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Posts posted by ridethemaverick

  1. Cynthia looked unhinged to me. I don't think Porsha was trying to upset her. She was being a tad shady maybe in the way they all were (such as when Cynthia called Shamea a bitch going down the slide) and Cynthia projected like she always does because the person she's really pissed at doesn't give two shits about her feelings. Cynthia really could have said her piece in a less aggressive way frok jump and then maybe Porsha would have been more receptive and open to apologize in the first place but Cynthia started out on 10 and then it escalated from there to "dumb bitch" and "dumb ass."

    • Love 11
  2. Someone else mentioned this but you can hear Porsha say "I was told it was open attendance" or something to that effect in response to Kenya's complaining. So yes Kenya was being extra. I wouldnt even mind it since they all have to act around the fourth wall but her insistence on being shady and then playing innocent got old two seasons ago.

    I agree with those who like Porsha but wish she would handle these situations better. Because even when she's in the right, physical responses make her more in the wrong than the other person.

    That said, she's the only one I would hang out with and not feel I had to watch my back all night. She's fun, carefree, silly, and gorgeous, and she seems genuine. With Phaedra there's fun but it's often put on. With kenya, well its obvious. The fun would last three minutes and then she'd be going in on your hair, age, clothes, partner, etc and giggling because it's all a "joke." Kim is cool and chill but not really fun. Yet. Kandi's only fun when sex talk is involved. I'm afraid of Marlo. And Sheree is cool but it could go left real quick. Cynthia is miserable and lame.

    • Love 12
  3. What lingered to me was just the inability of Porsha to just say "I didn't mean it that way, but if I offended you I'm sorry." Honestly, what's so hard about that? At my last job I worked in a department with all women and the personal rifts between my co-workers based on their unwillingness to just say "I'm sorry" when they were dead wrong was just absolutely mind blowing to me. Mind you, I don't think Porsha was wrong. But still tho......

    Because by that time Cynthia has already called her a dumbass and a dumb bitch. I wouldn't have apologized after that either.

    • Love 11
  4. No it's not but it would be nice to, on this show, see an educated black woman who can speak well to on this show. Kenya and Cynthia speak the best, but they still sound ignorant and classless many times.

    As regards to Kim's surprise at the revealing nature of the ladies' dress….I w.

    Sometimes the use of nonstandard American English is about having fun and being silly and using colloquial language among people you are comfortable with. My whole circle has advanced degrees and when we aren't at work, we use all the double negatives and whatever else slips out when we're comfortable. It boggles my mind that people complain about this on this show. With Nene I can see it a bit because it was clear she just didn't know how to conjugate, but the rest do it colloquially. That's one of the realist things about this show. But anyway...

    Watched again and I agree that Kenya and Cynthia are mostly responsible for the nonsense. Kenya is such a passive aggressive little bitch. She planned to antagonize Shamea [whose body is SICK. Ain't no (hee hee) fat on that girl except in all the right places. Damn.]

    And Cynthia with her projection about disrespect. Stfu. That's why her ass is getting dragged on social media now.

    • Love 8
  5. I'm glad others brought up Sheree's thickness, because I thought something was wrong with my TV. But I did laugh at her and Kenya with the bet on who's house will be finished first. And chasing each other down the street. I can only imagine what the neighbors thought when that was filmed.

    Kenya, Porsha, Sheree and Phaedra have all grown in various places that looks strange.

    Maybe I'm still in a soul train awards high but that scene was really cute and fun to me. Most of the episode/boat trip was too. But they had to eventually earn their paychecks I guess.

    I'm really enjoying Kim. Her normalcy is refreshing.

    • Love 7
  6. No, she says she doesn't like underwear when Kandi suggests vibrating underwear as an entry into the sex toy world, and that she's not quiet when her husband "takes [her] there." All correct grammar. :)

    And even if it wasn't, who cares? Standard American English has it's place but it's not the sole measure of a person's intelligence.

    Kenya's ass is hideous. What was she thinking when she bought that thing? It looked like a box in those jeans when she went to Sheree's house.

    Speaking of, that house is gorgeous and so is Sheree's body. Nice and muscular but also curvy. A little too thick for me but it looks good on her.

    They have a month left. I predict Kenya will win, but I don't know how big of a win it will be at the bottom of a ravine or wherever she is.

    • Love 7
  7. Was it just me or was Josh a little rude to the girlfriend? "You don't say no a lot do you." Really?

    Anyway, I think he was guilty and I'm glad the girlfriend came forward. The way she described the wife's picture popping up on the big screen tv was really creepy. I can see why that would have scared him.

    • Love 3
  8. I love bitchy characters so Chanel is alright with me. Emma Roberts excels at that type and I enjoy her every time. And her insults towards Grace are hilarious. Wasn't there something about her bowling ball head? I don't know, but she cracked me up all episode.

    Denise is everything. Her weight crack to #5 was lol funny.

    Loved jlc as usual.

    Poor Zayday. That flashback made me sad.

    I still enjoy the show very much.

    Also, I now kind of get why people watch those YouTube videos. I'm not into candles at all but there was something strangely relaxing about listening to her talk about them.

    • Love 1
  9. Is it OK to post Sheree's response?

    Now as a smart business woman, instead of being all up in someone else's business, she should have inquired about the home she purchased in the flood plain. She should have asked the so-called neighbors, “Is my house really sinking off the back hill? What should I do about this cracked foundation? How long has all of this mold been here? It's everywhere! How many floods can and have this house sustained?

    Should I keep scuba gear on deck? Why have there been so many buyers in the last year or two? Should I just start from scratch and tear this down? How will my guest get down my driveway without injuring themselves? Should I take Shereè some cookies? I heard she likes chocolate chip cookies!” I could go on, but no need, I'm sure you get the point. There are so many other questions or conversations that should have been had with the so-called "neighbors"! Girl, bye.

    As a woman who took on an enormous project with my family and clearly got in way over my head, I would have thought that this is the one thing that we would have in common as two women delving into major construction projects and that we could possibly learn from our mistakes, help support and guide each other, and share our hiccups and mishaps so the other could possibly avoid them. What was I thinking about with this one? Silly me!

    #ChateauSheree vs #MoldManor


    #MyHouseIsStructural lySound


    #IveImprovedProperty Values

    #RainSleetOrSnowICan ComeOrGo

    #ThatDrivewayIsADeat hTrap






    Twitter: @Iamsheree

    Instagram: @shereeWhitfield

    I don't care what anyone says, Sheree gives me life LOL.

    • Love 12
  10. Boring.

    What was that about Nene being the reason for all the drama on this show?

    I'm happy for kandi even though she still can't dress worth a damn. You've BEEN a medium indeed.

    Porsha is still gorgeous. That guy is hideous. I know it's a storyline but still...yuck.

    Nice to see Sheree back, and friendly with Marlo to boot.

    Kenya is still messy and lame. Ugh.

    Cynthia stays losing. She's just ridiculously stupid and annoying to me. She deserves papa smurph and all the misery that comes along with him.

    Phaedra still makes me laugh.

    Meh. I'm giving it one more episode.

    • Love 3
  11. I read some good tea on the new season. Apparently Nene was paid her full season 6 salary to make a cameo in Jamaica and film a some TH segments. Supposedly the footage pre-Jamaica was dry and they needed to shake some things up.

    Porsha is back because she tests well with fans. Expect to see Kenya make nice with her, even to the point of defending Porsha against Marlo.

    Sheree and Nene make up in Jamaica.

    Kandi was the only housewife to consistently film with Sheree so we may not see much of her after all.

    I may actually watch this season. I wasn't feeling team petty last year but with the racist gone (Clawdia), Kenya not acting like a nutcase, and Porsha back full-time, they're reeling me back in.

    • Love 4
  12. I hated Mark but I get why he was annoyed. Like any normal person who is competing for a coveted position, he kept his business to himself until Kelly pressured him to 1) tell Brandon he was in the running, 2) introduce Brandon to the people on the judging committee whom Mark knew through his own contacts, and 3) help prep Brandon for the questions they'd ask (or something like that, it's been awhile).

    Mark is a grown man and could have said no but I feel Kelly sort of guilted him into doing those things since he was Brandon's friend. Brandon won and I guess Mark felk like well shit, I basically helped my competition win to impress the girl I'm trying to sleep with, who happens to be her ex whom she's still in love with lol. I get why he was a bit pissy.

    • Love 1
  13. Besides the fact that, if she wasn't doing anything wrong, she should have been upfront about it?

    But everybody was down on Dylan at that point after the scene he made at the Martin's event. I agree that she was very shifty and shady about it all but I also just don't see what she did that was so horrible. It really wasn't any of their business that she was hanging out with Dylan.

  14. Ah, that reminds me. UO: I never thought Val cheated on Steve. They were never exclusive and hadn't even slept together yet (which was Steve's real issue, imo). I mean yes she lied a lot which was shady but I never understood why the gang thought Steve was so wronged or that he had a special claim to Valerie.

    • Love 3
  15. I agree that Brenda wasn't vindictive enough to steal Dylan back but she did needle Kelly quite gloriously when Kelly and Dylan came over for dinner after Jack died. Dylan said it was great to eat a home cooked meal and Brenda says something like "you can always come over Dylan. Remember, this is home." And then she shot Kelly the shadiest look. It was beautiful.

    I'm sure that didn't help Kelly's existing insecurities lol.

    • Love 3
  16. I'm just now seeing this on the CBS app. I missed the premiere.

    So glad this guy was stopped. I hope the other families get justice as well. It would be easy for the cities to spare the expense of a trial since he's already in jail but thankfully they are still going ahead.

    Was I the only one confused by the Alexis Murphy case and its inclusion in the show? Her case should have had its own episode; beautiful American teenager excited about graduating, then is stalked and murdered. I don't understand why they shoehorned her in here given there was zero connection to the other two cases. Then again, I also don't understand why I had never heard of her case at all but remember seeing round the clock coverage of the Harrington and Graham disappearances.

    Good old America.

    • Love 3
  17. My UO is that Kelly didn't stop being fun in college. Fun Kelly died in highschool after she got with Dylan. I think SOD was the beginning of the end and the guilt and self loathing Kelly ultimately felt (once she actually had Dylan) are what flipped the switch for good.

    Brandon was a reprieve, maybe. That someone "good" wanted to be with her probably made HER feel good again, but that also made her ACT "good" and we got stuck with saint Kelly.

    • Love 5
  18. If I hated someone the way Kelly hated Val, that little stunt wouldn't have changed my mind. I'd just be like "see? Your best friend in the whole world is also a shady, lying, thieving bitch. Birds of a feather. No wonder I hate you."

    Great post Soup Thrower! I too thought Val and David (Valvid? Valid?) were the best couple on the show.

  19. My tolerance level for Paula Zahn's show is at about zero (I always ff to the end). If there's nothing worth watching on other channels, I'll put on ID reruns. Every single fucking time I hear her say "...in her/his OWN bedroom" ... or "...in her/his OWN home..." I can't get to my remote fast enough! Who the fuck else's bedroom or home would she/he be in?!?!? (This is, of course, after the "intro" to the show which clearly indicates where the murder occurred.) Oh my God! Just the inflection of her voice sends me over the edge -- which is the exact reason why I never watch Tamron Hall's show, either. They obviously went to the same school.

    Sorry...had to vent. Maybe I should've taken this post to the "Pet Peeves" forum?!? But they don't have a category for shows on TV that REALLY piss us OFF! hahaha! Can someone make one? hahaha!

    Cosign. I'll add another PZ pet peeve...when she asks stuff like:

    "How horrified were you when you found out about your brother's murder"


    "How devastated were you when you found your wife's body?"

    Um, very? How else does one answer such a stupid question? Gah, I hate it!

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