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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. If so, I guess it would be like two brown eyed parents having a blued eyed child, right?
  2. I not only predicted they'd name him Neal, I think it's the best choice. Sorry. I never liked Neal, but in tonight's episode he finally looked good enough for Emma. Must've gone to a spa. Favorite line was Hook: Anyone fluent in bug? And that bug did totally embody Snow's personality. Heh. Regina still needs to learn that lesson. Sigh. Why not just have a scene of Robin and Regina on a carousel riding sharks?
  3. I only watched it once, but I thought they left that up in the air when Nick said it could still happen to Josh. Did one of the Scooby gang actually state that it's possible for a Grimm to have a non-Grimm offspring? Maybe I'm confusing this with Bewitched when they were unsure if Tabitha would be a mortal or a witch.
  4. DioxinBlues, I'm pretty sure Kira has at least met Auntie Cosima during a Skype session. Everything I can find online seems to indicate they are in Canada, where my sister has lived since 1969, and she uses Celsius, so, I dunno. Do Canadian shows generally cater to the U.S. market by using Fahrenheit and miles instead of kilometers, etc.?
  5. *shapeshifter takes a bow and votes Captanne's comment up* Even I can be inspired to type a noteworthy turn of phrase when given such a magical moment of plot, costume, direction, photography, and character coming together. Hah! Whatever the accent, he did have it down, but they probably need to do subtitles if he's going to keep it up. On Continuum, where the same actor, Roger Cross, appears, I have no trouble understanding him. Here he seemed to be also pitching his voice slightly lower (into the sexy register), so maybe the sound needed to be edited to deal with that?I keep flashing back to Sarah feeling Daniel's pulse in the crashed car and pronouncing him dead, only to have his battered and bloody self show up in Rachel's place, fit enough to overpower Sarah. In real life Sarah would be: Whoops, I guess I got that wrong. But on a show, it seems like they wouldn't do that for nothing. Thoughts?
  6. Dragging my post over from the terminal TWoP: Maybe they inseminated her and then removed fertilized eggs? Or is there a possibility that the video was taken in utero, and now there is a pregnant Helena on the lam? Maybe "drones" is code for hi-tech turkey basters? Thanks ElectricBoogalo and Agent Dark for filling in about the gold paper butterfly/angel. New crazy theory: Paul, Cal, and Daniel are also in competition to father children of the clones.
  7. Do we see the gold-paper origami butterfly that Cal made for Kira hanging in front of Sarah when she is tied up in Rachel's shower by Daniel? Or was that just a scene fade-in? And does Daniel have the ability to raise from the dead (more or less) like Helena?
  8. In the future, whenever Sarah pronounces someone as dead, we will all know better, right? My working theory on what the Proletheans are up to is immaculate conception. Favorite scene: Helena, the white bat running out of hell past Art. So, no more Paul? I told you guys Cal seemed fishy. Believe me now? Although I've adjusted him up morally. I think maybe he left Dyad long ago and is hiding out.
  9. Not sure where to ask this, but does anyone know if they will be re-running this any time soon? I have other opportunities to catch up, but was just wondering about broadcast. I had to work a lot of Sunday nights, and there were as many as 4 other shows on any given Sunday that I then had to catch up on in the middle of the week. Since the Cosmos doesn't exactly have spoilers to worry about, heh, I figured I could catch it later.
  10. I'll be here, but probably often a day late. It's been long enough that I can't remember if I decided to quit the show, but I'm willing to give it another go.
  11. Thanks, greenbean. That makes more sense than that Keira is time traveling back and forth. And they are anti-time travel, right? So does that mean they have only existed in the present, or did they make an exception to travel to the present in order to prevent time travel in 2077? Given that Alec is so crucial to stability of the timeline, it makes way more sense to keep a spare for emergencies rather than killing one. The same could be said of Keira. I was left wondering if murderous Curtis was not the same Curtis who just got accused of killing OtherKiera.
  12. It seemed to me that they were leading up to that reveal, and it appears that they are leading up to redemption for Ward--whether or not he survives. I thought it was clear that he did not shoot the dog, and must have missed a view of the dog in rifle scope sites after it ran to follow the shot. But couldn't that have been Ward watching Buddy's escape? Anyway, Ward not shooting Buddy would just be his own weakness rather than goodness if it means the dog will slowly starve to death. I don't think we have enough information to assume the dog could not survive on its own at that point. Nevertheless, by being abandoned, it would be as emotionally wounded as both Garrett and Ward. Garrett seems to now be worthy of death, but they could save him in order to prove that the good guys are too good to kill him--which would allow him to escape in the future and create more havoc for our heroes to deal with. Flowers was revealed to be motivated by the ends-justifies-the-means, and she has just discovered that her goals do not necessarily jive with Garrett's. I wonder if she and Skye are half sisters. Question: Are the monsters (who are Skye's parents who killed a village trying to find her) actual monsters (or at least costumed or disfigured to appear as such), or are they only "monsters" in the sense that they killed innocent men, women, and children? One more question: I *loved* the "large file transfer" line; has it been used in this way before on shows and movies?
  13. I need a little help. What/where/when/how are the scenes with Keira and the Freelancers (I guess that's who they are: Inspector Nora and Curtis) happening? Too bad we can't have a cross-over with Continuum's 2 Alecs and Orphan Black. Chaos.
  14. I'm sort of relieved it was canceled so I don't feel like I have to keep watching to find out if anything new happens.
  15. At least we can now see why she's called Trouble. I am now expecting Rosalee to eventually perform some herbaceous naming ceremony for her, chanting: ...for your name shall be Trouble no more, but from this time forward, I dub thee Theresa the Awesome. Hopefully they won't then start calling her Awesome. Adalind. Argh. You writers. I get it. A leopard cannot change it's spots, and a hexenbiest will always cast evil spells, but this is TV. Why not de-biest her again and let her join the Scooby gang? We've got all sorts of wessen criminals and the Verat. We really don't need another villain. Sigh. At least it looks like from the finale trailer that this latest spell will at least be uncovered soon, but, no doubt, we'll get the usual: So Sorry. To be Continued.... Monroe's pearl of wisdom: Wedding are supposes to be unbearably stressful, so you only want to do it once.
  16. Nooooooo!Okay. Research: Season 5, episode 7, "The Good Guy Fluctuation," in which Leonard and Priya break up over Skype, aired October 27, 2011, which is 2 and half years ago. I realize the most recent episode was likely written 2 years ago, but...please say it isn't so. Why couldn't Leonard have been carrying it around for just one year? I know. Because this is Chuck Lorre. I forget. Dammit. This is why I don't watch much comedy on TV. It is not fun or funny. Jimmy Fallon can be funny at times. This is depressing.
  17. Even though I liked the engagement and can even appreciate the financial stability it could offer Penny, I really hope the gorilla movie becomes a surprise cult favorite and gives her some additional financial compensation, and maybe even more acting opportunities--although I don't think Sharnado made any actors famous.
  18. Pretty much any procedural crime show teaches that. Everytime it comes up on a show, I look around my empty nester apartment and think: Nope. No alibi. I think we should be able to call that moment an "eye hug."
  19. Heh. I've felt that way at times. I'm okay with this show being canceled. I would have kept watching if it was renewed, but the constant us versus them scenarios were getting both whiplashy and tedious--if that's possible.
  20. I wish Star-Crossed had a stronger cast and hadn't been canceled. I'm still on the fence with this show because of all the torture porn--which is why I quit Revolution.
  21. Yes, this, and only because this is a visual media, not real life. To me, how a couple looks together on screen is an element of design that should be considered. He's not only tall, but his head is so much bigger than hers--whereas Jonny/Sherlock's is fairly small. I think this is important for close shots during conversations, as well as romantic shots. I find a big difference in head size distracting. But maybe this is not a consideration when casting? I know Americans are very conditioned to thinking a taller woman should not be paired with a shorter man, and that is reflected on screen in general, but here I'm just looking at how the physical elements balance. Maybe if Mycroft was supposed to have superpowers it wouldn't bother me as much--but I can't picture him in tights and a cape either.So it makes me wonder if they purposely cast Mycroft to be visually discordant when seen with Joan so viewers would be satisfied if/when it turns out they are not going to live happily ever after together. Also, they seem to emphasize how much taller he is in the street shots, rather than having her stand on something to even things out, as has been done on other shows and movies with a diminutive female actress.
  22. I had to work Sunday night and am off today, so just arriving to the discussion now. Alicia: Who am I being faithful to? Me: Your kids? I didn't date when my kids were her kids' ages, and I'm not sure if that was my real reason or my excuse, but that was my reaction to Alicia's question. I can so see Eli coming to the conclusion: Screw Peter. This guy is the definition of grace under pressure. But we don't know anything about Finn's wife, do we?The title of the episode was a nice double--or even triple--entendre. I've always heard it called "the hidden web," but that wouldn't have worked as the double meaning. I wonder what Chekhov's Day Off will actually be. Maybe Cary is merging FA with Elsbeth Tascioni and Rayna Hecht? Too much to hope for?
  23. I find Joan and Mycroft to be visually mismatched, while she and Sherlock look as if they would fit together. I've assumed this was deliberate casting. So I am kind of repulsed at the depiction of Joan and Mycroft as lovers. Can they be going for that reaction? Or am I way off base and they just chose Rhys Ifans more for his ability to do an accent and speech pattern that sound like Sherlock's? I'm used to seeing the actress who played Mrs. West as an untrustworthy evil doer, so I kept thinking this character was going to be evil too.
  24. I liked the way the proposal was handled. I even teared up. Anyone else? No?
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