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  1. A dear friend told me that axiom (making the bed makes the room look 75% better). I had forgotten it until you mentioned it here.
  2. I wonder if the writers are now wishing they'd given the blink-and-you'll-miss-him Fed Employee character a couple of more lines. The episode might've generated a current-topic meme.
  3. The opposite for me. Any chance "Boeing" would satisfy the clue of "one of these spacecraft"?
  4. I was trained to make my bed every day as a child and did so most of my life. However, about 45 years ago an elderly woman advised to instead fold down the covers in the morning to "air out" the bed. Now that I'm her age, I too am "airing out" the bed, LOL. However, when my daughter comes over with my tiny grandsons, I do make the bed. At night I straighten out the sheets and blankets.
  5. Hopefully, someday your sister will thank her son's ex because he got his act together after she gave him the boot.
  6. Thank you!! 😆😅🤣😂 If anyone finds the complete list, please share! A few from the article: “The spreadsheet is the more-detailed repository of the data (not ‘suppository’ of the data, a particularly unfortunate case of word-misuse that made the board. Twice).” “We need to talk about the elephant in the closet” “He’s going to be so happy, he’ll be like a canary in a coal mine!”
  7. Just saw this episode. I appreciate the way they showed the layout of the White House. And, of course, the casting is fantastic.
  8. Seems more like a potential light show than anything else? https://www.iflscience.com/t-coronae-borealis-your-once-in-a-lifetime-chance-to-watch-a-star-go-nova-could-come-next-week-78514 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2515-5172/ad8bba My local weather person usually mentions any events we can see here in Western NY. I'll edit if he says anything today.
  9. Excellent! 👏 Does your PT have young children? My daughter was bemoaning that her 1-yr-old has been sent home from daycare for 2 days due to illness 3 times in as many weeks. He's fine now. Just the usual crap that breeds in daycare centers. I suppose if daycare centers had better funding, they could do better ventilating, following the guidelines learned from the pandemic. I could go on. I actually wrote a paper on the subject 33 years ago when the same (youngest) daughter was a toddler in daycare and I was recently divorced, working, and going to school. Sorry to digress. What were you saying? 🤣 Excellent analogy!
  10. Aww. My 30-something daughter will be sad.
  11. Just in case anyone else is wondering, yes, it's Mindy Sterling (imdb.com, wikipedia.org) as the mom's friend, and Cindy Drummond is the mom (adspotcast.com/hyundai-tucson-commercial-actress).
  12. Yes. And Meme Bailey is tolerable …in small doses. Yeah, this reminds me of the current overpopulation of villains in real life. It's like they (both "they" IRL and fictional "they") exist only to make us hate one villain less in comparison to the other. Or, it's the writers breaking the 4th wall a little? But they do need to make it a little more humorous if they're trying to joke with the audience about [Not]Super Bailey. But… ugh… you just know they replayed Bailey doing the Speed jump onto the bus 3 frickin times while Nolan asks: "Those, uh, social workers who are gonna come evaluate us, do you think they'll think that's badass or reckless?" …so they can get denied for adoption because both of them live dangerous lives and Bailey is reckless. I get that writing a baby into the lead character's life is off the table. But sheesh. They just really like to drag stuff out. Why can't they just have them be like Hart to Hart and some of those other detective couple shows with no kids even mentioned if they aren't going to give NF a cute baby to coo at?
  13. Do both. We could make virtual bets on the winner. Like for "fun"? 😉 And send a follow-up MyCare message saying: Thank you for agreeing to expedite the doctor's signature on my DMV Placard form for handicapped parking: https://portal.ct.gov/dmv/-/media/dmv/20/29/b225ppdf.pdf I'm attaching a copy of it for your convenience. I'm also attaching pictures demonstrating my need. [Non-MD therapist's name] is treating me with the leg wraps seen in the attached pictures. Then attach the form and attach the 2 pictures you posted here attached. One way to fill out your portion of the form without PDF editing software is to take a screenshot of it and put it into a Word or other doc so it fills the page, then type over it. But I think you said you have a printer? So you could print it, hand-write in the Part A boxes, and then either scan it with your printer, or take a picture of it with your phone. Do you have an iPhone or an Android?
  14. If the DMV isn't hard to get to, you might try this anyway: Websites are often not up-to-date, and they cannot cover every situation. But probably first: Fill out part A of this form and then attach it to a message to your Dr. via EPIC's MyChart: https://portal.ct.gov/dmv/-/media/dmv/20/29/b225ppdf.pdf?rev=617c08d8a28b472b822ed78f188533b2&hash=216A4916D35704BC8B048DEFFA7ACEC6 There are several ways to do this with just a camera phone if you don't have Adobe Acrobat etc. I can probably "talk" you through it here.
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