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Everything posted by Jacks-Son

  1. Oh my, you took it as a challenge. Bravo. 👏
  2. Wrong “them”. I cannot accept Ray & Susan, just like I cannot accept Tina and Standish. I know it’s cute to force two people who would never, ever, get together IRL, but it diminishes my regard for Susan. I couldn’t even see Gigi with Ray. Not that it should be a determining factor, but I can’t even come up with a catchy portmanteau for them. That’s how disgusting the thought is to me. It’s like your favorite ex-girlfriend dating the high school football player because he looks cute in his jersey. Ugh!! That’s a wrap!
  3. I could swear when Susan made the shot, though, the guy was about to grab something (and maybe shoot Will?), so I can see why Susan did what she did. Her face afterwards didn't look at all secretive to me, just surprised - and even a bit traumatized. Well show, you fucked up! First off, I agree with this point. Susan basically had no choice, as it appeared to me, the guy was going to shoot Will (perhaps in the back) and she protected her bestie. I can’t see Susan being evil, although her sleeping with Ray 17 1/2 times (What’s half sex? Is that supposed to be a “Lewinsky”?) is certainly evil. I was hoping the show would not go there and I shared Frankie’s horror at the situation. Susan sleeping with Ray makes no sense, especially with their excuse. When you have to hide a relationship and both parties are single, there’s shame involved. Susan is too smart for that shit and it’s really demeaning and insulting for this woman to be so uncharacteristically needy. I like the show, and actually liked this episode, despite Emma’s death, as the characters showed some growth especially Frankie’s realization that her wish for Will to be less emotional actually is not what she really wants or needs. Does this new twist mean that Will may be forced to kill Tina, his wife IRL?
  4. @UNOSEZ: My baby sister married a Guyanese man and his family (the older ones) wasn't too thrilled. Their daughter (my niece) isn't exactly well received either and she's not too fond of them. My Cuban relatives didn't approve of my mother's marriage to a Jamaican. That's the crap I never understood. I was raised in a New York City projects and we were ALL poor so nobody had the audacity to look down their nose at another ethnicity. Poverty should be the equalizer. It's not like the Cubans were paragons of virtue and had any reason to feel superior. Hell, most of the Cubans married Puerto Ricans, so there may be a clue there.
  5. Excellent points! 👏 They need to bring her up to speed with the whole Charmed Ones are not the Sarcana, They broke the ice with her time stop now they need to go full tilt. I like Nico and obviously Mel is still in love with her. So stop messing around and put those two love birds together. Show dull Greta the door! Also, more Craig Parker please, the man was born to play the bad guy. He was great in "Legends of the Seeker" and "Reign", so make use of the actor and don't skimp. Anybody know if there is a 4th sister in this reboot? I wasn't too big a fan of Page or Biilie, but substituting them with actresses who can actually act, may help.
  6. Although I kind of liked Tess initially, and I guess she ended up making me sympathetic towards Kyle, whom I eventually liked because he became part of the Scooby gang; I especially loved it when Liz found out that Tess killed Alex and came into the room where the Royal Four were inside taking a vote on whether to kill Tess or not (I guess not too dissimilar to the scene played out in this episode) and Liz came in, hands ablaze, knocking the shit out of Tess, and then telling her, "Get up, Bitch!" while she readied to deliver another alien blast. I was kind of glad Tess turned out to be bad because Shiri Appleby owned that scene. I wonder if we'll get our OG Tess in some form on this current series. You don't just drop tongue slips like "When they heard the use of your powers, they will come for you!" Without some version of Max, the leader, and Tess, his wife.
  7. As the son of a Cuban mother and a Jamaican father, I can understand Maggie's difficulties. Growing up, I had the same identity issues. First growing up in a Cuban/Puerto Rican culture and then as more and more of my father's Jamaican relatives came into the picture, it became a bit confusing. People wanted to fit me in a box, but I didn't know what box applied. Having a Spanish name didn't help either. I finally ended up just calling myself Caribbean.
  8. I was wondering when they would air the vaunted episode #4 that would reveal something relationship wise. If this was supposed to be it, then it was very overblown. I agree with others that this episode was anticlimactic and didn't meet the hype. This episode was just an average episode. The only thing that even remotely seemed relationship related was the slip of the tongue about Susan and Frankie meeting for pizza on a Friday when they both told Will that they had prior engagements. It's sort of obvious that the ladies excluded Will because he's the subject of their pizza date. Who wants emo-Will along for girl's night about boys. Also, Frankie might open up to Susan about her feelings for Will. How else would Susan know that Frankie's praise of Emma as a good fit for Will and earn the subsequent "That's very mature of you!" I did enjoy Jai's discomfort in having to listen to Will's attempts at bonding and laughed at his revenge. That's it; plus Frankie's total lack of empathy with regard to a team member's plight. She seemed shocked that the others were so worried about saving Will and that they greeted his return with sighs of relief. I know she had to wonder how Will can engender such loyalty while she can't and must hate him for it. (Not really, but Frankie can be weird like that). Standish was a bit more mature in this episode, so I'll cut him a break, he IS NSA and not CIA or FBI.
  9. I've actually witnessed an autopsy, for a class trip, at the NYC morgue in downtown Manhattan. Trust me, autopsies are devastating to dead bodies, just like you both said, Kirkola & KittenPokerCheater, all the organs are removed, weighed, and stored separately, and the body is then filled with stuffing. (i.e. newspapers). You can't just "Heal them" or "resurrect" them because the body is filled with embalming fluid has no organs.
  10. Oooh boy, someone was just introduced to Zeke. (the strange man) You're in for a treat. This can be fun. Please post your thoughts about the series as you progress, if you have time. Zeke is a member of our "PtSA" Club. (People to Snark About). However, please remember most of us have already seen the entire season, so when you post, be wary that you might run into a spoiler. Enjoy!
  11. Didn't Noah say something about him making Rosa's mother leave Roswell?
  12. Now THAT is a talent! Can your run with heels in desert sand? Because in the episode, they weirdly showed Liz's feet wearing heels, then she took off running. Odd directorial choice.
  13. I cut out two sentences in your quote because I like neither Kyle nor Michael Trevino. However, I really don't understand why this horribly mad scene was shown. Yes, Kyle went to the gun shop to purchase a handgun and that was understandable. He just found out that his dad was killed mercilessly by Manes, so his intention was shoot him, whether to just hurt him or to actually kill him. Either way, as you said, his stream of consciousness spoken out loud should have alerted the gun shop owner to at least consider that now was not a good time to sell him a gun. Not only did the gun shop owner not hear a word that he said, or if he did, he used Kyle's burning anger to hype up his sales pitch AND threw in a discount! WTF? Why write this scene other than to piss off normal people who think the current gun laws in this country are an abomination? Less Loki, more like Syndrome from "The Incredibles" with his bad guy monologuing. Noah's motives were never really explored. Just a general, "I love her! Sorry, NOT sorry! Let me do more evil shit just because". Excellent points. Another questionable story line. Why keep Rosa's dead body and then place her in a Pod, for what, so that you can stare at her dead body as if she was a trophy for your mantle.? Worse, why resurrect a 10 year corpse? What possible good could that do? Incidentally, Liz running IN HIGH HEELS to hug Max in the desert, may have looked better in a different venue. This was a weird episode. Fortunately, since the series WAS renewed, hopefully all of this silliness will be better understood with more exposition.
  14. The good: Dido's song was a nice touch; The totally appropriate death of the Supreme Asswipe Noah. (the only thing that would have been cooler is if Max had blown him the fuck up. I wanted a fine red mist of blood slowly sprinkling down like rain) Noah reminds me of my ex-supervisor's cat. My supervisor thought it was a great idea to solve her rat in the attic problem by getting a shelter cat and locking the cat in the attic with no food except a rat. Not surprisingly the cat went insane and became feral. Noah was a feral cat; Rosa's resurrection (now what are you going to do with that, Carina?); Kyle's stabbing of Manes and putting him in an induced coma. (I thought sure Kyle was going to kick him in the head, as I would have. (I'm starting to notice a trend in my thoughts, I may need therapy) Dude killed your dad in the worst way, cancer is no laughing matter); Max cannot be dead, despite some posters' fondest wishes, the show introduced the Max is the King of his people SL. Someone upthread mentioned that by showing Michael's mother it proved that Max and Michael were not family. I don't think it was intimated in this series and it certainly wasn't in OG, Michael was always Max's 2nd in command in OG and not his family. The bad: Overlooking the actual heat generated by Michael and Maria and forcing some lackluster Michael/Alex relationship and even making it worse by love 'em and leave 'em Michael; the crazy, insane gun shop scene. Here we have a customer, who is slowly unraveling in front of you and you tell this guy with burning anger, "It's your God given right to buy a gun!" Okay, on the surface, that's some sick shit, but I have to think, please, please, let that be some backhanded swipe at the insane gun laws in this country, otherwise that part of the episode was deranged.
  15. My comment about it being fucked up was meant specifically towards the police charging kidnapped young girls forced into prostitution with Prostitution, although it is also fucked up with the depiction of most black youths as gangbangers with guns and not just any guns, automatic weapons. Oh yeah, lets continue with this stereotype. As far as "Charmed", it appears that almost all of the Elders are White women and the one Elder of color was killed, with nary another comment. **Make that two Elders of color were killed; the Charmed Ones' mom and the Elder (Priyanka Bari) who drew on Macy's Demon side to find out that Charity was her killer. You know, on second thought, after going through IMDB's cast members for this show, it has a heck of a lot of POC in the cast. Good on you, show, now stop killing them off.
  16. Ahem.. Iris West/Eddie, Iris West/Barry Allen. At least Cisco had Gypsy but Cisco isn't very Latino-ish. Yes, trends are very difficult to battle. MY main complaint, and this is mostly apparent in "Black Lightning" is that every person of color is either a drug dealer or traffics in prostitution and worse of all, EVERYONE carries a gun. I loathe the image of African American youths walking around with a gun. I think that image contributes to the mentality that Black men are borderline criminals who carry guns. They need to stop contributing to that image and promote more POC who are peaceful. I thought "Cloak and Dagger" would approach it differently, but the last episode had a multitude of Black youths openly forcing young girls into prostitution and hunting Cloak with guns ready. To make matters worse, when the girls were saved by Cloak & Dagger, the police still insisted that the girls be charged with prostitution. That, to put it plainly, is fucked up.
  17. Nice to hear from you again. Glad my memory is still working. Isn't the CW's tagline, "Open to All"? Plus I ran across this boast: The CW touts that nearly two-thirds of its showrunners/executive producers, writers, and directors are women or people of color."? The CW Puts Diversity at the Center of Its New Fall Marketing Campaign
  18. I really liked this episode and this story-line especially. Maggie recognizing that she never identified with her African-American lineage and therefore felt like a cheat if she used that lineage simply to get a scholarship. Well done show! I like that the writers not only wrote that in, but also decided to weigh in and come down on a certain perspective and didn't leave it up to some wishy-washy non-decision. Not many shows have the willingness to bring up the topic. I also like that Maggie asked Macy for advice. Bye bye Galvin. Never liked him, so if he's gone, good. He didn't deserve her also as far as Niko vs Jada, I think the show had already decided to go with Niko breaking the memory/history wipe. Although I kind of liked Jada and thought her Elder-hate was enlightening to Mel despite the whole Fiona strategy destroying the Sarcana. I thought Jada was this modern reboot's answer to Leo. I actually miss Harry, and Tessa is a hoot, but this show needs more male characters, preferably a person of color. @UNOSEZ you mention a dearth of African-American males in fantasy shows. If memory serves me right, you and I used to bitch about Dolls' death in the "Wynnna Earp" forum. I was the Flushing, NY guy and you were raised nearby. Am I imagining things? If so, I apologize. Good episode with plenty of fun, except the death of all the Sarcana members. Speaking of that, I think Mel should have brought Niko back into that hidden room. Those ARE people whose deaths' should be investigated and no one is more qualified to assist in that investigation than Niko.
  19. Global migration to another planet may be our only option eventually. I wonder how peaceable the reception would be.
  20. @free2think, another site you can try is YouTube. The Good Witch airs on Hallmark, so it's not available on YouTube TV, but episodes and perhaps movies (I only saw episodes available during the short time I browsed the site) are available on YouTube.
  21. Outstanding episode. This show keeps getting better. It was a little hard to follow at times, especially with all the answers in riddles, but it was very well done and riveting. Although Mayhem, may be a bit overzealous, I understand her anger and willingness to just wreck shit. So much for Connors' apology. His word is worth crap.
  22. I understand your frustration. You have all the answers you've been seeking in front of you why NOT ask? Unfortunately, as always happens when one party has all the leverage, Noah is not going to give up squat. He'll stall, make up shit, and procrastinate ad nauseum. I'm with Max, Isobel, and Cameron, waste the MoFo. I acknowledge that I can't possibly be in the three alien's shoes, but for me, no amount of knowledge is worth allowing this piece of shit to live a second longer. The storyline that I find depressing is the depiction that when presented with an Alien ship crash landing on American soil, the first thing to do is to kill them all. Noah looked like a human when he was hiding, and judging by the others in detainment cells, the others looked human also. They may have looked alien initially and shifted their appearance, but if that is beyond their capabilities, then to just kill aliens mercilessly without at least attempting to communicate with them is heinous and I find that depiction a sad testament to what fantasy writers think we, as humans, would do.
  23. Why does this show insist on using that stupid trope that the supposedly too cool for school, African-American guy is really an out of touch scared little boy? He lusts after the CIA agent yet when speaking to her, he is incapable of simple speech. Its not funny. Its lazy writing and insulting. Contrary to modern television, nerds can and do talk properly to women and are not shivering dorks that constantly need pep-talks on how to speak to women without resorting to a Mr. T starter kit hanging around his neck. The way they are depicting Standish, Frankie has more balls than him. Hell, Susan has more balls than him. I understand he is being used for comedic effect, but does a character have to be a complete loser in order to bring comedy to the show? Also, how the fuck did Ray, of all people, manage to have an affair with Will's fiance?
  24. October? ? Where the Hell was I? Probably asleep on all the news and concentrating on the new Fall shows. Anyway, i missed that news and thank you for not only posting the premiere date, but also that it had been renewed already.
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