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Posts posted by ridethemaverick

  1. Poor Marcia. Geez, she really went through the ringer. I was 13 or so during the trial so I didn't catch any of the sexism then but wow. And Sarah Paulson was perfect.

    Did her hairdresser troll her? Or did he really think that giving her the exact same hair two inches shorter was the shit? And to see her strut into the courtroom like Flawless, Feeling Myself, and Formation were on a loop in her head was heartbreaking. I can't lie, OJ's face when he saw her made me chuckle but everything after that made me cry.

    This episode didn't grab me the same way the previous episodes did but it was still really good thanks to Paulson's acting.

    • Love 18
  2. Nice filler show.

    It's good to see Porsha and Cynthia supporting each other. The pic they released for the line with the two of them was really beautiful.

    Kandi annoys me so much. She could really leave the show at this point. She sucks the positive air out of a room. You'd think she'd be cheerful and carefree being happily married, pregnant, and financially well off but she stays with a stank face and disposition whenever she's dealing with the others. Maybe the show just isnt for her anymore.

    I can't wait to see how Kenya's house turns out. I love remodels.

    Something about Matt rubs me the wrong way. I'm no Kenya fan but she could probably do better. There's nothing OBVIOUSLY wrong with him but I don't know. He seems...simple. And I don't know what he brings to the table besides the obvious, which isn't enough to sustain a marriage and family.

    To echo everyone else, the boys are everything. Dylan had me cracking up with wanting to quit karaTAY (shades of Ross gellar there).

    • Love 9
  3. But werent the Browns aware of the beatings? There are some who contend they did, but didnt intervene because OJ provided them with money, and gave Nicole's father the hookup to some Hertz dealerships. Im in no way blaming them or Nicole for what happened. But my point is, there is all this outrage over how black people reacted to OJ's acquittal (whether they believed he was innocent or just chalked it up to some kind of judicial karma). But where was the outrage when the shoe was on the other foot? This has been happening to black people for centuries! Its not as simple as saying how dare people not think rationally about this one case and about Nicole and Ron's families.

    Unfortunately, (thanks to Cochran and the rest of the Dream Team) that murder trial had nothing to do with Nicole or Ron. It was about race. I think we all can agree on that? I dont think anybody was celebrating the murder of two innocent people. Thats totally different than celebrating a black man gaming the system.

    All of this. I'm sorry, but white people will never have the moral high ground on any issue related to race given the history of this country. Hell, given the current state of affairs in this country. Miss me with it, for real. It's laughable.
    • Love 8
  4. So far they're protecting him, because he's retired. We'll see how long that lasts. They're going to throw him to the wolves sooner or later, though I suppose that assumes that he hasn't been showing off that knife to dozens of LAPD higherups for years on poker night.

    I think they'll protect him forever. Cops don't believe in snitching either. Blue wall of silence.

    • Love 2
  5. I think chain of custody only applies from the time the police are notified of the evidence's existence.

    But either way it doesn't matter, except for potentially finally settling the issue if there are people still out there who think he's innocent.

    It wouldn't settle it for people who believe Jason, Oj's son, did it.

    • Love 1
  6. You gotta feel the bones, friend.

    Really it's overused. It's for when/if your foundation is so full coverage you lose the natural shadows of your face. You put them back when they would normally be. I enjoy a gentle cheek and nose contour.

    Ohhhhhh. Talk about a lightbulb moment LOL. This actually makes perfect sense, thank you. I'm gonna try again this weekend.

    • Love 1
  7. I think it's for two reasons:

    1--Women are told that as they age, they become ugly and undesirable, so they should do everything possible to hide the ageing process.

    2--With rare exception, Black women are told that we're ugly and undesirable at any age, so the housewives feel constant pressure to glam themselves up with heavy makeup, long weaves, and plastic surgery. The fact that the show is in Hi-Def also means the makeup is different than it was previously and is probably heavier.

    Yes, I like that picture of NeNe without makeup. Very cute. And her facial features are in proportion to one another, more so than they are when she's on the show.

    Re: #2, I think most of us see that racist propaganda for what it really is. Damn near everything about us is imitated and praised when it's attached to others.

    I think it's more so that excessive makeup is simply the current trend. 20 years ago the girl-next-door/natural makeup look was in. Right now it's overdone glam. The pendulum will swing back soon enough. I hope. Because I can't contour to save my life.

  8. Kenya's ass is clearly fake. For one, it has corners. Two, the before and after is jarring. Anyone who has seen any of her old modeling spreads can see the difference. The legs staying the same size is a dead giveaway.

    I don't know what talking redneck or ghetto means so I'm not sure how that would make mercial any better than it was. It was a joke. One that, had Kenya made it, would have been seen as adorable.

    • Love 7
  9. I don't know if this is the right thread, but in what universe does a crime scene for an active murder investigation get gutted of all furnishings and scrubbed down? I was gobsmacked at the "tours" through Nicole's and OJ's homes. Neither of those homes presented the truth - wouldn't this be the very definition of tampering with evidence? If this show were fiction, I'd laugh and change the channel because it's too crazy to be real. How did OJ's team get away with rearranging the artwork, pictures, etc.? How did they manage to do this unchecked and unseen? I also cannot figure out why OJ was present at the tour of his own home, and allowed to move around somewhat freely in the presence of the jury. None of this makes any sense.

    Mind blown.

    And I can't wait to get my hands on Christopher Darden's book now.

    In reality, Nicole's family cleaned out her condo and the defense did not redecorate OJ's house as shown last night. A previous poster linked to a fact-check for the episode.
    • Love 2
  10. It was mentioned on Reality Tea, Wetpaint, Straight to the A, and a news site. NBC owns both Bravo and E network and asked Nene to guest on RHOA when ratings started to slip. When ratings went up after her initial appearance, they tried to coerce her to come back full time for season 9

    She also hosted the E after party for the Oscars

    Do you remember when it happened? Because there were pics last week of her and Greg leaving the Bravo offices in NY. I wonder if they were meeting about it then. Interesting.

  11. I thought the show overall did well with this. Race is such a loaded issue and there are no clear answers, beyond 'treat all humans with dignity and respect'. I wish our society could get to this point.

    Racism is structural, so the answers lie far beyond treating people with dignity and respect.

    • Love 8
  12. Thanks for your reply. I guess in general a president can and has been assassinated so to me the office itself causes fear of assassination. Also the office itself causes nutbags and haters to say hateful things. I don't know that race is the real issue for Obama more than being the president.

    I guess what I was trying to say is his argument that racism lead to that fear when he walked in the open it almost showed the opposite that maybe due to past bad and valid reasons the fear is over inflated in today's climate b/c that fear of Obama being assassinated has been unfounded so far.

    Race is a VERY real issue for President Obama. Not trying to be snarky but I feel like a person has to not be paying attention at all if they don't see that. Which is a privilege white folks have in this country so you definitely aren't alone there.

    • Love 23
  13. Amazing episode. I had stopped watching (due to busy-ness, but I had planned to marathon season 2 when I had some downtime) but word of mouth sent me to Hulu and I'm glad I watched. It hit home in many ways.

    What's funny is I'm debating whether I want to sit down with my whole family (including two young kids) and watch it together. I TOTALLY get Bow's hesitation on that front. Black children don't really get to be innocent. Either you throw a cold bucket of ice water on their optimism at home or someone will hit them with a lot worse one day in the real world. Either way, it's just a fact of life for us.

    Still, this has been a great black history month. Between Kendrick, Bey, this show, and quite a few other things that made me proud, I wouldn't wanna be anything other than what I am. Black is beautiful!

    • Love 16
  14. Someone a while back asked why Nene had returned. I had heard that she burned through all the dough she made and she's back because she has to earn some money.

    Regarding the WHO and extended breastfeeding, in the developed world there's no real reason to do it other than desire. Breastfeeding helps reduce a few cases of respiratory illness and diarrhea across groups of babies until 6 months. However, in the developing world babies are at risk from malnutrition and breastfeeding until two helps prevent that. It also reduces risk from infectious diseases that are in water, and that's why the WHO says to breastfeed until 2. The WHO gives health advice for everyone. Breastfeeding a baby in the US until 2 won't harm it, but weaning at a year of age can harm a baby in, say, Ethiopia. So Kandi can easily stop breastfeeding whenever she wants, and can safely formula feed for that matter.

    I don't know. I mean formula is breast milk made for cows. I see lots of reasons to continue giving your baby breast milk made specifically for humans. It actually changes composition based on your baby's age, health, etc. Sure you CAN stop after 6 months, but why would you?

    • Love 3
  15. Kim is a grown ass woman and it's refreshing. I like that she really didn't dignify the rumors and had everyone around her either backpedaling or apologizing without her having to go off. She's been to the puppet show and seen the strings; I feel like she plays along just enough (getting angry and cursing on camera, but in her own room after refusing to engage Kenya; sitting through read school knowing she wasn't going to actually do any of it).

    Come through, Kim. It's not Regine but I'll take it.

    • Love 17
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