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Posts posted by ridethemaverick

  1. Kenya asking Kim to be real and not act like she's reading from a script was fucking RICH. Kenya, the evil genius (let yall tell it) who manufactures all of her storylines in order to protect her fabulous real life from scrutiny? Bye bitch.

    Phaedra looked fabulous at lunch.

    I really wouldn't miss kandi and toddler if they were to leave the show. Yawn.

    • Love 17
  2. The 'mercial was so much fun. Kim is a professional and I really enjoyed her this week. It was also nice to see them all (well most) having fun and meeting Peter's family and hanging out.

    Did not enjoy the gay jokes about Kim's husband.

    Matt's concerned eyebrows were cracking me up.

    I need them to quit replaying Oliver's slip into that pool LOL.

    • Love 10
  3. That would maybe make some sense if you're talking about A-list celebrities like Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston, or Viola Davis, or Kerry Washington, or Brittany Spears. No one is sending Porsha Williams an $80,000 bag in the hopes that it will raise their stock in the luxury goods community. Porsha is not that type of celeb, but she is a great fit for freebies from Lulu's boutique. Other than that...not so much.

    I don't know what Porsha gets and that wasn't even my point. My point was that it doesn't make sense to look on a celeb's website for that kind of arrangement because those agreements are typically informal.

  4. I just visited the site and all of her endorsements appear to be for small clothing and makeup brands. Nothing on the level of Birkin, or even close. So, if she is sporting 80k handbags its probably not a freebie from anyone for promoting high end products on her site. But if you're looking for something from Lulu's boutique, the Porsha Williams website is the place to go!

    That's not how it works. It wouldn't be listed on her site. Celebs get product sent to them so they can be filmed/photographed with it. The company name wouldn't be listed anywhere.

  5. I don't like Kenya but I don't think Bey was pulling rank on her or anything. I'm sure Kenya is flattered and will likely reference this next time she's on WWHL.

    It's cute and kinda meta in a way. The two housewives' sayings Beyonce referenced were her twin (lmao) and her mama's twin (roflmao).

    • Love 7
  6. I knew Michael was off when be joined in the "fun" of spying on the mistress. I think a "normal" reaction to someone's married lover being upset and jealous that her husband is cheating would be "so what? Now we can be together" not " I hate her too."

    • Love 5
  7. Then why the fuck she always mad nobody likes her stank ass.

    If it's her job to be a villain then why isn't it Porsha or Phaedra's job to be her nemesis. Why does this bitch get excuse after excuse made for her? I would have shoved that bullhorn up her fake ass and any time she looked at me cross eyed I'd ask if Detroit wanted some more. Man fuck her for real. I've never disliked anyone I didn't know as much except George Bush.

    I think it's hard to reconcile the seemingly intelligent, poised, beautiful Miss USA with the stank, nasty, mean, messy witch we see on TV every Sunday. I've come to believe that the Miss USA persona is the character and the Kenya we see now is the real her. For people who really like her, the belief is that this Kenya is the fake one.

    I agree with you though. If Kenya is playing a part, then so are the rest of the women. Porsha is a genius who is playing up the stupid role and gets violent to keep ratings up, Nene is really a sweet and gracious lady who plays up the mean domineering queen bee role, Cynthia is really an alpha female who pretends to be a follower for a check, etc.

    Sounds ridiculous when applied to everyone else but people truly believe this about Kenya.

    • Love 7
  8. That's interesting. I don't get controlling from him more than that their marriage dynamic has intentionally purposeful stuff in it and they really stick to it. Like that don't go to bed mad rule or we will raise our children like this rule. It looks like they have a this is how we demonstrate respect for each other rule, I will not use profanity in front of my wife nor will she in front of me. Actually now that I think about it, her reaction makes sense if they're saved. Their pledge would include doing whatever they need to do to uphold two strings of a *sacred* union. Christian wives aren't supposed to curse at all and that uh oh mouth cover move looked like she'd forgotten for a minute that she carries a pocketbook bible lol. Again, if they're saved, the look on his face wasn't about him not wanting her to cuss, but it would be the duty of a God-led man to remind his wife of her duty if she slips up.

    Nailed it. I don't see fruity or controlling. I see a saved, churchy, probably Baptist couple. His scenes are part Broadway, part Sunday morning call and response and her whole steelo is yeah I'm saved and sanctified but don't try me LOL.

    Look, I find Kim tedious. She is what I call "a particular church bitch" (we can get into the characteristics of said sister, if necessary). The carrying of books in purses on a trip where turn-up is imminent. The "I can't be without my husband" wail. The bringing of her kids on a grown folks' trip. (I would've been Porsha to the bullshit. This is a GROWN FOLKS' trip. People will be doing the grown folks and talking about it. If your children shouldn't be privy to such behavior and conversation, you should've left their little asses home).

    Yaaasss to the church bitch! What's funny is that Porsha kinda was that woman, minus the bible, on her first season. But now the real Porsha has been delivert and thank goodness for it.

    • Love 9
  9. Was I the only one who caught Porsha saying they were going to 'consumate' the new rooms at the hotel when she meant 'christen' them?

    Regardless of whether or not Kenya and Cynthia were BFFs - Kenya was right to be offended that Cynthia seems to be pushing her aside now that NeNe is back.

    Bob's self-deprivation about his bad eye was hilarious.

    I think you mean deprecation ;)

    • Love 2
  10. It's one thing to say it about your ex who you know intimately (and when I say one thing, I mean still gross but it's yall's business). It's quite another to say it publicly about a man you barely know just to ki ki/piss off his wife. Sheree, Porsha, Kenya, and whomever else is involved...that shit isn't cute. At all. I'm not going to enjoy watching that next week.

    I for one don't see zest when I look at him but if he's zesty, its whatever. He's supportive of his wife and they seem happy so if they like it, I love it.

    • Love 14
  11. On rewatch, Kim's husband is hilarious. I can tell he's an actor because that whole conversation was extra.

    "You need to slow down. Because you're INFECTED right now. They BAITED. YOU. (pause for emphasis). You just didn't find the exit door soon enough."

    What? I know what he means but still, wtf? And why did he call them mutants? I just can't.

    ZaldamoWilder, I have been dismissed by both you and Mozelle so I'll see myself out now LOL.

    • Love 10
  12. What is Sheree doing? She looks amazing, and much better than she did 10 years ago. I know black don't crack and melanin is a blessing but she's aging backwards. I need to know.

    Porsha is extra sometimes...most of the time, but she's so much fun.

    Kim and Cynthia doing business is nice to watch.

    Kim and these kids...Lordt. I loved the editors showing Sebastian's face every time something raunchy was said.

    Kenya...bitch, shut the entire fuck up. In total agreement with Neurochik. Kim is a much more mature person than I because I would have come for that trick's mama and not felt an ounce of shame about it. I sure hope her "boyfriend" watched the show tonight so he could see what he's dealing with. She's trash.

    Oh Nene. The wig.

    Nice to see Sheree and Nene getting along. The OGs. Looks like the spoiler tea I got is panning out.

    "Does anyone have a spoon?" ROFL.

    I can't wait to see the finished mercial.

    • Love 24
  13. But doesn't it still say something that people like to be around Porsha (and Nene, who is also considered mean) but people seem to merely tolerate Kenya until their real friends are around? Say what you want but Porsha is genuine (genuinely nice, genuinely bitchy, whatever. Same for the other ladies). Kenya is...fake? Crazy? Weird? Socially akward? Acting? Who the hell knows. I don't think she even knows. Whatever it is, she turns people off.

    At the brunch, Porsha was able to express what everyone was feeling calmly and tactfully. Kenya bitched and moaned and complained and threw jabs about plastic surgery (really, square booty?) and is still whining on social media talking about she's the ancestor of nubian queens (sounds like something Porsha would say). Bitch is annoying.

    • Love 7
  14. I like Kim and hope she sticks around. Her brand of messiness is refreshing to me. She's different from the others ladies but I don't see that as a bad thing. She clearly knows how to shake things up. It's two days later and Kenya is still whining and posting no makeup pics on social media lol.

    I also noticed that Porsha brought Kim a gift. She's a sweetheart. She needs to work on her impulse control, but I agree that she isn't mean like a couple of the others.

    • Love 7
  15. Wait, Kenya threw a party where she asked everybody to dress up like movie characters or something. Porsha didn't do what she was asked and Kenya wanted her thrown out. Kim wanted to throw a no make up party; Kenya showed up in full paint, therefore, Kim should have thrown Kenya out. If Kenya didn't want to participate, then don't come.

    Despite the eyerollingly predictable refrains of "jus jealous cuz she's pretty," this is one of the main reasons people have issues with Kenya. She's petty and immature. She was willing to throw out one of her guests because they didn't follow her exact orders and then she turns around and not only refuses to comply with an even simpler party request, but she spends most of the brunch complaining to the hostess. She wouldn't know class or grace if they dragged her to the floor by her hair.

    • Love 22
  16. What's funny to me is the beatless brunch is the kind of trick Kenya would have pulled in her first season. Remember the icons dinner or whatever that was when she dictated everyone's costumes and then threw an ugly temper tantrum because Porsha showed up as a different character?

    At least Kim had the graciousness to be a good hostess and laugh off the fact that some of her guests didn't want to participate.

    • Love 17
  17. Sheree looked fabulous without makeup. I need her skincare regimen.

    I can understand why Kenya was going so hard. We've all seen her skin.

    Phaedra's rent a date shade was lame but that long acting career jab made me chuckle.

    I like professional Kim. She knows her stuff. And Cynthia is annoying for pushing this collabo. Let it go, girl. The chick wasn't even gonna call and tell you she wasn't coming.

    Porsha is doing her thing at work. It's nice to see her taking all her Ls in stride and pushing on and becoming successful. I love her braids. I would get some if I wasn't worried about losing my edges. And I don't have any baby hair so...

    Phaedra...meh, don't care anymore.

    Todd is an asshole this season. Is he extra comfortable now that the rings are in? I don't get kt it

    • Love 8
  18. This show has no business going anywhere near BLM, million man march, or any other real issue affecting any community.

    I disagree. Other franchises have incorporated work howives have done advocating for the LGBT community, people with disabilities, domestic violence victims, etc. I don't think the work Phaedra is doing is any different.

    • Love 8
  19. Way to make a young man have a chip on his shoulder but to indoctrinate him into believeing that his country hates him. Bravo!

    Well...it's sorta true. I know the average American isn't privy to all of the facts, figures, and study results but take it from someone who has to read it all for work...we are definitely not "post-racial."

    That said, I didn't blame Kim one bit for her reaction. That is not the way I would have wanted my son to learn about race in America. I like to frame conversations about race in such a way that it is clear that racism is not about anything minorities have done; rather, it is a system that was designed to benefit whites at the expense of everyone else. That's not our pathology, it's America's. "Nobody likes you" makes it about those it's directed at and I don't like that at all.

    If the editing is to be believed, Sebastian looked alarmed when that statement was made. That broke my heart.

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