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Everything posted by Jacks-Son

  1. You could always try, "Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23 ". She's Jessica Jones w/o powers, but still acerbic. Anyway, now that its over, I can finally post this:
  2. Finally. I thought they would never get married. I hope Martha is much more tolerable as a host of a show, (although I suppose that won't last) than she is as Mayor. Everything was pretty much predictable; even the horse (White horse=Unicorn) responding to Grace. (virgin) I am not aware of her current condition, but Cassie appeared pregnant, to me (rounder face) and she held her hand over her stomach sometimes. I managed to remain awake for the entire two hours, so now the show can move onto working out how each person is going to respond to their new/potential love interest.
  3. Amen to that. My least favorite Netflix MCU character. I've watched each series at least 3 times, but I've only watched "Iron Fist" once and even that was too much. zzzzzzz I don't see why Trish is so reluctant to reveal herself when the situation almost demands that she out herself. Being Hellcat is a lot more important than being Patsy. Besides, episode 11, which I have not seen yet, is titled "A.K.A. Hellcat". What's that about? Is it Trish's entry into the known powered people world or does she finally come out in that fashion-hideous classic Hellcat yellow cat-suit? Jessica will love that considering her animosity to wearing costumes. (despite the fact that she practically wears a costume right now). By this, I mean Jessica's propensity to wear ripped jeans (of which she apparently has two), T-Shirt, with the classic leather badass (Hasta la Vista) jacket. Costume!
  4. I have no clue where this show is heading now. They're juggling so many plots, it's hard to make sense of what's going on. The first episode was just to set the stage for the 2nd episode which dropped all kinds of interesting scenarios but with no follow through. The trip to the Sound Chamber while initially built up into a climatic moment, was then petered out with no scenes showing anything but a glow. Helen's story now seems to be the central plot with Ryn, Maddie, & Ben relegated to plot B. Who the Hell knows what's going on with Calvin, worse yet, who the Hell cares, although there was a flip-flop. Thugs coming for their money from Calvin was expected, but Calvin turning down a potential pay-off from the Press that could have alleviated his financial vise was totally unexpected and so un-Calvin-like. He's now acting out of character. Which in Calvin's case could be a good thing but again, who knows and cares. So is Xander acting out of character. Now, all of a sudden, he's back with Nicole? The Nicole who seems to be playing both sides. I wonder if Nicole was monitoring Ben & Maddie BEFORE she found out about the Thruple. I don't see why she would have monitored them before, but why is she monitoring them now? It can't be because she's curious of how exactly a thruple with two humans and a mermaid works, so what is she journaling? Rick's sister, who I can probably look up her name if I cared, is STILL shady. She doles out minuscule bits of information only to give the impression that she's friendly and harmless, but she's definitely shady and will fuck Helen over in a heartbeat, she'll fuck Rick over in half a heartbeat. No bueno. Dinner was enlightening, but it would have been better if Ben, Maddie & Ryn just opened up on their own. Instead, they had to have Maddie appear delusional. It sort of ruined the impact of the news and made it seem like some sort of sexual experimentation. That pretty much ruined what should have been a new milestone for television history. They love each other, why hide it and add this unnecessary angle? I was looking forward to these two episodes but because it was big on promise but short on delivery, I was kind of disappointed that after two hours, all they managed was to get rid of the side-effects of the Siren Song. Welcome back Levi, but who in the world thought it was a good idea to give him beer. Speaking of beer, Calvin actually got wasted on free beer. . How pathetic is this dude? Calvin, drink responsibly.
  5. I didn't see it as creepy, he's just being a normal (for him) dad who wants to make sure his daughter is okay. Besides, Delilah seems to be asking them to come find her despite her pleas to not search for her. Her constant updates on her status seemed more a weird attempt to make her dad keep up the search. She knows how he is and knows how to play him.
  6. To me, one of the best episodes was when they fled to Alaska and created those ridiculous back stories. I don't see how Jareb can survive without Delilah. She's the ONLY one with any sense, well, Mom has some sense. The males in this family are complete idiots. Get some!
  7. I laughed when Jess threw Trish out the window. In fact, that whole scene was great. Dorothy's incredulity even to suspect that Jess & Trish were a couple, LOL. The small, nearly unnoticed shots were the best; like Jessica's little smirk at Trish: "This is my tiny sisterly revenge on you" just when she passed Trish on her way to opening the window. She nearly stuck her tongue out at Trish. Dorothy then went ahead and ruined her daughter's pride and joy, and missing the fact that her daughter was happy knowing that she's doing what she has always wanted, to feel self-worth by helping people. Excellent episode, Sallinger's little criminal mind monologue was straight out of a textbook definition of crazy when he told Eric Sallinger: "You say it’s because I lack empathy, because I’m evil". Erick: "Basically" Sallinger: "Evil is the wrong word. I am asserting fairness in an unfair world. I am vengeful,….appropriately cruel. Those are the things you’re sensing, not evil." Okay, you're not evil, you're batshit fucking crazy!! One thing about that whole sequence, Erik's head should have been ringing just by being near Sallinger, not just when he was in his face. Loved that the sisters worked together to bring down the little pompous shit. I liked Costa's acceptance that he's working with a super that is reluctant but trying to play by the rules and knowing that criminals don't. Damn Hogarth may pull her latest shit-fest out of the toilet, too bad. Nice beatdown Malcolm, maybe one more kick for good measure. 🙏
  8. Have you tried YouTube? A lot of viewers like to upload TV episodes to YouTube (regular YouTube NOT YouTube TV). Perhaps TBS has an On Demand channel.
  9. Hogarth: I think she has a heart in there, somewhere, I detected a note of sadness when Kith asked her to get the door that it was probably her daughter. However, it was a dick move and really pathetic. Grab the one that got away on your way out death's door. That's a f'ed up way to approach life and sadly, she deserves anything that comes at her. Hey, she's cut-throat, so what goes around.... Trish: Probably has felt inferior to Jessica ever since they became sisters, but she loves her to death and visa versa. Yeah, she killed Jessica's mom, but she only did it because she was a mass murderer and may have eventually killed Jess. Her heart was in the right place, so I don't begrudge her decision but c'mon, the impossible shot took Jess' mom right in front of her, just when things may have gotten better. She's still a mass murderer, so having a reconciliation with a mother who is a mass murderer, doesn't carry as much weight. Trish is a bit envious and probably thinks Jessica was given a gift and just abuses it. She's got a point. Jessica has self-worth issues and probably thinks she's too fucked up as a person to deserve hero status. So, she goes out of her way to prove she's not worthy, by being a surly asshole. I still love her as a character though. Malcolm: Gets the shit end of the stick ALWAYS. The man has come a long way from the junkie he was back in season 1 and I applaud his transformation. It just sucks that he works for two unappreciative people, although Jess respects the Hell out of him. Hogarth, just sees him as a tool to get her needs met. However, Malcolm does have a heart, and he knew Hogarth's scheme was wrong. Hell, a lot of Hogarth's scheme's are wrong, but she's a criminal defense lawyer and she doesn't mind getting other people dirty. Dorothy: Needs to just stop pimping her daughter, although she did find a sweet gig, which Trish is killing at, so, while she's very fucking annoying, she does know how to sell that "Patsy" brand. Jessica: She finally bathed and changed her clothes, so that's good. She may not think she's a hero, but I like my heroes like that. Modest, unassuming, take no shit, live your life, help others when you can.
  10. I thought this scene was very well done and the whole scene was made possible by the wonderful chemistry between Eline and Fola. Those two just shine when they're together. Their eyes lit up when Ryn discovered Jello and Ryn devoured that Jello-fish with a grin.
  11. I'm interested to see what happens in the next two-hour episode. From the previews it seems as if teams travel underwater looking for the Merpeople's colony and find a city(?). I hope it's for peaceful purposes and that they're not looking for subjects to experiment on.
  12. This is the real crime here. Rick's sister basically denied him his right to his own history and identity and subjected him to decades of shame and ridicule. The poor guy didn't even know the words to the generational prayer that Helen's own mother taught her. Imagine, a whole way of life you were kept ignorant of by the very same person who tried to convince you there was something wrong with you. Now, you want to embrace and introduce him to his own history and you do so by abducting him. Fuck off! Bugger off!
  13. Upon rewatch, and I admit, that mermaid/human transformation was fascinating, yet, disturbing to watch; made worse by all the ogling photographers who seemed to show no discomfort watching a person go through a grueling transformation where Ryn is literally torn apart and then reassembled. Anyway, I suspect that while this was the same procedure Donna had undergone, this time they used an anesthetic that probably caused Ryn's primal rages. So, they did put something in her and Ben was right, they had no clue how Ryn would react to the injection. Which makes his decision not to inform the scientists probably selfish and somewhat hypocritical.
  14. Wow, talk about a buzz kill. Strangulation is such a turn-off. This episode packed more in 30 minutes than most shows pack in an hour. At first I thought I was TOTALLY wrong about Rick's sister when they turned out to all be hybrids, but then her obvious move to remove John from his discussion with Helen happened, just as he was set to reveal the group's forcing out (?) Helen's parents. Beware Helen, people who want to invite you into their group by abducting you is not a good first step. It appears Nicole may turn out to be a friend instead of an enemy. Although why Ben decided to keep Ryn's current condition a secret is puzzling. I hope he's not putting Ryn's health at risk for the sake of his mother by keeping the trial going. I still don't understand Ryn's reaction if all they were doing was removing stem cells. Here we go, that was the best special effects scene I've seen in awhile. Ryn's transformation was both brutal and well done. Even to the point of seeing her legs under her tail and then bursting open. I felt Ben and Maddie's horror of what their friend was going through while scientists were admittedly curious and witnessing an animal, in their perspective, going through a change and filming it for posterity. That scene alone must have shot the show's budget up into the stratosphere. Xander acted like a normal person for once, yet he still seems to be hiding something. I have nothing more to say about Calvin and am still wondering what the Hell, Janine is thinking by being with the guy.
  15. Wow, this is a first for me. I quote myself, because on another viewing, I had a weird thought. Weird, because as much as I dislike Xander, I had a "twinge" of doubt about his intentions to burn the ship and I needed to own up to it. However, I'm desperately hanging onto my initial disdain, by slinging my "twinge" out to others. Here goes: Is it possible, that Xander, let the ship burn NOT because he was afraid of authorities finding evidence of his involvement in Cami's death, BUT because he was valiantly trying to keep the secrets of the mermaids from coming out by burning her body? Ugh, glad I got that out of my system.
  16. I agree. Drugs are not the sole factor keeping those women from leaving. There's fear of their partner; fear of leaving and being on their own; fear from society; ostracized by family, friends; kids in the household. I don't need to remind you that not too long ago, a woman, in fear for her life from her abusive ex placed a warning shot above his head to make him back down when he was advancing on her. That woman got 20 years for firing a weapon and endangering people. Shit, the man had pain on his mind, she shot a warning shot and SHE gets sentenced to 20 years. The MeToo movement has shown a multitude of women who share the trauma yet not everyone comes forward. It's not always drugs that keeps them at home. We understand that, but Tandy was a bit naive when she advised her mom to just leave, that it's easy. As for Ty not rescuing the women, I don't presume to know that he just looked away and didn't care. It's pretty evident that Ty cares for his fellow man, he may have been just happy that he made a slight difference. He's not going to correct all wrongs, but look at what the detective said when he called the girls "prostitutes" and Bridget corrected him by saying they were "victims". These girls already had to fight an uphill battle to be even seen as "missing". The police weren't looking for them; Hell, I bet some police even took advantage of the situation by visiting the hotel. I can't fault Ty for being thankful for small wins.
  17. Thanks! Finally, there are just so many reruns you can watch of this show and its hilarity before it starts to lose its edge. I want to know what the daughter is doing on her own and how her loss affects Jareb.
  18. Thanks. The way they showed her, I thought it was someone we had seen before.
  19. I don't think it was implied that Tandy and Tyrone would eliminate all crime in N.O. they realized that they were just two people and had limits. Nor did I imply that Tandy would halt all kidnapping to prostitutuon. It was just their intent to stop certain aspects of crimes that bothered them. Tyrone was determined to put a dent in the drug trade and Tandy made it her mission to free the kidnapped girls Dashaine used. She initially thought that wives and girlfriends who were abused at home could just walk out and leave until she finally came to the realization that it wasn't that simple. Some didn't have an option.
  20. BTW, who was the mermaid locked inside that sunken ship? Was it Katrina? Did they ever show who it was supposed to be?
  21. When I heard Xander say that I just shook my head in wonder. The man, who pushes the definition of buffoonery to the extreme limits, tells the waitress standing in front of him, that if the OTHER waitress can do her job, "it can't be that hard, right?". Meaning, your job lady, is a piece of cake, anybody can do it. Nice Xander, get anywhere with that line? And he didn't think Nicole's interest in him was odd? Considering how she played Xander, he should be asking if she fooled me, it can't be that hard, right?
  22. This was one helluva good episode. Freeform somehow manages to hit all the right notes with nary a misstep. Other channels should take note on how it's done. The reunion was the highlight of the episode. Even Sarge's death hit me in the feelz. The Thruple is awesome and I like that they're not shy about it. Ben's mom took note and it will be interesting to see how their relationship changes when she learns the truth. I think she'll be understanding, particularly if she gains the use of her legs from the experience. Maddie, Ben, & Ryn love each other and their separations are painful. I must have watched Ryn bursting into their arms about 5 times, it was so sweet. I don't mind the thrall from the Siren song. It has a purpose and is used effectively in this show. As expected, my favorite POS Calvin, comes through with his signature act of cowardice right off the bat when he claimed he couldn't find Xander because of too much smoke; yet Ben only had some minor discomfort and found Xander easily enough. Never count on Cal to get your back. He's not up to the challenge. Helen was devastated about Sarge's death and I applaud Ryn's choice of going straight to her and breaking the news. Helen showed tremendous grace when handling her brother, Rick. Their sister is another threat and for her to arrange their capture belies her belief that it's her brother who is crazy. That shit came out of nowhere and she must have had the abduction planned as soon as her brother told her they were coming over. Xander probably let the ship burn because there would be evidence of his fight with Cami and her eventual death. He's covering his own ass, as usual. The Stupid Twins are back and are still stupid and shady. In no way do I trust Nicole and her reasons for doing the things she does. Loved the underwater special effects. Sure, it was murky and blurry, but you cannot expect crystal clear images of the mermaids in the water. I wonder how much was spent on that CGI. It was well-done. Good episode and I'm glad the show is back.
  23. @mammaM & @JenLily, thanks to both of you. I don't think I paid that close attention when her powers expanded. OG Charmed was fun, but they did have a tendency of using cheap gimmicks once in a while. Pheobe's Kung Fu, Billie's ridiculous powers. come to mind. Thanks for the tips on when these powers presented themselves. I'm going to do a slight mini-rewatch amidst my standard re-watch of all shows in my rotation. I'll search episode recaps and see if I can pinpoint when Piper's awesome kickass powers first manifested.
  24. The only one whose age bothers me is Maggie. She comes off as a really, young, social butterfly; even younger than Phoebe was in season 1. If any OG CO expert can remember how Piper's powers expanded to her blowing demons up rather than just freezing non-demons. One of my favorite episodes was "Baby's First Demon" if I remember the plot. The one where Piper went to the Bazaar and was blasting demons left right and generally being a bad ass!
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