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Everything posted by Slakkie

  1. HOnestly I just love that LVP with Sutton or Garcelle makes the FFF go apeshit. Teddi was moaning about this...made me happy
  2. Oh all the $hit Rinna has pulled on people (munchhausens, cheating etc) someone saying you did not say THANK YOU is what is going to take you down? Lord have mercy. SHut up Harry - go back to your cabin
  3. It was because then he did not have to pay sales tax per the records.
  4. What is more terrifying is that the bankruptcy attorney did not notice that the earrings did not match the sales receipt. Per RR (if you want to believe him) he is the one who noticed. I went and listened to Erika in Aspen and she gave the proper carat weight and an updated value so she had to know these were not the same earrings. You would think that these people would take this more seriously. It is head shockingly arrogant in so many ways.
  5. Per Ronald Richards (and his documents) the earrings that are on sale are 1 carat smaller each then what was bought prior. These are not the right earrings and that makes sense why she is appealing but just for a credit. These are not the earrings she cares about. Lord she is a snake.
  6. The CA Board of Realtors must be working with the State Bar - money talks, ethics are for the little people
  7. The problem with Teddi (other than annoying) is that she is ride or die FFF. Even with Tamra railing at her she refuses to say anything about Erika or Kyle - Dorito she is wishy washy. Also the only storyline she has is her melanoma and frankly I do not need to see this play out on TV. She does NOT get along with Garcelle and her and Sutton are meh. Honestly I do not need more people petting Kyle. Dorito has that spot. Sutton hired a forensic accountant which was smart. She has been with her husband since high school so she definitely got HALF - good for her
  8. They dated since high school. Rinna is such a liar.
  9. Honestly I would rather Twitter made money off of them then all the dumb ads. Rinna probably left because she does not have $20 a month since she has to pay for rat traps and anti "shook" meds...oh and birdseed for Lois
  10. I was listening to Kyle on Two T's podcast. She asked Kathy about liking the tweet or post or whatever and she said she liked it on accident. What came abundantly clear is Kyle is so focused on being upset at her sister she has nothing to say about Rinna or Erika - in fact she said nothing about being upset at Rinna. What I do not get is that Kathy apologized, Kyle accepted so WTF are they fighting about? Kathy is mad Kyle is not standing up for her that makes sense but if Kyle actually accepted an apology then why is she still butthurt? I think the poison in this family is just too much and really something that needs to be off camera. I am going to stand by my opinion that Kyle egged the grusome twosome on to take Kathy down a peg or 12 but then they would not stop.. And when they took it to SM all it has done is turn people sick of FFF to be Team Kathy not because they love Kathy but they are sick of these nasty women.
  11. I love the idea of Carnie WIlson - she is a bit out there but she is now a regular on Jeff Lewis' Sirius show and I think she would be a good addition. She is California royalty and neither Erika or Rinna could go at her because she has been an open book with all of her issues. And yes to have someone who can actually sing not just gyrate would piss Erika off. I do hope Rinna is off next year (or I will not watch) and someone like Carnie could bring the fun back - thats what I was shallow rich people problems and house and vacation porn
  12. I think the issue is that Rinna and Erika planned out what Erika was going to say and they did not catch that Kathy said she only spoke to the MANAGER - so they did not have time to change or forgot. What I find interesting is that usually when you are in the right you come to a situation ready to go. Rinna and Erika would not make eye contact and were shifting around. Does not seem like how you act when you are on the right side of a situation.
  13. Because she is not a liar. (Whew lightening did not strike me dead). Basically her story and Kathy's do not match and whats weird is in all the episodes she never mentioned that she actually spoke to Kathy. I believe she was attempting to take the heat off of Rinna who was losing. Just like the book in the trash
  14. Actually they do sign contracts 3, 4 or 5 years per Teddi and Tamra. Bravo can fire at any time, they are stuck in them.
  15. So I see that while saying this hurt her family KYLE forced Kathy to apologize to her and Rinna. I am going to bet this is when Kyle said she is glad others saw how mean her sister could be to her. She wanted Kathy to be taken down a peg and for people to like her and then Lisa would not stop and she went farther than Kyle wanted. That is what happens when you fiddle with Satan Kyle.
  16. Sutton said that it was her one regret. At the time she felt like Garcelle had it but after watching it she wishes she would have said something
  17. They need a new host because he is not holding anyone accountable for anything. Like why not ask Dorito why she laughed about the Jax - Erika incident? She knew what happened and still laughed and said because it was not her child she thought it was funny. Seriously Andy just admit you like the shit stirrers. I am even less likely to watch based on the reunion where no accountability is being taken. Including Andy and his "apology"
  18. And if all of this is true (and it may be) what does it say about the vile EVIL disgusting multiple members of this show that puts me firmly on Team Kathy....
  19. I feel Garcelle is on to something - they want HER off because they feel that they can control Crystal and Sutton easily and make them the verbal punching bags. Teddi made a comment that stuck with me. They want fake drama that has nothing to do with them so that no one looks too closely at THEM. They can stay together, make a ton of money and keep a few losers on that they can rotate in and out while getting a big check and not have to delve into THEM at all. I mean look at this season - what storylines did they bring (other than St Lois of Birds and a break in neither were driven by them but circumstances) I am sure Erika wants this fake news beef with Dorito and Rinna wants her struggle without Lois and finding porcelain birds to be center next year while they make fun of Crystal and Sutton - they just need Garcelle out. Oh and then bring back Teddi and DIana - won't THAT be fun! This is correct - Teddi indicated on her Podcast that it was the FFF group chat that it was mentioned.
  20. I am seeing the FFF being protected. Where is the Dorit / PK / Kyle / Mauricio "it was funny what Erika did" or Erika and her meltdown? MELTDOWNS.... Even the Rinna stuff. I think Kyle hates Crystal because she "took" Teddi's spot and they want Teddi back.
  21. They released the first six minutes today and a couple things stood out. Diana is definitely a goner and Crystal is on an empty friend island of her own doing.
  22. Don't forget not worrying about Diana's family which was on an island in a gated community who may have a random tourist sneak up and throw a pineapple at them! How dare she not immediately worry about Bosnia!
  23. I think Crystal got the memo it was "destroy Sutton" and went way overboard and talked herself into it being worse than it was. I think her body issues and Sutton really being dramatic caused it. Her real crime to me was bringing it BACK up and putting Sutton in a place where she had to defend herself. I notice the only person who did not pile on her was Sutton - I think it is because she genuinely likes Crystal and knows had she uttered anything the "trained assassins" would go in for the kill. I think she and Garcelle are kind of okay with each other (seems that Crystal protecting Jax definitely helped) and she and Sutton really are friends however Crystal has to start articulating better in the moment. She is similar to Sutton - better in interviews then in the moment but Sutton has gotten better and I think Crystal will too. It is apparent she and Kyle are not going to be friends. I think we can all agree now that Garcelle and Sutton actually are friends. And if they all come back Crystal the sights will be on you girlfriend.
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