVP would do. There were a few more random posts that said similar. Basically ALL of this is some vast right wing conspiracy to bury what happens in Aspen per Rinna. Honestly the people who will dilute Aspen is RINNA
  3. Both need to go and so does Dorit. Erika without her protectors will have to man up and she needs the money so she will play ball. Kyle is not ready to give up her crown and will play ball.
  4. Sutton is the easy target. Crystal is married to the Lion King and I think they find her too boring and she stays quiet and saves comments for her 1:1 interviews, Garcelle would eat them alive so Sutton is the target by default. And she is bad with the quick comeback.
  5. Not just a producer the HEAD producer blaming them for the attack on Jax - that cannot go well.
  6. No she posted a real message before any of the others. I think she is staying out of it because for the first time 0 this "segment" is not produced by her. And say what you will - this is not something Kyle would ever agree with and I am sure now is wishing that segment where she said it was "funny" Erika attacked Jax would disappear. In other news Rinna seems to have spiraled yet again and wiped her SM of all things RHOBH. Maybe she wont show up to the reunion. I think she is so pissed that whatever happened in Aspen will not get the publicity she wants. I do not believe it whatever it is even if caught on camera. That is how much I now loathe her and Erika and Diana
  7. I truly hope she is and that this sent her Rinna and Diana coo coo for cocoa puffs
  8. For all the people saying Sutton and Garcelle are show friends only it seems Sutton was in Vegas and popped in to see Garcelle's son Oliver. I think what may have started as an alliance is actually a friendship now. Its on IG. Say what you will about these two ladies but they seem to take friendship seriously. And conversely the FFF seems to be imploding at least the Rinna and Erika with a side of Diana. Reunion is supposed to tape this week wont this be fun to see Rinna in full freak out
  9. I hate to call BS on this but she already had security and what are the "credible threats" Until I see the police involved she is just trying to swing people to her being a victim too. Isn't she in Hawaii at her compound anyway? What are these violent RHOBH tourists gonna do, go to Dole and grab a pineapple drag it through the sand and throw it at her?
  10. Now that this has hit national press I think Bravo fas to break these people up. It has gone too far.
  11. I mean I know how long it takes to have insurance payout and that closet made me go hmmmmmmmm
  12. On IG - trying to say Garcelle was mocking her miscarriage which she was not. She was going really hard - calling people cancer and trolls and talking crap at Garcelle. The next day the bot attack started on Garcelle's son.
  13. None of the FFF have the money or inclination to do it. Rinna will not buy a seat at a charity she is not spending the money, Dorit has no money, Erika its not her nature and she has enough issues with windows orphans and burn victims. No way Kyle would. There is only one person who would have the means, money and the "nuclear" (her words) temper to do this. The same one that was fighting with Garcelle up until the attacks then went radio silent before digging up a 12 year old article for proof. Even if she herself did not pull the trigger most of the best people in this business are from her former area. Where there is smoke.... ALLEGEDLY.
  14. Its all due to SM mostly about Diana googling Garcelle but to make sure she spelled Garcell(e) correctly. Diana got butthurtitis and decided she was mocking her miscarriages. Garcelle told her to calm down. The next day the BOTS starting attacking Jax and Diana got really quiet. My guess is that this was supposed to be a way to get a reunion storyline because other than licking her lips she is irrelevant. The bots was a complete fail it is horrific and if they can prove who paid for or instigated this they need to be FIRED.
  15. And it points in one direction because this has never occurred before and a certain "housewife" out of the blue started feuding with Garcelle and completely over-reacted on real accounts then once this started went radio silent. This person out of their own mouth and corroborated by Crystal goes "nuclear" when angry and we have seen some of this online. Plus the rest of the RHOBH wives (minus Sutton) think reading an LA Times article is too long so how are they going to hire someone to create a bot attack? Is it Diana specifically? Who knows but she and her people are the only ones that make sense (money and network) and she is eerily silent on this. Bravo needs to actually do something at this point or no one will sign up for this dumpster fire of BH. Between the Mean Girls / Faux Force Five who will do whatever it takes to protect their own and then this rude nasty "look at me I am so rich" the show has turned and I can honestly see Garcelle walking away now that her CHILDREN are being affected - will Sutton's be next. This makes Rinna and her meltdowns almost welcoming.
  16. When someone pointed that it was a joke about Googling Garcelle (but spell it "Garcell") Diana said "You are a MORBID TROLL that does not understand whats wrong with pointing out misspelled names in a message like that. Go away you HUMAN CANCER" I mean calm down Bosnia Barbie - if she is lashing out like this you bet I can see her or her Broadway Twink buying bots to attack children. This is why Lisa Rinna needs a pause and take the book out of the trash and put Diana in it. This abuse of Sutton, Garcelle and Garcelle's CHILDREN crosses the line. PERIOD. It is not entertaining at all.
  17. I think it is Diana and it is definitely a lot of bots. It makes sense because Erika has never pulled this. Diana is all over IG whining about Garcelle.
  18. Teddi actually went to SUR (I think) with Tamra and LVP was there and she and Teddi talked and supposedly were okay after that. I listened to the podcast and Teddi stepped in it yet again...it was all "we thought" and it was apparent that there is a lot of re-writing being done by the FFF. People are nasty to Teddi because she is the least accountable Accountability Coach of all time. On her podcast she admitted she will always side with her friends, Tamra told her that is not being a good friend - friends will tell people when they are wrong. Teddi's problem is that she flaps her mouth and then cries victim. She picks on Sutton a lot but they are a lot alike except Sutton does not whine and boo hoo.
  19. And note they are already going after Kathy - that paycheck she got must piss them off and how DARE she say the name of that charity that is so close to Dorito that we never heard of it before??? The Faux Force Five really needs to read the room
  20. But Erika was and he hired entertainers and was in Erin Brockavich. He was worthy
  21. I am listening to Kate Casey on Carlos King's podcast and I now get why they loathe Sutton. Beverly Hills is about celebrity and you are no one unless you are in the industry.The only person who does not have tentacles in the entertainment industry is Sutton - her money comes from the financial industry. Look at Rinna whose husband is still getting parts but she is unable to get anything but a Days spin off webseries. It does not matter how her companies are doing (I think RInna beauty is probably doing well) it is about where you are in THE industry and currently all she is HH's wife and a reality personality. In walks Sutton and she is getting tons of buzz and love, she is getting parts in shows (Bride of Chucky 2) or asked on Kimmel (yes Rinna they asked you first) but she is getting attention and cred that no one without industry ties should get and it pisses those two off. They may snipe at Mrs Lion King but they will not ever piss her off. Sutton is the one they can pick on because her being mad at them will not affect them in the hierarchy of what matters to them OR they are afraid she will end up ahead of them. I found it fascinating
  22. She is still close with the Faux Force Five (specifically Kyle which is where I think many of her opinions come from)plus she was just explaining how they do things on RHOBH. She is tolerable on her pod - mostly I think because of Tamra. Tamra makes Teddi tolerable and thats how these nuggets pop out. Hell Teddi even stood up for Sutton last episode - I about fell out of my chair. She also mentioned that RInna is upset that most of the ladies are not reaching out to her about Lois and that she is still butthurt about that. It makes me wonder if this will make her rethink her general assholeness to LVP. I am sure that it will not.
  23. Please PLEASE do not hurt me for using Teddi as a subject matter expert BUT... She said that it was apparent that production wanted drama at the party and they pushed Kyle to do it as the participants refused to and she was annoyed and drunk and thats also why Mauricio was chiming in. She said RInna became aware she had no storyline and that's why she dredged up EJ because she was basically without any drama to go soap opera on (paraphrasing and she did not say she spoke to Rinna just that's what she guessed). That the women except Rinna did not step in and stop her because that meant the cameras would on her and not them and their shit. Normally someone will step in when someone goes coo coo for cocoa puffs but the fact no one did is because they did not want production to shift to them. My opinion - Rinna, Crystal and Dorit are all in hot water to stay relevant. RInna is going from villain to turn off TV with a heaping side of soap scene chewing. Dorit has no storylineand frankly does not push storylines enough to show value and Crystal is so in the background - girl bring IG Crystal to the show - she is funny! Maybe if a couple others were swapped she would open up. Oh I literally forgot Diana. And Diana and her off broadway child bring nothing. Her acting (oh he forgot the cameras) makes RInna look like Meryl Streep, her style is off (she looked like mustard this episode) she has no connection with anyone except as the Junior VIllian or if she knew them before. She seems like she hates the show and being on it. Erika is so lucky that half the cast is so off that she and her meds and booze have a few more seasons. I feel like Crystal could get another season but only IF they break up Faux Force Five. Those four that are in lockstep have to be broken up or this show will stay fragmented. Pause Rinna, dump Dorit and Erika is going to be FORCED to actually interact and get along. Rinna needs a year or more off to get her life in order. Diana can stay or go - no one cares. No one - she is irrelevant. Kyle and Garcelle can steer the show. Erika can be pushed out of her comfort zone with RInna and we can see her life, Crystal can stop hiding in the shadows, Sutton and Erika can get passed this dumb shit and they can actually be funny. It could work.
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