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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. Is this an episode description or a crossword puzzle clue? Is Sarah mentally or physically "carried away" with Helena? Don't answer that! It's a purely rhetorical question! La la la la Laa *hands over eyes and ears* I can't hear/read you! (No spoilers for this chicken.)
  2. These last two episodes have made me glad I didn't quit this show. I've quit several shows that had long gaps between seasons or other scheduling hassles that were too great for the narrative and quality of the show to overcome. I never watched the last season of Haven, and I have yet to watch most of this season's 12 Monkeys. So, to anyone still reading this and not watching: Go for it! (IMO) However, reading here it seems that being spoiled kind of saps the impact of this episode, so… I'm guessing they are actually posters printed from digitally manipulated photos made to look like paintings, which could mean that the reproductions could be a lucrative fund raising mechanism that we pleblians could support. Ha! This reminds me of my then-recent-ex-husband calling me at work for advice when his baby with his new wife was sick. We were still married when she got pregnant, which contributed to my friend/boss's outrage on my behalf that he would dare to ask such a thing — but I was happy to demonstrate my superior parenting knowledge. Anyway, it's way better than those countless shows on which kid characters never have their off-screen lives explained until they reappear, which is probably done in case they never return. That's what I heard too! Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, that's a pretty accurate metaphor for the excesses of the filthiest of the filthy rich.
  3. Mansdale can show up anywhere in the slightly charred, very dented Mustang, just please make it so! And maybe after Mansdale explains what happened, Logan says, "Yeah. I survived Jaime injecting me with knockout drugs and then pushing me out of the airplane at 25,000 feet with an unopened parachute, so…" whereupon they high five each other.
  4. When I was about 20, in anger at being jilted by a lover, I threw a gallon jar against some rocks. I was immediately scolded by a mother of a small child, whereupon I retrieved every last shard and never again threw anything in anger—and that was over 40 years ago. So, about things on TV that are not in real life, I'd say, yes, people throw stuff, but somebody has to clean it up, and cleaning up the broken stuff is no piece of cake. It's tedious and takes time. And sometimes it's rather cathartic to be gathering up the broken pieces and disposing of them. I don't think I've ever seen that on TV. About a girl's first period drama on TV—I must not watch those shows. Are they soap operas? I don't watch those, so maybe that's why I've missed it. I caught parts of most Gilmore Girls episodes when my youngest, then-teen daughter was watching and don't recall any menstrual drama, but maybe I missed that too. Anyway, FWIW, when my mom explained menstruation to me, I went in the nearest bathroom and threw up—which I dare anyone to show on TV! I just remember my first period (and all others) as being a lot more blood and pain than was advertised—or depicted on TV. Thoughts or discussions of fertility or coming of age did not occur. A little later it became a time to rejoice in not being pregnant—which actually is often shown on TV.
  5. If Clem disappears after she has the baby, Dariela skips town, and then Logan and Doctors Abe and Mitch are raising the baby, that could be good—especially if it's not a magical baby. ETA: Reasons for these 3 men to take care of the baby: Logan: Baby daddy? Abe: Daddy experience Mitch: Granddaddy Sorry, Jackson and his girlfriend do not get the baby just because they lost babies.
  6. I can totally see how the other clone sisters would remain distrustful of and even angry at Rachel. As a viewer, though, I have no problem forgiving the character.
  7. Isaac seemed to be smart enough to be speaking in coded messages to Abe and Dariela, but then I was disappointed when it turned out that he was just telling them about what he was swallowing — both physically and mentally.
  8. Definitely not AT&T. Pretty sure it was Clem that was being auctioned off, which, if I'm correct, could mean that the baddies are understandably valuing her for her fertility, but Abe deduces that it is the baby that has unique, human race-saving properties.
  9. If Darius has hacked NASA to the point that he controls equipment in real time orbiting Jupiter, maybe he fabricated the asteroid threat with bogus signals in order to push through his Mars lifeboat agenda. Holy Battlestar Galactica, Batman!
  10. I thought this episode was an improvement over the last, but that might be because I sat through 2 episodes of Somewhere Between in the interim. It bordered on soap opera throughout, but each time came up with a socially redeeming value/reason (i.e., plot) for the interpersonal drama, which is a good thing, because soap opera is on the other side of the line in the television landscape that I will not cross, and I bet this show needs all the viewers it can get. So is the intrepid reporter dead?
  11. I just noticed this is premiering tonight on ABC AT 9:01 CDT. So does that mean viewers who like those Bachelor and Bachelorette shows would like this? OMG this show has worse production values than my middle school, hand-copied, pencil, comic strip newspaper, The Shrewville Gazette.
  12. Ha! Sorry, I shouldn't laugh. You poor, traumatized viewer! I got the impression that all the drinking was to convey that removing the camera eye was something she gave a lot of thought rather than it being an impulse — that she was anesthetizing herself with gin. But I don't recall: Did Rachel start drinking before or after she saw that tablet with the infinity view of what her eye saw?
  13. I don't foresee it getting renewed, but if I did, it seems they'd either have to 1) shoot something at the asteroid that changed its course but not enough to prevent disaster but would extend the impact date further into the future, or 2) have people escape in shuttles and go with a BSG type of scenario moving forward.
  14. Yeah, that's why Steve Harvey often warns, "You've got one answer left. If it's there, you're family wins the game. If it's not, the other family can steal, and they will win the game!"
  15. @possibilities said: I thought Donnie was seriously wondering who this not-Allison really was. I was sure the hooded captive was going to be Felix rather than Mark. IMDB shows Jordan Gavaris starring in a short film that is now in "post production," so maybe the OB writers had to write his character around his other project's shooting schedule.
  16. I'd be okay with it, but this and a lot of the other suggestions upthread all require either having an exposition at the beginning, or just not caring about the lack of continuity until the end.
  17. I was assuming the AU would include reveals of there being AUs, like they did in that one episode. But now I realize that wouldn't work very well with a prequel. It would require a lot of flashforwards into other universes, which just makes my head ache more than usual.
  18. Any chance she's an Allison impersonator and Allison has been kidnapped? Probably not, given the short time remaining to wrap up the stories. Thanks for pointing that out; it didn't occur to me. I don't recall ever hating Rachel. She always seemed like a product of brainwashing. In most stories, a major injury to a main character often foretells the demise of the character, so I expect to see Rachel make a final self sacrifice for the freedom of her sister clones. I've been dealing with serious health issues for the last year and a half, and this week I finally got angry at my caregivers for seeing me like a number, so this episode was really timely for me!
  19. I too would vote for the alternate universe, but then do they have an opening voiceover explaining the AU while visuals show different SG universes? One other possibility is C. Langford getting amnesia either accidentally or on purpose, but, again, it seems like an explanation (e.g., via flashforward) would be required for at least the first half season.
  20. She does have a baby face, but she also has line claiming that she has a masters degree in journalism, which would make her about 24. I'm not sure, but some online social media detritus—if it really applies to her at this time—states that someone with the actor's name is 23.
  21. Sharknado 5: Global Swarming airs Sunday, August 6, 8/7pm on SyFy I wonder why they don't air these during Shark Week in July. From Metacritic (http://www.metacritic.com/feature/tv-premiere-dates):
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