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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. I wonder if the opening bit with the elderly lunch group was shot with non-actors. It seemed very genuine.
  2. So just a reminder that the show is moving to an hour later, starting tonight, which means I'll catch it sometime in the next few days probably, because I'll be watching Motive live on ABC so I can get my Louis Ferreira fix.
  3. You meant to say it's impossible to get there unless Barbie jumps over the sharks, right? I can't believe I'm the first to post that, but thanks, fellow Dome snarkers, for saving it for me.
  4. That was my understanding too. All it takes is a few unspayed females to create a whole lotta puppies. In 3 years, there could be quite a few packs.
  5. Natalie could be gone for enough episodes so that her return would feel like a big deal. I'm probably the only person watching who was annoyed that they used the generic term, "ultramarine blue," instead of the more specific and rare, "lapis lazuli." This show is actually getting better, IMO, rather than looking for a shark to jump, like so many shows in a third season.
  6. That's my concern too. I loved the opening cinematography and the costumes. So the purple flowers among the white chrysanthemums were supposed to be a radiation induced aberration, right? Is that a real thing? In the 1980s during the forest fires in the mountains of California near Medford, Oregon, the blue Morning glories I planted turned purple after many days of the sun being a red ember in the smoke filled sky. I don't know if that's happening during the present fires, as I am now 2,000 miles away, and, anyway, I don't think it was caused by radiation.
  7. What Manhattan Gets Right, and Wrong, About Los Alamos: http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/digital/fact-vs-fiction/what-manhattan-gets-right-and-wrong-about-los-alamos-17033716
  8. That was actually my initial interpretation, but then I got all confused when I read here that "it was an inside job." I had missed that Dog Shooter said that, and, although his tobacco chewing seemed a little too obvious to not mean anything, I hadn't connected it to the smoking of the smokers. So maybe the whistle blowing is both to demonstrate she's a good and loyal GR and doesn't need to be stoned to death, but also a cry for help from hot cop ex-hubby? I would just like to know what the writers intended us to think about the whistle blowing. Has anyone seen and Twitter postings about it from TPTB?
  9. Maybe the writers were rewarding the Norrie actress for actually, you know, acting, unlike pretty Joe and Drownsie. And Norrie actress deserves to have her character exist apart from Joe after suffering through 2 seasons of bad hair styling. DJ Phil probably has a case if he wants to sue for character assassination. The only way out of this Choose Your Own Adventure plot show is if it's all a dream. Didn't Alice in Wonderland wake up after she went down the rabbit hole?
  10. And the corollary to this one is: Only On TV when the cop says "I'm putting my gun down" does the cop never, ever, ever get his/her head blown off by the psycho.And yet, Always On TV after this happens, the hero cop's boss or significant other yells at him or her for pulling this stupid move. And Never On TV will the hero cop never point out to the scolding boss that Never On TV will the psycho ever shoot the hero cop who puts down his/her gun to talk. @Kromm , please don't make be start the episode thread in Unforgettable this week. It's lonely over there.
  11. So all these years I've been resenting my boss taking off an extra 1-2 days every week, when she was really a secret agent fighting crime.
  12. Well, restaurants are known for wasting enough food to feed all the starving people in the world, and it seems like everyone eats at the diner, so...So I guess they could run out of food, in which case they are probably all too stupid to live. Literally.
  13. First. About the shirts. Last week there were missing pants. Thank goodness it was only shirts this week. But I was imagining the hotcop was smelling pretty ripe by the end of the episode. And I assumed the GR took them during their photo-napping because they wanted to wear them. But I'm not sure that the shirts he got from the dry cleaner were or were not his. Seems it could go either way. . I often fail to get major plot points in shows, so I may have missed this, but is it actually in this episode, or would you have to read the book to get to this conclusion? I assumed it was more like: Regardless, when Lauie blew the whistle, was she just doing it to stop Pastor Matt from making her feel emotions? After reading the Previously review and other interpretations based on the book, I'm guessing the whistle blowing was really, "Help me. Don't let them kill me."ETA: Maybe Meg was worried about Laurie, so she dressed up in white and wrote, "I'm ready" so it would make Laurie look like a good GR? About the body being shoved into the oven at the end...very Holocaust evoking.
  14. And if he didn't know she was his sister, but they were doing stuff like pressing their hands against the glass together, he would have been having romantic thoughts about her, right? Ew. Stupid writers/directors.
  15. That analogy doesn't quite fit since the humans didn't kidnap the Casthis and bring them to Earth to make slaves of them. Native Americans wouldn't work as a symbol of the Casthis either, for different reasons. Still, that doesn't mean the Casthis wouldn't be deeply offended, and, if so, and if the DJ girl takes pictures, Alek might freak out. Is there any possibility that it is run by Casthis as an under-the-table money making venture? Or did we see something in the scene to indicate otherwise?
  16. Alan Sepinwall seems to think it has potential: http://www.hitfix.com/whats-alan-watching/review-wgn-takes-a-big-step-forward-with-its-manhattan-project
  17. Is there anything concrete about Joel Kinnaman for Fargo? I had to stop watching The Killing early in season 2 even though I adored his character.
  18. Unless there is a cute kid who is magically tuned into the space alien or robots psyche, who can tell others what ET is trying to say.
  19. @bmoore4026 and @Camera One , I bet she has a bumper sticker that reads: I'd rather be playing Starbuck
  20. He does look good in that photo, but why is Rachelle Lefevre wearing a platinum blond wig?? http://wilmonfilm.blogs.starnewsonline.com/files/2014/07/105105_D0946b.jpg
  21. I don't have a problem differentiating Adam Baldwin from the other guy, but I have no idea who Green or Tex are without looking them up on IMDb. They both sound like red shirt names to me.
  22. Too bad that wasn't a line in this episode. Me too. I just watched this one and almost didn't after the last one. I also just watched the Henry and Matthias scene. It was pretty grim too.
  23. In and earlier scene in this episode Tom acknowledged that the big alien he and Matt escaped from was looking specifically for him. And, like @MyThoughts mentioned upthread, this is not Tom's first rodeo with human traitors.
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