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Posts posted by ridethemaverick

  1. God bless those mothers. That scene got to me.

    Lawd, Cynthia is just pathetic. I like Nene but even I can see that that friendship probably isn't worth saving. Good to see Nene though.

    They better leave Sheree's son alone lol.

    Sebastian is spoiled. I mean he's a normal kid but the fact that he felt comfortable verbalizing all those complaints tells me he's allowed to get away with that at home.

    I can't with Joyce and her loving all over Todd.

    • Love 10
  2. Trailer for the rest of the season:



    Nene's back

    Cynthia denies being close to Kenya

    Oliver's back

    Kenya says Kim's husband is gay

    Peter clashes with Kenya's new boyfriend

    The Feds raid Kandi's house

    Kenya geys physical with Kim (well, her chair)

    The girls go to Jamaica

    Porsha and Phaedra call Cynthia a flip flopper

    Todd says he refuses to change diapers

    Kandi and Todd tell the family their restaurant plans

    • Love 2
  3. Imo Abram is trash. He's funny to watch but I wouldn't want to be within 10 feet of him in real life. I like being around people who can keep their bodily wastes and fluids to themselves.

    Teej: there's no quitting.

    Aneesa: there IS quitting. Today there is quitting.


    Kelly Ann is impressive. So tiny but very strong.

    That was one of the best pits I've seen in a long time.

    • Love 4
  4. What does too independent mean?

    I'm black, a woman, and independent (because adult). I dont understand why that is that preventing relationships for some women.

    I just don't buy it. It's not the independence. It's gotta be the way these women are relating to men.

  5. I can't relate at all. I've always been independent too, because that's what adults do. I never had a problem in relationships, maybe because I didn't wear it like a badge of honor or act like I was special because of it.

    That's what I see from some of the ladies on this show. I mean Jae and Laree are independent but I don't see that with them. Monet, Tenesha, and Cynthia? I see that coming from a mile away. If I see it, I know men are seeing it.

    Monet could have finessed that brushoff a little better lol, but oh well.

    I don't care for Nneka and I don't know why.

    Errol and tenesha are adorable.

  6. Just watched Forbidden Love and holy crap the boy's mom was a romantic idiot. She kept rhapsodizing about their great love, they were soulmates, tehy were each other's light, etc. She couldn't keep them apart even though her son's very life was threatened because tru wuv etc. I kept wanting to punch her in the throat. All they were waiting for was to graduate high school and turn eighteen so they could run away and get married and their love would last forever etc. When teenagers fall in love it's usually for a time and then they grow up and get lives etc. I was planning for my teenage son to go to college not encouraging him to run away and marry his young girlfriend. This boy's mom acted as if her son was a grown man and ready for a forever marriage at eighteen. She was soooooooo stupid.

    The case itself I've seen several times including America's Most Wanted so it was not a shock to me. Oh, and the girl's mom married her older psycho Egyptian husband when she was fifteen even though she was an American from Kansas or something at the time. I don't know how they met or why in hell her parents let that happen but she was a real doormat (as she had to be married to Mr control Freak) and even though she broke free to save her daughter's life at first, she took her back to the asshole knowing he was set on killing the girl. She know who he was and what he would do but she gave her daughter over to him anyway.

    All in all an episode of extraordinary parental FAIL.

    Glad some of my favorites are coming back this month. It's been an ID desert lately.

    I agree 100%. I was half expecting her to drive Joseph over there so the psycho dad could see their amazing love in person. What parent uproots their whole life so that two teenagers can be together "forever"?

    Also agree about Patricia. Just an episode full of fail. Ugh.

    • Love 2
  7. I just can't bring myself to care about Kenya's story. Good luck to her but she's such a messy broad that I'm not interested or invested in what happens to her.

    I'm not happy about Joyce being back on my screen. And that upcoming office scene with Phaedra makes me wonder how much of this is manufactured and how much is real. Phaedra's shadiness is definitely real but she wouldn't agree to meet Joyce for a taped scene unless it was part of the "story."

    Toddler trying to shade Porsha was funny given his damn near salivating over her a couple of seasons ago. There's some tea floating around about how the tuckers get down and why kandi's so close to shamea...I wonder if Porsha was the first choice...

    • Love 6
  8. I totally agree with this whole post!!!

    Thirded. Kandi sounded extremely petty during that lunch but it seems Porsha finally got through to her by the end. Like get over yourself kandi, people are allowed to befriend your best friend. That's some high school shit right there.

    • Love 11
  9. I know girl I did too, up till week 37, but I had a desk job. Porsha's her sister so the lines are gonna blur but what I'm saying is that it's perfectly reasonable for Lauren to bring up reevaluating the job she has if it involves regularly standing for hours at a time without relief. Porsha's reaction wasn't about replacing Lauren, it was about the inconvenience it was causing to Porsha's *career* that she even be pregnant.

    True and Porsha could have been more sympathetic. I didn't realize Lauren was her assistant. I thought she just hung around. But knowing how busy Porsha is, I get why she's worried. It would probably be better for all if she hired someone else now and kept Lauren on as a second assistant or something.

    • Love 2
  10. Kandi already responded to Phaedra's comments on instagram. It seems they were trying to work through it but watching tonight upset her all over again, which I get.

    Yo. Ya boy had the receipts! LOL. It is over 8 grand. Phaedra you're a dick.

    Porsha it is not gonna be difficult when Lauren has her baby, she just won't be your assistant anymore. p.s. being on your feet for five hours at 21 weeks pregnant is sort of a big deal. You're also a dick.

    Kandi learn how to have a conversation in private.

    Kenya's dad is in his feelings though? I gotta admit I smiled when he called her Kenny.

    I'll be back, Newlyweds bout to get crunk.

    Lots of women work when they're that pregnant, even jobs where they're on their feet. I did the first time. If it's your job, you have to do it barring health issues or you need to take leave early.

    I think Lauren is just assuming she can slack off since Porsha is her sister but if she's getting paid, she needs to be working.

    • Love 4
  11. I'm glad bitchass don Juan apologized for turning up unnecessarily.

    Kandi always turns up on the wrong people. Her beef is with Phaedra, who was the only person actually yalking about her husband. I don't blame Porsha for being annoyed by the kandi koated clique (lol), because none of this was even that serious.

    I loved seeing Porsha working. The Emmy's are huge, good for her.

    Kenya's dad is a mess, as is her skin.

    I liked shamea tonight.

    Todd made sense in the meeting and Phaedra looked shady.

    • Love 18
  12. ^^^

    I totally agree. Porsha does have her Underground Railroad moments (did y'all see her a few weeks back on WWHL when she had no idea where the "Platomic" region is? LOL) but I love that she can laugh at herself and she's surprisingly quite sharp on Dish Nation. I hope she finds love because she seems like such a fun, sweet-natured person and she endured that ass Kordell like a champ.

    Yeah I like Porsha but I admit to being quite surprised at how well she was reading the teleprompter on dish nation lol.

    I think she's ditzy and lacks formal education but she's sharp when she needs to be and she reads people well. There's a reason she kept her spot on both shows and Claudia lost hers.

    • Love 3
  13. Kenya and that pointy booty, I can't LOL. If I were her I'd never wear spandex. Or jeans. Homegirl can rock a maxi skirt though. Maybe. So what is her beef with Kim at this point? Her talking heads have been pretty shady when supposedly she and Kim squashed their beef and have "so much in common."

    I need her not to do that maniacal laugh on dates. Whenever she does it my mind goes to Jamie foxx talking about how Tom Cruise would start laughing like a loon and he'd be sitting there like "wtf is wrong with you?" That's how I feel watchy coo coo Kenya laugh at her own unfunny jokes.

    Shanea looked different. Couldn't put my finger on it.

    Kim looks gorgeous in red lipstick.

    Kandi looked really pretty on the shoot and demtria looked pretty at the party.

    Porsha's bob is everything. She needs to rock that every day. She looked beautiful. She needs to let Oliver go though.

    • Love 2
  14. I just don't understand the bitchassness on this show with regard to the men.

    Todd and Kandi can't seem to mix business and friendship. You'd think they'd have learned by now. Kandi can joke and throw shade all she wants but this is the second time this has happened.

    Phaedra and Apollo should have paid what what they owed but the way this is playing out is ugly and it didn't have to be.

    • Love 4
  15. I liked Cynthia's date. He couldn't stop smiling once he laid eyes on her. Also, I love to joke and crack on folks so he would have been right up my alley. I think she just wasn't ready to do the first date volley thing but she'll get back into the swing of things eventually.

    Tenesha. Lordt. Bless her heart, she'll get there too. I know one thing, being raised independent can go both ways. You can end up a control freak, or you can end up like me, who was so happy to have some relief that I let my husband do everything, wrong and all LOL.

    Carl and La are sweet.

    I'm really enjoying this show.

    • Love 1
  16. Lol. I curtsey deeply lovie. Thank you. And, to all, a good night. :P

    LMAO!!! This jiggled my whole soul. Tell us why you made boobah.

    I ain't trying to get banned up in here but damn. That Ayden remark was foul. Young black and brown boys are disproportionately targeted by teachers (most of whom are, in fact, white women) for discipline and are suspended at much higher rates than their white counterparts. We also know that black boys are frequently viewed as much older than they are by white people, who we also know lack empathy for people of color. The research is out there and has been heavily publicized in the last couple of years. So when I come here and read that a 5 year old black boy may become a BLM hashtag because he's a little bratty in TV, I get a little testy. That's some yahoo comments type foolishness. Fix it Jesus.

    • Love 15
  17. I think the episode was a public service for those of us about to celebrate the holidays at a work function.

    See, there are worse things.....


    I'm just now getting to the epi on my DVR. I enjoyed the scenes of the girls having fun and Porsha's date seemed to have a sense of humor so they were cute together. The rest was not the least bit enjoyable.

    • Love 4
  18. I don't know anybody who doesn't know what the Underground Railroad is especially one that is about to turn 36 years old and has a civil rights activist for a grandfather. Most kids learn that in elementary school.

    This has nothing to do with the point I was making. I was talking about Latino as a race vs ethnicity.

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