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Everything posted by arc

  1. I think this movie is in wide enough release as of Christmas that spoiler tags aren't necessary.
  2. ^ so basically everyone who had a spoken opinion about the Force in ANH thought it was a myth. =) But yes, I'd forgotten about Dodonna. Honestly, I haven't rewatched ANH in forever.
  3. As a non-superfan... does that invocation of the Force track with the timeline? I vaguely thought in A New Hope that Jedi and the Force were barely more than myth among the general populace, even the Rebels?
  4. So. I liked it a lot. The first two (? are they two? the soundtrack has them as two songs, but they repeat one motif) songs are super duper catchy. I love the themes of the movie, the execution, the choreography and direction and I love its vision of LA. But I think Richard Brody's review is still right in a lot of ways. <shrug> There are worse things to be than someone like Chazelle who's at least mastered some craft, I guess.
  5. I think the ending has wrecked me.
  6. Why did Galen's team do all its engineering on Eadu but the schematics were stored on Scarif instead?
  7. Here's an all-violin cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHrF-ZfdwIk
  8. I remember hearing it and thinking "Wow, glad that wasn't a Wilhelm scream", which I honestly hate now. And then I was dreading a real one to come later but if it did, I missed it.
  9. I think the Tarkin CGI model looked great, but he looked to move stiffly. Then again, who can say how much of that is because I knew it was CGI. It's weird, presumably they had a real actor on set who was digitally replaced with the Tarkin model.
  10. Allegiance had a nine-webisode documentary about the process of bringing it to Broadway. (So if you saw it in the movie event this week, this is a longer version of the behind-the-scenes mini-mini-doc that played after the play.)
  11. By at most the day after the season finale, someone had purchased "discoversamuraiworld.com" and set it to point at the Westworld subreddit. (I can't check if that's still the case because now that site is blocked by my office's ISP.)
  12. I think it was just that it was her first time in a top line position on a Broadway show.
  13. It is a fairly common thing in the videogame field (I bring up the games industry a fair bit the parallels are intentional) for people on the lowest rungs to try to learn more, sometimes on company hardware after hours. That is, as you say, how to show one's superiors that one would be qualified for a different, and more demanding, job elsewhere in the company or in the industry.
  14. I saw Allegiance last night too. (Just for where I'm coming from: I know next to nothing about Broadway, have never seen a full fledged Broadway musical, and tbh I don't know that much about the internment.) I don't think I've ever been more moved.
  15. She sawed off her own arm. and aside from the loss of the limb, she was no less dangerous: no shock, no apparent pain. (Remember, Maeve had already dialed down their pain sensitivity.) And going back to the pilot, Walter was leaking milk out of multiple bullet holes but still more than able to shoot. Seems like when you really need them, those guns QA had weren't really that much help against rogue hosts. But assuming I'm correct about the above, it would have made more sense to actually show that the hosts were nigh-unstoppable. I don't think QA successfully shot either Hector nor Armistice onscreen. Hector presumably caught a few bullets right after those elevator doors closed. Speaking of which, why was there an open firefight on that office level but the departure terminal for the train wasn't in lockdown? (I mean, OK, I guess if Maeve's escape was scripted by Ford and he locked the control room out, I can see how he would also prevent the train and departure terminal from being locked down.)
  16. Since MIB is old William, presumably Logan should also have aged about the same amount?
  17. Oh, I figured out how to read the old Delos site, and the email said: As I read it: shooting a malfunctioning host in the chest can probably stop it (see Clementine, arguably), so head shots are reserved for especially dangerous hosts. (Did the QA team even try voice commands to freeze Hector and Armistice?)
  18. And it's been stuck on glitch indefinitely for me. I guess it stores cookies? But it turns out that if you enter 'reverie' into the text box again, you can restore the website from backup, and thus see all those old emails and corporate resource infographics.
  19. No, there was some work towards building a Wyatt very early on. It was explained that Arnold's suicide included uploading the Wyatt stuff he and Ford had been writing into Dolores. But presumably Ford, at least, had never intended any narrative where Dolores murders all of Escalante.
  20. I guess if Arnold was going to go to the trouble to try to wreck everything he had built during his suicide, he might as well do it with his favorite host, not some new host he had no particular affection for.
  21. As I understood it, it didn't take him 35 years to change his mind. But after he did change his mind, I guess he left the park running in order to build up host resentment towards guests. No, that part doesn't really make sense. I feel like it would have been easier to say "sorry, these bots are genuinely sentient and should not be injured and tortured regularly for your amusement" than to stoke the fires for a robot-human war. I doubt that. Taking him at his word, Dolores killed Ford of her own volition. He gave her the gun and he gave her the choice. I see no reason why he would have left a failsafe in there. And even granting the claim that Arnold was more of a genius than Ford, and therefore a better coder, you don't have to be a genius to read and understand and delete a genius's code. Ford has been planning this move for years.
  22. Immersive Therapy World. Hosts are patterned after your friends, family, enemies, frenemies, and so on. From various points in your life, even.
  23. A blade that's kept rigid with electromagnetic force, and when it senses it's heading for a guest, it collapses? Cause I don't think a good Samaritan reflex would be sufficient, even if that is nearly all that Westworld uses for protecting guests from daggers and axes.
  24. WRT #2, at NYCC Jonathan Nolan was asked about Roman World and Medieval World and he was cagey before specifically saying no to those two. Her 'escape' was entirely scripted by Ford (as revealed in this ep, though I remember you said you haven't watched it), so it makes sense that he would have arranged the other details. He knows so much about what's going on. Anywhere in the park and HQ that any host is, he has the potential to spy. He told Theresa back in ep 4 that he knows everything about guests and employees, and he probably does. The first time Maeve woke up in the body shop, she wasn't responding to shutdown commands. The techs ended up giving her an injection rather than using voice commands or tablets. In ep 9, Bernard wasn't even able to put her in analysis mode.
  25. The "lost episode" table read is available in full now: http://www.ew.com/article/2016/12/08/happy-endings-reunion-lost-episode-video?xid=entertainment-weekly_socialflow_twitter
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